,. <tollege lll!leehlr VOL .- II. Haverford, Pa., April 4, 1910 N0.8 WEST FBILA. o: BAVER­ OUTSIDE PRACTICE BEGUN. i LECTURE NUIIIBER 1. FORD o. HAVERFORD ABROAD. L~sTEa, '96, AXD Htxc nMAXX, '00, lx H1 WAK>I W s F1ksT Aooa~ss Da. H AHRis l. ~ATJU! a SATUau.n ..... H ..: LP wrru CoACIIIXG. ri'AI. KS ON Hts NEWI,\' Dts- MAKKS SLOw Soc c ~Jt GA>t~. " I hnd ruther mukc 11 clcuu cut N>:rrJJ>:a T>:AM Ut• TO "l'hc tcnm which will go to Eng- CO\'ERt:o ]:tsAl.T•:a. I to the ropes thun knock nil the STAXDAIIO. i luild this summer is much better \\' I k ,-._-- .._ f tl home-runs in history !" I I I 1cn us et uy u mcmucr o tc , , . M._ i L'qUippcd for bowlers uru Ills u mulicncc nt his lecture lust 'l'hurs- 1 h_rs rcmurk \\"tcs oncv. "'lie heat Saturday m~dc to ufternoon 1hi g her clu>s of fi_ elder.,_ though · t I f tl 111e, JUst before un insrgmficant ma(lc... tile g c1 1t y mg1 1 w 1crc tc ouru 1c umc with West J>hilu- some".·lmt ·we11kcr 1 1 1 . 111 b11tbng t "'.n , · . f . tl . ll ut t.ch, by 1.1 gentleman not too lllUIHUiCflJ> 1 0 1liS TC<'CII .V l 1ISCO\'• 1 . • dclphill rnthor slow and with most the first teum lllllt went m·er m crc'<l Christian P snlter, J . lh•ndul you11g, of lute Homan urcln.tcc- of the team resting at times 11-196," was the t~nswcr of .J. A. llm·is gnl'C the following llnswcr: l nrc ; nnd I rnrdy gone mto hu•·~ Baily at goul was made to do Lester, '96, cnpturn of th11t t'enm, ··Ti.<chcnclur( snit! , when nske<l u,nmtch since ~nthout llllving more thlln un eleventh of the piny- when uskcd how he thought tl~at ~he where the mllnuscri >Is eolltnining sourul 111 my ;\n l r~'lll 1~1:k cur~. m- .ng. Adel e"! to the depressing team this ye11r compn.rcc.l ."'.1lh . I b d" 1. f -.grufkunt mulch, I suv; rt wns not . " 1us \ 'U uu le en me rom, I Scn I bent was un uneven n.~ r1cs • field, which those of the pnst, 11ml tlus Ollln H>Il ·From the <lust of nncicnt "' to t 1e gonllemun in quc• tion. CIIUsl'Cl the plllyors often to mis- 1111 ~·us g~vcn after he htul been work- monastery.' , The liS. from T rnc, wc' pluy,'CJ in 11 cow l'!l8ture; J·u,Jgc tltc ball, 111.1d this g11ve the mg wrtl1 the players for ncnrly n . I L•lunlly true, neither s ide scorc.l wh~t l>r • h . Hurr1• innde t re trnns- visitortc some t!'Xtru chances at week. lations is only four or Hll\ fi\'c lnuulrccl fi fty run~. Also, the uforcsuitJ ·crfo-l's goal, btit they "'ere He continued by saying, "I gcntlemnn wux denn buwk-.1 on the Ullllbl.. to.... 1 ycurs oJd. u.ntl he gn,·c it us 11is · •orcc it pust Buily for doubt whether tlw fellows.· who nrc " ""ond hull. (He rccei••cd the first a Score• bclid thut the originul f1·om which though they had a few, going to E;nglnnd apprecmtc wllllt in the chest.) But he look his go • this W1L< ropied is still in exist- od shots. theJ' ~ up aga_inst. They will "blob" with l t.'ll<'l' . such good humor mul Downing had one or two good meet emns IU£ Ch811 th~re whose 111 rcrs Tn the Bihli<·nl student Dr. fiel<!ed nfterwnnls with such ze.<t c"• which h e refused to take, hnvc been pl11ymg the gumc nil of , thnt I somehow suspected him· of ami ...... did the polite net Hnnis' lecture wns intensely inter- H~t•·erford their lives nnd then, too, it is much . t f tl . "t hetter <l11ys; in spite of the C\'i- 011 . I 1 by not c~ t mg: .o mos o 1e 1Uil 11rncc 1 scoring tl1eir unscoring h11rder for 11 tourmg tenm to P ny . II bo tl Ltt dcnce ng11inst him- s lu1bby cricket I I . t 1 1 opponents. Gheen in the t 1nn . I , wns c<·u cc y u \'C tc U\." c r d I b'- f forw~rd on.~ l1nt 1s o n 1ts uf lectures, urul even the co ' ~ m I lnss puny"'' . s 111 uy per ormance, . J d od game c11rrymg grounds me p 11ye a go • ""; · • . , blnsi· "rcc1uired" pnrt of tl1e uudi- I knew that my friend had at Ieaat the. bull down well and pussing Hmchnlllnn, Will be ut cn.-c iourul '0~, ~h~ it t.no clever to attempt once mndc n •·lcun •·ut to t he timely Cadbury played a otrong college nil of g tl•1s week helpmg If . 'I'I f ropes ; further, I knc"· thnl, 11ftcr · • · h 1 1 · C • 1 or 11 ame most of the time and Thomas ".'•1 ~cp eet ermu•. 1e proo h Denn~tt . t rc cone nng. np- f n G , k t lrnt, not ing merely munclnne ahowcd improvement over anytlung· · · 1 · 1 f 1 o r. ummerc s rcmnr ·, thnt bun Furuc~s 1s pus ung t 1e e - , H .. b . I c·ould s top him from plnying h · ·. 1 · , 1 · · 1 · 1 ·' 1r. nrns 1s t 11c r1g 1test man e hils done this season m rushmg ows nnt t 1cy nrc prac!lcmg Ulr< . cricket whenever and whcrc••cr he r I' ,. 1 D G · t 1mt e\'er cro... etl the AtlnntJc the ball down the field, though he on \' n fOI) J•te d. r. ummerc, got a chance. He luul hud his ex- failed d Occun. wus constun_tly in cviclctwc. to center it 11 few times by who is ?II the groun 11ncI k·nows pcrience; "directly thereupon be- . 1 · "tk "t holding on to it too David IllS I . • · · "t f Dr. Hnrris, chnructcristit•rtlly, b lot~. tIC sl uatlon, 18 qur e op ,_ tnltl of the mllnner by which he gnn to c n man." and he worked well together sev- mistic and gave the following us Isn't this relish of the gnmc, 11 I · · " I · "fi t discovere<l these old odes, by say- eral t imes nd foxed their oppo- us VIew: t IS a magna ccn op- with t h c spirtt. of loyalty which it > • • 1 f · ncnts. The less snit! about the portumty, wat 1 rur m11tcr111· 1, for ing this old mnnu•cript Clime to hrccds, llftcr nil, the 11 very essence other H vc.rford plnycrA bel- H l II 0\\'8 1 I him, mui, putting ih urmH nround the~ averfore fc lo • 10!" w ltll o f eric k·ct ?- "the little more, llltd 1 d f Tl 1 k his neck, askecl, " 'Why don't you ter. t rcy nrc goo or. tc out oo · translt~tc me?" The l\IS. hatI how much it is !" A mnn 11111y Outside right 11nd outside left is s11tisfactory." blunder in!_o n fine drive muy even for been in his librnry for •cvern West Philadelphia played l peroundc himself that i n snick is rings around the Haverford backs CRICKET yenrs, unci its grcnt •·nlue wns only a g )"u 1 e: b ut 11 c doesn't b rrng· o fF ...""ETING COIIIING clisco\•crcd by nccidcnt wlrCIJ l1e most of the time, but their backs """ · the single cut that beats all. the did WIIS picking not show much strength. Lack T uESDAY EvENING, APRIL liTH, out some mutter of the home-nms in history till he haa of good team work was quite prom.- IS DATE SET. ·s nmc clnss for the purpose of htu•- b cen imtutt· · cd, til1 1ac 11as pene- ing it bound. inent throughout most of the trated The cricket man.. gcmcnt is plan- These odes, to the inner mysteries- gnme. The line-up: sc•·cral of which WEST PBILA. only another way of saying that f!AVI!UOJlD. ning to have 11 meeting of alumni were rend, nrc of exceptional he has followed the three-fold lid­ Dougherty .... outside left .....Cadbu ry and uudergr11duatc cricketers on beauty nnd were evidently written McLeod .....•. .. inside left .... Downing Tuesday evening,. April lith, in nbout the time of Solomon; at any vice of the German McPt te ......center forward .....Gheen urmy officer: the interest of the\g11mc. Lupton ...•.....in ~ide right. ...... David rate, Solomon is given the credit "First, disciRiine; second, disci­ }.· McPere . ~.outside right ....Thomas Speeches· will be by several for having written pline; thircl,f'iscipline." Swallow .... ... left half-back ..... Smith Ji~de !Item. And the To play Bonn .........center bal£-bacl<: .. Young of the "old boys," nd a general addition of this early, Christian the game for all it is worth, to Hillocks ..... right half-back .....Allison good time;fest wil be had. H. book is one of the most valuable in bo~ uphill against ·l the wind with Grant. ..... .left full-back.. Lon(Streth Cope, Fisrhler ......... goat .. A. L. Bally, Jr. '69, will probably be the recent years. " cheerful countenance, to set in only absentee of the older fol- After the formul part of the Icc- motion perpetual zeal because he Referee, Bennett. Linesmen, Legud lowers of the !fame, The follow- ture was finished Dr. Harris in­ hns once cut to the ropes for four, and Cope.
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