Immaculate12th Heart Sunday of in Mary Ordinary Catholic Time, June Church 20, 2021 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 100 * New Melle, MO 63365 Website: Office Phone: 636-398-5270 Deliveries only address: 8 West Highway D, New Melle, MO 63365 Schedule of Holy Mass June 20, 2021 Saturday: 8:00am, 4:00pm Vigil Mass for Sunday Sunday: 7:30am, 9:30am Weekdays: 8:00am, in church Weekly Devotions and Prayers Eucharistic Adoration: Monday 8:30am until Friday 11:00am, St. Joseph Chapel Rosary: Prior to Saturday evening 4pm Mass Weekday devotions after morning Mass: Tuesday: Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesday: Litany to St. Joseph Thursday: Celebrating the Sanctity of Life First Friday: Litany of the Sacred Heart First Saturday of the Month Devotions 8am Mass, Rosary, 15 minutes of meditation Sacraments Reconciliation: Wednesday in church, 7pm Saturday following 8am Mass Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months prior to the wedding Baptism: Contact the parish office to register for class and to arrange date Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Contact Shawn Mueller in the parish office Deeper Understanding of Scripture As we look at our lives and world events, Maybe the storms and the waves are neces- That’s the balancing act that comes with do we ever find ourselves wondering if God sary. If we listen, they can teach us valuable faith. It is not God’s job to prevent us from is sleeping? After all, maybe God’s patient, lessons. Without them, we would never encountering the torrential rains and winds unconditional love has run its course and learn that we have the strength to endure, of life. Many believe that if faith is done the He is finally fed up with humanity’s reluc- understand the uselessness of fear and wor- right way, that God will provide for smooth tance to accept the truth about who we are. ry, or develop the ability to really trust. If sailing. That’s not how it works. God per- God really can’t be that patient! All God immediately rushed in and simply mits us to ride out the difficult stuff know- throughout human history, many have calmed things down before they got diffi- ing that the storm will eventually be prayed to God for intervention or for par- cult, what good would that really be? We calmed. Do we not have faith that God will ticular needs. Because their prayers were not would miss opportunities to learn how to do this? True faith trusts in the steadfastness answered in the way they wanted or antici- drink more deeply of life, treasure its com- pated, they felt that God may have aban- plexity, irony, and beauty and fully engage of God’s love when the seas are calm and doned them. Were they right? It seems that ourselves in surrendering to the love of our when they are choppy. God’s unconditional we are continuing, at a rapid rate, down a Creator. It is easy to walk on the surface of loving presence shines through all of it and path of destruction. Do you not care, God, life without immersing ourselves in its messi- endures forever. Knowing this allows us to that we may be perishing? When the boats ness. Life has to burn its way through us in put our boats out into unchartered waters of our lives are rocking and the seas tumul- order to bring us to a place of secure trust. without hesitation. Knowing that we prefer tuous, we want to know that we have It’s unfortunate that some prefer a shallow- the comfort and safety of what we know to God’s attention. Even more so, we want er journey. be still waters, how do we feel when Jesus God’s intervention. says, “Let us cross to the other side”? ©LPi Welcome! Immaculate Heart of Mary: Informed—Hospitable—Missionary Parish Staff Religious Education Parish Office: 636R398R5270 Shawn Mueller, Director Fr. Tom Miller, Pastor [email protected] 636R398R5270, [email protected] (for emergencies only: 314R303R2428) Parish School of Religion (when restricons are li ed) Grades 1 thru 8, September thru May, 8:45R9:45am, Sundays Deacon Chris Ast [email protected] Deacon Tony Falbo [email protected] Confirmaon Preparaon Laura Orf, Business Manager [email protected] 8th GradeVSeptember thru May, 8:45R9:45am, Sundays Peggy Dupree, Office Manager [email protected] Children’s Liturgy of the Word (when restricons are li ed) Bryan Beams, Director of Music and Liturgy September thru May, during the 10am Sunday Mass [email protected] Adult Educaon Michael McDonald, Plant Manager [email protected] Wednesdays at 8:45am and 6:10pm, September thru May Karen Wappelhorst, Child Safety Coordinator [email protected] Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of AdultsVcontact Shawn for schedule Quick Contacts Directory Liturgical Videographer Parish Organizaons Stan Kostecki 314R397R5965 Budget & Finance Weddings, Recepons, Events Larry Graves 314R799R9804 Pat Gentry, Hall Rental 636R398R5270 Cemetery Commiee Kelly Meyer, Wedding Coordinator 636R828R4994 Mark Keune 314R220R7075 Jean Hi, Wedding Coordinator 636R987R2131 Dinner Commiee 636R398R5270 Jeff Comoo 314R570R6972 Mary Keune, Event Coordinator 636R398R5270 Funeral Lunches Ruth Neske 636R398R5699 Prayer and Devoon Vicki Grunz 636R497R5230 Eucharisc Adoraon Helping Hearts Shawn Mueller 636R398R5270 John Grady 314R662R2138 Legion of Mary Mary Hardesty 636R398R5663 Maria RomineRKantor 314R614R0857 Bob Hutchcra 636R346R3471 Prayer Chain Maria RomineRKantor 314R614R0857 Brenda Hutchcra 636R248R8493 Knights of Columbus Prayer Intercession/Jonah Team Bob Hutchcra 636R346R3471 Debbie Gillespie 636R398R4971 Marian Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Julia Keler 314R616R0096 Barb Pope 773R383R8602 Meal Train Liturgical Ministries Kelly Meyer [email protected], 636R828R4994 Extraordinary Ministers Meals on Wheels Irene Caldwell 636R398R4311 Jean Bammann 636R798R2718 Lectors Pro Life Joe Willis 636R398R2106 Bill Winters 636R828R4133 Gi Bearers Quilters Peggy Dupree 636R398R5270 Vanita Joerling 636R544R0416 Ushers Ruth Willis 636R398R4597 Gary Struckhoff 636R828R6067 Scoung Altar Servers Chuck Hinkle 636R544R6639 Deacon Tony Falbo [email protected] Cub Scouts: John Lyons 217R778R3760 Altar Society Boy Scouts: Chad Peters 314R807R7177 Pam DeBold 636R482R4765 St. Vincent de Paul Art & Environment Joe Willis 636R398R2106 Mary Karll 636R433R5049 Welcoming Commiee Music Ministry Teresa Berfanger 636R398R5565 Bryan Beams 636R398R5270 Adult Choir Youth and Young Adults Mary Sweeten 314R324R3249 High School Youth Leader Children’s Choir Janet Hespen 314R369R6521 Elizabeth Jaeckle 636R828R4811 Young Adults Julie Lassiter 636R357R0121 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 20, 2021 In Praise of the Father, and Our Fathers The fundamental Christian claim on reality By sending his grace, particularly through is that the world did not come from nothing. the means of regular confession and worthy Creation is not a mistake or a coincidence. All Holy Communions, the Father sustains us with that is, was made by God. The Cate- His love. chism begins with these words which every Human beings were made in the image of Catholic should know: God, but the constant temptation of our culture God, infinitely perfect and blessed in is to efface that image. We must not let it be himself, in a plan of sheer goodness, stamped out. Fathers, in particular, have a duty freely created man to make him share in to their family, to protect this image, by availing them- his own blessed life. selves of the graces of prayer and the sacraments. The beauty, order, and harmony of the world we As the Scriptures say, we were made for life in the see and study all point to the greatness and love of the Father’s house. A life of seeing God, being united with one who made it. Today, the Scriptures remind every glory he intends. Pope Francis declares, us that, “Even all the hairs of our heads are counted.” A good father knows how to wait and The Father knows things from the inside, because he knows how to forgive from the depths of has made them. his heart. Certainly, he also knows how to Our own fathers hint at the kind of knowledge that correct with firmness: he is not a weak our heavenly Father has. Some seem to have a super- father, submissive and sentimental. The natural knowledge of the thermostat for example. The father who knows how to correct without care a father takes in tending a year and ordering a humiliating is the one who knows how to home are reflections of God our Heavenly Father who protect without sparing himself. sends rains to water the fields and orders our worship. To stay on this path, fathers must direct their fami- But God has not left His creation to its own devic- lies. Children need to be pressed to worship well. Fa- es. God, our Heavenly Father, sustains all that is, at thers have to declare to them right ways of life, with- every instance. By caring for his creation He continues out shying away from any of the difficulties of Gospel to be the author of life who ennobles every human living. A father, who with his wife, is the first teacher soul with the rank of his own image and likeness. This of the faith, can offer a child the way to holiness, the likeness cannot be erased. Even our own moral failures way to live with the Heavenly Father. do not render us orphans. The mechanisms of grace On this Father’s Day, let us rejoice in the gift of our and the Father’s love assure us, that, as Pope John Paul fathers. They, like all of creation, are as different and II teaches, unique as only God Himself could have imagined. We are not the sum of our weaknesses And they are ours. Praise Him. and failures, we are the sum of the Fa- Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP ther’s love for us and our real capacity to become the image of His Son Jesus.
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