339 (2004) En Tweekleppigen Per Familie In

339 (2004) En Tweekleppigen Per Familie In

- 6181 SPIRULA nr. 339 (2004) Tijdschriftartikelen Journal papers W. Faber Artikelen over mariene weekdieren in andere tijdschriften. Buikpotigen en tweekleppigen in per familie alfabetische volgorde. [] redactioneleopmerkingen. in Papers about marine molluscs in other magazines. Gastropods and bivalves per family alfabetical order. [] editorialnotes. GENERAL / ALGEMEEN REGIONAL/ REGIONAAL exist in Panamic Province of Nicaragua? * * MIENIS, H.K., 2004. - Type specimens ALDANA-AMANDA, D., E.BAQUEIRO CARDE- — OfSea and Shore 26(1): 54-57. * in the National Mollusc Collec- I. MARTINEZ A.Z. ZARATE 2003. - Notodusta deposited NAS, MORALES, CRAM, D., eugeniae — tion 1995-2003. — Haasiana No. 2: 40-42 & T. BRULÉ, 2003. - A re view of the Cate, 1975, What is it? Australasian reproductive patterns of gastropod mol- Shell News 120: 7-8. * REGIONAL / REGIONAAL lusks trom Mexico. — Buil. Mar. Sci., FEHSE, D., 2004. - Die mediterrane, marine * BOGI, C. & B.S. GALIL, 2004. - The bathy- 73(3): 629-641. Molluskenwelt im Pliozan 1. Die Familie bentic and pelagic molluscan fauna off Cypraeidae — Acta Conchyliorum Levantine coast, eastern Mediterranean. — APLYSIDAE No. 8:1-32 * * Boll. Malacologica 39(5-8): 79-104. HAMATANI, T. & K. BABA, 2004. - A New GROVES, L.T., 2004. - The Cypraeoidean * CAMPOS VILLARROEL & O. MACSOTAY, Record of Aplysia (Varria) extraordinaria and Trivioidean Taxa of Crawford Neill 2002. - Dos Sub-provincias zoogeografi- (Allan, 1932) from Suruga Bay, Japan.— Cate (1905-1981). — The Festivus 36(8): Mar Venus 129-134. 65-92. cas en la plataforma submarina del 62(3-4): * Caribe sur-oriental de Venezuela. Dis- HEIMAN, E.L., 2004. - Unusual formations — tribución de Moluscos. — Soc. Vene- ARCHITECTONICIDAE in cowries. Triton No. 9: 20. * * zolana de Ciencias nat. 46(152): 153-198. KARNEKAMP, C., 2004. - Een half scalaride HEIMAN, E.L., 2004. - Vari ability of * 20. Palmadusta DELONGUEVILLE, CH. & R. SCAILLET, 2004. exemplaar van Architectonica (Nipteraxis) cowry populations lentigi- - Continu stomacal d'Astropectinidae en ammonites uit het Eoceen van Frankrijk. nosa (Gray, 1825). — Triton No. 9: 21-23. Méditerranée. [with English abstract] — — De Kreukel 40(2): 31. Novapex Société 5(1): 3-19. CYSTISCIDAE * * LEE, S.C. & S.M. CHAO, 2003. - Shallow- BUCCINOIDEA (Order) BOYER, F., 2004. - Les groupes Gibberula water Marine Shells ffom Northern Tai- * HARASEWYCH, M.G. & Y.I. KANTOR, 2004. frumentum (Sowerby, 1832)et G. pulchel- — - dans Occi- wan. Coll. and Res. No. 16: 29-59. The deep-sea Buccinoidea of the Scotia la (Kiener, 1834) 1'Atlantique * — MIENIS, H.K., 2004. - Lessepsian migrants Sea and adjacent abyssal plains and dental. [with English abstract] Novapex and other Indo-Pacific molluscs continue trenchs. - The Nautilus 118(1): 1-42. 5(1): 33-42. to invade the Mediterranean off Isreal. — Haasiana No. 2: 38-40. CERITHIIDAE ELACHISINIDAE * * * ÖZTÜRK, B., G. BUZZORRO & H.A. BENLI, GARILLI, V. & T. CARUSO, 2004. - Records UENG, Y.T., J.P. WANG & P.C.L. Hou, 2004. - Marine molluscs from Cyprus: of Cerithium scabridum Philippi, 1848 2003. - Elachisina ziczac Fukuda & new data and checklist. — Boll. Malaco- from northwestern Sicily. — Boll. Mala- Ekawa, 1997 new record of Elachisinidae logica 39(5-8): 49-78. cologica 39(9-12): 157-160. ffom Taiwan, [in Chinese with English * * - PALMER, C.P. & F. FEARNHEAD, 2004. - HEIMAN, E.L. & H.K. MIENIS, 2004. abstract] — Buil. of Malac. No. 27: 41-49. — Shells Mollusca in the Corinth Canal. Mollusc of east Sinai, an illustrated list: World No. 4: 8-9. Cerithiidae. —Triton No. 9: 8-10. ELLOBIIDAE * * VEQAS A. 2004. - W.F. PONDER & G.W. TORRES, ET AL., HYMAN, I.T., ROUSE, - Seashells ofYuraguanal Beach, Halguin CONIDAE 2004. Ophicardelus in eastem Australia: * Cuba. — Of Sea and Shore 2004. - Conus boui how taxa? — J. Nat. Hist. province, TOUITOU, D., un taxon many 38(18): 26(1): 4-8. qui pourrait deux espèces? [also in Eng- 2377-2401. lish] — XenophoraNo. 106: 10-11. POLYPLACOPHORA (Class) EPITONIIDAE * * CLARK, R.N., 2004. - On the identity of CORALLIOPHILIDAE GARCIA, E.F., 2004. - New records of * von MiddendorfFs Chiton sitchensis and BRUNETTI, M.M., 2004. - Coralliophilinae Opalia-like mollusks from the Indo-Pacif- Chiton scrobicularis. — The Festivus from the Italian Plio-Pleistocene. — La ic( ). — Novapex5(l): 1-18. 36(5): 49-52. Conchiglia 35(309): 11-34. * * DELL'ANGELO, B., B. RAINES & A. BONFIT- SOLIS-BAUTISTA, J.C., L.E. CALDERÓN & H. HALIOTIDAE * - of - Growth series of 2004. - The "Buzz" abalones TO, 2004. The Polyplacophora Easter REYES-BONILLA, 2004. OWEN, B., on — from - Island. The Veliger 47(3): 130-140. Quoyula monodonta (Blainville, 1832, ex "The Thougic Tonga Haliotis dis- * GAYMAR, C.F., C. GUISADO, B. BROKORDT Quoy & Gaimard MS) from the Golfo de sona Iredale, 1929. — Of Sea and Shore & J.H. HIMMELMAN, 2004. — Gonad California,México. — The Festivus 36(3): 26(1): 15-17. * Structure and Gameta Morphology of the 25-28. OWEN, B. & R. KERSHAW, 2004. - A new Eastem South Pacific Acanthopleura echi- hybrid Haliotis from western Australia [H. nata Barnes, 1824. — The Veliger 47(3): COSTELLARIIDAE scalaris x H. laevigata]. — Of Sea and * 141-152. HEIMAN, E.L., E. HOLZER & H.K.. MIENIS, Shore 26(1): 50-53. * - - The 2004. Shells of east Sinai, an illustrated OWEN, B., 2004. Haliotis subspecies GASTROPODA list: Costellariidae. — Triton No. 9: 17-19. endemic to GuadelupeIsland, Lower Cali- Mexico: fornia, a re-examination and GENERAL / ALGEMEEN CYPRAEIDAE photo study. Part 2: Haliotis cracherodii * * SAVAZZI, E. & T. SASAKI, 2004. - Synchro- AL LÓPEZ, S.J. & A. MIJAII PÉREZ, 2004. - californensis Swainson, 1822. — Of Sea nized sculpture in gastropod shells. — Cypraea cervinetta (Pacific) and C. zebra and Shore 26(1): 70-75. * 2004. - Am. Malac. Buil. 18(1-2): 87-114. (Atlantic), a Vicarious Pair. Do they co- OWEN, B., Proposed revisions to 82 SPIRULA - nr. 339 (2004) * Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846, and OLIVIDAE VERBINNEN, G. & M. DIRKX, 2004. - Red * - 17: Turridae. validation of Haliotis supertexta Lischke, KOSUGE, T., 2004. Records of Amalda Sea Mollusca, Part Family — 1870. — OfSea and Shore 26(2): 99-104. sinensis Sowerby from Iriomote Island, Gloria Maris 43(1): 7-27. 2004. - A — Chiri- OWEN, B. & D. POTTER, photo Okinawa, Japan, [in Japanese] VANIKORIDAE study of the eastern Pacific hybrid botan 35(1): 1-2. * M. & G. 2004. - Abalones (genus Haiotis). — Of Sea and DIRKX, VERBINNEN, Addendum Red Sea Part 14: Shore 26(2): 119-123. OVULIDAE Mollusca, * * See under Vanikoridae Maris - Cypraeidae (Groves). (Gloria 42(2- OWEN, B., 2004. The "Buzz" on Family — Gloria Maris 28. abalones, Haliotis mykonosensis Owen, 3): 51). 43(1): PLEUROTOMARIIDAE Hanavan & Hall, 2001. — Of Sea and * P. & Y. 2004. - Note on a BIVALVIA Shore 26(2): 129-131. ANSEEUW, GOTO, reassessment of the taxonomie status of Mikadotrochus oishii IRAVADIIDAE Shikama, 1973, a ARCIDAE * * from the East China Sea. - UENG, Y.T., J.P. WANG & P.C.L. Hou, pleurotomariid WALKER, R. & A.J. POWER, 2004. — - 43-48. of the 2003. Three new records Iravadia of Novapex 5(1): Growth and gametogenic cycle Iravadiidae fforn Taiwan, [in Chinese with transverse ark, Anadara transversa (Say, POTAMIDIDAE — English abstract] — Buil. of Malac. No. 1822), in coastal Georgia. Am. Malac. * LOZOUET, 2004. - and 27: 51-59. P., Djeddilia Buil. 18(1-2): 55-60. Escoffieria, abnormal specimens of Potamididae. — Boll. MARGINELLIDAE Malacologica39(5- BAKEVELLIIDAE * 11-112. * - 2004. d'une 8): - BOYER, F., Description MALCHUS, N., 2004. Early ontogeny of aurantia espèce jumelle de Marginella Jurassic bakevelliids and their bearing on PYRAMIDELLIDAE — Lamarck, 1822. Boll. Malacologica bivalve evolution. — Acta Palaeontologi- * MICALI, P. & I. NOFRONI, 2004. - On the 39(9-12): 141-148. ca Polonica 49(1): 85-110. of * specific valadity Chrysallida penchy- BOYER, F., P. RYALL & A. WAKEFIELD, nati — Boll. Malacologi- - (B.D.D., 1883). 2004. A revision ofMarginellareeveana DONACIDAE ca 177-180. 39(9-12): * Petit, 1851. — Boll. Malacologica 39(5- MICALI, P. & C. SOLUSTRI, 2004. - Osser- * A. D. & R.S. 2004. - 107-110. PIMENTA, ABSALAO, 8): vaxioni su esemplari viventi di Donax Fifteen new species and ten new records of semistriatus Poli, 1795. [with English MATHILDIDAE Turbonilla Risso, 1826 from Brazil. [con abstract] — Notiziario C.I.M. 22(1-4): 13- * — Boll. 2004. - Prima segnalazione riassunto Italiano] Malacologica ROCCHINI, R., 15. di Mathilda barbadensis Dall, 1889, in 39(5-8): 113-140. Mediterraneo. — Boll. Malacologica39(5- LIMIDAE RISSOIDAE 8): 105-106. * 2004. - The Recent of * ALLEN, J.A., species KOWALKE, T. & M. HARZHAUSER, 2004. - the Limatula and Limea in genera present MITRIDAE Early ontogeny and palaeoecology of the the Atlantic, with particular reference to * rissoid of the HEIMAN, E.L., E. HOLZER & H.K. MIENIS, Mid-Miocene gastropoda those in deep water. — J. Nat. Hist. Central — Acta 2004. - Shells of east Sinai, an illustrated Paratethys. Palaeontologi- 38(20): 2591-2653. ca list Mitridae. — Triton No. 9: 14-16. Polonica 49(1): 111-134. * ROBIN, A. & J.C. MARTIN, 2004. - Mitridae MACTRIDAE STROMBIDAE — et Costellariidae. Xenophora No. 106: * CADÉE, M.C., 2004. - De otterschelp - * E. A MERINO, S.E. & ROLAN, 2004. - mon- Pis. M 15-18. Lutraria lutraria (Linné, 1758) - levens strosity in Strombus latus Gmelin, 1791. aangespoeld bij Langevelderslag (prov. — 55-56. MURICIDAE La Conchiglia 35(309): Zeeland).— Het 64(3): 70-71. * Zeepaatrd HERBERT, C.S., 2004. - Observations on * 2004. - Een strand- TRIVIIDAE MIENIS, H.K., grote diet amd mode of predation in Stramonita * schelp (Mactra stultorum) met een See under biserialis from the northem Gulf of Cali- Cypraeidae (Groves). blaasvormige wratparel formatie van Ter- fornia. — The Festivus 36(4): 41-45. schelling. [in Dutch with English abstract] * TURRIDAE HORRO, J. & E. ROLAN, 2004. - Las Espa- * — De Kreukel 24. JUNG, P., 2004. - The Genus Lepicythara 40(2): cies de Chauvetia de Galicia. — Noticario from the Neogene and Pleistocene of SEMNo. 41: 27-30. PECTINIDAE America. — Buil. Am. Palent. * Tropical LAURANCEAU, N., 2004. - Origines et varia- * E. H.K. No. 366: 5-76. HEIMAN, E.L., HOLZER & MIENIS, tions de la forme et de la pigmentation des * 2004.

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