Please note that something of yours is mentioned Vllthin QU pagQ(s) Please note that you are mentioned within on page(s) 6| ' - SON OF THE WSFA;:\ JOURNAL WSFA JOURNAL News Supplement ------------ September, 1970 (Issue #11) In This Issue — IN THIS ISSUE; IN BRIEF (misc. notes) ........................................................... pg 1 THE BOOKSHELF: New Releases (Ace, Belmont, Berkley,. Doubleday, SFBC) .. pg 2 MAGAZINARAMA: Contents of Recent Prozines (FANTASTIC 12/70; GALAXY 10- 11/70; F&SF .11/70; VISION'OF TOMORROW 6/70; WORLDS OF FANTASY (#2); IF 9-10/70; ANALOG 11/70) ......................... pp 3,h ODDS AND ENDS: Culling the Newszines (BELGIAN NEWS -SHEET, NORSTRILIAN NEWS, . WINNIE) ...... ................................................. pg h THE STEADY STREAM....: Books & Fanzines Recently Received) ...................... pp 5,6 THE CLUB CIRCUIT: News & Minutes (NESFA, SCC. CREATIVE ANACHRONISM, SFSA, NCSF, BSFA, N3F, TSA; plus. Misc. Convention News) ........................... pp 7-10 THE .CON GAME— November, 1970 ................ ........................................ pg 10 COLOPHON......................................... pg 10 In Brief •— Well, late again! (Waited too long for WSFA Minutes, which never arrived....) Maybe nextish we'll get back on schedule.... Remember. (from SOTWJ #10') the newly-founded Fan Art Clearing House (FACH, $ Seth Dogramajian, 32-66 80 St., Jackson Hgts., NY, NY, 11370) and the revitalized N3F Manuscript Bureau (a clearing house for both -fanzine publishers &. contributors -- Gary Labowitz, ,1100 Betzwood Dr., Norristown, Pa., I9I4OI)'. Also note (from thish), the formation of the BSFA Bibliographers Board (Gerald Bishop, 10 Marlborough Rd., .Exeter, Devon, EX2 I4TJ, England). (Mark Owings •& Fred Lerner, take note!) We've been asked to note that STRANGE is published-tri-weekly, with a circulation of 7,50O. Fan ads are run at half the normal rabe; also accepts news of conventions and seminars. Is badly in need of well-written reviews of books on any topic. Send queries to Raki, 1326 SE 1I4, 9721H. Camille Cazedessus, Jr. (POBox 550, Evergreen, Colo;, 80h39) states that the- "2001 Space Odyssey Special" issue of ERB-DON is also available, without ads,.at 2J& each to persons interested in ,the movie (it is 500 with ads). •'pp Just received several sample pages from the Special Anniversary Issue of STAN'S WEEKLY EXPRESS (P.O.Box 207 (Davue Station), Dayton, Ohio, h5hO6). This issue (#52; 6 Sept ’70) is 80 pages in length, with (in addition to usual plentiful ads) special articles and five full-page originals (offset) by Bill Schroeder, Richard Mosso, Jeff Jones, and John Fantucchio (2). Cost: ■ $1.00 this issue only. A couple of CoA' s — / • David Gorman --3515 Lauriston Dr., New Castle, Ind., R7362. Stephen Lewis — 66 Constance Lane, Bristol, Conn., OoOlO. Lawrence Propp — 3127 N.Sheridan Rd., Peoria, Hl., 6160I4. Michael Glicksohn — 267 St.George St., Apt. 807, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. David Piper — 7 Cranley Drive, Rut slip. Misslesex, HAh 6BZ, England. .• Douglas Fratz, Univ, of Fid., Cumberland Hall (Rm.207), College Pk., Nd.., 207^2. Derek Carter — jjDelanna Designs, 100 Graydon Hall Dr., Apt.30h, Don .Mills, Ontario, Michel Feron (address on pg.h) is now Benelux Agent for TWJ/SOTWJ. /Canada. Deadline for material for SOTWJ #12 — Oct. 23; for #13, Nov.' 20. ’ ■ ■ ----------- ~ DLM THE WSFA JOURNAL FD. Miller ■ 12315 -Judson Road I J. Wheaton, .Maryland •U.S.A. 20906 FIRST CLASS /MAIL FIRST CLASS MAIL SOTWJ-11/2 THE BOOKSHELF — New Releases ACE BOOKS (October, 1970) (1120 Aveinae of the Americas, NY, NY, 10036) — The Star Beast, by Robert A. Heinlein (78OOO; 95$) — "A high-powered adventure story set 200 years in the future, about a horrendous beast from another star-system.” Uncharted Stars, by Andre Norton (8I1OOO; 75$) — "Murdoc Jern, his trusty pussy­ cat, a renegade Earthman, and a telepathic lizard...all on an entertaining journey for a mysterious gem from outer space.” Children of Tomorrow, by A.E. Van Vogt (lOlilO; 95$) — "A space commander returns from a trip to outer space...and finds that children now control all power on Earth. An explorative and chilling SF analysis of child powerI” Noah II, by Roger Dixon (58250; 75$) — "Doomsday. ,wa.s. coming near...and mankind had to be evacuated from Earth. ." Why Call Them Back. From ffeaven?^. by Clifford D. Simak . .(8.86OI; 60$; Ace S.F. Special) — "A penetrating SF novel about a society of deep-frozen people awaiting the Next Life." The Noblest Experiment in the Galaxy, by Louis Trimble (11560; 75$) — "The problem of the. invincible weapon, apd. its invisible, hijackers." and The Communipaths,. by Suzette. Haden Elgin,, "Which was the true path—loyalty to self or service to the stars?" Plus The Devil Vicar, by Virginia Coffman (llj.293; 75$; "Gothic"); The Dark Shore, by Susan Howatch (13821; 75$; "Gothic"); and others. BELMONT PRODUCTIONS, INC. (Dec., 1970) (185 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y., 10016) — Power of Darkness, by Doris S. Adams (B95-2O78; 95$; 2.24 pp.) — "A colorful action story set in medieval Jihgland. A young knight fights to save a beautiful orphan accused of being a witchy* . Kothar and the Wizard Slayer, by Gardner F. Fox (375-2080; 75$; 160 pp.) — "Kothar and the beautiful temptress Red Lori team up.and fight to find the slayer of all the world’s magicians. Latest in the sword and sorcery action of the KOTHAR series." . BEMCLEYPublishing CORP. (20C Madison Ave., NY, NY,. 10016) — PUTNAM SCIENCE FICTION: (indicated as tentative in Berkley listing) The House in November, by Keith Laumer ($4.50; October). £. Orbit 8, ed. by Damon Knight ($4.95; December). ’ (For.Nov., they list an "untitled novel" by Clifford Simak at $4.50.) DCRJBLEDAY & CO., INC. (100 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y., 10.017) — The Troika Incident, by James Cooke Brown ($7.95 Hardcover, $2.95 paperback; 400 pp.; Aug. *70) — "The Troika Incident is a futuristic fantasy in the tradition of Plato’s Republic, More’s Utopia and Bellamy* s Looking Backward. Beginning where Skinner left off in 1948, James C.opke Brown's novel goes beyond Walden Two in the scope and range of problems .considered and. provides a substantive and highly opti­ mistic answer to the question, ’How. can man survive?’" — ' The Inner Wheel, by Keith Roberts ($4.95; 216.pp.; Sep. *70) — "The Inner Wheel revolves about Jimmy Stringer, Libby Maynard, Warwell-on-Starr (a ’nice towri -- such a nice town*), Stringer’s friend Roley and their involvement with the ulti­ mate deterrant to War." Binary Divine, by Jon Hartridge ;($4«.95; 216 pp.; Sep.. *70) — "In the year 2040 no one did anything without consulting-. his. VHOIGE box. Forty years later VHOICE was obsolete and something terrible had happened during the one month of its absence. The Lost Month. Galstead determined to.discover just what the something terrible was." DOUBLEDAY SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB (December, 1970) (Garden City, New York) — Quest for the Future, by A.E. Van Vogt (Member's Ed., $1.49) — "The steps of the Palace of Immortality led to all the infinite possibilities of time." Anywhen, by James Blish (Publisher’s Ed., $L|.95; Member's Ed., $1.49) — 7 stories: "A Style of Treason", "A Dusk of Idols", "The Writing of-the Rat"; "And Some Were Savages", 'lHow j3£autiful With Banners", "None So Blind", "No Jokes on Mars". • SOW-11/3 ' MAGAZINARAMA: Contents of Recent Prozines FANTASTIC STORIES — December, 1970 (Vol. 20, No. Beriajx "The Shape Changer" (Part i of 2 parts), by Keith Lamer (sequel to "Axe and Dragon" (orig. pub. in ... FANTASTIC, 11/65, 1/66, & 3/66; ■ subsequently published in book form as The lime 2 Bender)); Novelette: "Cardiac Arrest", by Brian Aidissj; Short. Stories: "Walk of -L: the Midnight Demon", by Gerard F. Conway; "Been a Long, Long Time", by R.A. Lafferty; "The New Rappacini", by Barry N. Malzberg; "Battered. Like, a Brass Bippy", by Ova Hamlet (ad told to Richard.Lupoff); Reprint: "The! Bottle Imp", by Dwight V. Swain (orig. ptibj :i9h2)^ . Features: Editorial, by Ted White; ColUriin: "Science Fiction in Dimension" ("Science Fiction and Creative Fantasy"), by; AlexeijPanshin; "...According^ to You" (lettercolumn). Front cover by Michael Wm. Kaliita; interior illos by Sid ' Check,’ Michael Kaluta, Jeff Jones, H.W. McCauley. II46 pp., digest-size; 600; 6/$3»OO U.S.; 6/$3.5O Canada & Pan.American Union countries; 6/$h.00 elsewhere. From: Ulti­ mate Pub. Co.,.Box- 7, Oakland Gdns., Flushing, NY, 1136h... Ed. Ted White. Bi-monthly. GALAXY MAGAZINE -^October-November, 1970 (Vol. 30/ ife): Serial: "I Will Fear No Evil" (Part 3 of h), by Robert A. Heinlein; Novella: "The World Outside", by Robert; Silverberg (cover story); Short Stories: "A New Life", by Harold Kraus; "Readout Time", by William T. Powers; "Traffic Problem", by William Earls; "PiSon Fall", by Michael Bishop. Features: "Editor’s Page" (lettercolumn). Front cover by Jack Gaughan; interior illos not credited (assume-All by Gaughan). 192 pp., digest­ size; 75tf; 12/17.50 U.S.; 12/$8.50 elsewhere. From: 235. East U5th St., N.Y.., N.Y., 10017. Edited-by Ejler Jakobs son. Bi-monthly. , , • THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION — November, 1970 (Val‘. 39, Np. h*'#23U): Novelettes: "The Throne and the Usurper", by Christopher Anvil; "Alpha Bets"' (cover stoiy), by Sonya Dorman (Roxy Rimidon adventure); Short Stories: "The Mayday", by Keith Roberts; "Starting from Scratch", by Robert Sheckley; "The Misfortune Cookie", by Charles E. Fritch; ’^Time Dog", by Richard A.:Lupoff; Reprint Feature: "The Venus of Hie", by Prosper Merimee (tr. by Francis. Shaffer) (orig. pub. 1837)• Features: "Films", by Baird Searles (Dark Shadows; On a Clear Day You Can See Forever):' Science Article: "—But How?", by Isaac Asimov; Cartoon, by Gahan Wilson. Front cover by Jack Gaughan; no interior illos. 130 pp., digest-size; 60^ (5/- U.K.); 12/$7 U.S., 12/$7.5O Canada & Mexico; 12/$8 elsewhere.
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