Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar Internal Medicine Faculty Research 6-14-2018 Urinothorax Caused by Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Waiel Abusnina Hazim Bukamur Zeynep C. Koc Follow this and additional works at: https://mds.marshall.edu/int_med Part of the Internal Medicine Commons, Nephrology Commons, and the Urology Commons Hindawi Case Reports in Pulmonology Volume 2018, Article ID 7976839, 3 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7976839 Case Report Urinothorax Caused by Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis Waiel Abusnina ,1 Hazim Bukamur,2 Zeynep Koc,3 Fauzi Najar,3 Nancy Munn,2,4 andFuadZeid 2 1 Department of Internal Medicine, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25701, USA 2Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25701, USA 3Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25701, USA 4VeteransAfairsMedicalCenter,Huntington,WestVirginia25704,USA Correspondence should be addressed to Waiel Abusnina; [email protected] Received 9 April 2018; Accepted 28 May 2018; Published 14 June 2018 Academic Editor: Inger F. Oey Copyright © 2018 Waiel Abusnina et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is a rare form of chronic pyelonephritis that generally aficts middle-aged women with a history of recurrent urinary tract infections. Its pathogenesis generally involves calculus obstructive uropathy and its histopathology is characterized by replacement of the renal parenchyma with lipid flled macrophages. Tis ofen manifests as an enlarged, nonfunctioning kidney that may be complicated by abscess or fstula. Tis case details the frst reported case of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis complicated by urinothorax, which resolved on follow-up chest X-ray afer robot-assisted nephrectomy. 1. Introduction admitted to the hospital with history of dyspnea, fever, cough, and abdominal pain for 4 days. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is an uncom- Prior to this admission, the patient presented to urology mon but distinct form of chronic infective pyelonephritis that with recurrent UTIs and was determined to have a lef typically presents in a woman in her ffh or sixth decade staghorn renal calculus. Recommendations were for the of life with abdominal pain, fever, palpable mass, anorexia, patient to undergo surgical removal of the stone; however weight loss, hematuria, dysuria, and a persistent urinary tract the patient refused due to risk of complications associated infection that is resistant to antimicrobial therapy. Diagnosis with her obesity. Up until this admission, the patient had of XGP is initially made radiographically with histopatholog- experienced numerous UTIs, most with multidrug resistant ical confrmation. Histopathologically, XGP is characterized bacteria, and had undergone multiple courses of antibiotics. by replacement of renal parenchyma with granulomatous On examination, the patient was dyspneic. Te temper- tissue composed of lipid-laden macrophages [1, 2]. Treatment aturewas100.6F,thepulse105beatsperminute,theblood generally consists of a combination of surgery and antibiotics pressure 107/57 mmHg, the respiratory rate 20 per minute, [3, 4]. Complications of XGP most commonly include abscess and the oxygen saturation 100% on room air. Complete or fstula formation [5]. Te following case examines the frst blood count was signifcant for a white cell count of 5.8 x 3 known reported case of urinothorax as a complication of 10 per �L. Comprehensive metabolic panel was signifcant XGP. for creatinine 0.76 mg/dL, lactate dehydrogenase 249 IU/L, albumin 3.3 g/dL, and total protein 6.7 g/dL. Chest X-ray 2. Case Presentation (CXR) showed a large lef sided pleural efusion with no consolidation (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)). Computed tomography A 36-year-old woman with a history of obesity, hypertension, (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis showed an enlarged lef anxiety, and recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) was kidney with lef staghorn calculus in the middle and lower 2 Case Reports in Pulmonology (a) A chest X-ray of the chest showing lef side pleural (b) A CT scan of the chest showing pleural efusion efusion (arrow) Figure 1 (a) A CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis showing a (b) A CT scan of the abdomen and an enlarged lef kidney with appearance suggestive of pelvis showing a an enlarged lef xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (arrow) kidney with appearance suggestive of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (arrow) Figure 2 portions of the kidney with an appearance suggestive of 3. Discussion xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)). At this time, a diagnostic thoracentesis was performed yield- Pleural efusion is defned as the accumulation of fuid in ing lactate dehydrogenase 656 IU/L, total protein 4.5 g/dL, the pleural cavity and is classifed as either exudative or amylase 30 U/L, triglycerides 50 mg/dL,, glucose 105 mg/dL, transudative. Causes are numerous, with diferentials based pH 7.56, and creatinine 0.8 mg/dL. Cultures and cytology of upon the combination of pleural fuid characteristics and pleural fuid were negative. Pleural fuid was determined to clinical presentation. Some causes, such as pelvic tumors, be exudative by Light’s criteria as the lactate dehydrogenase pancreatitis, and carcinoma of the pancreas, are associated was found to be greater than two-thirds the upper limits of with pleural efusion without direct extension to lung tissues. our laboratory’s normal value [6]. Urine cultures obtained In this case, the source of the pleural efusion was determined grew extended spectrum beta-lactamase Escherichia coli and to be xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP), making it the patient was started on appropriate antibiotic treatment. the frst reported case of urinothorax (UT) secondary to XGP. Urology service was consulted. Arareandunusualcauseofpleuralefusion,UT, Afer obtaining a nuclear medicine renal scan with intra- describes the phenomenon of urine in the pleural space. venous technetium 99m MAG3 showing signifcant decrease Initially described by Corriere et al. in their 1968 study of in lef kidney function, the urology consultant recommended ureteral obstruction in dogs, UT in human patients has been and performed a robot-assisted nephrectomy. Tere was described as a rare complication of bilateral urinary obstruc- no fstula into the hemithorax identifed at the time of tion or trauma to the urinary tract [7]. Te diagnosis of nephrectomy. Following this, the patient had a complete UT requires a diagnostic thoracentesis demonstrating pleural resolution of the urinothorax with no evidence of recurrence fuid with an average pleural fuid-to-serum creatinine ratio on follow-up CXR. > 1.00 [8, 9]. UT fuid is generally straw-colored and has the Case Reports in Pulmonology 3 distinctive smell of urine. Generally, fuid is characterized as [2] S. Siddappa, K. Ramprasad, and M. K. Muddegowda, “Xan- transudative by Light’s criteria, that is, containing low protein thogranulomatous pyelonephritis: a retrospective review of 16 and low lactate dehydrogenase [6, 10, 11]. In this case of cases,” Korean Journal of Urology,vol.52,no.6,pp.421–424, UT, however, the pleural fuid-to-serum creatinine ratio was 2011. >1whilethefuidwascharacterizedasexudativeduetoits [3]W.D.Craig,U.S.N.B.J.Wagner,andD.Mark,“Fromthe elevated lactate dehydrogenase. 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Te pathogenesis of transdiaphrag- Jr., “Pleural efusions: the diagnostic separation of transudates and exudates.,” Annals of Internal Medicine,vol.77,no.4,pp. matic extravasation of urine is currently unclear; however 507–513, 1972. many mechanisms, including drainage through the lymphatic [7] J.N.CorriereJr.,W.T.Miller,andJ.J.Murphy,“Hydronephrosis system and high pressure through the peritoneal cavity, have as a cause of pleural efusion.,” Radiology,vol.90,no.1,pp.79– been proposed [13]. 84, 1968. First described by Schlagenhaufer in 1916, XGP is a rare [8] B. Gurtner, “Urine in the wrong place: urothorax,” Schweiz- but serious type of chronic kidney infammation that can erische Rundschau fur Medizin Praxis,vol.83,no.2,pp.30–35, be life-threatening if not treated appropriately [14]. Cases 1994. generally present with women in their ffh to sixth decade of [9] E. Garcia-Pachon and I. Padilla-Navas, “Urinothorax: Case life presenting with
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