Vol. 23, No. 10 – October 2019 PRSRT STD P.O. Box 70, Millstone, N.J. 08510 ECRWSS A Monthly Periodical Serving Greenbriar at Whittingham U.S. Postage PAID EDDM Retail Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 PRESENTED BY THE RESIDENTS CIVIC CLUB OF GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM — WHOA Update — The Brandeis Brief By Ben Baum REPORT-Jamie Cullen, Prop- Whittingham By Joan Freeman The following is a summary erty Manager, shared that it is Jamie indicated that wher- Those of us who attended of the August 19 WHOA Open time to renovate the indoor ever trees were removed re- the GW Residents Civic Club Workshop Meeting: pool. An engineer will be en- seeding has occurred. All tree recently were treated to a lec- TOWNE CENTRE-Monica gaged to develop a proposal to work that was scheduled has ture by Philip S. Carchman, Caterson, Recreation Man- ascertain what needs to be been completed. Dead shrubs Senior Judge of the NJ Supe- ager, stated that there are few done. The outdoor pool re- are being removed. Sandra rior Court, Appellate Division. problems in the Towne Centre; quires resurfacing that will be Cohen said that the geese Judge Carchman graduated the only problem being the done in early spring, 2020. have been eating the seeds. from the Wharton School of gym ceiling. Sandra Cohen in- Both pool projects will be ad- The dogs have been sent to the University of Pennsylvania quired as to whether the same dressed using Capital reserve Winthrop Road to curtail the and obtained his law degree cleaning products are being funds. The tennis and pickle- geese from eating the seeds. from the University of Pennsyl- utilized all around. Monica in- ball courts were to be repaired Joe Paone, painter, began vania Law School. He has dicated that the same products the week of August 19. An en- painting the back and front served in every judicial posi- are being used; however, the gineer’s report will be forth- manor doors. He’s also paint- tion in New Jersey including overnight crew who are pre- coming as to when these ing the moldings on the manor temporary assignments to the sent three nights a week may courts require reconstruction. buildings (Needless to say the Supreme Court. He has au- use different products. Monica It was announced that the painting projects have been thored over 1200 written opin- Philip S. Carchman, Senior is investigating what they use. shuffleboard courts are ready delayed by the many rainy ions. Judge of the NJ Superior The contracted overnight for use. An email was sent out days we’ve had this summer). Judge Carchman titled his Court, Appellate Division cleaners clean the locker by Jamie providing instructions This year many driveways and talk. “The Brandeis Brief” - rooms, gym, the floors and the for shuffleboard use and to en- common driveways will be How Louis Brandeis Changed gym machines. courage residents to utilize the completed; a reflection of the Decision Making in the Su- fragile anatomy and weaker PROPERTY MANAGER’S courts. recommendations in the engi- preme Court. Louis Brandeis muscles He used social sci- neer’s report. The Board voted was born in Louisville Ken- ence to support his argument. to adapt the trash rules so that tucky in 1856. He received his Judge Carchman mentioned garbage and recycling toters law degree from Harvard Uni- several other cases that Meet Carolyn Marks may be placed at the curb at 5 versity and was reputed to showed how social science By Joan Freeman become one. I entered Carolyn pm or later the day before pick have earned the highest became more important than Many of us have experi- Mark’s home and saw a petite -up. Barbara Rachbuch stated grades in his class. President legal briefs in winning cases. enced the thrill of going to lovely looking woman in great that the spraying for nutsedge Wilson nominated him to the In 1951 a Class Action in New York City to see the fa- shape. She told me that she didn’t seem to be working. Ja- Supreme Court in 1916. He Topeka Kansas 13 parents mous Rockettes perform their began dancing at the age of mie shared that to be effective, did not need to appear before called for schools to cease precision dance routines at three, and still loves it. She several sprayings are needed; the Senate at that time. He “separate but equal” schooling Radio City Music Hall. We took Tap, and Modern Dance therefore, more spraying oc- served until 1939. in the state because it made were awed by their incredible lessons at a small studio in curred after the meeting. A legal brief is a written ar- Black students feel inferior and performance and wondered Irvington NJ, close to where Committee Reports gument relying on other similar often had the most poorly how they could synchronize she lived, and each year be- BUDGET AND FINANCE- cases. In a case finding that trained teachers and fewer their movements so perfectly. came more involved. By the Shawn Swanger, Controller, women should work no more opportunities for sports or mu- I recently learned that a for- time she was a teenager, said the committee reviewed than 10 hours a day, Brandeis sic and arts. It often necessi- mer Rockette is one of our when her teacher hurt her the latest update of the finance filed a brief that was 100 tated students to travel far neighbors here in Greenbriar knees, Carolyn was able to department’s computer sys- pages long in which only two from their neighborhoods to and I was encouraged to inter- teach all the Tap classes and tem. The department is now were legal arguments. The get to the segregated schools. view her so that we can better still continue her Ballet lessons ready to run reports using the remainder described the dan- In an experiment, white and understand what it takes to (Continued on page 2) new system. The homeowner gers to women’s’ health, prob- black dolls were shown to a portals are being tested and a lems with backaches, head- group of children who were final date will be set by the end aches, and other physical ail- asked to choose which they of August. ments. He cited their more (Continued on page 2) There will also be a paper version for those who do not use computers. BUILDING AND GROUNDS CANDIDATES FOR –Tom Garrucio stated the committee inspected the lawns LOCAL OFFICE and the main issues they found were ruts in the grass. IN MONROE TOWNSHIP Barbara Rachbuch suggested that the irrigation heads should MAYOR be adjusted to hit the planting beds to water the plants. Ja- (D)GERALD W. TAMBURRO (R)CHARLES DIPIERRO mie explained that that adjust- ment cannot be made because TOWN COUNCIL AT LARGE the irrigation system is for the (D)Stephen Dalina (R)David Rothman turf only. Miriam Cohen, (D)Miriam Cohen (R)Peter LoPresti WHOA President, said she has driven through Whitting- BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE ham and thought it looked very pretty. RESIDENTS CIVIC CLUB COVENANTS COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 -Ben Baum reported that the committee met with a resident 2:00 PM IN THE BALLROOM who was appealing a suspen- sion from the pool for 30 days A CHANCE TO MEET ONE-ON-ONE because the resident refused to leave the pool as the life- ALL RESIDENTS ARE WELCOME guard instructed during a thun- REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED The Rockette among us (Continued on page 2) OCTOBER 2019 – PAGE 2 GREENBRIAR AT WHITTINGHAM VOICE A Big Change Being Considered WHOA Update for Greenbriar at Whittingham (Continued from page 1) LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE- TOWNE CENTRE COM- The structure of govern- ings to understand what is derstorm. The committee Sandra Cohen reported that MITTEE-Eileen Birnbaum said ance of Greenbriar at Whit- going on in our united com- voted to keep the 30 days sus- everyone on the committee a significant portion of the tingham was cobbled to- munity. At a recent joint pension and impose a fine. was happy with how the com- committee’s discussion related gether many years ago. After meeting, we were encour- ENTERTAINMENT COM- munity looks. At the Prospect to the gym and the need for the failure of the first devel- aged to see a large number of MITTEE-Rita Pearlman re- Plains Entrance some older new equipment. Ongoing oper, we ended up with a Whittingham and Greenbriar ported that the August 17 Neil shrubs are being removed. problems with the TV were new management concept residents ask questions of Berg’s 50 years of Rock and The committee also discussed also shared. The repainting of which led to an unnecessarily both boards sitting and work- Roll Part II was enthusiasti- proposed mum colors for the the indoor pool back wall was complicated and confusing ing together. We are all part cally received by the 740 resi- fall. addressed but that is a moot form of governance. of one community. dents that were present. STORM WATER MANAGE- point since the indoor pool is The Greenbriar at Whitting- We are hopeful that you Monica stated that the atten- MENT-Miriam Cohen reported scheduled to be redone in ham Community Association have read this article regard- dance at our shows has been that the committee has been 2020. A brief committee dis- and the Whittingham Home- ing our UNITY NOW pro- adversely affected because discussing goose control on cussion occurred about the owner’s Association support posal. Join us for our next the other communities have the golf course fairways.
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