TAL ·ONE·HOUR PARKING LIMIT ON MAIN STREET BECOMES LAW ® Main Street Should Be Protected With "STOP" Signs THENE KPOST 1 At All Intersections I ENTERS APPEAL VAST AREA Annual May Mart To Be ORDINANCE Conducted By P. -T.A. PASSES BY IN STATE 0---- -------- - IMPROVED Mrs. Leon Ryan MART ADVISOR UNANIMOUS Again Head Of ..............--- ,1 Agricultural Service For New Gay Festival APPROVAL Program Aids Group To Be Plans for the May Mart, staged annually by the Newa rk Parent­ Resolution Sets Many Farlners Held May 17 Teachers' Association, are rapidly --- progressing, according to the an- Limit In Zone; Land on approximately three- .First and second class members of nouncement made yesterday by Mrs. quarters of Delaware's 10,381 farms GlJ"1 Scout Troop No. 8, of Newark, Leon H. Ryan general chairman Council'Presses benefited directly as a result of the will leave Friday afternoon for an of the affair. ' 1937 Agricultural Conservation Pro- overnight camping trip at "Top of This year's festival will be staged Need For Walks gram, says R. O. Stelzer, extension the Hill" scout camp, on the farm on the Newark High School athletic economist at the University of Dela- of Mr. a~d Mrs. J . Thompson Brown, field on Saturday, May 21 and pro- The Council of Newark will be ware and state executive officer for near Mlltord Cross Roads. The ceeds will be turned over to the enabled to enact parking limitations the program. troop will be accompanied by Mrs. P .-T.A. fund for school health work. on Main Street from the tracks of According to figures released re- Fred Bellinger, Mrs. Morris Ewing, Chairman Announced the Baltimore and Ohio railroad to cently by the State Agricultural Miss Frances Wilson and Miss Ann the tracks of the Pomeroy Branch Conservation Committee, 38,476,000 Chalmers, leaders. A list of the committee chairmen of the P ennsylvania r ailroad follow- pounds of lime, 1,799,222 pounds of Investiture service for the newly- was released by Mrs. Ryan yesterday ing the final passage of a new ordi- super phosphate, and 173,022 pounds organized Troop No. 13 .will be held and an advisory board, consisting nance at the May meeting Monday of 50 per cent potash were applied on Tuesday, May 17, in the Girl of Carleton E. Douglass, Dr. J. Fenton night. to farm land being operated under Scout building on Academy Street. Daugherty, Dr. J . S . Gould, Rich- Although objections on several the conservation program last year. M.i$s Marguerite Gunn, evecutive ard Cooch and Mrs. Florence Crans- features were voiced by Councilman Dr, H. V. Holloway with discharging _ ____.,...- _ _ ___ co!;:m~~~:!;O~eri~li!~~S , a~~/I~cearti;~in~~ F, Allyn Cooch, Jr. ~~~c~~~d~~t ~~~":::~:m~~~s .Sc~~~ tO~a~i~::~i~~!:ittee heads are as ~;r~;en ~~~I~t°rii~~i~~,UY;:~~~~ fro:f:~se~~ ai~ ~~~ EXAMS TO ed out that farmers operating under ents and troop committee members follows: parade-Mrs. Harry S. Ga- nance finally passed with unani- off of buses was to the program last year turned under APPOINTED have been invited to attend. briel, Chief of Police William H. mous consent. Wollaston withdrew standing at the ~7,951 .acres of green manure crops, ' New Members Cunningham, Miss Rose Leary and Dr. J. Fenton Daugherty his objections when details of the mcludmg soybeans, cnmson clover, The following girls will receive Mrs. William Tierney; general chair- . measure had been di3cussed at st~~!:~: a~dt~~~ BE fIELD vetch, rye and wheat. EMPLOYM'T their tenderfoot pins: Doris Biddle, man of amusements-Mrs. J . Fenton lenglh. "This practice," he said, "added Audr y Bolton, Edith Carr, Ruth D aug~e rty; ~urchases-Mrs. A. D: HOSPITAL Members of Council present were: much needed organic matier to the Cunnmgham7 Jean Councill Ruby Cobb, supplles-J 0 s e p h McVey, Mayor Frank Collins, Councilmen Charles W. Bush soil o~ these far~s. a~~ !creased its MANAGE' R Dann, Mary 'Davis, Patricia Gabriel, posters and decorations-Miss Mil- George F. Ferguson, C. Emerson potential productiVity. Mary George, Ernestine Gillespie, dred Burney . refreshments-Mrs. COMMITTEE Johnson, Charles C. Hubert, and 'nted Test 24,&52 Acres of Grasses Barbara Hutchison, Jane Hartman, G~y Hancock; Ice cream and soft- Wollaston. Secretary C. Vernon Appol Bes.ides following lhe soil building ___ Beverly Kearney, Nancy Lou Jerni, drmks-A. E. Tomhave; ~upper- Steele and Engineer George C. Price .'. practices to the extent shown, the Kay Ritz Lucille Moore Ruth W t- Mrs. C. E. Douglass; pomes-Lee --- were also present. SUpel VISOr farmers cooperating in the pro gra~ F. Allyn Cooch, Jr., ers, . J an~ Anne Lovett, Dor ot~y L~wis; cashier ~or ponies-Miss Lions To Head Resolution Passed . --- seeded last y~ar 90,160 acres of Ie S I I H d Of Morns, Barbara Musselman, La- Elizabeth Macla:y , cakes-Mrs: C. The new act will govern park- council 10 help m Accordmg to an announcement g~es mcludmg altalfa, red clover, e ecte( ea vonne Muslipardi, Sophie McVey, M. Elssner; movles-W. S. Ha~~ton Movement For ing on either side of Main Street of this law. made this. wee~ , Charles W. Bush, cl"lmson clover, lespedeza, vetch, W'lm' 'B h Ellizabeth Perry, Dorothy Platt, Aud- and .0 . R Suttles; sports-Wilham •• from "the point where the Balti- Statute of the Um ~ erstty- of Delaware, has sweet clover, and serICa, as well as 1 lngt n ranc rey Rumer, Lydia Smith, Wilberta K. GillespIe and MISS Ethel Johnson. Orgalllzatlon more and Ohio railroad crosses said Dr. Holloway re- been appomted supervisor of the 24,652 acres of grasses. ___ Stradley, Mary Tierney, Helen Tier- VaudeVille-Paul Lovett, Mrs. T. Main Street, and the point where (91A of the Motor ex a.n:ination. to be held soon for That the program ~ a s been popu- Announcement wa~ made today of .ley and Joyce Wakefield. D .. Mylrea, Mrs. Ja~ Robmson and . -. -.-. - . the P omeroy Branch of the Pennsyl- the Stale of Dela- posItions Wi th the Unemployment lar ~Ith the farmers IS shown by the th . t t f F All C h This troop is captained by Mrs. MI SS Anne Stauter, candy-Mrs.F. Takmg the Imtlatlve m a move- vania railroad crosses said Main of a vehicle Compensation Commission. !'Ie ~ ill statistiCS released by the committee. Jr~ ~~p~;w~~~, ~s ~anai'e~ o ~Ot~~ Ralph O'Connell, who has as her Allyn Cooch, Jr., Miss Elizabeth ~ent to form a permane~t c?mmu~- Street." oulside of a busi- conduct the test under the directIOn Of the. ]0,381 farms m Delaware, Wilmington office of the Delaware lieutenants, Miss Jean Chambers Deakyne, Mr~. Leon Buhler and Ity committee to deal With Immedl- Limitati ons were established, con­ d istrict upon meet- of an a dvI~o ry committee on p~r- approximately 5,200 of them were State Employment Service. and Mrs. Herman Handloff. On Mrs. Lee LeWIS; dance-Mrs. A. M. ate a ~d future needs of the Flow~r forming to the area set four months any school bus s o n~e l , conSlstmg of J . Russell Craig, ope:ated . under the 1937 program. The position was awarded follow- Tuesday, the members will go on B?ll, Robert. E. Ke.rn and Stanley Hospital, Way~e C. Brewer, presl- ago for experimental purposes, by on the highway ch a lr~an , .Char l es L. Harn;onson and While thiS figure I~cludes not qUite ing a competitive examinati on tak- a supper hike along White Clay Gibbs; cashle.rs-Mlss Ann G al~a- de~t of the LIOns of Newark, ap- a resolution to the ordinance. The receiving or dis-Merrill. Kmg. half .of the farms m the sta te, ap- en by more than 30 men and will be- Creek. The group will work on her, Mrs .. Mildred. Maclary, lV!ISS pomted a specI.al committee to rep- resolution, which went into immedi- children shall Candidates may . secure apphcatlOn prOXImately 7? per cen~ of the farm come effective on Monday, May 9. , econd class requirements for nat- G~eta McKms~y , .Mlss Rebecca Klr~ , resent the service .group and to for- ate effect, reads: . is resonable blanks and f~ mformat~o.n about ac~eage was mcluded I~ the farms Mr. Cooch has resigned his post ure, trails signs and fire building. Miss Irene :Vllklnson, MISS Mmme war~ the formahon of the com- "It shall be unlawful for the with due caution the exammatlO n by wl"ltmg M:. bem g operated by coopelatmg farm- as <l/Ss islant manager of the Equitable Girls of all three troops are work- Smithers and J ohn A. Monroe. mumty b~dy Tu e sda~ mght. ' . driver of any vehicle, motor, or any such children Bush at Box 388, Newark. App h- ers.. .' Life Insurance Company of Wash- ing on fixing up their new meeting Dr. Gould Re-elected ~ e mb e ls of the LIOns co.mmlttee otherwise to park said attended in excess of ten cants must be cItIzens of the Umted Accordmg to cens~l s flgUl es, Dela- . t DC ' th Wilm' t place. Troop 4 and 8 have taken . are. Edward A. Curbs, Helbert W. or unattended vehicle for a long- hour in passing such States and residents of the State of w?re's total area IS 1,965 squal:e ~~: ao ~ilh 'wh ~'ml~ e haes been ~~:o~i~ the responsibility of the interior ~t a r~cent meetmg of the assocl- M a ~on , and Charles H.
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