CISCCONTENTONTENT:CONTENRTRREPORTEPORTEPORT CC ReviewОбзорОбзор of новостейaudiovisualновостей рынка content производства production and ии дистрибуциидистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоаудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента контента Media«»«MediaМ«»ÌЕДИÅÄÈ ResourcesА ResourcesÀРЕСУРСЫÐÅÑÓÐÑÛ МManagement ÌManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТÅÍÅÄÆÌÅÍÒ » № №121(9)№19, №213№2 April января, 1 July April, 30, 2014 201320122011 2012 тема FOCUSномераFOCUS DEARсловоDeAr COLLEAGUESColle редакциAguesи УжеWe areв первыеhappy to дни present нового you годаthe Aprilнам, issue редак of цtheии ПервыйLast autumn номер members Content of Russian Report association выходит ofв televiканун- We are happy to present you the July issue of the a short analysis of such territories as Azerbaijan, КИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й ContentCIS: Content Report, Report сразу whereстало понятно,we tried toчто gather в 2011 theм Старогоsion and movie Нового producers года, который chose Red (наконецто) Square Screen за- CIS: Content Report where we tried to gather the Georgia and Armenia. всеmost мы interesting будем усердно up-to-date и неустанно information трудиться. about rapidly За вершаетings as the чередуmost important праздников, industry поэтeventом of theу еще season. раз РЫН О К В КРАИН Е most interesting up-to-date information about rap- TV MARKETS: У : нимаясьdeveloping подготовкой content production первого andвыпуска distribution обзора mar но- хотимThe idea пожелать of the forum наши aimedм at подписчик showcasingа theм Russianв 2011 TV markeT in The idly developing content production and distribution ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я КА К востейkets of рынкаthe CIS производства region. As far asи аудиовизуальногmost of the locallyо Itгодуcinema has найтиbeen for 23the свой years international верный since the путь film collapse иcommunity след ofо USSR,вать belongs ему but с markets of the CIS region. As far as most of the local- UKRAINE, BELARUS, контентаproduced в seriesэтом годandу , TVмы movies с радостью are further обнаружили distrib-, allупорством,to whoYevgeny lived Gindilis or трудясь just was– Red не born Squareпокладая in that Screenings’ time рук are. У каждогexcited execu о- CauCasian CounTries ly produced series and TV movies are further distrib- ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д чтоuted даже and вbroadcast новогодние mainly праздники inside the р аCISбота territories, во мно toсвояtive hear director, дорога, about founder the но achievementsцель and уproducer нас одн of generallateа – compatriotsразвивать of Russian и GEORGIA, MOLDOVA uted and broadcast mainly inside the CIS territories, гихwe продакшнахpicked up the идет most полным interesting ходом, and а originalдальше, proj как- onулучшатьfilm the company international отечественный TVINDIE. film He market. is рынок.also Anda member Пinо 2013коням, of suchEuro го - РАЗВИТИ (27)Я (25) we picked up the most interesting and original proj- (23) говорится,ects with those станет script еще ideas больше. that Как have неоднократн internationalо anсподаpean achievement Film! Academy was (EFA). the Berlinale In an exclusive award for interview an out -to ects with those script-ideas that have international былоappeal отмечено, and may furtherвследствие travel кризиса abroad to основательн Europe, Asiaо standingCIS: Content artistic Report contribution he told about to achievements,Kazakh-German pri - appeal and may further travel abroad to Europe, Asia or the North America both as readymade product or dramaorities Harmonyand plans Lessons of his company directed and by Emirhis own Baigazin. as well измениласьor the North конъюнктура America both рынка,as readymade поменялась product ра orс formats. Besides there are a lot of full-length features Inas anabout exclusive the experience interview of internationalto CIS: ContentАртем coproduction. ВакалюReport к становкаformats. силBesides и возможностей, there are a lot поэтому of full-length работат fea-ь recently launched into production in Russia, Ukraine, Anna Katchko, producer of HarmonyГлавный Lessons, редакто told р действительноtures recently естьlaunched и будет into над production чем. Подтвержд in Russia,е интервью номера Kazakhstan and other CIS states that for sure may about the ways to get the attention of EuropeanContent Repor film- t ниемUkraine, тому Kazakhstan является количество and other собранногоCIS countries в это thatм And one more thing we’d like to remind you. Plan- have not only successful international distribution but makers, the co-production initiatives between Eu- (полупраздничном)for sure may have not номере only successfulматериала international. ning you business calendar for 2013 do not forget сергеINTERVIEWIntervй каратIаewев : also be the award winners and nominees of different rope, Russia and Kazakhstan, the cooperation with distribution but also be the award winners and nomi- to book time to visit the major event for televi- international film festivals. Despite large portion of in- international sales-agents, and her plans for future. «на данный момент Вnees сегодняшней of different internationalтеме film festivals. Along- sion and media professionals in the CIS region - formation on the new movies, shows and series you’ll annaеще о kстaаTCютсhko:я номераside large мы portion останови of information on the new movies, AndKIEV one MEDIA more thing WEEK we’d 201like to3, remindSeptember you. Planning 10-13, YEVGENY GINDILIS: also find the detailed report on the recent distribution лисьshows на and одной series из you’ll са also find the detailed report your2013. business Organized calendar by Mediafor 2014 Resources do not forget Manage to book - нераспроданные фильмы, deals. котоiрTHE doые б really WORKыли соз OF дlikeаны до мыхon theболезненных recent deals темof international distributors with timement to company,visit the major this eventunique for mediatelevision industry and media proj - films wiTh no отечественнойthe CIS partners. киноин professionalsect, one and in only the ofCIS a regionkind in - theKIEV CIS MEDIA and CentralWEEK кEUROPEANризиса» (31) дустрииIn our “Focus” – рынке we continueкино the cycle of articles dedi- 2014and ,Eastern September Europe 15-19, is a2014. one Organizedstop destination by Media for CulTural or театров.catedIn our to“Focus” theНа страницахcurrent we continue situation the oncycle TV ofmarkets articles of dedi the- Resourcesfive international Management media company, industry events.this unique media PRODUCERS CAN’T Contentpost-Sovietcated to Report the countries. current мы не situation The region on TVis developing markets of rap the- industry project, one and only of a kind in the CIS and Central and Eastern Europe is a one stop destination EVENT BEerri COMPAREDTorial однократноidlypost-Soviet both in termscountries.публико of its The TV region market is volumedeveloping and rap the- Please do not forget that we are here to валиnumberidly bothмнения of in players terms о том, ofon что itsit ledTV marketby such volume states andas Rus the- for the whole range of international media trade events. borders be your local source of information and TO THE ONE WE HAVE едваsia,number Ukraineли ofне players andосновной Kazakhstan. on it led by suchIn previous states as issue Russia, we analytics. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ проблемойfocusedUkraine onand TV Kazakhstan.(хотя markets эту of InTajikistan, this edition Uzbekistan we’ll provide and We wish a pleasant reading! TO DO(29) (25) темуKazakhstan, активно and поднима this time we’ll provide a short analy- ютsis все, of such кому territories не безраз as Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia We wish a pleasant reading! ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) личнаand Moldova. судьба нацио СЕРИАЛ (2) нального кинематогра фа), сдерживающей ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) развитие индустрии ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на постсоветском про АНContentsИМАЦИЯ (12) CONTENTS странстве, является ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) roduction (2) катастрофическая не PProduction: : (2) хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) erieS SSerie S(2) (2) нако рынок продолжа ет стремительно раз Д И СТР И Б TVУЦИЯ moV (ie15)S (9) TV moVieS (7) виваться. И если по TV ShowS (11) АДРЫ (20)TV ShowS (9) водов для оптимизма К FeaTure FilmS (13) FeaTure FilmS (11) относительно увеличе Т ЕЛЕdistributionПО КАЗ (21) (21) ния количества кино distribution (16) театров попрежнему inema istribution Т ЕХНОЛОГИИccinema d d (istribution22) не так много , то по Year 2013 внедрению совре ПРОYКearАТ В 2012 УКРАИНЕ (24) менных технологий за о in kraine (26) in u kraine (22) прошлый год имеются нк u О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве все основания для гор а focus (27) МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(23)Я (29) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо interview (29) леси С interview (25) браться, есть ли свет в О конце тоннеля?!. Рис. Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management. +380 (44) 459-4610; 22 Zakrevsky e-mail: St., [email protected] 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua production production production №19, July 2014 series ColleGe sTudenTs 4 Kazakh company b.a.s. Production started shooting the Producers: Akilbek Doszhanov. b.a.s. ProduCTion fourth season of 26-episode sitcom College students. Filming director: Ajgul Aksambieva. takes place in Almaty. The project is commissioned by Kazakh Cast: Saya Orazgalieva, Erkebu- nTk TV channel. lan Myrzabek, Rauan Murataliev, Ramis Kulahmetov, Asan Kirkaba- kov, Rauan Ramazanov. Synopsis: The main characters at last graduated
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