, • '. " . ThursdllY, Jllnuary 29, 1976 Th::...:urs..,:· ..,.;d::.;,o8Y::,;.:.,.J::..,.an....:;,WU'y.::::.....:29.:.::..:..., .:.197::...:.:..6 ____T.::..::H E JEW ISH POST Page Nine -,-1..,.----, --------------- --, .. - ""'RBi·,·II:·ritA .. Di",It-er . " ,'Gabe Opens at ,Thealre Workshop BOWLING:'.' NEWS . -, .' ~' . :',. ·,;3' , , . -:.' I . productions with:. TheaiI'e P;lSSe i., HUBors'" 'Bi~la"rdso.. · '. '.' . .' B'nai' B'rith Mr. and Mrs. Bowl- · The CentTal·.c:.ruumi:an B'n'lli and urged jil!ison ~~;m Jewish . Mmaijle,Toronoo; Theatre Cal- ing L•• gue hlghs: "'llien ,_ Joe' B'II'it'h Oouncii's:4tl:i. ArillU'aJ.. Youth youths. and ,tMir senim'sl '. gary; Citadel' Thootre, . ~onWn; Wo-1..,·· 587" ,''>17). c' T -u···· Fin' g-e' and the Banff Festival of ·the Arts. n. \4' uv """" , &. AJppesa1."Dinner-, ,on HigbJight'Of''the evening ,\vas the She has also done much televisi()n 574 (204);T6!TY'Rolbinson 566 (224), ' ITlimsd:lv,Jan.?2, at' 'Ilhe ~haatrey intrO<ductionb.v izzy~~:M:Pe\r' Q.C., and radi() work. ' Joe Shore 563, Sam 'Greepspan 560, . Synagogue,' ~mted' an fOrmer. iealklr!}f , Ule".~llnitoba , . .1.Jaw.rence SingBir 5057 (231), Eddie all ~t funMhlsill'g' caIDpWgn. in Ltbel'llil p~t~'a~:t'he;,. Honoura'ble Sanw-a is presently appearing in Sasley 538 (201), Miclrey Rosenberg support of. youibh S\ll'Vl.ce5 in iIlhis James~A. R~c . lIOn, w~ Was pre­ Gabe, by Carol Bolt, whi.ch. Will be 523, Dan W~tennan 522, Nornian SOlne:' c'. 'f"om,' area,<jnclIiding BiBitO; lI!iI1eli 'andsented Wi~hthe'~'n'lli B·:rith'Dis· presented at the Manitoba Thea1Jre Roseman 50'l' (201) Dave Silver the B'nai B'\,ith CEQiJ.p,servi.ees in- tin~sh~d .<:i~ri'S Award by Workshop, 160 P.rineess St., fii,m 506, Brian Flei;;~ 505, ,David: F~b; 5 -8 and 11 - 15 at ~:3O p.m., ,Pesochin' 505. David' Shiffman 505' and. vol'Ving 'about 20500 yOlUllgsbers.. Mall'Vln K. B!tihn. The award ~ A.t.. Youth Se'rvic:es', . ' , . " WIth pay-as-you-can matinees on (202), Paw Silver 504, Bob Handler - · The' B'nai B'rith YouJth Organiz- made in, recognition of Mr. Rieh­ aUon (OOYO) ·is the world's lllll"g~ ardson';s leadElrship and. deV'Ot~ Feb. 7, 8, 14 and 15 'at 2:30 p.rn.; 601 David Novikoff 501' Lou est yo~th· orimization, serving service:'bo,J~is "(lOunm-y and its citi- I ReseI'V'. a'tisoll5 can be obtained by, Gr~n 500.' .ladies -..: Maxin~ Ben. ~. , , 50,000, young people in 1.500 chap-zens, ,based on hill, bigh regard fur '.ph()Dlng 942-7291. dltt 543 (211), Geri Silver 519 (182,. An introdwctofyar't CIlU1'Se foradul<ts on 'fuesdays from Jan. Zl ters.In Winnipeg's· Red mvei' th~ }ligniity of.all. men. I Gabe, directed byCIllll"ke Roger5, 180), Becky RQSenberg 518 (186), to Mall'ch 16, i.$ 'being clfered lat -the Y~.: The cours:e1n<!ludes Regiion, BB¥O inhludes ·330 young- ·@ls·'award.has ipreviously been is a play 3,bout the problems of Sandi-a Novikoff 451. drawing, sketching and, paintingandisdesign~ to help students under- st'er;s in' II.!" chapteh!. ',fhe organiz-made,'tosuch lmmnmes as former today's young Metis and .J1owtheir '..':,.... I .. ;~tand.. an~ \lse:Fic .materials suC&~s cha~. ~Ilter ~()lolll'~. oils, . 's}}rogramconcentrates on American presiden~ 1Iaa:q§, ~­ past . history iDfhIenctlS 'Ilheir pres- La,ly" Gayers!, BowliJ19 Leagu,e'.~lliI.'YhClS,,\,I>aStelS·:and temPl'a. ~o prevlous arteexpenence IS necessary. cul1nWal, . social, communi'by n1an., John F. KennedY,'ilil~ ~d~n ent lives. The action concerns highS jan. 19: 'Phyllis Spigelmiln "l!istruction is by Roy Fijal, a local artist and experienced art instrue­ serllli:ce, :and atlhletic activities of Johnson; 'and former J'lrime Mims­ Lauds 'and Gabe, who 'have been 583. (1s;i, 2;t5), Leah Posner 486, t()r.· Foil." further infonnation call Naomi' Globermari, . Cu1tln'al .Art's JeWish teenagers.' \ ter.'·'\l'l: OartadJa, the Right Hoonour- 'released from prison, go back to Audrey Zimmerman, 475. Maxine Director; YMHA. ' .• 'I1i)e B'nai B'rith'Hillel F'ound'a' ~ble J·ohn Diefenbaker. .' Sandra Guberman, 379 Enniskil- the small town of Ba'lloche and .find Benditt ~, Mira BuchwaJ.d 461,. liionsel"l'e$ students' 'On over' 250 Mr. RichardOOl1 mlsured ,the din­ len Ave., is '8 young Winnipeg their lives affected because of the Shirley Cham 458, Edie Pearlman ,JUVENILE ~OYS DIVISION campuses. Cu:1tmaI, religi()us. fel- flOC audien:ce thaIt Canada will con­ l3.C\lress wi'llh 'a rich and .varied Riel Rebellion of 1885. Engross- 455, Claire Rosenberg 400. Donna " :" The annulil Juvenile'B'oys Bowling T!J\lrnament will be held on l.iwshlp, communtity servi:ces, per- t!inue to support, lsrIIel's right to theatrical experience. Trained at ing, tough dialogue and much plot F1inkelstein455. J'ap,., 26 highs: ·three· oonse<mtive Saturdays beolluse of the large increase in ·attend­ . sohal guidance; and iittef-i1aitJl exist <IS a fu-ee (lOuntry. thoeUniversity C1f Alberta drIuna eXlciiement m8ke for an unllSlllll Maxine Benditt 54,3';' 'iWis Wolch ance this year.. The dates. are: 10 year (}lds and faUlets, Jan. 24; activities are the malin -ipUil'pOSeS. lCon!lll"altulatiions for .3 job well ·department SIhe· has appellJl"ed in evening of the:arbre. 498, Shirley Cham 48Q;\~h"a Btroh- .9 year Qlds and fathers,Jan. 31; 11 yearol1ls' and fathers, Feb. 7: The of Hillel. .. dime to drive (lO-ehiairmen Lyle wald 480,' fhtYlMs ~pigeUrian 462, cost I!f bowling is ,S5¢ per game. 'IDaeh Mhai' and son Will bowl two T/le· B'nai lB'ri'llh Oamp pI'ovides SlIIlOO."dinand La1Ty Vicloor, and GlOi'li.a Gershman 448. Shirlee. Katz . games 'at 1:30 p.m\ at Sara!50ga Lanes.. , ~iIoWing bowling will 00. the sqIDpler ['ecreation for yo.ung~ .special 1IhankS tio'ail those g~er­ 'd'uca't.eonal W' o·r.kshop 'at 447; AudreyZimmennan443, Gol~ regwil):,gym program at 3 p.m.and "a fifes s:Wi!ll' 'at 4.' ~i fathers are E 443, t() gym in ,1lhe WinniJpeg 'alTea. ous constriJbuibors !f~ supporting dit) Silver Eleanw i[)3$hevsky' invitea attend both land sWim. Retireshm~ will be sel."Ved 'The. audience ,Of ~tel~ B'llai B'rith and its agencies. 'I' . h' E' Th d 441. from 4 - 4:30 'p.rn.; , .' . waS trealted I\JO il presenillatiim am' a' very urs ay All boyh dubS atre striving '110 meet th,e Hall.of 'F1ame objll/llives. ' '. , Centennial MIxed Bowling highs Leading the way, for the 10 year '()lds arethe~lden Jets "and for the ~ K. ~n; president of, ·Jan. 22: lhen _.' . Norman Geller 11 yearold&, the Originals. '. ., ShclWnl.above"ls···~b. .. vln-K.Ballj~ ~lct8IJf of B'nal ~'rlth. District 6,p~e~ting th~ 8'nal.d'rit~ .B·rj.~.Distrlct 6, w~ ~oldB'nai B'rith . Calendar The Jewish Educational Work' Feb. 12: Rabbi M. Stern -'- (1) Fol- 541 (200), Cecil Yan 525, Larry ~:if;:~:~~~~~~tr~cti~r.· ~~HOnOur.ibl" James A. Rli:hai'd~ Also shQwn a .... (I.ft. tp.rlllht): of :the acti'Vlties of ithe B'lI!a1 BTith shop is still acceptl)lg regiStration low-up to Jewish Family Law; Kassin 509 (204), Len Rayter 520 JUV,ENILE GIRLS DIViSiON '. ',Q.(:~,Larry Vlck'r .n~Robert, Flocim,.IIl1tfnber of the board of . 1'amHy :a,nd itspbilanthropies 'inFttt. 4 - Central' Canadian B'nai at a reduced fee ($4.00) for the (2) ISl'ael and the Arab World. (204), Saul YaUsslem·509 (200), Len Dliring the winter vacation. 'the ~lS pl\T1liclPatedm' itt two-dllY ~ .... .' .' ,I. ..•• ,... "/' ,'.'r.;· . ":", Ca:~: ~:,e ::<}, N'siah, ,(}f ~~::er,C~~:~~=~~ , 'Feb. 19: Rabbi P. Weizman - Cen- Gillman 507 (225); ladies - Josie wiIllter tabloid, including' outdoor relaYs, gameS,snOwshoeilig,bean bag secon.d.' term of. the C,OUIl'SB - Pot- 'trali~y of Man I'n Judaism as Grusko 510, San"·.-- Rice 464, Ru~h . .. , UIl'<l ourling, winter Cl'afts and trampoline. BBYO,offeJ'~ WOu1ili~~'C~~on Hotel, 8 p.m. Sharp.. POIlll'rl of a People. The place is· ·seen in the TalmUd. ,Shore 464,',. J?'l'ce Gauthier, 46i!. Tl1e J.U.G.s }}resented a Backwards Day for all third year clubs in working' stowaros ·strengthenmg IFttt. 5 - West Kildonan.,- !MIaple RsamahSchool. 705 Lanark St., and .l<'eb. 26: Bernie MelmaIl- Reform Bubbles Yousslem 457. ...as thew mysterY daw progran)~ " , " I' .. '.' JUdaiSm, /in youth~(); in turn, lLeafLodge 2031execUJtive meet- the timeis 9:15 -10:30 p.m .• Thurs- Judaism., III b . F' te I Lq' M' "'; 'a' progrnm of asked fur woperaJl:ion ;and leader- ing, S14 Lanark 5t.,.8:3O p.rn. ra ~ .'~Brian~Glow".'ayomig Winnipeg'Jtia~~11I1"~eh1ed days. For further infOil.'lllation call Mar. 4: Rabbi M. Newman - The 10 pel reBw I. '~~"'J' ~;,~o'. IX. magic trr\~ ~of.lthll· s-...t: . ild'l4hlt"tiij9?dh~:Ct~b's)6n Jan. 18.' This was ,» __ '" from 'ad;ults. Feb. 8 - ~,SO}llmer OhsaiFolk Frances Allen, 453-4ta6, or Maxine Pride of Europe. !. '; n, 0)'1. I~g - ~~: .~n··i::m' m~~heictr€iinef~oPU1~"'<~'~~ CC\",,,<v"J"".' "';,~?l;:':: ::,;;,1, ,. ,J, ...', .Mrs. BettY ,EJIIfenbaum, president Ensemble. - Centenllii:al Conc'ert . Zirnmiirmlin,947:ooOl: '. '. Moar: 11: Rabbi K. Appel -' Creat-.-. M~~o~~e 5~:C~ Kl~ ... ' MMhers 'Wei-e' invlt~ toteaJn With 'their d~ltghterS to compete . ofB'nai B'rith Women. Cenillral Hall. n The. ~ll()wing speakers will be ing ~ur f~ly Haggad.ah·~:er .001,,' ;;:;nold Singer' 559, in the Mbther'-DaUghterGame: Winni~g teams for the second and thiTd .Omadian Council, stress!ld tht! (lrU' Fttt.
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