metals Article Magnetic Field Generated during Electric Current-Assisted Sintering: From Health and Safety Issues to Lorentz Force Effects Huaijiu Deng 1, Jian Dong 1, Filippo Boi 2, Theo Saunders 3, Chunfeng Hu 1 and Salvatore Grasso 1,* 1 Key Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of Materials, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; [email protected] (H.D.); [email protected] (J.D.); [email protected] (C.H.) 2 College of Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China; [email protected] 3 School of Engineering and Material Science, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-1832-8676-558 Received: 11 November 2020; Accepted: 2 December 2020; Published: 8 December 2020 Abstract: In the past decade, a renewed interest on electromagnetic processing of materials has motivated several investigations on the interaction between matter, electric and magnetic fields. These effects are primarily reconducted to the Joule heating and very little attention has been dedicated to the magnetic field contributions. The magnetic field generated during electric current-assisted sintering has not been widely investigated. Magnetism could have significant effects on sintering as it generates significant magnetic forces, resulting in inductive electrical loads and preferential heating induced by overlapping magnetic fields (i.e., proximity effect). This work summarizes the magnetic field effects in electric current-assisted processing; it focuses on health and safety issues associated with large currents (up to 0.4 MA); using FEM simulations, it computes the self-generated magnetic field during spark plasma sintering (SPS) to consolidate materials with variable magnetic permeability; and it quantifies the Lorentz force acting at interparticle contact points. The results encourage one to pay more attention to magnetic field-related effects in order to engineer and exploit their potentials. Keywords: magnetic field; electro-magnetic assisted processing; spark plasma sintering 1. Magnetic Field Effects in Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (EPM) In electromagnetic processing of materials (EPM) [1], research has been mostly focused on current and temperature effects, often neglecting the magnetic contribution. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of self-generated magnetic fields by a current passing across the processed material. This work does not cover externally applied magnetic fields, as such a topic was extensively discussed by Guo et al. [2]. As early as 1886, Elihu Thompson developed the first resistance welding machine, which represented a major improvement in joining technology with a wide range of applications [3]. At that stage, it was already clear that ferromagnetic objects (both constituting the welding fixtures or the work piece) should be avoided. High current (exceeding several hundreds of Amperes) would generate a strong magnetization of these ferromagnetic materials, resulting in a decreased welding efficiency limiting the maximum output current [4]. Curiously, at that time, ferromagnetic materials in the vicinity of the welding equipment were intentionally employed to increase the resistive load on the generator. Metals 2020, 10, 1653; doi:10.3390/met10121653 www.mdpi.com/journal/metals Metals 2020, 10, 1653 2 of 16 Electric current-assisted sintering (ECAS) techniques began their journey from the beginning of the last century. Compared with conventional sintering techniques, ECAS has the following advantages: low furnace temperature, short processing duration, direct Joule heating on the workpiece, and significantly improved material properties [2,5–8]. While magnetic field effects have been well-investigated in the case of welding, they still remain unexplored in sintering. The magnetic fields effects in ECAS, being secondary effects, are poorly discussed in the literature. Table1 summarizes magnetic-related effects in EPM. It includes several electromagnetic phenomena, their applications, physical principle and their mathematical formulation. White and Fasenfest [9] proposed a method for evaluating the discrete Biot–Savart law. Wheeler et al. [10] investigated the skin effect as early as 1942, and he also proposed a mathematical formulation for different configurations and operating frequencies. Ahmad et al. [11] analyzed the skin effect in detail by proposing computer models. The proximity effect occurring at high frequency (>100 kHz) with applications in pipe welding was analyzed in Ref. [12]. Such an effect caused a current density increase in the vicinity of the strip edge zone. Zhao et al. [13] investigated the influence of the proximity effect on the welding process, including high-frequency welding of H-shaped steel and T-shaped steel. Thus far, no work has been published on the possible influence of the proximity effect on sintering. J. Trapp [14] quantified the pinch effect and its impact on the sintering of ideal spherical particles. Yurlova et al. [15] investigated the influence of the pinch effect on the sintering process, and their result suggests that magnetic forces would result in a modification of the sample shape, allowing an easy extraction out of the die. These effects became apparent under low-pressure conditions. The concept of the undesired “arc blow” effect induced by the magnetic field was analyzed by Tomoyuki et al. [16] in 2011. The experimental conditions needed for preventing arc blow were discussed by Yamaguchi et al. [17] and M. Vural [18]. Lockwood et al. [19] explained that under AC conditions, an electrical arc is more stable than in DC, and they correlated the influence of electromagnetic force with the porosity of the welded materials. With some analogies, Adamian and Shneerson [20] investigated the mechanisms of electric wire explosion where a strong radial compression induced by the magnetic field contributes to fragmentation of the particles. Magnetic materials subjected to an alternating electrical discharge greatly increase their inductance, thereby reducing the welding current. The result is a direct consequence of Lenz’s law. This also explains the rationale for choosing different types of power supplies (AC/DC) for different materials. The magnetic field also generates undesired interference with the probing devices, thus affecting the readings of temperature, current, voltage. Zhang and Senkara [21] investigated how a spot welding high current affected these signals. In response to this problem, they adopted fiber-optic displacement sensors, which are insensitive to the high magnetic fields. In summary, magnetic-related effects are complex and Table1 suggests a simplification of these phenomena. This manuscript is divided into two parts. The first part provides some FEM simulations to quantify magnetic strength generated by a spark plasma sintering machine, both at the tooling level and the interparticle level for materials with different magnetic permeability (i.e., copper, iron, alumina, graphite). The second part of the paper provides some preliminary experimental evidence of the magnetic field effects on sintering. Metals 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17 MetalsMetals2020 2020, 10, 10, 1653, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17 3 of 16 TableTable 1.1. MagneticMagnetic fieldfield effectseffects inin electromagneticelectromagnetic prprocessingocessing ofof materialsmaterials (EPM).(EPM). TheThe possiblepossible implicationsimplications onon sinteringsintering areare listedlisted inin iitalics.talics. Table 1. Magnetic field effects in electromagnetic processing of materials (EPM). The possible implications on sintering are listed in italics. TypicalTypical Use,Use, ImplicationsImplications onon EffectEffect NameName PrinciplePrinciple andand MathematicalMathematical FormulationFormulation Effect Name Principle and Mathematical Formulation TypicalSinteringSintering Use, Implications on Sintering Biot–SavartBiot–Savart Law Law ThisThis formulationformulation resemblesresembles wellwell thethe magnetic-inducedmagnetic-induced This formulation resembles well the magnetic-induced ItIt cancan bebe usedused toto calculatecalculate thethe effecteffect inin usingusing DCDC currents.currents. TheThe Biot–SavartBiot–Savart LawLaw effect in using DC currents. The Biot–Savart Law quantifies magneticmagnetic fieldfield strengthstrength inin thethe quantifiesquantifies thethe magneticmagnetic fieldfield strengthstrength insideinside andand outsideoutside the magnetic field strength inside and outside the conductor. It canvicinityvicinity be used ofof to aa conductor. calculateconductor. the ItIt magneticcancan field strength in thethe conductor.conductor. ItIt refersrefers toto anan infinitelyinfinitely longlong wirewire withwith It refers to an infinitely long wire with radius r [9,22,23]. theaccuratelyaccurately vicinity of identifyidentify a conductor. thethe healthhealth It can andand accurately identify the radiusradius rr [9[9,22,23].,22,23]. safetysafetyhealth exposureexposure and safety distancedistance exposure [9,22,23].[9,22,23]. distance [9,22,23]. µ0I Health and safety hazard for the operators and magnetization B === HealthHealth andand safetysafety hazardhazard forfor thethe 2π22r0 of the electrically conductive sample under −7 operatorsoperators andand magnetizationmagnetization ofof thethe μμ00—The—The vacuumvacuum permeability,permeability, withwith valuevalue ofof 44ππ ×× 1010−7 an electrical discharge. 7 µ —The vacuum permeability,
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