ISSUE NUMBER 425 THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER MARCH 26, 1982 INSIDE R&R: Surrey Picks Bayliss To Bill Ward Golden West's Head Broadcast Group New Radio President Jack Clements Named When Surrey Communications "(Surrey) came to me with a pro- Bill Ward has been appointed at WRR/Dallas, later working on Sr. VP At Mutual: completes its purchase of six posal that I run their new broad- President of Golden West Broad- the air at WAKY/Louisville, Now heads day-to-day Charter stations (R&R 12-11-81), a cast division and have some equi- casters' Radio Division, ending an WPRO/Providence, and WPLO/ operations for network 3 new Surrey Broadcasting division ty in the deal, and I just couldn't extensive search to fill the position Atlanta. He programmed WPLO will be created with current Char- say no. This will be a privately vacated by Richard Kale over a and KBOX/Dallas, then became ter President John Bayliss owned broadcast concern worth year ago (R&R 2-6-81). Ward has Station Manager/PD at KBBQ/ R&R's AM Stereo presiding. well over $40 million. It's a been Exec. VP of Metromedia Ra- Los Angeles, moving up to GM Consumer Guide: Surrey President Howard Dun- phenomenal situation." dio since March 1979, and will now before joining KLAC. He will start Comparisons on pnces and can told R&R, "As you know, we oversee Golden at Golden West April 6. capabilities of the five competing are in the process of putting all of Surrey Communications cur- West's eight ra- systems, plus contacts at this together in front of the Com- rently owns KAIR Se KJYX/Tuc- dio stations, the each firm 4 Goldman mission, but once things are son. Surrey is purchasing six sta- Major Market finalized, John Bayliss will be the tions from Charter: KI01/San Radio rep firm, Becomes WCI President of the broadcast divi- Francisco, KCBQ-AM & FM/San the Market Buy Are Record Companies sion of Surrey. Diego, WOKY & WM1L/Milwau- Market informa- Releasing What Radio Sr. VP "We're delighted," Duncan con- kee, and KSLQ/St. Louis. The tion service, and Needs? Two top A8R Elliot Goldman, Executive Vice tinued, "that we're not going to company has also agreed to pur- corporate sports executives discuss the state of President/General Manager of skip a beat with the organization chase KATT-AM & FM/Oklahoma sales. Bill Ward ASR and AOR today, plus a look Arista Records since its inception that he's set up. We'll just follow City (R&R 1-29). The Charter and Ward told Ft&Ft, "I'm excited at the input Country radio has in in 1974, has been appointed a through with it." KATT-AM & FM purchases are about going to work for (Golden selecting singles 30, 33 Senior Vice President of Warner Bayliss commented to R&R, subject to FCC approval. West President/C00) John Reyn- Communications r olds and (GWB Chairman) Gene Inc. Goldman Autry. Golden West is one of the Reps In The News: Blair Schipper Set As Arista Sr. VP will report to the leading broadcast groups, and one Exec. VP George Wilson exits, office of the Pi es- Wim Schipper has been ap- making the announcement, stated, I hope will reach new heights in while Christal hires Marty Damn ident, and will be pointed Senior Vice President/Op- "Wim comes to his new respon- the future. from Eastman and promotes involved in a erations at Arista Records, super- sibilities with a record of excep- "I worked for (Metromedia Ra- Bonnie Press to VP 3, 28 number of areas, vising the label's international op- tional achievements and wide rec- dio President) George Duncan for initially in the erations and co- ognition for the significant role 11 years. He's a good personal record and music Elliot Goldman ordinating divi- he's played in Ariola's interna- friend, and I regret leaving him publishing divisions. He will work sions which for- tional growth. He is a man who is and a lady I've been working with Sales New closely with co-Chief Operating merly reported to into music and loves it. He has for three years, Mrs. Vicki Officer David Horowitz, who su- Exec. VP/GM El- won the trust and belief of artists Callahan." Directions pervises WCI's recorded music liot Goldman. and managers throughout the Before accepting his Metro- operations. Goldman depart- world, who have been impressed media Exec. VP position, Ward In The 80's WCI Chairman Steve Ross com- ed this week to by his unusual understanding of was VP/GM at Metromedia's mented, "We are very pleased join WCI as a Sr. Wim Schipper KLAC/Los Angeles for seven In R&R's new sales creative and business affairs. It is that an executive of Elliot Gold- VP (see separate story). Schipper years following a year as Pro- column, Jonathan Hall with great pleasure that I wel- man's caliber has joined WCI. El- will be responsible for sales, fi- come him to Arista and gram Director there. He started in explores the ideas and liot's wealth of experience and nance, business affairs, music America." radio in 1957 as an air personality management skills make him a issues facing station publishing, and administration in most valued addition to our man- sales people and reps his new position. He was most re- "PRIMETIME RADIO" TO DEBUT AT NAB agement team." cently VP for the Ariola Interna- the concerns of Before joining Arista, Goldman tional Group, and previously serv- today and tomorrow. Taft Puts "Nostalgia" was at CBS Records for seven ed as President of Ariola's Benelux Debuts this issue; spe- companies. On 24-Hour Satellite Format years in various executive capa- cities. In 1979, when Arista was cial two-page section Arista President Clive Davis, in Taft Broadcasting will offer sity and quality of the big names purchased by Arlola, he took on next week . 17 "Primetime Radio," the "nostal- of the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's that the additional duties of VP/U.S. & Martin Exits gia - pre-rock format which debut- are aired are winners with the Canadian Operations for Ariola's ed last year at the company's target audience." International Operations Group. WABC First To Join ABC WCFL To Join WDAE/Tampa, via satellite as a Talkradio: New York flagship's 24-hour format. The company will new lineup announced 10 WCLR As PD officially unveil the satellite for- WTIC Boosts Barsanti Dave Martin has resigned as mat at the NAB Convention in Program Director at Mutual's Dallas. To VP/Operations Daytimers' Association — WCFL/Chicago to assume the PD The new format offers special Extinct In 5 Years? Group post across town at WCLR, the segments as well as a library of Tom Barsanti, Operations Man- Manager of KCMO/Kansas City votes to disband if goals aren't third Chicago Adult/Contempor- original hit versions of pre-rock se- ager for WTI(-AM & FM/Hart- prior to joining WTIC, told R&R, met in next half-decade 4 ary station he will have program- lections numbering about 2000. ford since June 1980, has been pro- "I'm delighted at the confidence med. Songs have been reprocessed, and moteci to Vice President/Opera- that the 1080 Corporation has Martin, whose will be delivered in stereo. tions for parent company the Ten shown in me. I've found my experi- MTV Influences Album programming ex- Taft Exec. VP/Radio Carl Wag- Eighty Corporation. Barsanti's re- ence at WTIC rewarding and would Sales: Survey shows viewers perience includes ner stated, "Nostalgia radio is a sponsibilities will expect the future to be most excit- rate music TV net up with records WFYR/Chicago, ratings and sales success story in continue to in- ing. I'm delighted to see the com- and live concerts 13 and WBZ/ Boston every market that has tried it. We clude the day-to- pany becoming a major broadcast told R&R, "I'm believe Primetime Radio is at- day and long- entity." very excited, but tractive because it is a continuous range program- Prior to KCMO. Barsanti was George Moore New PD At sad at the same Dave Martin program source, is in stereo, and ming and promo- Operations Manager of WOW/ KGFJ: J 8 Stone relinquishes time. The team at WCFL has has been programmed by experi- tional efforts of Omaha from 1972 through 1977. He programming reins for morning some of the absolute best people in enced radio people." WTIC-AM & FM worked in programming, news tilft at L A Black station 3 the business. I really hate to Mark Hubbard, Taft Radio as well as new Tom Barsanti management, and on-air capaci- leave, but the offer to join WCLR Group's VP who is coordinating duties with the acquisition of three ties from 1967 to 19'72 at KGGM/ was just too good to pass up." the network, added, "The format Mariner stations (R&R 3-19), Albuquerque. His appointment to Martin, who assumes his new is produced with the highest level pending FCC approval. VP/Operations for 1080 is effective M ARTIN/See Page 28 of technical excellence. The diver- Barsanti, who was Operations immediately. The' SütIe ElMr.3 %*. _ 18-2860 PAUL McC ART NEY coal. Special qu.ii elactetiteA ü peizied dicaintoi, piton P TUG OF WAR on, eolionk4, ReccAlai, e 3746.2 pL Clements Promoted To Sr. VP At Mutual Jack Clements has been named Senior this week..
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