TBUaSDAY, NOVBMBEIl 11, 1985 PAGE 1. GBOIlGIA STATE SIGNAL Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma Victorious BF JACK. JOHNSON Kappa Sigma moved closer SIGMA NU-ABPl just as vicious and completely to the IFC crown last Sunday Sigma Nu downed a spirited handled the Pike offense. by clobbering Sigma Phi Ep- AEPi team by a score of 26-0. KAPPA SlG-SPB silon 49-0. This will set the The Snakes used numerous Kappa Sig tuned up for the stage for the Kappa Sig-Pi subs in beating the AEPi's. For Pikes with a 49-0 victory over Kappa Alpha game this Sun- AEPi it was the same old story, Sigma Phi Epsilon. SPE played day. The Pikes lost to Pi Kappa a good first half and a tired a good first half but Kappa Sig Phi 12-0 but played a rugged second half. When AEPi gets wore the SPE's down the second game on defense. some bench strength they will half scoring 35 points. be tough. GENE EPPS RUNS FOR KAPPA SIG I Games start at I :30 at Pied- Randy Mitchell of Sigma Phi Epsilon Cwes Ball Carrier PI KAP8-PlKBS mont Park. Basketball This was the game of the day as the Raiders of Pi Kappa Phi NEXT SUNDAY Kappa Al- pha Epsilon plays Alpha Ep- _--- RICHARDHYATT ~ Backboards defeated the Pi Kappa Alpha team 12-0. This match was silon Pi, Sigma Nu meets Sigma closer than the score indicates Phi Epsilon, and Kappa Sigma To Be Glass due to the good defense of the plays Pi Kappa Alpha for the What Does It Take In an effort to make the Pikes. The Raiders defense was IFC crown. court at O'Keefe High SChool gymnasium more playable, of- To Have A Winner? ficials at the high school and Whoever said that gathering ln1ormation for a weekly Georgia State College have column 11 an easy matter had better back up and explain him- joined to buy glass backboards self further, because I for one don't believe he's telling the for the gym-the ''home'' of the LEEDS MEN'S SHOP whole truth. Georgia State Panthers. Thinking back, I remember This pressure on the admin- Athletic Director F ran cis featuring writing about the purpose of istration is not one of coercion. Bridges, in making the an- thiI column, ''promoting school It's simply a matter of the stu- nouncement, said the new supported sporta." I remember dents and alumni showing the boards would make the site a H. I. S. - Levis - Puritan writing about the future of administration they care. When better location for intercolle- Sportswear - Arrow Shirts Georgia State athletics and can our students and alumni start giate basketball. recall telllng what our basket· caring and prove it by their "Most colleges are installing and many others ball tE.:un would have to work support, interest and enthusiam, the glass boards," Bridges said. with during the upcoming sea- then the administration will "When we get on the road we IOn. show its interest in a much play on this type of board and greater way. its been tough for our team to BUT FOil the life of me I When thll comes about, then adjust to the difference." couldn't think about what I the long-awaited winning sea- Bridges also said that other could say in thll week's column. sons can become a reality in- innovations and improvements You just can't write about the stead of a dream. would be made, with the c0- weather. I'm not a very opinion- So, the next time a student operation of O'Keefe otficllas, ated political thinker. And be- says, "Why don't we win?", as Georgia State tries to up- sides, none of these topics per- he should look around and ask grade Its temporary basketball tains to sporta. just what he and his friends home until a permanent home Finally, I realized what need- have done to help. is available. ed to be written. People around here think about thiI question Z CoDVeaient LoeatioDa: whenever sportI k mentioned at thillChool. 82 Cain ss, N. W. Across from Bus Station The question-''Why can't we ATTENTION and Ponce de Leon at Highland have a winDer?" OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 AN to thiI question Bulineu Students prepare now for a future in I would have to pose another LIFE INSURANCE SALES question-liDo you really know We will train you for a what it takes to build a wiD- CAREER ••• ner?" Tremendous Oppartunity - Learn and farn until To build a winDer, a school Grodvation - then full time status. fint must bave the pel'IOI1I1el. *•••••••••********•••* But I 1\1e11 u.. aD8WeI' Uea even CONTACT deeper. Before the pencmnel FALL JUt. FESTIVAL will come, the school must have Norman H. Diamond, C.L.U. an athletic department to at- tract them. And before the 161 Peachtree Street, N. E. - Suite 303 school can have a strong ath- Atlanta, Georgia 30303 letic department, it must have support from the school admln- Telephone: 523-7256 istration. The administration will give help when it 11 pres-' t----------------------..J lUred to help. This pressure usually comes from interested alumni and students. po~~ LUMNI E former stu- dents-right? So where does the i··"lc•., grass-roots answer lie? Where is the seed of a wiDnlng record in ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS OF sports fint nurtured? In the &; &; student body. STERLING GOLD CHARMS BRACELETS The adminJstration wants to (we are never undenolcl) help, but why should it help athletics when the students RAMHY LIWIS ~uu.. don't care? Our alumni would ~ AllULT WIUIAIU DUIIION be a proud bunch if our teams 20'0 ~!:REQULAR LOW PRICES AU SEATSIESEIVEI: $4"$3.5'-$3"S2.5I suddenly rose up to unbeaten TO GA. STATE STUDENTS TlClenl AYAILABLI ATa PMCIIAL-. __ ,1M _ It.,.. IALLII IIC_ IIIOP, records. Yet, as students they I ~ CAMIUIIIOP, 0aterlI -.... nil ~ IlOOII, FREE SOLDERING OF CHARMS --.. -,--.. ... never knew much about State's CHARGE IT! No interest ever. ... .,.......... ...--.. ...., ... athletics 10 why should they .................. Edaewood '!tart now? 7 Ave. at Five Points JA 4-3671 •••••*****••••••••.
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