C M C M Y K Y K chool Sports In Full Swing Catch R-V and C-1 Sports S Actions See Pages 5B & 6B Serving the communities of Lewis County, Mo. since 1862 (USPS 088-820) Vol. XLIII New Series, No. 37 Th ursday, September 10, 2015 LaGrange, Mo. 63448 • 12 Pages • 2 Sections • 65 cents PRESS-NEWS JOURNAL CANTON SCHOOL ONLINE CELEBRATING 150 Years CANTON FIRE DEPARTMENT EVENT Th e Canton Fire Department will be having a ceremony to honor lives lost in the Sep- tember 11, 2001 attack of the twin towers at the parking lot by County Market/Orschlens . Public is welcome to attend. Canton R-V School is celebrating their 150 anniversary. The school has always been an important part of the community and has seen many changes over the last century and a half. The celebration started off on September 4 with a variety of activities that included big REGIONAL infl atable rides. (Photo by McKenzie Shrader) EDITION PLANNED Th e Press-News Journal is planning a regional issue for the September 17 edition. Th at Lewistown Appreciation Day is September 12 edition will be mailed to ev- Lewistown will have the annual Appre- the Wheels to Wheels Show, contact Karla from 3 to 5 p.m. Th e Power Wheels Derby ery household and business in ciation Day on Saturday, September 12. Richmond at (573) 497-2478. will be at 3 p.m. A Washer tournament be- Lewis and Knox County. Ad- Events begin at 6 a.m. with Breakfast in the Th e pedal tractor pull will be at 10 a.m gins at 4 p.m. vertisers wanting to be included Shelter House, by the Lewistown Fire Aux- with registration at 9:30 a.m. Th e Little Mr. A free meal will be served at 5 p.m. Th e should contact the Press-News iliary, serving until 8 a.m. Th e BBQ contest and Miss Contest will be at 11 a.m. with meal is provided by the Lewistown Busi- Journal at (573) 288-5668 or begins at 7 a.m. Judging will be based on registration at 10:30. Lunch and food ven- ness Community, the fi sh will be provided email [email protected] fl avor, juiciness and texture, display and dors will be at 11 a.m. and the We Modern’s by Dr. Gene Childress. presentation and crowd favorite. Club will serve tacos at the Shelter House at Music provided by local talent starts at 5 A new attractions, Wheels to Wheels 11:30 a.m.. p.m. A street dance from 7 to 11 p.m. will Show, will be featured and anything with Th e Fire Fighter Challenge will be at 2:30 round out the day’s events. Music will be wheels can be entered including cars, and 3 p.m. Contact Bill Fountain at (573) provided by Murphy’s Bridge.. trucks, tractors, motorcycles, golf carts, 470-6685. Vendors and activities for all ages will be gators, tricycles, etc. Participants can be Th e parade will be at 1 p.m. Participants in the park all day. For more information, judged or just entered for show. Registra- should line up at 12:15 at the old school contact Mayor Steve McKenzie at 573-497- tion is from 8 to 10 a.m. Judging begins at parking lot. 2705. 10 a.m., awards at noon. Prizes and trophies A horse shoe tournament will begin at Everyone is invited and encouraged to awarded. Show will be near McKenzie Au- 1:30 p.m. Music by students of Lyndon Al- spend the day in Lewistown. tomotive. For more information about derton and other local talent will take place CULVER-STOCKTON ENROLLMENT INCREASE RELAY FOR LIFE EVENT For the third year in a row, Culver- diligently year-round to continue to en- vides a broad spectrum of experiences Th e annual Lewis County Relay Stockton College welcomed an incoming hance the student experience and add to from which our students can learn. It For Life event will be at Martin class of more than 300 students, bringing our beautiful campus,” said Dr. Kelly M. enhances the student experience in so Park in Canton, September 19 total enrollment to a 20-year high. C-SC Th ompson, president of Culver-Stockton many important ways,” said Dr. Th omp- from noon to midnight. Carni- welcomed 336 incoming students for the College. “It is uplift ing and encouraging son. “Not only do we make the world our val and games all day, plus food fall 2015, which includes freshmen, trans- when students from around the world classroom, we are bringing the world to vendors, duck race, survivor fers and international students. Th e Col- take notice. And to see that students are campus.” laps, CHS Marching Tigers and lege is also experiencing high retention not only opting to enroll but to stay the Nearly 94 percent of the incoming Luminaria at dark. Paint the rates, which has led to an increase in the four years and graduate from Culver- class has opted to live on campus. Th is is County Purple begins Sept. 12. overall student population. As of Census Stockton gives us continued conviction in the second year in a row the College has Day count, enrollment at Culver-Stock- our mission. reached residential capacity. Th e college ton College is 1066 total students. Th e last Th e students in this incoming class once again renovated existing residential time enrollment was at this level was in come from a wide geographic range. Ap- spaces to accommodate the increased 1994. Th is is a nearly 9 percent of growth proximately 45 percent of this incoming number of students living on campus. Th e from last year, when enrollment reached class hails from Missouri. In addition, 28 Offi ces of Student Life have moved from 972 students. other states are represented in this class, their previous location in Johnson Hall “Our faculty, staff and administrators as well as 11 countries. Th e College wel- to a newly created space in the Gladys are so excited to welcome a two-decade- comed just over 30 new international stu- Crown Student Center. high number of students choosing to en- dents to campus. roll at Culver-Stockton College. We work “Growth in diversity on ‘the Hill’ pro- Richard Horner Agent Is there a Shelter Insurance ® Shelter agent working for Call today for a free insurance protection review. you? 408 Lewis St., Canton, Mo. 573-288-3734 866-376-9734 AUTO | HOME | LIFE We’re your shield. We’re your shelter. www.shelterinsurance.com 2013 East Mo Agent of the Year C M C M Y K Y K C M C M Y K Y K 2A Thursday, September 10, 2015 LOCALPress-News Journal NEWS • lewispnj.com 2015 MISSOURI STATE FAIR ANGUS SHOW Roadwork Planned Weather permitting, 7a.m. to 5 p.m. between MoDOT crews will be MO 16 and Route C for doing work on the fol- sealing operations; lo- lowing routes in Lewis cal traffi c only. U.S. 61 County on the dates indi- (East Outer Road) - Sept. cated. Route - Sept. 14- 16, road closed 7a.m. to 17, one lane traffi c 7 a.m. 7p.m. for the entire route to 7 p.m. with 12 ft . width for sealing operations; restriction for bridge local traffi c only. Th is maintenance at the U.S. work is weather depen- 61 overpassbridge. Route dent and could be de- E - Sept. 14, road closed layed or rescheduled. For 7 a.m.to 5 p.m. between more information con- MO 81 and Route K for tact MoDOT’s Customer sealing operations; lo- Service Center toll-free cal traffi c only. Route J at 1-888-ASK MoDOT -Sept. 15, road closed 7 (275-6636). All roadwork a.m. to 5 p.m. between is posted on the traveler MO 6 and MO 156 information map or visit forsealing operations; online at www.modot. local traffi c only. Route mo.gov/northeast. BB - Sept. 16, road closed Bank of Monticello Appreciation Day Th e Bank of Monti- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Menu cello will host customer includes rib-eye sand- appreciation day at the wiches, hot dogs, chips, Monticello facility on desserts and drink. Sept. 15. Serving is from Sky Frost Lady won reserve junior heifer calf champion at the 2015 Missouri State Fair 4-H Angus Show, Aug. 13 in LaGrange Methodist Sedalia, Mo. Skyler Runnells, La Grange, Mo., owns the winning heifer. Cody Tebbenkamp, Columbia, Mo., evalu- ated the entries before naming champions. Photo by Adam Conover, American Angus Association. Hog Roast Th e LaGrange Unit- roast pork, potato casse- ed Methodist Church role, baked beans, apple- will have their annual sauce, homemade des- Hog Roast on Saturday, serts and drinks. A free Canton School Open House Sept.12, from 4;30-7 p.m. will donation will be ac- at the church at 200 N. cepted. Rev. Steve Martin Fourth Street, LaGrange. is the pastor. Th e public Anniversary Held Th e menu will feature is invited. Beilstein Camper Open House Beilstein Camper Sales view all the camping op- will host an open house, tions available. Beilstein September 17, 18 and Camper Sales is located 19. Th e community is south of LAGrange on invited co attend and Highway 61. United State Bank Appreciation Days The Canton R-V School held a community night in United State Bank will 11; Lewistown, 102 West observance of the 150 year anniversary of the school.
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