SKrc (Eolontn Courier VOL 43 COLOMA, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1940 NO. 22 Births Outnumber Coloma Firemen Did Fruit Growers Will Governor Endorses Vocational Survey Benton Harbor Man Coloma Merchants Deaths in Coloma Anotner Fine Job Meet January 15-19 Tourist Week Plan Is Made in County Killed by Automobile Lost to Eau Claire Village jnd Township Saved Home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Promise of a peek at what Michi- Committees Are Named to Promote Department of Public Instruction Is Henry Stoeylnk, 38 Years Old, Struck Coloma Team Will Meet Industrial gan's fruit Industry may see by 1950 Sutherland on Friday of Last Week is offered in announcement of the Program In Berrien County. Sponsoring the Movement. While Crossing Street—Brought Rubber Co. Team on Friday Jan. 5. annual fruit growers' conference to Members of the Coloma fire depart- Governor Luren D. Dickinson has The state department of public Total of Auto Deaths for 1939 to 45. A field goal in the last fifteen sec- Records of Township and Village be held at Michigan State College ment, who are always on the job given his personal endorsement of instruction is carrying on a survey of The number of automobile deaths I onds of play by Forward Burbach of Clerks Reveal Some Very Interest- when they are called, did an excellent January 15 to 19. the "Know Michigan Tourist Week" youth within the ages of 16 and 24 In Berrien county for the year 1939, Eau Claire gave the Eau Claire team As part of the first afternoon's job on Friday afternoon of last week program in a letter recently received in co-operation with various agencies was brought to a total of 45 on the their margin of victory over the schedule, V. R. Gardner as head of inr Figures. when they saved the home of Mr. by Hugh J. Gray, secretary-manager such as the National Youth Admin- last day of the year when Henry Coloma Merchants basketball team at the horticulture department and and Mrs. Arthur Sutherland on East of the West Michigan Tourist and istration of Michigan, State Board of Stoeylnk, a 38-year-old factory em- the Coloma high school auditorium The population of the Village ot members of his staff wlll\)ffer dis- Logan street from burning. A fire, Resort Association. In his letter, the Control for Vocational Education. ployee, passed away at Mercy hos- on Thursday evening of last week. Coloma and the Township of Coloma cussion on recent developments that which Is believed to have started governor said: "I am pleased to hear Michigan State Employment Service pital. He was struck by a car driven The game was very exciting and the should show an increase when the may be applied to commercial prac- from a short circuit In an electric of the plans which you are making Michigan Unemployment Compensa- by Louis Gates of Benton Harbor as lead changed hands many times dur- census is takpn this year, for during tices. refrigerator, was started In the kitch- for tourist promotion week, April 14 tion Commission, School of Educa- he was crossing Territorial road and \ Ing the session, with the final score the past y6ar there were but nineteen The leading professional man In en and had gained a good start when to 21. Knowing of the great contri- tion of the University of Michigan, sustained a fractured skull which being 39 to 37 in favor of Eau Claire. deaths recorded in the township and pomology In eastern states, Dr. H. It was discovered. The fire spread bution to the state's welfare made by Michigan Child Guidance Institute, caused his death on Sunday. He is the village, while during the same B. Tukey, chief of research at the up through the kitchen wall and the the tourist and resort industry, the Detroit Council for Youth Service. survived by Tiis widow and by six Lineup of Teams time there were fifty-four births re- Now York Experiment station at slate government is naturally anx- The survey is financed by an allot- brothers. Funeral services were house was filled with smoke when Eau Claire fg ft Pf tp corded in the records of the town- Geneva, Is scheduled for three talks held Monday afternoon, conducted the firemen arrived, making their ious to cooperate with you. If you ment from the Works Progress Ad- Keigley, r. f ... 1 0 1 2 ship and village clerks. work very difficult, but they were in the five days. can bring home to the people of the ministration and is being conducted by Rev. Glenn M. Frye, pastor of the In the village there were forty-one Staff members at the college spon- Burbach. 1. f. 5 0 0 10 successful In quenching the blaze. A state the good that is being done for on a statewide basis. Methodist Peace Temple; interment births recorded, there being twenty- sor the course for commercial fruit Bartell . .... 0 1 1 1 loss of about $500 Is reported as the all classes, you will be performing a The purpose of the survey is to in Crystal Springs cemetery. three boy babies and eighteen girl growers who seek modern develop- Smith I 4 1 6 kitchen will have to be replastered valuable service." obtain Information on the amount babies registered; In the township, ments in fruit production, soys R. E. Pratt 4 0 2 8 and redecorated and most of the Activities of the Know Michigan kind and source of vocational train- 365 Holiday Deaths in Nation there were thirteen births, the girl Marshall, staff member who planned Staley 4 4 1 12 rooms on the ground floor of the Tourist Week program in Berrien ing that Is received by youth. A babies outnumbering the boys by ten the program details. Associated Press reports state that home were damaged by smoke, al- county are being handled by County complete history of youth's experi- there were 365 deaths throughout the Totals 15 9 8 39 girls and three boys. though there was little damage from Other speakers will Include Robert Chairman A. P. Eva. The following ence In getting and holding a job Anderson, fruit grower at Covert; H United States over the New Year's water. A hole* was burned through have been named as members of the from the time he left school until the fg tp B. Belselgel, Huron' Farms company holiday. Of this number, 188 were Coloma ft Pf the kitchen floor beneath the re- Berrien county committee:—Erich time of the survey Is also desired. TEN DEATHS IN COLOMA manager at Ann Arbor; Russell Bra- reported caused by highway acci- Kccht, r. f. 1 1 1 3 frigerator and the motor dropped Kerlikowske and Harold E. Lyon of This data may be used to Improve 11 man, fruit grower at Grand Rapids; dents; 40 by suicide; 17 from fires; Strejc, f. f. 5 1 3 IN THE TEAR 1939 through to the basement. Coloma; Percy H. Lewis of Water- the present facilities for vocational 8 W. C. Dutton, East Lansing, horticul- 2C by homicide; and 92 from various Bale. f. 3 2 2 vllet; Richard Peters^ Harry Harris. training and to assist youth in get- causes. Twenty-one of the deaths 1 0 3 2 ture director for the Dow Chemical G. A. Cook and A. W. Force of Ben- ting preparation for occupations for company; George Farley, fruit grow- were reported in Michigan. 0 2 2 ton Harbor; Herb Kerlikowske, Leon v/hich they are best suited. Pitcher, 1. g. 3 0 2 6 Eight of the Number Were Over 60 er at Albion; Fred L. Granger, man- Harris and Don Wynkoop of St. Jo- Enumerators will be collecting In- Miller, r. g. 1 2 1 Social Security Board ager of the Producers' Service cor- 0 Tears of Age. seph; L. A. Boyd of New Troy; Morey formation upon which this study will 0 1 4 poration at Benton Harbor; Erwln W. Alger of Berrien Springs; Phil be based by surveying approximately Klenk, fruit grower at Sparta; and According to the death record of Gives Out Information Landsman of Buchanan; Ralph Smith 150,000 youths through a house-to- 0. E. S. and Masons Totals ....16 5 16 37 the Village of Coloma for the year C. C. Taylor, Albion fruit grower. of Niles; O. A. D. Baldwin of Brldg- house cavass. Youths will be inter- 1939, there were but ten deaths in In addition to horticulture depart- man; and Arthur Aylesworth of viewed in all parts of the state. At- • Sponsored by Business Men the village. One significant fact in ment staff members, the program Lakeside. tention is to be given to the amount Enjoyed Holiday Party The Coloma Merchants basketball connection with the deaths is that all "Monthly Benefits Begin In 1934" will Include material from the col- and kind of vocational training not team Is sponsored by the following but two were persons above the age lege department of botany, entomolo- only In the state as a whole, but also Title of Interesting Pamphlet gy and soils. within different regions and various business establishments: M. Steffen of 60 years. Fine Christmas Program Was Giv- & Co., the Michigan Shore Lumber Following Is the list of deaths for sizes of communities In the state. The Social Security Board has is- Notes ot the Courts & Supply Co., A. F. Kolberg, Brow- All of the facts which are to be en by Children—About 125 Peo- the year: sued a pamphlet, "Monthly Benefits nie's Snappy Service, Scott's Phar- January 6—Mrs.
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