Highlights MONTHLY August 2013 MEET THE BOARD: Robin Creelman The non-executive director who used to be paid to keep midges away from movie stars! Pages 22&23 AN intensive, five-day re- view of the way one of NHS Highland's community mental health teams oper- ates has resulted in meas- ures which will lead to sig- nificant improvements in service delivery. The Mid Argyll team, based in Lochgilphead, is the latest part of NHS Highland to have been involved in a Rapid Process Improvement Workshop (RPIW). In Mid Argyll, the team and its leader and process owner Douglas Philand analyse the way the team functions (the current state) and explore and examine ways of becom- ing more efficient and effec- tive (the future state). YRIGHT: The results promise to be Team “remarkable”, according to members senior quality improvement pictured practitioner Gavin Hookway, during who supported and facilitated their the process. RPIW The exerciseContinued showed on that page 2 the average wait for a patient Continued on page 2 Dental Nurse of the Year: Pg 3 -- Community mental health team’s RPIW Continued from front page to get a first appointment with the team was 34 weeks; as a result of the RPIW the target will be set, realistically, at 12 weeks. Similarly, the patients' lead time – from receipt of referral to discharge – was an average of 53 weeks. A target was set of reducing that by 50 per cent; however, the team has managed to reduce the lead time to 22 weeks. It is hoped that what has been achieved as a result of the Mid -Do-Study-Act (PDSA) method, Toyota. Argyll RPIW will be spun out to RPIWs empower people to find Gavin said: “Before we started other community mental health ways of enhancing value for pa- in Mid Argyll some people were teams throughout NHS Highland, tients by eliminating waste and naturally sceptical about applying starting with those in Argyll & reducing the burden of work to something used in an American Bute. improve the experience for both hospital and developed by a car It’s not just community mental patients and staff. manufacturer to a community health teams that will benefit from Gavin, who was partnered in mental health team in Scotland. the RPIW approach. One has the Mid Argyll RPIW by the How would that work? been held within Raigmore Hos- CHP's director of operations, “By the end of the week, the pital's radiotherapy team, with Derek Leslie, spent considerable team found the process to be of startling results, including reduc- time in the run-up to the week value and that it did indeed work ing the time from referral to the familiarising himself with the way – and is now looking forward to start of treatment has been re- the team worked – including putting in place the improvements duced from 98 to 33 days. shadowing members of the team that they themselves identified NHS Highland is now planning in their everyday setting. and of which have taken owner- an RPIW for the South and Mid He said: “The aim was to look ship. Operational Unit's care at home at the team’s activities with a “The team was enthusiastic team. Other RPIWs planned for fresh pair of eyes, without being and unstinting in its commitment this year are for primary care ser- in any way judgemental or intru- and endeavour throughout the vices in Argyll & Bute, COPD at sive. We were not there to tell the week and really embraced the Raigmore and in South and Mid, team that they were doing any- whole process.” chronic pain services in Caith- thing wrong – we simply sup- Douglas Philand added: “The ness General and Lawson Me- ported the team in examining for team found the whole process morial hospitals and stroke ser- themselves how they might func- challenging but ultimately reward- vices and microbiology in Raig- tion better. ing and the final 15-minute report more. “The consequence is likely to -out, contributed to by the whole Being introduced under the be a better, quicker and more team, inspirational. Highland Quality Approach ban- responsive service for patients.” The progress the team makes ner, RPIWs employ techniques NHS Highland adapted its will be considered at a 30-day such as “waste wheels” and RPIW template from that oper- report-out to be held on 10th Sep- value stream maps to identify ated by the Virginia Mason Medi- tember. Subsequent 60 and 90- how each step in the process of cal Centre in Seattle, a health- day report-outs are scheduled. enhancing the service for patients care provider that uses a quality Rapid Process Improve- and determine if it functions well improvement system developed ment Weeks explained: Pages or not. Designed around the Plan by Japanese car manufacturers 7 & 8. - 2 - AWARD: Enthusiastic ‘obvious candidate’ collects honour after SVC training Karen thrilled to be named dental nurse of the year NHS HIGHLAND dental nurse Karen Mackay has different people every day, really does add to your been judged Dental Nurse of the Year following day.” completion of the SVQ Level 3 in Dental Nursing. Karen's SVQ assessor, Alison MacLeod, is de- Karen, who is 26 and from the Isle of Lewis, lighted that Karen’s hard work has been recognised completed her training in the NHS Highland dental in this way. clinic based at the Ian Charles Dental Unit in Gran- She said: “Karen was an obvious candidate. She town. She now works at the Culloden Dental Clinic. was outstanding in all aspects of the SVQ level 3 in She said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my training in Dental Nursing. She came across as a very enthusi- Grantown. I worked with a really great team. They astic student, highly organised, with great people were very welcoming and so friendly, I learned so skills and showed an exceptionally high quality of much during my time there. clinical skills.” “I’m surprised but absolutely thrilled at the award. Karen was presented with a quaich by Hazel I really enjoy my job not only the clinical side of Carroll from Dental Directory, who sponsor the an- what I do, which is so rewarding, but getting to meet nual award. - 3 - Argyll & Bute public holiday date changed FOLLOWING approaches from This brings the CHP into line nise with the local authority holi- staff and consultation across Ar- with Argyll and Bute Council and day. gyll and Bute Community Health NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Those members of staff who Partnership with operational man- who already have their public have already made formal ar- agers, senior managers and staff holiday scheduled for that date. rangements to be off work on side a decision has been taken to This change therefore mini- 23rd September should discuss move the public holiday next mises the impact on patient ser- with their line manager how best month from 23rd to 30th Septem- vices, such as outreach clinics this should be managed so they ber. from NHS GG&C, and will harmo- are not disadvantaged. IMMUNISATION: Staff reminded of professional duty not to endanger patients Are you protected against measles? NHS HIGHLAND has reminded have not received two doses of employees that, at a time when MMR vaccine and have direct there is likely to be an increasing Call 01463 704698 patient contact are strongly ad- number of measles cases and vised to contact NHS Highland local outbreaks in Scotland, it is before 30th Sep- Occupational Health Service to essential to ensure their protec- discuss their measles immunity tion and reduce risks to patients. tember to take up and decide whether measles im- Measles is a highly conta- munisation is required. gious infection with a significant offer of immuni- This is especially important for complication rate. staff in contact with immunosup- Hospitals and other healthcare sation or to con- pressed, paediatric and obstetric settings present an increased risk patients. of transmission and, given the firm your measles A dedicated telephone an- nature of the patient population, swer phone service has been set there is likely to be greater impact immunity up by the Occupational Health on patient health if spread oc- department for staff wishing to curs. take up the offer of immunisation Healthcare staff have a profes- or to confirm your measles immu- sional duty to ensure they do not high prevalence of the infection nity. The number to call is 01463 put patients at risk and NHS that existed at that time. How- 704698; this will be available until Highland as an employer has a ever, the immunity of staff born Monday 30th September. legal duty to ensure staff are pro- after 1970 will depend mostly on This does not apply to social tected. whether or not they have re- care staff, for whom a separate It can be reasonably assumed ceived MMR immunisation. immunisation programme is be- that staff born before 1970 will In accordance with national ing rolled out over the coming have natural immunity due to the policy, staff born after 1970 who year. - 4 - YELLOW CARD SCHEME: Learning support tools for healthcare professionals Staff urged to report adverse drug reactions HEALTHCARE professionals a major public health concern password. within NHS Highland are being worldwide, and are among the In addition to the MHRA/BMJ encouraged to report adverse leading causes of death in many package, YellowCard Scotland – drug reactions in patients through countries. a joint venture between the YellowCard Centre (YCC) Scot- Yet while no drug is com- MHRA and the Scottish Govern- land. pletely risk-free, it has been esti- ment – and NHS Education Scot- And new learning support mated that at least 60% of ad- land are to launch six e-learning tools have been launched to help verse drug reactions worldwide modules on adverse drug reac- them do so.
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