490 COXGRESSIO~ AL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 12 to that etrect, and, if continued or revived, will have all its original McKellar Overlll1ln Smith Tyson power . This being so, and the Senate being a continuing body, the McMaster Pittman / Steck Wugner McNary Ransdell Stephens Walsh, Mass. case can not be said to have become moot in the ordinary sense. l\Iayfielu Reed, Mo. Swanson Wh~>eler Neely Shepparu Thomas Willis That settles this question; and I am ready to vote on the Norbeck Shipsteart Trammell resolution. Nye Simmons Tyding:;; I ask for the yeas and nays. N.AYS-21 Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana. Mr. President, I o.::hould like to Bingham Hale PinE' ~tE>1wer a:-;k the Senator from Missouri one question about the last Blease Keyes Reed, Pa. WarrE>n Denet'n l\Ietcnlf Robinson, Ind. Waterman paragraph in the re~olution, particularly with reference to this :Edge l\IORE'S Schall language-- Gillett Oddie 8hortridge Gould Phipps Smoot shall continue to execute the direction of the said several resolutions ~OT YOTIXG-15 relating to the saiU committee until the Senate accepts or rejects the Cmti Glass J"ones, N. ~le:s:. ~aekett final report of the said special committee or otherwise orders. Dale Goouing McLean Wulsh, ~Jout. duPont Greene Norris Watson I assume that ha · reference to the committee's final rE>port Fess Hawes . Robinson, Ark. on elections held last year. That has nothing to do with any So Senate Resolution 10 was·agreed to. elections which ma:r be held during 1928, for instance? Mr. REED of 1\Iis::::ouri. Oh. no. · Tlle committee has no URGENT DEFICIENCY APPROPRIATIO~S thought of going into th<>se elections, as far as I know; but the Mr. JONES of Wa~hington. Mr. President. I do not see the language speaks for itself, and I think what it means is senior Senator from Wyoming [Mr. WARREN] in the Chamber, perfectly plain. and I understand the Senate will not be given an opportunity Mr. ROBINSO~ of Indiana. The point I am getting at is to tnke up the urgent deficiency appropriation uill to-day. this: Next year 32 Members of the Senate are to be elected. 1\lr. 1\IcKELLAR. The senior Senator from 1\Ii issippi [Mt·. Mr. REED of MiSS(lU!'i. Doe the Senator mean are we going HARRISON] said somethiug about wanting the uill to go over, io in\estigate the 1928 elections? but I do not know whether· he still has that idea or not. Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana. That is precisely it. l\fr. JONES of Washington. I tmderstand the Senator from Mr. REED of Mis;·ouri. I certainly am not, unless the Senate Mississippi desires that the bill go over until to-morrow. hereafter commands me to do .._o by another resolution; and I Mr·. HARRISON'. I wantE>d to read it. At the time it. was hope I shall neYer have to inve!:!tigate any election anywhere presented thi. morning I had not 1·ead it. I have done o ~ince again. then, and if the Senate wnnts to proceed with it now I ~ hall I call for the yeas and nay~ on the adoption of the resolution. not interpo~e nn objection. The yeas and nay;.; were ordered, and the Chief Clerk pro­ 1\Ir. CURTIS. I tmderstand that the juniot· Senator from ceeded to call the roll. Utah [Mr. KINO] will object to the consideration of the urgent Mr. GLASS (when his name was called). I have a general deficiency appropriation bill to-day. pair with the senior Senator from Connecticut [Mr. MoLEAx]. 1\Ir. SMiTH. l\Ir. President, unle ~ there is se1ious objection t;ntil I find whether or not he will vote I withhold my vote. to taking up that hill, I would be glad to ha\e the Senate pro­ Mr. BRATTON (when the name of 1\lr. JoxES of New Mexico ceed with its consideration thl· afternoon, if all the Senators was called). I have already announced tlmt my collengue [:Mr. interested are prepared to go on with it, uecause there are JoNES of New Mexico] is absent on account of iJlne~s. He is · .jucluded in that bill some matter" of importance which ought paired with the junior Senato1· from Idaho [Mr. GooDixG]. If to be di~cussed. ·my colleague were present, he would \Ote "~·ea" on this :Mr. CURTIS. I understand the junior Senator from Utah question. object.:, and want~ the bill to go over until to-morrow. If he Mr. SACKETT (when hi ~ name was called). I have a gen­ objects, under the rule it must go O\er. eral pair with the junior Senator from Mis ~ouri [Mr. HAwES]. The PRESIDING OFFICER (1\Ir. OnniE in the chair). Ob­ Not having been informed how he would vote on thi question, jection being mnde, under the rule the bill wm go oyer until I withhold my vote. to-morrow. The roll call wa · concluded. EXECUTI\E SESSIOX 1\lr. FLETCHER. I have a geneTal pair with the junior Sen­ 1\Ir. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the consid­ .. ator from Delaware [l\Ir. DU PONT]. whicll I transfer to the eration of executive business. senior Senator from Montana [Mr. WALSH], and will \Ote. I The motion was agreed to, and the Senate proceedell to the vote "yea." consideration of executi\e busines . After five minutes spent in l\1r. GLASS. I transfer my regular pair with the senior SE>n­ executiye session the doors were reopened; and the Senate (at ator ft·om Connecticut [Mr. McLEAX] to the junior Senator 1 o'clock and 55 minute p. m.) adjourned until to-morrow, from Massachusetts [Mr. WALSH] and will vote. I Yote "yea." Tue ~ dny, December 13, 1927, at 12 o"clock p1eridian. Mr. WILLIS. I note that my colleague [l\Ir. FEss] is un­ avoidably absent from the Senate. I am not definitely advised as to how he would \Ote if he were present, but it L my impre~­ NO::UIX..c\TIONS sion that if present he would \ote "nay." Exccuti!:e nominations 1·ecetvecl by tl!e Senate December 1Z, Mr. WALSH of Massachusetts entered the Chamber and 1921 voted " yea." 1\lEMBER OF UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD Mr. REED of Missouri. I desire to announce that my col­ league [Mr. HAWES] is necessarily absent from the Senate. If Albert H. Denton, of Kanr-:as, to ue a member of the United he were present, l1e would \Ote "yea." States Shipping Board for a term of six years from June 9, 1\lr. HOWELL. The senior Senator from NC'urnska [Mr. 19:!7. l\1EliBER OF THE BOARD OF l\IEDilTIO~ 11\oRRIS] is detained at his home by illness. I presume that he would \Ote "yea " upon this resolution. _ G. Wallace W. Hanger, of the District of Columbia, to be a 1\fr. GLASS. The junior Senator from 1\Iassachusetts [:Mr. member of the Board of Mediation created by section 4 of the "rAL H] having appeared in the Chamber since I made the railway labor act, approved 1\fay 20, 1926, for a term expiring h·ansfer to him, I ~hall have to withdraw my vote. fise years after January 1, 1928. 1\Ir. JONES of Washington. I desire to announce that the senior Senator from Kansas [Mr. CURTIS] is temporarily absent on official business. Ile is paired with the senior Senator from IIOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arkansas [Mr. ROBINSON]. ~loNDAY, Decembe-r 10, 19:1j7 I also desire to announce that the junior Senator from Idaho [":lir. GooDING] i ab-·ent on account of illne ~ s. He is paired The House met at 12 o'clock noon. with the senior Senator from New Mexico [1\Ir. Jo~Es]. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera :Montgomery, D. D., offered The result was announced-yeas 58, nays 21, as follows : the following prayer: YEAS-38 Our Father who art in heaven, our days are in Thine hnnds. Ashurst Broussard Ferris Hayden Do Thou give us the blessing of a sweet re. .Jgnation. Come Barkley Bruce Fleteher Hetlln Ra.vard Capper Frazier Ilowell to us and sweep aside the mist of error ; fortify our weakness Black Caraway George J"obnson and strengthen in all of us the whole orne sE>nse of personal Rlnine Copeland Gerry .Tones, Wash. worth and the joy of life. Help us to glory in the wonderful Borah Couzens Goff K<>nclrick Bratton Dill Harris King precepts o~ the Master, by whose invasion the world is to be Brookhart Edwat·d ·· Harrison Ln Pollette conquered, by whose presence the world is to be awed, by whose 1927 CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-HOUSE 491 rapture the world is to be thrilled, and by whose knees the Agri.culture.-Gllbert N. Haugen {chairman), of Iowa; Fred S. world is to bow. 0 may the knowledge of His truth wedge its Purnell, of Indiana ; Thomas S. Williams, of Illinois ; Chu.rles J. way into all our lives and may our feet press His highway. Thompson, of Ohio; John C. Ketcham, of Michigan; Thomas Han, or Amen. North Dakota; Harcourt J. Pratt, of New York; Franklin W. Fort, of New Jersey; Franklin Menges, of Pennsylmnia; .August H. Andresen, of The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, December 10, Minnesota; Charles .Adkins, of Illinoi ; John D. Clarke, of New York; 1927, was read and approved. Clifford R. Hope, of Kansa ; an<l Victor S. K. Houston, of Hawaii. SWEARING IN OF MEMBERS Banking and Cun·ency.-Louis T. McFadden (chairman), of Pennsyl­ Mr.
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