Annual Review of Pteridological Research Volume 25 2011 ARPR 2011 1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PTERIDOLOGICAL RESEARCH VOLUME 25 2011 Compiled by Klaus Mehltreter and Elisabeth A. Hooper Under the Auspices of: International Association of Pteridologists President Maarten J. M. Christenhusz, Finland Vice President Jefferson Prado, Brazil Secretary Leticia Pacheco, Mexico Treasurer Elisabeth A. Hooper, USA Council members Yasmin Baksh-Comeau, Trinidad Michel Boudrie, French Guiana Julie Barcelona, New Zealand Atsushi Ebihara, Japan Ana Ibars, Spain S. P. Khullar, India Christopher Page, United Kingdom Leon Perrie, New Zealand John Thomson, Australia Xian-Chun Zhang, P. R. China and Pteridological Section, Botanical Society of America Michael D. Windham, Chairman Published November 2012, Printing Services, Truman State University ARPR 2011 2 ARPR 2011 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 Literature Citations for 2011 ....................................................................................................... 7 Index to Authors, Keywords, Countries, Species and Genera .................................................. 69 Research Interests ..................................................................................................................... 97 Directory of Respondents (addresses, phone, fax, e-mail) ..................................................... 105 Cover photo: Actiniopteris radiata in South Africa (Klaus Mehltreter) ARPR 2011 4 ARPR 2011 5 INTRODUCTION The Annual Review of Pteridological Research (ARPR) provides a comprehensive list of literature citations on ferns and lycophytes published during one calendar year. Production begins after the calendar year ends in order to insure that the Review is as complete as possible. The authors, titles and subjects of the literature cited are indexed. The ARPR also includes a description of research interests and contact information of pteridologists who answered our annual questionnaire. The ARPR is now published for 25 years and the last compiler, Joanne M. Sharpe was in charge since 1994. Joanne still supported this year's issue contributing database searches and advice, so that we could handle this task successfully. This year's issue contains 1,071 citations compiled from a search of a variety of on-line databases as well as our annual questionnaire to pteridologists throughout the world. We hope that the continuous publication of ARPR will enhance access to information published about ferns and lycophytes worldwide and stimulate further collaboration among pteridologists. For any feedback on this year's issue, please contact Klaus Mehltreter, Instituto de Ecología, A. C., Red de Ecología Funcional, Carretera antigua a Coatepec No. 351, El Haya, 91070 Xalapa, Ver., Mexico ([email protected]). If you are not on our mailing list but would like to receive information about how to be included in future issues, or if you would like to obtain back issues of the Annual Review of Pteridological Research please contact Elisabeth A. Hooper, Treasurer, International Association of Pteridologists, Biology Department, Truman State University, 100 E Normal Street, Kirksville MO 63501-4221 USA, ([email protected]). On-line access to the literature from back issues since 1994 is available on the website of the American Fern Society (www.amerfernsoc.org). ***Contributions of drawings suitable for the cover of a future Annual Review of Pteridological Research are always welcome. Please send to Elisabeth A. Hooper at the above address. ARPR 2011 6 ARPR 2011 LITERATURE CITATIONS 7 1. Abdullin, S. R. 2011. Effect of illumination on the distribution of phototrophic organisms in the entrance part of the Shul'gan-Tash Cave. Russian Journal of Ecology 42(3): 249-251. [Russian, Cystopteris fragilis] 2. Abercrombie, J. M., M. Stewart, M. R. Rao, M. E. Essington & C. N. Stewart, Jr. 2011. Aluminium accumulation in Pteris cretica and trace element uptake in vegetation growing on an abandoned aluminium smelter site in Knoxville, TN, USA. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 45(4): 310-326. 3. Abu Baker, M. A. & J. S. Brown. 2011. Variation of within-day foraging costs in the striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio). Mammalian Biology 76(5): 654-656. [fern habitat] 4. Adie, H. & M. J. Lawes. 2011. Podocarps in Africa: temperate zone relicts or rainforest survivors? Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 95: 79-100. [competition] 5. Adie, H., S. Richert, K. P. Kirkman & M. J. Lawes. 2011. The heat is on: frequent high intensity fire in bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) drives mortality of the sprouting tree Protea caffra in temperate grasslands. Plant Ecology 212(12): 2013-2022. 6. Agduma, A. R., M. J. M. M. Achondo, B. L. P. Bretana, V. P. Bello, L. L. Remollo, L. S. Mancao, J. P. Supremo, J. G. C. Salem & F. R. P. Salvana. 2011. Diversity of vascular plant species in an agroforest: the case of a rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantation in Makilala, North Cotabato. Philippine Journal of Crop Science 36(3): 57-64. 7. Agetsuma, N., Y. Agetsuma-Yanagihara & H. Takafumi. 2011. Food habits of Japanese deer in an evergreen forest: litter-feeding deer. Mammalian Biology 76(2): 201-207. [herbivory] 8. Agunbiade, F. O., A. A. Awe & K. O. Adebowale. 2011. Fuzzy logic-based modeling of the impact of industrial activities on the environmental status of an industrial estate in Nigeria. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 93(10): 1856-1879. [Pteridium aquilinum] 9. Aguraiuja, R. 2011. Reintroduction of the endangered fern species Woodsia ilvensis to Estonia: a long-term pilot study. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 391-400. 10. Ahmad, A., R. Ghufran & A. W. Zularisam. 2011. Phytosequestration of metals in selected plants growing on a contaminated Okhla Industrial Areas, Okhla, New Delhi, India. Water Air and Soil Pollution 217(1-4): 255-266. [Marsilea quadrifolia] 11. Ahmad, M., N. Jahan, Mahayrookh, Mehjabeen, A. Bin Rehman, M. Ahmad, O. Ullah & N. Mohammad. 2011. Differential inhibitory potencies of alcoholic extract of different parts of Dryopteris chrysocoma on inflammation in mice and rats. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 24(4): 559-563. 12. Ahmad, S. S. & Quratulann. 2011. Vegetation classification in Ayubia National Park, Pakistan using ordination methods. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(5): 2315-2321. [Adiantum caudatum, Dryopteris ramosa] 13. Ahmady-Asbchin, S., M. Mohammadi, A. Bahrami, A. L. Monfared & N. Jafari. 2011. Batch studies on the removal of Ni (II) from aqueous solution by Azolla filiculoides. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(38): 7427-7431. 14. Ai, J., D. Zhang, S. Mu & X. Pan. 2011. Effect of EDTA on accumulation and translocation of Hg in Nephrolepis exaltata and responses of photosystem II. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology 17(2): 219-222. 15. Akbar, Y. 2011. Floristic analysis of vascular plants in Wuqia Xinjiang. Journal of Central China Normal University 45(4): 616. [Chinese] 16. Akkiraz, M. S., F. Akgun & S. Orcen. 2011. Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Lower- "middle" Oligocene units in the northern part of the Western Taurides (Incesu area, Isparta, Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 40(2): 452-474. [Acrostichum aureum] 17. Al-Arid, K., R. D. Bray & L. J. Musselman. 2011. Microspore wall morphogenesis of Isoetes piedmontana (Pfeiffer) Reed. International Journal of Plant Sciences 172(7): 856-861. ARPR 2011 LITERATURE CITATIONS 8 18. Alfonso-Moreno, R. A., C. Cadena-Vargas, G. Morales, N. Peña & B. Pérez. 2011. Conservación integral de Dicksonia sellowiana Hook., en Bogotá D.C. y su área de influencia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 34(134): 79. 19. Ali, M. M., S. A. Hassan & A. S. M. Shaheen. 2011. Impact of riparian trees shade on aquatic plant abundance in conservation islands. Acta Botanica Croatica 70(2): 245-258. [Azolla filiculoides] 20. Alka, K., B. Lal, Y. B. Pakade & P. Chand. 2011. Assessment of bioaccumulation of heavy metals by Pteris vittata L. growing in fly ash vicinity. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13: 379-387. 21. Allen, M. S., K. Butler, J. Flenley & M. Horrocks. 2011. New pollen, sedimentary, and radiocarbon records from the Marquesas Islands, east Polynesia: Implications for archaeological and palaeoclimate studies. Holocene 21(3): 473-484. 22. Amit, S., K. Sunil, S. P. Bhatt & N. Arvind. 2011. Antibacterial activity of Diplazium esculentum (Retz.) Sw. Pharmacognosy Journal 3(21): 77-79. 23. Amoroso, V. B., S. H. Laraga & B. V. Calzada. 2011. Diversity and assessment of plants in Mt. Kitanglad Natural Park, Bukidnon, southern Philippines. The Gardens’ Bulletin, Singapore 63 (1-2): 219-236. 24. Amoroso, V. B. & R. A. Aspiras. 2011. Hamiguitan Range: a sanctuary for native flora. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 18(1): 7-15. 25. Amparo Triana-Moreno, L. 2011. Novedades en Pecluma (Polypodiaceae). Brittonia 63(1): 62- 65. 26. Anderson, L. L., M. Walsh, A. Roy, C. M. Bianchetti & G. Merchan. 2011. The potential of Thelypteris palustris and Asparagus sprengeri in phytoremediation of arsenic contamination. International Journal of Phytoremediation 13(2): 177-184. 27. Anthelme, F., A. Abdoulkader & R. Viane. 2011. Are ferns in arid environments underestimated? Contribution from the Saharan Mountains. Journal of Arid Environments 75(6): 516-523. 28. Antony, R. & N. Mohanan. 2011. Metathelypteris flaccida
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