<* 0 I llth Year No. 20 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 2 SECTIONS-26 PAGES 10 CENTS CLINTON COUNTY Traffic deaths Labor Day weekend Since Jan. 1- 12 crashes in county This time last year: 7 leave 1 dead, 10 hurt High speed was blamed for an Meridian Road south of Alward Bloodmobile at early-Sunday accident which Road and hit a sign and fence. claimed the life of a St. Johns man, William E. Ike, 24, of 501 LATER SATURDAY morning, Ovid Sept. 15 Lambert Drive. Morris F. Noonan, 20, of R-3, The Red Cross Bloodmobile There were several other St. Johns lost control of his car will visit Ovid next Thursday, Labor Day weekend accidents on West High Street east of Hol- Sept. 15, to serve blood donors around the county which result­ lister Road in Ovid and the car from both the Ovid and Elsie ed in injuries. went Into a ditch. He'and two areas. Tentative arrangements Mr Ike died at 3 a.m. Monday passengers were unhurt. are for the bloodmobile, to beset in Sparrow Hospital in Lansing. Robert R. Begley Sr., 34, of up at the Memorial Hall in Ovid He was Clinton County's 12th Northridgeville, Ohio, and Wil­ from, noon to 6 p.m. traffic fatality of 1966. liam E.'Cummings, 54, of Jack­ Mrs Earl Slagh of Elsie and son were drivers of two autos Mrs Ada Wittenberg of Ovid are THE ACCIDENT occurred which collided Monday evening chairmen from their respective about 5:30 a.m. Sunday on Price in the homebound rush on US-27. areas. Road a quarter mile west of Begley reportedly stopped for a Williams Road, Mr Ike's west-, car making a left turn from the Sixteen pints of A-positive passing lane, and he was struck blood will be drawn for open bound auto left the road, barely missed a large tree, and then in the rear by Cummings' auto. heart surgery the next day in No one was hurt. Ann Arbor. The 16 pints must rolled three times into a corn­ be collected by 2:30 p.m. field. Another US-27 acci<jent Mon­ He was thrown out of the con­ day afternoon about2;30 resulted WILLIAM E. IKE In injuries, and a ticket for one vertible. He was taken to Clin­ Latest Traffic Victim Churches continue ton Memorial Hospital and trans­ of the drivers. union services ferred later that morning to the air over a driveway where Sparrow. , it entered the cornfield. It roll­ A CAR DRIVEN by Lloyd'C. The Bingham and Bengal EUB Sheriff's deputy Ramon Ter- ed through the field a total of Clark, 39, of 408 N. East Street, Churches will continue to hold pening said measurements of 93 feet before stopping upright. Ovid, was crossing US-27 atHyde their 0 a.m. worship service and skid marks showed Mr Ike's car Mr Ike was thrown out about 33 Road when it was hit in the right Sunday School together for four was in trouble nearly a hundred feet from where the auto stopped. rear by one driven on US-27 more weeks. This action was yards east of where it left the by Stanley J. Mudget, 46, of voted on at the combined Local road. Terpening said the car OBITUARY DETAILS can be 711 Spring Street, St. Johns. Council meeting Wednesday, skidded 114 feet partially side­ found on Page A-9. , Mudget complained of pains; Aug. 31. The Sept. H and 18 ways, 90 feet on the south side Six persons were injured in Clark and his daughter, Jerry services will be at Bingham of the road, another 93 feet side­ a two-car collisionFriday morn­ ' Ann, suffered bruises and his Church and Sept. 25 and Oct. ways across the road, 45 feet ing at Lowell and Jason roads wife and daughter, Judy, com­ Earth's "1 moons," as seen from courthouse lawn 2 at Bengal Church. Rally Day through a ditch where it Just in Riley Township. Two were plained of pains. Clark was for both churches will be Oct. 0. missed a tree, 18 feet through still In Clinton Memorial Hos­ ticketed for.failure to yield the right-of-way.. , ~. - - In -a.time of flyi-n-g-s-au&er reports, -this-pictaxe.yiTiiglit at first give the. impression _, ,h *** ^v-">^Vl'HV WiS'"^ """ ' ^t—4*Cl *-*•—*•* pital JTjiesday morning, .both ,re- of a whole flight of UFOs. Actually each one of the objects "flying1? past the dome of P*orted in "fair* condition. They were Fred Hopp, 76, of the Clinton, County- Courthouse is the moon.- Seven exposures on a single_frame of film * Ovid-Elsie vote R-4, St. Johns, one of the over a period' of an hour traced the moon's path across the sky. Clinton County News drivers, and Frank Farias, 15, a passenger in the other car in­ Editor Lowell Rinker gave the picture an exposure of 10 seconds at f/8 every 10 volved. minutes. The picture was taken Friday evening when the moon "Was about three-quarters on new millage Treated and released from the hospital Friday were Louis full, although it appears full here. Farias, 18, the driver' of the other car, and passengers Mike set Monday Villareal, 18, Carlos Villareal, 14, and "Richard Villareal, 15. , OVID — Ovid - Elsie Area Ovid High. School building for All six of the injured people Schools District voters will head those in the former Ovid district. lived on R-4, St. Johns. to the polls Monday to decide There Is only one other way on a school board request for four to raise the necessary operating SHERIFF'S OFFICERS said additional mills for operational money, but it would only delay Hopp was going west on Jason purposes. and increase the amount Road and Farias south on Lowell The millage-is needed to needed from the district voters, Road when the cars hit in the balance the budget for the com­ officials pointed out. That would middle of the intersection. ing year, the board says. It be to borrow the funds against About 4:30 p.m. Friday, two would bring in $100,444 based future tax levies for operation. cars collided on Watson Road on the present valuation of the "Quite apparently, such bor­ south of Hall Road in Duplain • district.' rowing would not only cost more Township. A car driven by Sadie GOERGE GAVENDA School officials said analysis because of Interest charges, but Ann Treat, 80, of Watson Road, of the financial situation com­ it would also mean that future R-6 St. Johns, reportedly came pared to last year shows ^an . operating millage would need to out of a driveway in front of anticipated increase in operat­ be even higher In order to repay a northbound car driven by Earl Gavenda heads ing expenses of about $175,000 funds .borrowed for the operation Greenwood, 75, of 411 E. Steel and an , increase in state aid of the district during the 1966- Street, St. Johns. No one was revenues of only about $70,000. 67 school year," the school board Injured, Clinton DAY said. About 9:50 a.m. Saturday, George Gavenda has been SCHOOL POLLING places are Richard L Rewerts, 24, of R~l> elected commander of Clinton Elsie High School for .voters in - THE VOTE ON the operational Elsie\ escaped injury when he County Chapter No. 64, Disabled the old Elsie district and the millage is more significant than fell asleep and his car went off American Veterans, for the com­ former Bannister district; and on a bond issue, Supt. Robert ing year. Beauchamp pointed out. DeWitt recount Other officers are: Paul J. * "In a building program, re­ Vltek, senior vice commander; I Your Discards |i fusal of future bonding proposals, shows no errors Lyle Silvernail, junior vice com­ would only mean that new build­ mander; Merle Carpenter, trea­ •y. c-i ings or repair programs would A recount of local ballots In surer; Hubert Hilton, executive I May Be g not be started. Operational mil- the DeWitt Township primary committeeman; George Gavenda, 'lage, though, since it is used Aug. 2 turned up absolutely no alternate committeeman; Hubert | „ Someone Else's | for daily expenditures, is nec­ changes in the totals, County Hilton, chaplain; Timothy Green, | "Delight | essary. Turning down a millage Clerk Paul' Wakefield reported Veterans Trust Fund for Clin­ Issue doesn't turn down the ex­ last Wednesday. ton County; Paul J. Vltek, mem­ Ballots for supervisor, trea­ 1 Sell them with >• •:•: penses of operating a school- ber of the Veterans Memorial maintenance, salaries, bus surer and trustee were recount­ Building board; Lyle Silvernail, | LOW COST | transportation, etc. They con­ ed, Wakefield said his count coin­ auditor for the board from DAV. tinue." cided exactly with that of the of­ r | Clinton County News j| The largest part of the in­ ficial, canvass report made, shortly after the election. COMMANDER Gavenda made crease in proposed expenditures the foUowlng post appointments: this year is for teacher salaries In Uie supervisor race, Regi­ ' | WANT ADS | nald Nelson maintained his 17- Carl G. Light, adjutant; Calvin and additional teachers for new Balcom and Carl G. Light, ser­ $ NEWS WANT ADS SELL Ev* $i additions to the curriculum. vote margin over Incumbent Oli­ •X erylhing from A to Z . and .;.; ver Angell, and Ronald Zeeb won vice officers; Calvin Balcom, •X that's just the beginning! You X; over Williani A, Johns for trea­ employment and child welfare; •X can sell hundreds of different & "IT IS IMPORTANT to be cer­ Hubert Hilton, officers for the '•<:• items through News Want Ads.
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