Miridae (Insecta, Heteroptera) Preserved in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (FRG)

Miridae (Insecta, Heteroptera) Preserved in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (FRG)

Hamburg, November 1986 Mitt. hamb. zool. Mus. Inst. Band 8 S.243-335 ISSN 0072-9612 Dr. E. Wagner's entomological collection: Miridae (Insecta, Heteroptera) preserved in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (FRG) Jordi Ribes1* and Marta Goula21 Index Page Abstract 243 Zusammenfassung 243 Introduction 243 Catalogue of species 244 Annex 1: Private entomological collections mentioned in the text 299 Annex 2: Species thought to be in the Wagner's collection 299 Annex 3: Alphabetic index of genera, subgenera and species 300 Bibliography 324 Abstract A complete systematic and alphabetic list of the Miridae in Dr. E. Wagner's entomological collection is offered. Description data of Wagner's species are also included. Those species expected to be deposited in that collection, according to Wag ner's own indications, but in fact not stated in the files looked up, are also recorded (annex 2). Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit ist eine Liste der Taxa der Familie Miridae aus Dr. E. Wagners entomo logischer Sammlung, wie sie in der Kartei des Zoologischen Museums Hamburg aufge führt werden. Die Liste ist systematisch und alphabetisch geordnet. Ebenfalls sind Daten der Originalbeschreibungen einbegriffen. Die Arten, die nach Wagner in der Sammlung sein sollten, aber in der Kartei nicht zu finden sind, werden im Annex 2 aufgeführt. Introduction This paper presents the complete record of Dr. E. Wagner's rieh collection on Miridae (Insecta Heteroptera), preserved in the Zoologisches Museum Ham burg (FRG), according to the files kept there in November 1984. The catalogue is ordered systematically following Wagner 1970-1975 (R. 524, 525, 537) and Wagner & Weber 1978, but an alphabetic index is also provided. Names are 1) Dr. Jordi Ribes, Valencia 123, 08011 Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). 2) Dr. Marta Goula, Department de Zoologia, Fac. Biologia, Universität Barcelona, Dia- gnonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). 244 Jordi Ribes and Marta Goula those accepted at present, although they were not always so in the files looked up. In these cases, the original file entry is marked —». Many subgenera, on the other hand, were alphabetized independently and not in its genus. The Information concerning specific name, describer, total number of speci- mens and indications about the number and class of types belong to the files looked up (number of specimens was not always stated). Those numbers, in brackets after the year of description (for example: 7; 1 hol., 4 parat.), should be read as follows: 7, the number of total specimens, of which 1 is the holotype and 4 are paratypes. The rest was added by the authors, in an attempt of summariz- ing Wagner's descriptions of Miridae. Terms of types - most of them recently invalid - are in accordance with the original labeis written by E. Wagner. Abbreviation of author's names are used according to E. Wagner. Füll names of the authors see in Wagner 1970-1975 (R. 524, 525, 537). Description data were copied out directly from original works. As it will be seen, in some cases there is no agreement between information in the files and in Wagner's works concerning the destination of types. In some species, Wagner's synonimic description is given because it is suspected that the typical material of those synonymies is considered as typical material of the actual species. At the end of the work, those species which, following Wagner's indica tions, should be deposited in his own collection but were not recorded in the Museum files are listed (annex 2). We would like to thank Dr. H. Strümpel (Zoologisches Institut Hamburg) for his help to M. Goula while being there in November 1984, and for posterior kind help in order to publish this paper. Catalogue of species Family Miridae Hhn., 1831 Subfamily Bryocorinae Doug & Sc, 1865 1. Genus Monalocoris DahL, 1851 1. filicis (L., 1758) (12). 2. parvulus (Reut, 1881) (12). 2. Genus Bryocoris Fall., 1829 3. pteridis Fall., 1807 (19). Subfamily Deraeocorinae Doug. & Sc, 1865 Tribe Clivenemini Reut., 1876 3. Genus Bothynotus Fieb., 1864 4. pilosus (Bon., 1852) (11). Tribe Deraeocorini s. s. 4. Genus Platycapsus Reut., 1904 5. acaciae Reut., 1904 (1) (Egypt: Meadi, 9. 10. 1933 (Priesner leg.). All. (cO, coll. Wagner. Wagner 1963, R. 359). 5. Genus Deraeocoris Kirsch., 1856 Subgenus Deraeocoris s. s. 6. annulipes (H. S., 1845) (12). 7. brachialis Stal, 1858 (6). 8. cordiger (Hhn., 1834) (24). Hamburg, November 1986 Mitt. hamb. zool. Mus. Inst. Band 83 S.243-335 ISSN 0072-9612 Dr. E. Wagner's entomological collection: Miridae (Insecta, Heteroptera) preserved in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (FRG) JORDI RlBES and MARTA GOULA Errata Page Number It says It should say 253 221 weineri weidneri 261 430 cilicium cilicicum 264 503 Euryopiocoris Euryopicoris 264 g. 86 Euryopiocoris Euryopicoris 266 583 dalmatinus dalmatinum 289 1165 cretinus creticus 290 1208 nasatus nasutus Annex 3, A. Page It says It should say 300 Apolygus China Apolygus s.g., China 300 Chlorotuponia s.g. Chlorotuponia s.g. Wag. & Wb. ...... 1384 Wag. & Wb 1354 301 Cylindromellus .... 1171 Cylindromellus 1141 301 Euryopiocoris Euryopicoris 301 Exaeretus 808 Exaeretus 140 301 Gnostus s.g 1215 Gnostus s.g 1185 301 Hylopsallus s.g. 1098 Hylopsallus s.g 1068 301 Ilops s.g 1094 Ilops s.g 1064 301 Jafara s.g 1298 Jafara s.g 1268 301 Lavendulaephylus s.g. 1244 Lavendulaephylus s.g. 1214 301 Litoxenus 1189 Litoxenus 189 301 Mesopsallus s.g. .. 1092 Mesopsallus s.g 1062 301 Neolygus Knight Neolygus s.g. Knight 302 Oncotylus s.g 1172 Oncotylus s.g 1142 302 Opisthotaenia s.g. 1290 Opisthotaenia s.g. ... 1260 Page It says It should say 302 Phylus s.g 1212 Phylus s.g 1 182 302 Pityopsallus s.g. 1146 Pityopsallus s.g 1116 302 Pronototropis s.g. 1299 Pronototropis s.g. 1269 302 Psallus s.g 1108 Psallus s.g 1078 302 ..Ribesophylus s.g. 1289 Ribesophylus s.g 1259 302 Tinicephalus s.g. 1245 Tinicephalus s.g 1215 302 Tuponia s.g 1359 Tuponia s.g 1329 Annex 3, B. Page It says It should say 303 algoviense, .... Stenodemma algoviense, . Stenodema 303 alutacea, Pachytomella . 511 alutacea, Pachytomella . 510 305 bipunctatus, Compsidolon bipunctatum, Compsidolon 305 brachynemis, Orthops brachycnemis, Orthops 309 ericetorum, Ortholylus . 718 ericetorum, Orthotylus . 717 309 fennicus, Euryopiocoris fennicus, Euryopicoris 313 lineolatus (Costa) lineolatus (Gze.)., Adclpho- Adelphocoris coris 314 minima, Mathacosoma minima, Malthacosoma 314 modestus (Fall.), Phoenicocoris modestus (M.D.), Phoenicocoris 315 neglectus (Fieb.), Dionconotus neglectus (Fab.), Dionconotus 315 nitidus, Euryopiocoris nitidus, Euryopicoris 317 picticornis, Orsolia picticornis, Yotvata 318 pinicola, Psallus ... 1121 pinicola, Psallus . 1120 319 reuteri, Euryopiocoris reuteri, Euryopicoris 320 salicicola Fieb., Globiceps salicicola Reut., Globiceps 320 schoberiae, Orthotylus . 716 schoberia, Orthotylus . 714 321 styx, Orthocephalus ... 527 styx, Orthocephalus . 526 322 taeniticeps Reut., Isometopus taeniticeps Put., Isometopus 322 torquata, Macrotylus torquata, Utopnia 323 vicinus ( -> ), Calocoris vicinus, Calocoris 323 weberi Rieb., Psallus weberi Rieg., Psallus Note: In page 322, between: syriacus Wag., Globicpes and syriacus Wag., Macrotylus ADD: syriacus Reut., Grypocoris .... 340 E. Wagner's entomological collection: Miridae 245 9. delagrangei Put., 1892 (Turkey: Mugla, 6. 6. 1973, 2 $. On Myrtus communis (F. Onder leg.). No type data. Wagner 1976, R. 545). 10. flavilinea (Costa, 1860) (12). 11. morio (Boh., 1852) (8; 7 hypot). morio var. ossiannilssoni Wag. & Wb., 1955 (6: 1 hol., 5 parat.) (Sweden: Dalarne, Ornes. England: Hertfordshire. Germany: outs. München. Macedony: Ohrid. Hol., all.: coll. Wagner. Parat.: Riksmuseums Stockholm; Zool. Staatssaml. München; coll. J. Southwood; coll. M. Hüther. Wagner 1955, R. 65). 12. olivaceus (Fab., 1776) (14). 13. orientalis (Dist, 1904) (1). 14. pilosulus Ldbg., 1940 (1; 1 parat.). 15. punctum (Ramb., 1842) (15). punctum var. pseudoschach Reut. (3). 16. ribauti (Wag., 1943) (12; 12 hypot.) (Deraeocoris luctuosus f. ribauti. Spain: Sierra de Alfacar, 7.1879,1 $. (R. Oberthür leg.). Hol.: Mus. Paris. Wagner 1943. R. 35). ribauti var. nigroscutellata Wag. & Wb., 1955 (3; 1 hol., 2 parat.) (No specific localities. Typ.: coll. Wagner and H. Weber. Wagner & Weber 1955, R. 165). ribauti var. pictiventris Wag. & Wb., 1955 (5; 5 parat.) (No specific localities. Typ.: coll. E. Wagner & H. Weber. Wagner & Weber 1955, R. 165). ribauti var. rufoscutellata Wag. & Wb., 1955 (5; 5 parat.) (No specific localities. Typ.: coll. E. Wagner & H. Weber. Wagner & Weber 1955, R. 165). 17. ruber (L., 1758) (24). 18. rutilus (H. S., 1839) (13). 19. schah (Fab., 1781) (19). 20. scutellaris (Fab., 1794) (5). scutellaris var. deruber Wag. & Wb., 1955 (5; 1 hol., 4 parat.) (West Germany: Schleswig-Holstein, Satrupholmer Moor and Amrum Island. Hol., parat.: coll. E. Wagner. All., parat.: coll. H. Weber. Wagner & Weber 1955, R. 165). 21. sibiricus Kir., 1914 (4) (-> D. ater Jak., 1889). 22. trifasciatus (L., 1767) (35). 23. ventralis Reut., 1904 (5; 3 hypot.). ventralis var. griepi Wag., 1953 (4; 1 hol., 1 parat.) (Poland: Glindow, Postdam, 17. and 25. 7. 1952 (E. Griep. leg.). All., (cf), coll. E. Wagner. Wagner 1953, R. 120a). Subgenus Camptobrochis Fieb., 1858 24. cyprius Wag., 1955 (2; 1 hol., 1 parat.) (Cyprus: Kykko, 5-17. 7. 1939, 2 cf, 1 $; Limassol Episkopi, 3. 7. 1939, 2 cf; Stavros, 18-19. 7. 1939, 1 $ (H. Lindberg leg.). Hol., parat: coll. E. Wagner. All., parat.: coll. H. Lindberg. Wagner 1953, R. 115). 25. nigropunctatus Ldbg., 1958 (3; 3 parat.). 26. pallens Reut., 1904 (12; 11 hypot.) (Turkey: Adama, summer 1925,1 cf, 3 $; Marrash, 15-19. 6. 1952, 3 cf, 13 $. Syria: Aleppo Es Sabcha, 29. 5.1954, 4 cf, 13 2; Damascus, 1-7. 5. 1952, 3 cf, 15 $; Hama, 24-28. 5. 1952, 1 cf, 2 J; Tartus, 18. 5. 1952, 2 $. Palestine: Genezarit Sea, 2 J. All but Palestine: G. Seidenstücker leg.; Palestine: Palmoni leg. Hypot.: coll. E. Wagner and coll. G. Seidenstücker. Wagner 1954, R. 162). 27. punctulatus (Fall., 1807) (12).

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