Bet h- El ' 60 1;1 Broad st. R. 1. Cl • Proy.idence' Attn : Mi ss ,p_i ncus Only Anglo-Jewish Newspap,, ··l~~::·1 The JeWi·sh Herald in !hode Island VOL. XXXVII, No. 39 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1952 PROVIDENCE, R. I . ' _ TWELVE PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY ' · GJC 'V-Da·y" -To Be Held Sub.day Morriirig Accepts Nation.al Award For GJC -'Ress Elected To National Board Workers to Meet at' J oseph W. Ress, a vice-president of the General J ewish Committee of Providence and an active leader Narragansett Hotel in local communal affairs, was elected a national member of the Rain or shine, snow or hail, the Board of Directors oJ. the Council community-wide GJC "D-Day" of Jewish Federations and Wel­ solicitation in behalf of the United fare• Funds at the 21st General J ewish Appeal will take place this Assembly held in Boston last Sunday morning, Nov. 30 as weekend. scheduled. J oseph K . Levy, "D-Day" chair­ The Council of J ewish Federa ­ man, said today that a series of tions and Welfare F unds is an organizational meetings in pre­ association of community organi­ paration for Sunday's canvass, z~tions, established to provide had "demonstrated unprecedel)ted central service and cooperative enthusiasm" and that · he was planning to advance constructive confident that a new high would J ewish communal service in the be reactred t h\s year. United States and Canada . His confidence was under ­ From the original 19 communi­ scored by the fact that the cam ­ ties in 1932, the Counctl has paign receipts to date-in the grown to 247 agencies-welfare form of both pledges and cash­ funds~ federations and comipunity are substantia,lly higher than last councils-serving almost 800 com­ year's total at a comparable point Arthur J. Levy {right), secretary of the Providence General munities. The GJC and the Woon• JOSEPH ·w. RESS in the drive. _ Jewish Comml_ttee, and chairman !)f its l'.ear Book editorial board, socket United J ewish Appeal are Sunday's canvass .will 6e limited is shown above being presented a Certificate of Award for the GJC and programs. • to those persons who are not toe member agencies of the Coun­ J ulian Freeman of Indianapolis by Aaron Riche of Los Angeles, chairman of the Exhibit Award Com­ cil from Rhode Island. listed on the rosters of the various mittee of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welf~re Funds. was re-elected president of the trade, industry and professional The GJC received the award for its latest year book, which was. The · General Assembly is the Council. groups that make up the General considered the "best individual 1952 year-round interpretation entry" annual meeting for the Council's Ress has long been active in the Je,vish Committee's Men's Divi­ in the country for communities the size of Providence. The a ward member agencies to determine the affairs of the GJC. He served in sion. was made at the 21st General Assembly of the Council of Jewish policies of the Council, to ex­ ·1949-1950 as chairman of the an­ Levy today especially appealed Federations and Welfare Funds, which took place In Boston last change experiences, and to defi1_1e nual fund-raising drives, and has to potential donors to be at home n weekend. ' majo1• Jewish welfare objectives also functioned in other capacities. until 12 noon on Sunday by which I time, he estimated, the solicita­ tion would be virtually completed. Institute Lecturer Key Workers in GJC's Your:19 Adult Division Campaign "Our voluntary solicitors are giving of their tjme and efforts to make the 1952 'D-Day' solicitation the most successful in GJC his­ tory- but you, the people who respond to their canvass, will de­ Iter mine the end results," he em­ phasized. "Sunday is the day when , I am confident, you will open your door and your heart"to the GJC worker who will ring your doorbell. In giving generously to the United · J ewish Appeal and more than 50 other local. national and oversea agencies. you are giving concrete expression of your concern for those Jews - ill-clothed, ·ill-fed and ill-sheltered-whose futur_!! happiness and security is so de­ pendent upon your gifts," Levy stressed. At the same time he announced the following list of "D-Day" captains who will spearhead next The Institute of Jewish Studies tor Adults of Temple · Emanuel Sunday's solicitation: Al fred Abrams, J oseph Ackerman , Ber­ continues on Wednesday, Dec. 3. nard Bell, Max Berman. Max A lecture entitled "The Modern Jew In Search for Himself" will Brodsky, David Cohen and Mau­ be delivered by Dr. Friedman, rice B. Cohen . Study courses begin at 7: 45 and Also, J . Fred Coleman, Milton the main lecture at 9:00 P. M. Pictured here are th e area chairmen and co-chairmen who tool< Dubinsky, Arthur Einstein, Char­ care of all organizational wor!< In the. succe5!lfUI one-day YAD general the framework"- of the objectives les J. Fox. Herman M. Feinstein, division drive which took place Sunday. Seated, left to right-Selma outlined in the resolution . Em­ George Glick, Leonard Golden­ Problems of Aged Heller, Marcia Rosenberg,, Sessile Mayberg, Mrs. Joslin Berry !all East phasis was placed on k'eeping the berg, J ames Goldman, Herman Side, Louise Berg and Donald Jacobs {both representing Cranston) . door open fot' efforts to bring Goldstein and Hyman Goodwin. On TV Sunday Stalnding-Danlel Cerel, North End; Bernard Klemer and Norma about such re-affiliation. Also, Nathan , Izeman , George Bearcovltch, Elmwood; Ruth Mermel and Cynthia Rose, South Provi­ This "shall in no way il'lvolv-e Katz,, Spencer Koch, Arthur Kor­ The problems or our aging dence. Not present were Helen Soll, South Providence; Bill Melzer, compulsion by the NCRAC or the man, Milton B. Levin, Solomon citizens will be dramatized in a North End, and Joe Markel, outlying districts. creation of the NCRAC as an Lightman, Sidney D. Long, David documentary program entitled Photo by Fred Kelman authoritarian body or infringe Meyers, B enjamin Pulner and "The Days 9/ Our Year s," to be upon the autonomy of NCRAC Sidney Rabinowitz. presented on WJAR-TV's weekly member agencies or the ir right of Also, Benton H . Rosen , Charles religious series, "Frontier s of CJFWF General Assembly dissent," the resolution declared. Salmanson , Milton Schoenberg, Faith," on Sunday, a t 11 A. M. It also stated that agencies voting H '!l r r y Stairman, William D. · The documentary telecast is pro­ In the minority should .have the Strong, Louis Strauss, Nathan dl.!ced under the auspices or The Takes Action On Major Problems right to net on their de~isions. Temkin, Samuel Wilk, Theodore Zenofsky and Coleman ZiQlmer­ J ewish Theological Seminary of BOSTON - Discussion and ac­ nlty rela tions programs, Inte­ Overseas and domestic needs America. man . tion on major problems facing grate planning Including logical were examined thoroughly at two Captains and workers, Levy ex­ Origina ting from the Kings­ American J ewry In 1953, marked and practical division of labor, discussions. Harold Glasser noted plained, wilt-assemble at 9 A. M. bridge House, a home for the aged the 21st annual Gene',jf'l Assembly strengthening of NCRAC as the that Israel had Initiated a new [or breakfast and brief instruc· located In the Bronx, the program of the Council of Jewish Federa­ instrument of voluntary. coopera­ program of financial and foreign tlons at the Narragansett Hotel. will show how the residents have tions and Welfare Funds which tion, and an improved system of exchange coµ trols · to assure a F ree parking facilities, adjoining found new friends, how they have concluded here. financing related to evaluation of sound basis for planntng its future the hotel, have been provided by solved the universal problem of A resolution adopted by the the needs aI the entire field. economic course. In addition, David and William Meyers for all loneliness and how they engage In delegates reaffirmed the objectives The resolution adopted by this other factors which wlli have a "D-Day" workers, Levy noted . useful and active lives, despite or the CJFWF resolution approved Assembly urged the American "profound effect upon Israel's their advanced years. The TV by the 1951 General Assembly In J ewish Committee and B'nai economy" are tl\e possibility of cameras will eavesdrop on the Chicago, a nd endorsed the action B'rlth to ''rejoin the cooperative early ratification by the West ''WORKERS AT THE occupational therapy rooms and Jiaken at the Atlantic City Plenum process which is the NCRAC," and German Government of the pay­ upon a rehearsal of the residents' of the National Community Rela­ instructed the CJFWF National­ ment agreement recently con­ CENTER" choir. tions Advtsory CoU)'lcll this Sept­ Local Relations Committee or a cluded between rep1·esentatlves of Second in the Series. The telecast is In recognition ember consistent with these ob­ special committee to "work with the two nations, the reduction of of the growth in the U. S. of the jectives. all of the national agencies and Immigration from an average of In this Issue number of aged, and the problems These objectives were: con ­ the NCRAC for the reestablish ­ 15,000 pe1·sons per month in 1951 On Page 9 - attached thereto. tinuous reassessment of commu- ment of full cooperation within to 1500 per month during 1952. ' -----, Editor's Mailbox In Playhouse Cost Editor: As an active and interested member of the Jewish-Community Center for about six years, I am very well a ware of th e tremendous strides that have been made, es­ pecially ' during the .
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