SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday, August 1, 2021 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Please join us Friday, August 6 for MASS at 9:00 am followed by EUCHARISTIC EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ADORATION Mass of Hope and Remembrance MONDAY, AUGUST 16 9 AM AND 7 PM Join us as we remember those we lost due to COVID-19, those who lost jobs, and the memories that were prevented. We will also pray for hope in better times ahead and for our community to grow stronger together in the Lord. SAVE THE DATE Dear Friends, SACRED HEART This weekend we hear how our Lord provides heavenly Family Mass & Picnic food for the Israelites to eat. From this, Jesus makes the proclamation, that He is the Bread of Life. Given this truth, we must consider in our prayer, how we can set aside our “wants and/or wishes” in order to be created SUNDAY, AUG. 22 anew in the image of God, as His divinely adopted sons Outdoor Mass 2:30 – 3:30 and daughters. Parish Picnic 3:30 – 6:30 Jesus, through the Most Holy Eucharist, shares Himself with all of us who are In the Lawn Area willing to RECEIVE HIM and BELIEVE in HIM. However to receive Him with behind Fr. Kreft Hall eyes of faith, knowing then it is Him in the Eucharist, sometimes requires Grilled Hamburgers, Hot dogs, setting aside “what we think we want” to answer His divine call. Salad Sides & Ice Cream Sundays! Ask yourself in prayer, after receiving Him (Jesus) in the Eucharist —when Bounce House, Games, receiving the Lord’s most sacred presence — His body, blood, soul, and 50/50 Raffle, and More! divinity — how, in a personal sense, am I called to respond to Jesus? ALL ARE INVITED! Co-sponsored by May our Lord Bless you, Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Fr. Craig Marion Page 2 Sacred Heart Catholic Church HEARTS ON FIRE at Sacred Heart AUGUST 5 | SAINT EMYGDIUS Where Faith is Known, Lived, & Shared On August 5, it is the feast day of St. Emygdius. Emygdius was born in Treves, Germany of a noble Frank family. When ”Be who God meant you to be and you will set the he was 23, he embraced the faith of Christ despite opposition world on fire!” St. Catherine of Siena of his parents who were idolaters, and this faith he steadfastly professed. He lived with three disciples, Euplus, Germanus LISTEN to Fruitful Discipleship—Charism of and Valentinus. He scorned human pleasures, and thus he Hospitality: Empowers a Christian to be a generous applied himself the more entirely to divine things. Fired with channel of God’s love by warmly welcoming and a burning love of the neighbor, he journeyed to Rome to caring for those in need of food, shelter and bring about the salvation to many souls, and he was there friendship. Hospitality is about making a place for received as a guest, in the Island of the Tiber, where he cured, others as individuals and as a group. This is one by baptism, the daughter of his host, who had been ill for five of the primary means by which God heals and years of an incurable disease. A little later he opened the eyes strengthens individuals through the experience of a blind man, in the presence of the people by the sign of of Christian community. Someone with this gift has an amazing ability to create a warm, welcoming the Cross. Thereupon the crowd, thinking that he was the son environment in which a person’s needs for nurture of Apollo, carried him off by force to the Temple of Aescu- and companionship are met. lapius. He there declared himself the servant of Christ, and by calling upon Christ's name he restored to health a great (Fruitful Discipleship, by Sherry Weddell, pg 119–122) number of sick persons, who were vainly beseeching the help of the idol. Emygdius tore down the altars, and having broken PRAY: Tear or cut off this prayer and keep it where in pieces the statue of Aesculapius, he cast it into the Tiber. you’ll remember to pray it throughout the week These acts, and the conversion of thirteen hundred of the Come, Holy Spirit, Lord of the Gifts, to Sacred Heart heathens, which followed, together with that of the priests Church and to our Sister Parishes; Open our minds and of Aesculapius, enraged Posthumius Titanus, the Prefect of hearts to hear your voice and feel your direction. Reveal City. Emygdius, by the counsel of an angel, escaped from his to each of us the special and particular gifts (Charisms) threats, and betook himself to the Pontiff, Saint Marcellus, You have given to us to use for others, especially in our by whom he was consecrated Bishop, and sent to Ascoli. Sacred Heart parish and Family of Parishes. Provide On his way to Ascoli, Emydgius made more conversions, and opportunities for me to test and discern whether performed a miracle where he made water gush out of a I might have the Charism of Hospitality. Then reveal mountain after striking a cliff. Polymius, the local governor, to me how I can use the Charisms you’ve given to me. attempted to convince Emygdius to worship Jupiter and the Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and goddess Angaria, the patroness of Ascoli. Polymius also of- kindle in each of us the fire of your love as we discern fered him the hand of his daughter Polisia. Instead Emygdius and use the Charisms you have given. Amen! baptized her as a Christian in the waters of the Tronto, along ASK & ACT: What is this note saying to me? Do I feel with many others. that hospitality is central to my living as a disci- ple so that I do whatever I can to make guests feel Enraged, Polymius decapitated him on the spot now welcome? Do people tell me that they love spending occupied by the Sant'Emidio Red Temple, as well as his fol- time in my home, many feeling free to just drop by? lowers Euplus, Germanus, and Valentinus. Emygdius stood up, Do I gladly open my home and provide food and carried his own head to a spot on a mountain where he had shelter for others, even when I am not prepared constructed an oratory (the site of the present-day Sant'Emi- to have guests? Have newcomers told me that dio alla Grotte). After Emygdius' martyrdom, his followers I have made them feel especially welcome in the attacked Polymius' palace and pulled it down. The blessed parish, at work, or in a group? Do I find it as fulfilling death of Emygdius took place during the persecution of to welcome guests or strangers to my home or Diocletian. community as I would welcome Jesus? I will Pray Emygdius is the patron saint against earthquakes. over these questions, asking God to lead me into dis- cernment of whether (or not) He has given me the Charism of Hospitality. www.esacredheart.org Page 3 GOSPEL MEDITATION ENCOURAGE DEEPER Reflect UNDERSTANDING OF SCRIPTURE AND RESPOND TO SCRIPTURE “You cannot see the forest for the First Reading: trees” is a widely known saying that Early in their Exodus journey, the can bring wisdom to our under- Israelites expressed fear and frus- standing of our journey. Often, our tration to Moses. God heard and sight becomes limited to what is im- responded to their “grumbling” by mediately before us. We lose touch sending bread from heaven. When with lessons and experiences from you have you experienced God the past and promises and hope for answering your plea for help? the future. As human beings, we have the privilege of being able to choose things. What I like and don’t like, want, and don’t want can be major preoccupations of our Second Reading: minds and hearts. Our preferences and desires begin to define us more than the sim- Paul told the Ephesians that as ple fact of our being. Who we are matters more than what we are or what we have. If believers in Christ you should “put we don’t move beyond the external and superficial stuff to what really is of essence, away” the bad parts of “your former we risk becoming very unsettled, disorientated, angry, and unhappy. We fail to see way of life.” How have you done this the bigger picture of hope and promise that lies ahead and the Divine Presence that in your life as a believer in Christ? has sustained and carried us before. Gospel: We like it when the “now” time of our lives satisfy us. Even the people who witnessed We hear today the introduction Jesus feed the five thousand got confused and distracted. It felt good when thou- of Jesus’ extended “bread of life” sands of people were able to eat. They wanted to know what they could do to get discourse. In referring back to the this to happen again! But Jesus quickly reminds them that this is not the point of this ancient Israelites who ate “manna” (bread) in the desert, Jesus tells the sign. As much as the now time of our lives is of concern, it is not what is ultimately crowds: “I am the bread of life.” How important. We need to learn the difference between being and doing, drawing more would you explain to someone strength from who we are and who God is rather than what is happening around us how Jesus sustains you? and the choices we can make.
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