THE AUSTRALIAN CHURCH RECORD THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEWSPAPER—EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post Printed by John Fairfax and No. 1456 February 5, 1970 as a newspaper. Sons Ltd., Broadway, Sydney. Price 10 cents 1,000 at B.C.A. to W.A. farmer forced Victor Black water HE Bush Church Aid Society T is to begin work in the diocese of Rockhampton, Harbor Queensland, soon. to sell to pay Rev. Gregory S. Ezzy has EARLY 1,000 people at- been appointed to this expand- N ttended four conventions at ing mining district whose popula- Victor Harbor, S.A., during tion of 2,000 will rise to an January. They were all held at Mount Breckan, the ideally lo- church tax cated site of the Adelaide Bible Institute, overlooking the town and the Great Southern Ocean. Two hundred delegates attend- JERRAMUNGUP farmer, jection to a thing which is right churches and people in W.A. ed the convention of the Over- A Mr Roland Miller, has been in itself." General Synod refused A private member's bill aim- seas Christian Fellowship, most obliged to sell his 3,300 acre to accept these views when he ed at preventing a recurrence of of whom were Asians from uni- property to pay legal costs and proposed a motion commending the scheme, has been introduced versities and colleges all over shire rates levied to pay for the the Jerramungup principle and into the W.A. parliament. The Australia. Their homelands were building of an interdenomina- Bishop Howell Witt of North "Canberra Times" comments: Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, tional church at Jerramungup, West Australia opposed the "The furore over compulsory Hong Kong, Ghana, India, Viet- W.A. motion declaring that it was rating for the church has been nam, Sabah, Samoa and New having a divisive effect upon the so sustained that Sir David Guinea. Many have been con- Mr Miller and six others verted to Christ since they began refused to pay the rate, levied Brand (W.A. premier) would be wise to allow voting on the bill study in Australia. Guest speaker by the Gnowangerup Shire to be a matter of conscience." was Mr Chua Wee Hian, associ- Council which raised a $35,000 ate general secretary of the Inter- loan to build the church. It In reply to Bishop Witt's scathing remarks at General national Fellowship of Evangeli- made the decision after a refer- Youth work cal Students for the Far East. endum in 1966 in which 182 Synod last year, Bishop Haw- kins said that nobody was being The Inter-Varsity Fellowship voted in favour of the church, held its national conference at 86 voted against and four voted summonsed for the church part informally. The rate was im- needs new of their rates and that plans Mount Breckan a week later and expected 7,000 in a few years. posed in the area in July, 1967 were going ahead to build an- undergraduates and graduates The B.C.A.'s offer to staff the and building began in October. other such community church from most of Australia's univer- new parish is described by building. sities and colleges attended. A Bishop Donald Shearman as Keswick convention followed, at- "wonderful." The area extends approach Great publicity was given in tended by over 250 people of all north to the boundaries of the W.A. to the threat of bank- denominations. diocese of North Queensland. HE view that significant ruptcy proceedings against the Rev. Festo Kivengere spoke at Mr Ezzy trained at Ridley T changes were necessary farmers but nothing has been the Keswick convention and in the Church's ministry with College and has served Brisbane heard of a further building fin- again at the C.M.S. Summer curacies at St. Andrew's, South youth was expressed at a confer- anced from rates. It seems un- School, 22 to 26 January, when ence of ninety Anglican church Brisbane, and latterly at St. likely that anything further will over 100 Anglicans from many Luke's, Ekibin. He is married leaders, representing six States be heard of such a matter. Adelaide parishes were present. and fifteen dioceses, which met and has two sons. at Bathurst with the Bishop of Before going to Blackwater, Tasmania, the Right Rev. R. E. Mr Ezzy will spend two weeks Davies, as Chairman. with Rev. Brian Carter in the A protest was made against mining area of Leigh Creek, a "the limited approaches" to NEW MALAYA DIOCESE B.C.A. mission in Willoohra dio- youth work, at present. NEW diocese of West of Canterbury who is the metro- cese. Both Blackwater and Leigh To provide opportunities for A Malaysia will be set up in politan and who appointed Creek are coal mining centres. youth leaders to meet regularly April with the present Bishop Bishop Koh. He will then do some deputation at a national level, the confer- of Sabah, Right Rev. Tan Sri The new diocese will comprise work in Sydney before proceed- ence appointed a working com- Roland Koh as its first bishop. the area now known as West ing to Blackwater, by which time mittee of youth leaders from He will be enthroned in St. Malaysia, all of mainland the diocese of Rockhampton Bathurst, Brisbane, Canberra and Mary's, Kuala Lumpur, on April Malaya from Singapore to the hopes to have secured accommo- Sydney, with Bishop Davies as 7. The new diocese was separat- Thailand border. Bishop Ban It dation for the new minister and The Bishop of Bunbury. chairman. ed from the diocese of Singa- Chiu remains Bishop of Singa- his family. The conference sessions in- pore and Malaya with the con- pore and his diocese will com- In November, the seven farm- cluded workshops dealing with sent of the Bishop and synod of prise Singapore, Thailand, Laos, ers took the matter to the Sup- modern music in church worship, that diocese last year. The plan Cambodia, Vietnam and Indo- reme Court but it was dismissed youth-adult relationship, new was agreed to by the Archbishop nesia. with costs against them. trends in youth work, the mission They appealed to the High task, and adventure camping. Court but in December, 1968, A national convention of Ang- Bp. Arnott their appeal was dismissed with lican youth will be held at Can- costs against them again. There berra in January, 1971. was great public concern over N. E. A. C. 1971 I the issue in Western Australia ONGRESS BULLETIN No. and Christians of all denomina- at R.C. C I for NEAC (National tions expressed strong opposi- Snug Evangelical Anglican Congress) tion to the principle of local 1971, has been sent to evangeli- government taxes being levied cals all over Australia by Rev. for this purpose. conference George Pearson, Congress Secre- The men refused to pay the talks • • tary and vicar of St. Stephen's, rates or the Shire Council's Richmond, Victoria. legal costs on principle. Early on mission USTRALIA was represented in December, 1969, the Council MONTGOMERY Park Youth The bulletin asks for prayer. I for the first time at Angli- threatened bankruptcy proceed- and Conference Centre at Snug, initial gifts to prepare and pro- can-Roman Catholic Joint Com- ings against the farmers and on near Hobart, is the location for a mote NEAC, enrolments for the mission meetings at St. George's, December 18 it became known week-end conference on mission various study groups ' and the Windsor, January 9-15. that Mr Miller had sold his 6-8 February. Congress and calls upon evangel- Bishop Felix Arnott, a Mel- property to pay the $4,007 costs. The theme will be "Is there a ical Anglicans all over the land bourne coadjutor, had been chos- to plan to attend. TOO LATE future for Christianity in the en by the Primate to represent 70s." NEAC is to be fully residen- the Church in Australia. The Just after that, an anonymous It has been arranged by the tial at a location in or near Mel- Joint Commission will continue donor gave $41,000 to pay the Tasmanian Overseas Department bourne, yet to he decided. All the work it began in 1967. legal costs, the unpaid rates and George Pearson, and it will be chaired by Rev. D. will not be able to come to Mel- NEAC Secretary. The meeting was strictly priv- to pay off the whole of the W. Warburton, Director of bourne but it is anticipated that $35,000 loan. Bishop Ralph ate and its report will probably Christian Education. Rev. M. R. thousands of men and women This year, the group dis- be kept confidential until it has Hawkins of Bunbury acted as Stanton, Director of the Overseas will be enrolled in the study agent for the donor and denied cussions which are being organ- been considered by both the Department, is the chaplain and groups which will precede the Pope and the Archbishop of rumours that the money had ised by Adelaide evangelicals, the Bishop of Tasmania will at- Congress in 1970 and 1971. Canterbury. come from a worried church. tend for one day. will study "Keele '67", the book- let put out for the Keele (U.K.) The Church Times report- Presenting the cheque to the Conference leaders will in- ed that it probably discussed the Shire Council, Bishop Hawkins clude Bishop Neville. Langford- Life is a hard fight, a struggle, NEAC in 1967. In 1971 the constitutions of both churches, said: "This does not alter my Smith of Nakuru, Rev.
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