TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT year & an book nual report 2 0 0 5 - 2 0 0 6 ISSUE 58 – MARCH 2006 5 MBER 200 – DECE ISSUE 57 TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPORT F SPORT IAN INSTITUTE O TASMAN TASMANIAN INSTITUTEIS OF SPOR SUE 5 9 – J UNE 2006 T TASMANIAN INSTITUTE OF SPOR IS SUE 60 – S E Championship succeses: Above, PTE MB Dana Faletic. Left, Sam Beltz, Tom ER 2 Gibson and Michael McBryde (QAS). 006 Right, David Crawshay (VIS), Scott Brennan and David Noonan (AIS). T Cox, Athlete of theem Yearber AnneKate Hornsey,Shield TIS , and TIS Board M . Rogers AO E Minister for Sportan Denis and Recreation W Jim TIS rowers enjoy ddie O c Chairm act kend ion fo en in Tas r the M sie Tig IA Au ers in stralia the Lea n Ho a medal bonanza gue. ckey Kate rows her way TIS rowers have enjoyed an outstanding the Under 23 lightweight double scull. National Championships at Lake Barrington Blair Tunevitsch won the Under 23 light- ho were pre- claiming 10 gold medals, eight silver, a nd one weight single scull and the under 23 lightweight contribution of our sponsors, w bronze medal, with a further three gold medals double scull. ith TIS polo tops. to top TIS honoursented w ck- in the interstate regatta. Recently appointed NTC Head Rowing as The honour of Junior Athlete of the Year Scott Brennan and Dana Faletic were the Coach Rhett Ayliffe congratulated Darren Balm- TASMANIAN Institute of Sport rower and ing on from pion Kate Hornsey w was shared by hockey players Eddie O stand-out performers during the week-long dual World Cham ear at the recent TIS nder 21 forth, who has overseen the program over the enden and Ben Creese,ustralian follow U orld event. named Athlete of the Y rest Point. past nine months, for his important contribution ards Dinner at W ale Athlete of their selection in theedal A at the Junior W Scott won three gold medals in the open Athlete Aw ed Fem to the team’s success. as also nam team and silver m. ark single scull, the open double scull with Brendan MIA Tassie Tigers Kate w Rhett, who joined the TIS on 16 January, has Cup in Rotterdam Goss and M cull during the champi- the Year for 2005 at theber. black tie dinner in atthew ale Athlete Long and the single s extensive experience, both as an elite athlete, ents for Cyclists M ana claimed Hobart on 11 Novem enting onships’ interstate regatta, and D and in coaching athletes from the elite develop- edals in both Jamieson shared the award for M pres- gold in the open single scull and in the women’s Kate’s impressiveinning Goldachievem m ment level through to national senior rowing omen’s eight as of the Year. The pair are fast cem single scull at the interstate regatta. 2005 include w at the s pursuit win silver AHL medal selves in the sport after such im ranks. omen’s four and w them Tom Gibson also performed strongly, the w hampionships in Rhett, previously the Director for Rowing at sive results as Bronzeorld in theC team rewarded with a trio of gold medals in the open part of the Australianpionships Seniorin Japan. Teamunich Kate earli-also enior Track W s pursuit at Sydney University, was the senior rowing coach TIS a at the S old in the team htweight double thlet World Cham orld Cup in M A, and G hampionships lightweight single scull, the lig Ma es E old at the W the US at the Western Australian Institute of Sport and tthew ddie O won G as on scull with Deon Birtwistle and as a team mem- Ric Wells cken Hann the Senior Australian Track C has developed his coaching skills under inter- hard , Da den, B y A er in the year. ber of the interstate regatta’s Penrith Cup win- T son a vid G en llsto per crowd of 378 guestsrest wPoint to assie ll pla ues Cree n rec A bum at W in South Australia. ning crew (with Sam Beltz, Cameron Wurf and nationally respected rowing coaches Antonio Tigers yed k t an se, eiv an Room inister for Sport and Recreation Jim man rea ey r d Ma es her go M Maurogiovanni and former TIS coach Tim ian H ching oles in rcus hand in the Tasm Deon Birtwistle). This was the eighth succes- ockey the A th Cox was on hand to present the awards While Cen HL fi e MIA ld m pay tribute to the outstanding achieve-ere- sive year Tasmania has won the Penrith Cup. McLaren. Qu tre re nal at Hanny’s esuccessda o e c th aster of C and congratulate the athletes on their nship ensla ently. e Ta H l fro ments of the athletes. Ingrid Fenger also claimed three gold As an elite athlete, Rhett represented Aus- 1-0, th nd c s- OC m C ents. some e T laime The KEY row Tim Lane, in his role as M achievem tralia in the 1995 World Rowing Championships co IS a d th final its n P medals, winning the Under 23 lightweight sin- Ma nsola nd t e ch both s elf rin The continuing success of TIS athletes tthew tion w he T ampi- ides was ce F monies, once again used his knowledgeple of hisof gle scull, the Under 23 lightweight double scull in Finland. He will be based in Launceston but th Wells hen igers e cou had a to red on the national and international stage has e Ko and Ed njoy ld rea opp ugh m P eric elite sport to conduct insightful interviews ot- will travel extensively to provide support to row- okab David die O ed go lly b ortun atc hoto couk, of D inning athletes. An exam and quad scull (with Megan Hibbs, Carly C T urras Gu cken als w reak t ities o h. W is an inspiration once again set an incredibly high standard he 20 est w de ere he n g hile rtesy Eenm with the w e 3 tam, and Jess Wade). Megan also won gold in ing coaches and teams throughout the state. Tige 06 na ere n, It hard oppo oal, n a inations for the Athlete Awards.ed Pa g result fo rs’ pe tiona name took to co sition eith ric B rk. expertise and thorough research was evi- of nom Continu r a rform l squa d in to b until th me b defe er o wha sen ance e d. e b e 23 y. nce a rg dent right down to his revelation of Kate t is a ior Ta qua d roken rd m nd By T tit rguab sma lled t raw a whe inute fo WH IS ornsey’s love of chocolate. The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Institute of ion in ly the nian m he be pen n the r th ILE all ath D H the w toug en’s st conve alty c Blad e dea elite level face challenirec ledge the valued Sport. If you would like to contribute information,please forward it to: orld. hest d team rted. orner es w dlock le tor P The evening also provided the perfect omes in F whic ere a if you tes train AU Th tic co or the h Lia ble t LA opportunity to acknow munications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Jeanne Pennington,TIS,PO Box 93 Prospect 7250. e TIS B mpe- hoc rem m De o are p ing and comUS Sp ulletin key. T aining Youn enjoy th articipating in TEN ation, please forward it to: Telephone:(03) 6336 2202 Facsimile:(03) 6336 2211 ort. If y is pub he T 47 m g ges, th ou w lished igers h inute Olym e high ese canp beeting g at th Email: [email protected] ould lik quarte ad a s it w pic spo profile of the m The TIS Bulletin is publishedould quarterly like to contributeby Corporate inform Com e to c rly by numb as h a sp Editor: [email protected] ontribu Corpo er of ard In so rts w ort that m e H Institute of Sport. If you w J te info rate C oppo le m ithin A reater an Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250. eanne rmatio ommu C rtuni- nce o e w Wo ny’s w . For further information on the TIS,check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au. Penn n,ple nicatio ontin n a w ays, th ustralia. ore po ight n rld C in m Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile:tis.tas.gov.au (03) 6336 2211 Teleph ington ase fo ns Pty ued kno ot ou ham www.tis.tas.gov.au one:(0 ,TIS,P rward Ltd fo Pag wn sports isorld a finestage testame abin so pular or r first ever pm arks n Email: jeanne.pennington@ Thank you to The Examiner and The Mercury newspapers for the provision of photos for our newsletter. Ema 3) 6 O Box it to: r the e 2 will and determ ility to ach C ion in o il: jean 336 22 93 Pr Tasm ham the sportt onlyo Au [email protected] Edito ne.pe 02 Fa ospec anian In pion edal at th Editor: r: nic nningto csimile t 7250 stitu A m ieve excel- ships.
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