The original documents are located in Box D32, folder “Introducing Senator William E. Brock, Kent County Lincoln Day Dinner, Grand Rapids, MI, February 17, 1972” of the Ford Congressional Papers: Press Secretary and Speech File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. The Council donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box D32 of The Ford Congressional Papers: Press Secretary and Speech File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Remarks by Rep. Gerald R. Ford upon introducing Sen. William E. Brook at Kent County Lincoln Day Dinner, 7 p.m., Feb. 17, 1972, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ladies and gen&lemen, our speaker tonight is a man I have known~ade-­ ever si nee he first came to the U.S. House of Representatives at the opening of the 8°th Congre s=s. Bill ca100 to the House with an impre ~i ve background. He was a Ji"adua te of I Washington and Lee Universi~ in Eexihgton, Va. He had served in the Nav,y as an officer for three years. He was •-• a successful businessman, end he had been <>otive in many ..... civic, business and political organizations. He served with distinction in the House for four terms--and the people of Tennessee recognized his fine record as a lawmaker lit by electing him to the l United States Senate on Nov. 3, 1970. Bill Brock was easil:u one of the most outstanding members of the House during his tenure there, and he obviously is distinguishing hi~self in the Senate as well. Bill 1 s abilities have long been recognized. He was selected as the "Outstanding II 6 y II___ _ Young Republican in 19 3 and was named "Outstanding oung MQB of the Year'• by the Texme ssee •••• Jmhior Chamber of Collll18rce in 196.5. , Currently .. Sen. Brock is ' ' g ' g? · among those cho ffin by the Republican Party to I I Ml W do missionary "WOrk for the party among col1ege students. The reason is he is not only an attractive person in eve~ way but he speaks the language of youth. He "knows wl'ere it's at." Senl Brock is one Sleet,. guy--and I don't say that just bee aiSe he used to ' be vice-president of the ... Brock Candy Co. of Chattanooga. I give you one of the brightest young lights in the Republican Party today ••• the man of the evening ••• the man of the hour ••. Sen. Bill Brock of Tennessee. #11##1111 Remarks by Rep. Gerald R. Ford upon introducing Sen. William E. Brock at Kant CoWlty Lincoln Day Dinner, 7 p.m., Feb. J17, 1972, Grand Rapids, Mich. Ladies and genllleman, our speaker tonight is a man I have know~a;,· _ ever si. nee he first caT"''e to the U.S. House of 'Representatives at the opening of the 88th Congrfl S'l. Bill caroo t.o the House with an impre mive .ijaokground. He was a erad!.tate of Washington and lee University in lLexington, v;J He had a:trved in the Navy as an officer for three years. He was •-• a successful bu sineesman, md he had been ~ctive in many civtc, business and poli~tcal organizations. He sorved with distinction in th-: -~::-~and the people of Tennessee recopnized his fino record as n lawmaker Ill by electing him to the Uni tee States Senate on Nov. 31 1970. ' ·J Bill Brock was easilv one of the most out$~anding members of the House during his tenure there, and he obviously' is distiq;ut$hing himself in the Senate as l well. Bill 1 s ab111 ties have long been recognized. He was selected as thC3 "Outstancling Young Republican" in 1963 and was named "Outstanding Young M~ of the Year•••• by the Tenno sc;ee ••••• Jmhior Chamber of Commerce jn 1965. 14 ,, but he speaks the language of youth. He know& wb3re 1 t 's at. n ... Senl Brock is one tWeet guy-~an~ I don't say that just bectUse ha used to ' ~~ be vice-president or the ] S Broqk Candy Co. of Chattanooga. I •give you one of the brightest young ~i.ghts in the Republican Party tod~ ••• the man or the evening ••• the man of the hour ••• Sen. Bill Brock or Tennessee. ###### .
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