March 21, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 4209 the two political parties—are the ones in the Armor Branch. Over the past the 1970s because Congress had dif- that are left out, while we ignore all three decades, his assignments have in- ficulty containing its voracious appe- this other stuff. cluded a variety of both command and tite to continue to spend. Thus, the Talk about imbalance. The McCain- staff positions, and throughout his Budget Act was adopted in which Con- Feingold bill is imbalanced. What is military career, Colonel Shatzer con- gress would adopt a blueprint, an over- even worse, in my eyes, is that the one sistently distinguished himself in all all skeletal structure, for expenditures thing they impose on unions and others his assignments. Furthermore, whether and for revenues that would be the is TV advertisements and radio adver- a newly commissioned Second Lieuten- model after which all of the various tisements within 30 to 60 days of the ant or a seasoned Colonel, this officer committees, both appropriations and primary and general elections. Think always demonstrated one of the most authorizing committees, would then about that. That says they don’t have important qualities an officer should come in and flesh out the skeletal the right to speak during that time possess, a deep-seated concern for his structure of the budget adopted. which, under Buckley v. Valeo, shows soldiers regardless of their rank. As a How important this budgetary debate that directly violative of the first leader and teacher Colonel Shatzer is this year for the questions in front of amendment. Here we have the media proved himself to be a willing mentor the Congress. Such things as: How and everybody else arguing for this. of young officers and enlisted men, and large is the tax cut going to be, par- My amendment does one thing. It in the process, he helped to shape the ticularly measured against, juxtaposed doesn’t stop the unions from doing successful careers of soldiers through- against, how large the surplus is that this. It doesn’t say you are bad people, out the Army. we are expecting over the next 10 you should not do this. It says you Many of us came to know Colonel years. That, of course, is a very iffy need to disclose what you are doing so Shatzer during his five-year tour as Ex- projection. We have seen, if history that all members of the union know ecutive Officer, Army Legislative Liai- serves us well, that, in fact, we don’t what political ideologies they are sup- son. His professionalism, mature judg- know beyond a year, 2 years at the porting with their dues. That includes ment, and sound advice earned him the most, with any kind of degree of accu- 40 percent of them who are basically respect and confidence of members of racy, if we can forecast what the sur- Republicans and whose moneys are all the Army Secretariat and the Army pluses or the deficits are going to be in going to elect Democrats, people who Staff. While dealing with Members of future years. are basically contrary to their philo- Congress and Congressional staff, the So the budget debate brings the cen- sophical and political viewpoints. Department of Defense, and the Joint tral question of how large should the All I ask is that there be disclosure. Staff, Colonel Shatzer’s abilities as an tax cut be counterbalanced against But to even it up, since the Democrats officer, analyst and advisor were of how much of the revenues and the sur- have raised this time and again, I benefit to the Army and to those with plus do we think will be there over the would require disclosure in the cor- whom he worked in the Legislative course of the next decade. That, then, porate world, too—disclose what the Branch. leads us, once we know that, to be able For the past thirty-one years, Colo- money is used for regarding politics. to decide how much we will appropriate nel Shatzer has selflessly served the With that, I yield the floor. for other needed expenditures for the Army and our Nation professionally, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who good of the United States. capably and admirably. Through his yields time? Most everyone in this Chamber personal style of leadership, he has had Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I suggest agrees there ought to be a moderniza- a positive impact on the lives of not the absence of a quorum. tion of Medicare with a prescription only the soldiers who have served drug benefit. Most everyone in this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The under him, but of the families of these Chamber agrees there should be addi- clerk will call the roll. soldiers, as well as the civilian employ- tional investment in education, and The assistant legislative clerk pro- ees of the Army who have worked with there is a bipartisan bill that is begin- ceeded to call the roll. and under this officer. I am sure that ning to work its way through the legis- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I all of those in the Senate who have lative process on increased investment ask unanimous consent that the order worked with Colonel Shatzer join me in education and accountability. Most for the quorum call be rescinded. today in wishing both he and his wife, everyone in this Chamber agrees we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Annie, health, happiness, and success have to pay our young men and women objection, it is so ordered. in the years ahead. f in the Armed Forces of this country f more of a comparable wage in competi- MORNING BUSINESS BUDGET COMMITTEE MARKUP tion with the private sector in order to Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- have the kind of skill and talent we ask unanimous consent that there now dent, it is a great privilege for me to be need in today’s all-volunteer Armed be a period for the transaction of rou- a new Member of the Senate, and it is Forces. tine morning business with Senators a great privilege for me to be assigned Most people in this body would agree permitted to speak therein for up to 10 to the Budget Committee. It is with a we have to have certain expenditures minutes each. heavy heart that I have just learned with regard to health care, planning The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without that it is the intention of the chair- for the end game, encouraging addi- objection, it is so ordered. man, the distinguished Senator from tional long-term insurance, equalizing f New Mexico, for whom I have the high- the tax subsidies for health insurance est regard, not to have a markup in the now from a large employer to a small RETIREMENT OF COLONEL WILSON employer, or to an individual em- A. ‘‘BUD’’ SHATZER Budget Committee and rather bring a chairman’s mark under the lawful pro- ployer, or to an individual. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I cedures of the Budget Act straight to There are a number of items on rise today to pay tribute to Colonel the floor. which there is consensus that is built Wilson A. ‘‘Bud’’ Shatzer, who after I am compelled to rise to express my on this side of the Capitol where we thirty-one years of dedicated service to objection, for that is what a legislative should go with regard to expenditures the nation and the military, will retire body is all about in the warp and woof in the future while controlling our fis- from the United States Army on April and crosscurrents of ideas for Members cal appetite. 1, 2001. to hammer out legislation, particularly That brings me back to the budget Colonel Shatzer’s career began fol- on something as important as adopting resolution, for it is the very essence of lowing his graduation from Eastern a budget. adopting a budget resolution that we Washington University in 1970 when he We first started adopting budgets should have as our watchwords ‘‘fiscal was commissioned a Second Lieutenant pursuant to the Budget Act passed in discipline.’’ That is why we need to VerDate jul 14 2003 20:54 Feb 11, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S21MR1.001 S21MR1 4210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE March 21, 2001 have a full and fair discussion of all the Children and Healthcare Week high- not have been different had the elec- issues in adopting a budget resolution. lights educational programming to in- tion not been marred in this manner, That is why we ought to mark it up crease public, parental and professional there can be no question that Uganda and have that discussion first in the knowledge of the improvements that has been proven to be less democratic committee. can be made in pediatric health care. and less stable by these recent events, I wrap up by saying of all the debates In particular, it stresses new ways to and the security of individual Ugan- that will take place this year, the de- meet the emotional and developmental dans wishing to exercise basic civil and bate on how we will allocate the re- needs of children in health care set- political rights is not assured. sources with regard to the budget of tings. Lack of quality health care It is unquestionably true that many the United States is one of the most should never be an impediment to the positive developments have unfolded in important. It ought to have a full and long-term success of our nation’s chil- Uganda over the years that President fair and thorough discussion.
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