Mildura Red Cliffs Qxb Qxy Qxy Qxw NEW SOUTH WALES Stratigraphic Unit Legend Notes: Robinvale Qdi Qm1 Qdi - for correct stratigraphic ordering of named units, see text Qa1 Qdi - not all units listed in the accompanying report are shown on this map for scale reasons Mur ray Riv Qxy er Nwl Qxb Qa1 Unnamed alluvium Dk Unnamed intrusive breccia Qm1 Qa2 Dxo Qxy Qxb Unnamed alluvial terraces Wonga Schist (informal) Qxy Qxb Qc1 G305 Qxm Unnamed colluvium Illoura Granodiorite Qxb Qxb Qc3 Unnamed slump deposits G307 Tiac Granite Qxb Qxm Qc4 G308 Ql2 Unnamed granite-derived colluvium Mount Bute Granite Qxm Ql2 Qxb Qc5 Unnamed dissected colluvium G310 Chepstowe Granodiorite Qxb Qd1 Unnamed inland dune deposits G311 Trawalla Granite Qxm Qxb Qdi Unnamed source-bordering dune deposits G312 Ercildoun Granite Ouyen Qxy Qxb Qxy Qdl1 G332 Nwl Unnamed coastal dune deposits Wycheproof Granite Qxb Qxw Qg Unnamed coastal lagoon deposits G333 Hemleys Granite Qxb Qxb Qxy Nwl Ql Unnamed lunette and lake beach deposits G334 Jeffcott Granite Qm1 Ql1 Unnamed lunette deposits G335 Teddywaddy Granite Qxm Qxb Qxw Ql2 G336 Qxb Qxy Unnamed lake deposits Buckrabanyule Granite Qm1 Qxy Ql1 Ql1 Qxy Qm1 Unnamed swamp and lake deposits G338 Wescotts Granite Ql2 Qxw Qxw Qxb Blanchetown Clay G339 Grieves Granite Qxb Qxb Qxm G340 Qxb Molineaux Sand Barrakee Granite Ql2 Qxr Bridgewater Formation G353 Bealiba Granodiorite Nws Qxm Qxb Qxw G354 Ql2 Nwl Woorinen Formation Natte Yallock Granite Qxy G356 Nwl Nwl Yamba Formation Carapooee Granodiorite Qxy Ql2 Ql2 Ql2 Na1 Unnamed incised alluvium G357 Kooreh Granite Nwl Ql2 Qxw Nb Brighton Group G358 Berrimal Granite Qxw Ql2 Nwl Qxw Nwl Qxw Nbb Black Rock Sandstone G359 Nwl Coonooer Granite Qxb Ql2 Ql2 Qxw Qa1 Nws Nc1 Unnamed incised colluvium G360 Aughaderry Tonalite Nwl Qxb Qa1 Nc2 G361 Qm1 Unnamed incised granite-derived colluvium Richmond Granite Qm1 Qxw Qxw Nc4 Unnamed dissected granite-derived colluvium G362 Yeungroon Granite Nwl Nwl Birchip Neo Newer Volcanic Group unnamed basalt flows G363 Wychitella Granite Nwl Neo2 G365 Nwl Newer Volcanic Group unnamed stony rises basalt Tailor Creek Tonalite Qdi Nwl Nws Wycheproof Nep1 Newer Volcanic Group unnamed tuff rings G367 Powncebys Tonalite Nws Qm1 Qdi Nes G368 Nws Newer Volcanic Group unnamed scoria deposits Ben Major Granite Nhg G370 Qdi Gellibrand Marl Lexton Granodiorite Qm1 Nwl Nws Nhp Warracknabeal Ql2 Port Campbell Limestone G371 Mount Lonarch Granite Nws Nwl Nwl Qc1 Nwl Loxton Sand G372 Glenlogie Granodiorite Nws Ql1 Nwl Nws Shepparton Formation G373 Elmhurst Granite Qdi Nwl -Pnm G374 Nws Mepunga Formation Ben Nevis Granite Nwl Nwl -Pnn G375 Qxw Nws Narrawaturk Marl Eversley Granite Nws Qxw -Cap Qxw Nwl -Cap G359 -Pwe G376 Qxw Pember Mudstone Langi Ghiran Granite Nws Qxw Nwl -Pwm G377 Qxw Moomowroong Sand Buangor Granite G359 -Cap Nws Ql -Pwp Pebble Point Formation G378 Mount Cole Granite Nwl Nwl -Cap Saint Arnaud Nwl Nws Nws Qa1 -Pxh -Pww Wiridjil Gravel G379 Nws Stawell Granite Qa1 -Cap Nws Qc1 -Pxa Calivil Formation G380 Nwl Ararat Granodiorite Nws -Cap Nwl Nws Nwl Nwl -Pxh G381 -Cap -Cab White Hills Gravel Burrumbeep Granodiorite -Pxh Czf Nws -Pxh -Cap -Py Yaugher Volcanic Group G383 Dunneworthy Granodiorite -Cap Nwl -Caw Nwl -Cap Czf G384 -Cap -Cab Unnamed duricrust Hickman Creek Granite -Pxh -Pxh Nws Nwl -Caw Koe Nws -Cap Eumeralla Formation G385 Nws Nws Qa1 Ballyrogan Granite -Pxh Mzv Unnamed Mesozoic plugs and dykes G386 Curtis Diorite Nwl Nwl -Pxh ap G387 Ql2 Dyke, aplite Two Eyed Creek Granodiorite Nws -Cap -Caw -Caw Nws Stawell -Cap gr dyke, granite G388 Bulgana Diorite -Pxh Avoca G389 -Cap White Rabbit Diorite G379 -Cap -Cab Nws -Caw -Caw G396 Mafeking Granodiorite -Caw -Pxh G404 G374 G372 Merrymbuela Gabbro -Cab -Cap -Caw -Caw -Cap -Caw G623 G380 Ararat Whitimaria Granite -Cap G376 G378 G624 Pental pluton Neo Nc2 -Cap Na1 Qc4 G628 Woosang Granite -Caw -Cap -Pxh Na1 Neo -Ca Beaufort Ql2 St Arnaud Group Nc1 Qa1 Qm1 -Caw -Cap -Cab Ql2 BENDIGO ZONE -Caa Albion Formation -Cab Beaufort Formation Ql Ql2 Qa1 -Cal Leviathan Formation GRAMPIANS-STAVELY ZONE Neo2 -Cap Pyrenees Formation STAWELL ZONE -Cap Skipton -Cab -Caw Warrak Formation G308 Qa1 Neo -Cng Glenthompson Sandstone -Cab Neo Neo2 -Crc Carrolls Amphibolite -Crd Deenicull Schist Neo2 G305 -Crg Good Morning Bill Schist G305 -Crl Lexington Schist -Crr Neo2 Rhymney Schist Neo2 Nb -Cs Mount Stavely Volcanic Complex Ql2 Nb -Cxd Magdala Volcanics Nbb Ql2 Ql2 Ql2 Neo2 Nb Nb Camperdown Neo2 Nep1 Nhp Cobden Ql2 Nbb Ql2 Nb Nbb -Pww Nb Koe Nhg -Pww -Pwm RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Port Campbell GIS compilation and cartography: Higgins, D.V. Nhp -Pww The base is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with permission of the 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 Director, Spatial Information Infrastructure, Department of Sustainability Koe and Environment, Victoria. Topographical information correct to 2009. Kilometres -Pwm Transverse Mercator Projection Published by the Department of Primary Industries GPO Box 4440, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Nbb © CROWN (STATE OF VICTORIA) COPYRIGHT 2009 Reproduction without permission is forbidden SOUTHERN OCEAN Map figure 1a: Seamless geological map of the Stawell Zone Qxy Qxw Stratigraphic Unit Legend Qxy Notes: - for correct stratigraphic ordering of named units, see text - not all units listed in the report are shown on this map for scale reasons Qxb Qxm Qa1 Unnamed alluvium Qxb Qa2 Unnamed alluvial terraces Qc1 Qxy Qxm Unnamed colluvium Qxy Qc4 Qxy Unnamed granite-derived colluvium Qc5 Unnamed dissected colluvium Qxy Qxy Qxy Qd1 Unnamed inland dune deposits Qxw Qxy Qdi Unnamed source-bordering dune deposits Qxb Qdl1 Unnamed coastal dune deposits Qg Unnamed coastal lagoon deposits Qhd Unnamed dam wall deposits Ql Unnamed lunette and lake beach deposits Ql1 Unnamed lunette deposits Ql2 Unnamed lake deposits Qm1 Unnamed swamp and lake deposits Qxb Blanchetown Clay Qxm Qxm Molineaux Sand Qxr Bridgewater Formation Qxw Woorinen Formation Qm1 Qxy Yamba Formation Qm1 Qxw Nb Brighton Group Qxb Neo Newer Volcanic Group unnamed basalt flows Qxb Qxy Qxw Neo2 Qxw Newer Volcanic Group unnamed stony rises basalt Nep1 Newer Volcanic Group unnamed tuff rings Nept Tower Hill Tuff Qxb Neptp Ql2 Piton Scoria Member Nes Newer Volcanic Group unnamed scoria deposits Nh Heytesbury Group STAWELL ZONE Nhc Clifton Formation Nwl Nhp Port Campbell Limestone Nwl Loxton Sand Qxm Nws Nws Nhill Shepparton Formation Qxw -Pr Renmark Group Nwl -Pxh White Hills Gravel GLENELG ZONE Ql Dimboola Czf Unnamed duricrust GRAMPIANS- Mxn Nekeeya Gravel STAVELY ZONE Qxm Qxm Jc Coleraine Volcanic Group Qxm F Dyke, felsic Nws Nwl Dr Qxy Rocklands Volcanic Group Nws G308 Qxy Qdi Horsham Mount Bute Granite G389 Nwl Qxm White Rabbit Diorite Sk Qxm Ql2 G396 Mafeking Granodiorite Nwl Nwl G397 Nwl Epacris Hills Granite Qxm Nws G399 Victoria Valley Granite Qc1 Nws G402 Mirranatwa Granite Qm1 Skrk Nws Qc1 G403 Nws Bullawin Porphyry Qa1 Ql2 Czf Czf Sk Grampians Group Nwl Czf Czf Qd1 -Cs Qa1 Skm Qc1 Mount Difficult Subgroup G308 Skmw Qa1 Sks Skmw Czf Skmm Moora Moora Sandstone Skms Ql2 -Cn Nws Skms Serra Sandstone Dr -Cn -Cn Skmw Qa1 Sks Nwl Skmw Czf Czf Wartook Sandstone -Pr Sks Nwl Skra Skr Czf Nws Red Man Bluff Subgroup Qa1 Qc1 Skra Skra Qc1 Major Mitchell Sandstone Dr G399 Neo Skra Skrg Gariwerd Sandstone Ql2 Dr Skrk F Kalymna Falls Sandstone G399 Skms Dr Qc1 Czf Skrm Murray Hill Sandstone Czf Ql2 Czf Skms Ql2 Skrt Czf Ql2 Qa1 Thermopylae Conglomerate Ql2 Qa1 Czf Czf Neo Skrw Watgania Gap Sandstone Dr Ql2 Czf Ql2 Sks Silverband Formation Ql2 Ql2 Skr Qc1 Nb G394 Buckeran Diorite -Cng Nb -Cng G394a Buckeran Diorite nonmagnetic phase G395a Bushy Creek Granodiorite unnamed equigranular phase Ql2 Ql2 -Cng G395b Bushy Creek Granodiorite unnamed porphyritic phase Skm -Cg -Cg Neo Undifferentiated Cambrian intrusive rocks Qm1 Czf -Cmgq Penshurst Nb quartzofeldspathic schist with pegmatite -Cn Nargoon Group -Cng Glenthompson Sandstone -Co Neo Qa2 Dimboola Igneous Complex -Cow Nes Williamsons Road Serpentinite Mortlake Qa1 -Crc Neo Carrolls Amphibolite Neo2 Nh Nb Neo2 -Crg Good Morning Bill Schist Nb Neo2 Nh -Crl Lexington Schist Neo2 Nhp Terang -Cs Mount Stavely Volcanic Complex Nhp Qm1 -Csf Fairview Andesitic Breccia Nept Qm1 -Csl Lalkaldarno Porphyry Qxr Port Fairy -Csn Qxr Warrnambool Nanapundah Tuff -Cst Towanway Tuff SOUTHERN OCEAN Nhp Nb -Cxv Unnamed Cambrian metamorphosed mafic volcanics Nhp Nb RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Nb GIS compilation and cartography: Higgins, D.V. The base is Crown Copyright and is reproduced with permission of the Nb Director, Spatial Information Infrastructure, Department of Sustainability 0 5 10 20 30 40 50 NbPort Campbell and Environment, Victoria. Topographical information correct to 2009. Published by the Department of Primary Industries Kilometers GPO Box 4440, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia. Transverse Mercator Projection © CROWN (STATE OF VICTORIA) COPYRIGHT 2009 Reproduction without permission is forbidden Map figure 1b: Seamless geological map of the Grampians-Stavely Zone NEW SOUTH WALES Stratigraphic Unit Legend Notes: Mu rra y - for correct stratigraphic ordering of named units, see text Ri ver - not all units listed in the report are shown on this map for scale reasons Qa1 Qxb Qa1 Unnamed alluvium Qm1 Qxb Qa2 Qa2 Qxb Qa2 Qxb Unnamed alluvial terraces Qc1 Unnamed colluvium Nwl Qc3 Unnamed slump deposits Nwl Qdi Qxb Qxy Unnamed source-bordering dune deposits Qxb Qxw Qxb Qdl1 Qxb Unnamed coastal dune deposits Nwl Qg Unnamed coastal lagoon deposits Qxy Ql Unnamed lunette and
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