MESSENGER, CHURCH PAPER FOR SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN THE BRITISH ISLES VOLUME 88 NUMBER 4/5 25 FEBRUARY 1983 by PASTOR MARTIN BELL ALL CREATURES LAY ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR, BUC GREAT AND SMALL I should like to share some- thing with you that I read recently. It's the most graphic way I have seen the difference between 5 the rich and the poor of the world described: `Have you really thought just how much - or little - we all earn? `Well imagine a world where every- one's height is pro- portional to their income. Let's say you earn just above the average in a N rich country - v that would make you about 5 ft 6 8 ins tall. • 'And to- day is a big event. You're the continued on page 2 a."7.? 'c• Continued from page 1 World-Wide Advent Missions is dedi- and sees a brother in need, and won't help him - how can God's love be within him? commentator at a giant march past of all cated to its efforts that try to redress this Little children, let us stop just saying we ' the world's population. The whole parade terrible imbalance. Of course, we can only love people; let us really love them, and is lined up so that everyone will have do a little, but for those people described it by our actions. Then we will know passed you in exactly one hour. as 'smaller than ants' in the illustration, it show means an awful lot - the difference bet- for sure, by our actions, that we are on `The flag is down. They're off. And it's ween food and no food, life or death. For God's side, and our consciences will be over to you. clear, even when we stand before the 'Oh . has it started? . I can't see those 'three inches tall' or more, it might be the difference between clothes and Lord' (1 John 3:17-19, The Living Bible). anything yet . Just a minute, yes. Extra- rags, education or ignorance. And for 'Christian Aid Calendar, based on World Bank report, 1981. ordinary . thousands and thousands of figures tinier than ants crawling over my people of all sizes, even up to oil sheiks and millionaires, described as 'miles and feet. But I can't make out what they are miles' tall, when their wealth is compared GOODBYE AMBROSE yet. Ten minutes gone now. I can at to the average man or woman, it can mean Stoke Newington church was packed on help in times of disaster and an opportun- the afternoon of Sabbath 8 January, as the least see people now but the marchers are 0 no bigger than cigarettes . Indian far- ity to hear of God's love. members said farewell to Sister Ambrose mers riding in bullock carts . African What does the hymn say - 'All creatures Foreman, a founder member of the women carrying children on their backs great and small . the Lord God made church, and Sister Sonia Martin, one of and what look like thimbles of water on them all'? Stoke Newington's dedicated young The question now is what commitment their heads. There are Chinese too. Bur- people. mese. Haitians. All colours and you and I will make between 3 -17 April, Sonia Martin will be studying music at nationalities . or 3 -24 April in the London Metropolitan Atlantic Union College, USA. She has . On and on they come . twenty Area - the Harvest Ingathering time. I `grown up' in Stoke Newington church, minutes have gone now . thirty minutes don't much like to talk about Conference and has always been highly regarded by . that means half the population has and church goals. I would prefer to think both old and young members for her that every pound is given and collected 'as passed and still there's nobody more than determination to follow the Lord at all about three inches tall. unto the Lord', but goals do rally and costs and her leadership qualities shown in encourage us. 'I expected to wait a while to see people the posts of Pathfinder leader and AYS The basic goals for 1983 have been of my own height . but forty minutes are assistant. On the completion of her established as follows: up and the tallest marchers can still only studies, Sonia plans to reside in Jamaica. reach up to my knees. I can see soldiers South England Conference - £139,600 Sister Foreman will be remembered for from Paraguay and swarms of Indian North British Conference - £105,000 her great love and concern for the youth. clerks all carrying great ledgers under Welsh Mission - £8,890 She has served on the AYS committee for their arms - but all of them are dwarfs. Irish Mission - £4,075 many years and was never too tired to . Only ten minutes to go now and I'm These goals are in fact the same as in encourage the young people in their getting anxious that we might not finish on 1982. It was felt by the BUC committee Christian exploits. Being a founder time. At least the faces are a bit more that in the current economic climate, a member, Sister Foreman remembers all familiar now. Old-age pensioners from continuation of the upward 10 per cent the important events of Stoke Newing- Brixton, a few Adelaide engineering increase in Ingathering goals that we have ton's seventeen-year history. She is leav- apprentices and, a bit later on, part-time followed during recent years would prob- ing to do the Lord's work in Jamaica and shop assistants from Toronto. But still ably be too ambitious. The consequence will be greatly missed by all Stoke Newing- they're only three or four feet tall. of freezing these goals this year is that a ton members. JOANNE DALEY . Five minutes left and at last they're greater amount of money will be made looking about my height - schoolteachers, available to the Missions and Conferences Chilterns' Community Services Federation shop managers, minor civil servants, in the 'Super Goal' scheme. This is not SPRING MEETING will be held at insurance salesmen. The next lot look a Ingathering money, but funds from other Williams's Hall, Stanborough Park Church, Stanborough good deal more hefty. Lots of Americans sources made available by the General Park, Watford, Herls. Date: 6 March 1983 and Europeans. Factory supervisors, Conference in proportion to the effort we Time: 2 pm Nominating Committee Meeting. departmental heads, I would say. They make towards the work of medical, educa- 3 pm Federation Spring Meeting. look well over 5 ft 6 ins to me. tional and evangelical missions overseas. 'What's happening now? They're get- These funds are used for various projects ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. The treasurer of the North Brit- ting bigger and bigger. That accountant at the discretion of the local Conference or ish Conference acknowledges with thanks receipt of £72 tithe from Anon. W. J. Griffiths. must be fifteen feet tall if he's an inch. This Mission committee. The treasurer of the South England Conference acknow- is sensational! Brazilian landowners, I would like to take this opportunity to ledges with thanks receipt of Et £1 tithe from H.T.; 42p tithe from Anon; £2.14 tithe from Anon; £12.40 tithe, £1 company directors in huge grey suits . thank all the local Ingathering agents who Soul Winning offering from Anon; £200 tithe from Anon; twenty, maybe twenty-five yards high. will work very hard before, during, and £13 tithe, £1 Soul Winning offering from Anon. B. J. Pow- ell. 'And now . yes . I can see some after the campaign. May I appeal to you to The treasurer of the Voice of Prophecy acknowledges with famous faces too. Prince Charles. He must follow the instructions enclosed with the thanks receipt of £100 from Anonymous, Ipswich; and £8 be all of 120 ft with his hat on. And Paul official documents very carefully. from 'Well wisher'. Esther Roberts. McCartney - a great swaying giant the size I would also thank everyone who will of a tower block. take part. May God bless you and give you A date for your diary 'Well into the 59th minute and it's time many happy experiences. Please read the NBC HEALTH/FAMILY LIFE HOLIDAY for the binoculars. Those oil sheiks are promotional literature, and particularly 22-29 MAY, BROOMHILL HOUSE, DEVON really amazing. Way over three thousand the fold-out brochure, before you go, so • Excellent food • Christian entertainment • Guided walks • Excursions • Health and Family Life tales feet . I think it's snowing up there. that you can give a good appeal and ans- • Fellowship • Daily worships • Special visitor Dr. J. 'The final seconds. All the millionaires. wer questions that may be asked. Berglund, Northern European Division, Health & They seem to go up for miles and miles. Let me leave you with a text that under- Family Life director. Absolutely stupendous!' lines our responsibility if we are among All inclusive cost approximately £75. Quite something, isn't it? Out of a list those described as 5 ft 8 ins tall in the Book now - £10 non-returnable deposit secures your place. Unfortunately no children under 14 can be illustrating the wealth of 118 non- illustration of the long march, while others accepted. communist countries, the world bank are only inches or centimetres: Write for more details to: Pastor P. R. Clee, North places us here in Britain pretty near the 'If someone who is supposed to be a British Conference, 22 Zulla Road, Nottingham, top.
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