arizoi,a's WEATHER WORD ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUME 6 NUMBER 5 JANUARY 1980 JANUAR Y MEETING The January meeting of the Centra l The speaker will be Graydon Peoples, Arizona Chapter of the American Meteorologi­ Solar Consultant, Engineering Services ca1 Society and the Arizona Weather Watchers Depar tme nt of the Salt River Project. He wi Jl take place on January 16th, 6:30-8:30pm will speak and provide a visual talk on on the Arizona State University campus. The homeowner perspectives of solar energy use meeting will be held in the Memorial Union today and various projections to the year Buildin9 (see map) in the Yuma room, #211t 2000. He is currently involved with severa l on the second floor. Parking for visitors solar projects that are extremely interest ­ after 6 :00 P.H. can be found where "V"s i ng. occur on the map . It would be wise to come before 6:15 P.M. since ASU night classes start at 6:40 P.H. ASU is within only a All members and guests are welcome to few minutes of the freeway by taking either atte nd. See you there! the Mill Avenue, 48th St., or Broadway exits. Please ca11 the laboratory of Cl imatology for clarification of directions should you need it. ARIZONA SlllE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS MIP N) fl m,roo •-•••o"'"°' F~ D f[[}{lf!f~ l~ ~ D ................ 0 V V V Laboratory of Climatology - Office of the Stato Climatologist Arizona state university, Tempe, Arizona HS281 Sandra Bra=el, Editor Ari~ona' s weather word is published in three parts. Arizona's Weather word is a quarterly publication o( articles con­ cerning weather topicEl. Arizona's weather word--Announcemtmt:s is published monthly ll.rlnOunclng news items. Arizona's Weather Swnruu:y is n · •:o published monthly ancl contains Arizona weather data. NO issues are published in July or l\ugu•t • .Rt-'q\lests to. b,: t-11> ~ ~'l.i.~-~.ng list a,u:1 Ovlflments u.nd suggeotbons should be sent to the Editor. MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 1979 MEETING RETIREMENT OF THE CENTRAL ARIZONA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY Mr . Robert S. Ingram, Me t eorologist In Charge of t he National Weather Service The December meeti ng was held in the For ecast Office at t he Sky Harbor Airport FAA Bui 1ding at Phoenix Sky Harbor Air­ Office, retired Friday, December 28, 1979 port; 18 members and guests were i n a f ter 37 years of government service. attendance. The meeting was called to order by Co - President Claire Jensen . Bob st arted his weather career as an aerologica l of f i cer du r ing Wo rld War II The featured speaker was Dr. Anthony in the Paci f ic Theatre. His c i vilian Brazel, State Climatologi st for Arizona. weather service started i n Boston in 1948; Dr . Brazel presented a very interesting and he has s i nce served at the River i l lust ra ted talk on some of the major Forecast Office in Kansas City; the Pacific characteri stics of Ar izona ' s climate, Region (for 10 years) ; Sterl ing, Virginia; These inc l uded such event s as seasonal and Burl i ngton, Vermont before coming to precipitat ion, terrain effect on precipi­ Phoenix as M.I.C. in 1965. tat ion, and t he seasonal progression of the atmos pheric circulation in our region Bob ' s plans for retirement include of t he worl d. To i l lustrate these events, enter ing int o a weather consulting business he presented 2 movies. Each movie was a and travelling with his wife, Mar y, to the sequence of full disc infra- red satel lite " South Pacifico photos taken at half hour inter vals from - -Claire D. Jensen _the G.O ES _West sat el 1 ite. Ib_e_)". covered Pri~c ipal Assistant the periods of May to November , 1976 and WSFO Phoe nix November, 1977 to Ma y, 1978. The most impressive event of each movi e was Hurricane Kathleen which struck Arizona THANK YOU and Sou t her n California in September, 1976, and the inflow of t ropical moist ure which Donations to the Laboratory of was a major cont ributor to t he cause of Climatology at Arizona State University the Ar i zona floods of Ma rch, 1978 . during the month of December , 1979 included the book, Weather Wisdom by Albert Lee and In addi tion to Dr. Brazel's presenta­ 2 copies of the Farmers' Almanac for 1980. tion, our chapt er's Co- President Richard These were donated by \.Jea t her Wa tcher Ziriax presented a time lapse movie which Anthony B. Anthony of Tempe. he made at Arizona State Univers i ty. His t ime lapse fi lm showed the development, Also donated was a collecti on of l ife, and dissipation of cumulus clouds, Research Papers , Journals , Books, Monographs, some of which developed i nto thunderstorms. Reprints, and data in t he fields of c l ima­ One very interesting part of t he movie was tology, glaciol ogy, and geography . Th is the time lapse sequence of an approaching col lection of 2, 266 items was donated by du st s t orm which he took from a roof top Dr . Melv i n G. Marcus, a noted arctic and at ASU. alpine geographer and climatologist who is a member of the Department of Geography, Both speakers with their movie pre­ Arizona State Uni versit y. sent at i ons were very int eresting to the members and guests , and after a question Donations to the l i brary of the and answe r period, the meeting was ad­ Laboratory of Climatology are a lways wel­ j ourned at 8:35 pm . Dennis Sturm, Secy. come. LABORATORY OF CLIMATOLO GY AR IZONA STATE UNIVERSITY TEMPE, ARIZ ONA 85281 NI/Rll'fd'f?ilt)P,!OOlffl~n 1 t.M;~,p00$MGE 10 179 5 l ,=R:-Ar 1:-0 l , Rer:r:(lit! tjo.11 t ~TeO'l;p,e, AZ "'85'281 PERIODICALS SECTION 1... I BRARY- 3fUI FLOOR OLD CAP I TAL BLDG. Pl··IOENIX ? AZ 8 5 007 worci .
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