~...JUly/August 2001 IB!t..~.) KEEI'THE\\'HOLE\\'ORLDSIi\'GIi\'G Enter and wlnl Use your Priority Cod e at IVI·m.spebsqsa,orglmembers The 2001 Intel'llational Chorus and Quartet Contests.... Videos, Cassettes and Compact Discs. Order now and save!! (discounts end October 31 st) ff.cwJ1'L01ll?' /vi CWke:tp~ Stock # Item Qtv Each Total SPEBSQSA, Inc. 6315 Harmony Lane 4618 200 I Quartet Cassette $12.00 Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 4619 200 I Chorus Cassette $12.00 (800) 876-7464 Fax: (262) 654-5552 order both - save $4.00 ext. 8410 4620 200I Quartet CD $15.00 Delivery in time for Christmas giving in 4621 200 I Chorus CD $15.00 2001. order both - save $5.00 4167 200 I VHS Quartet Video $25.00 Please ship my order to: 4168 2001 VHS Chorus Video $25.00 Namc' _ order both - save $5.00 4120 200 I ':'PAL Quartet Video $30.00 Street. _ 4121 200 I "PAL Chorus Video $30.00 order both - save $10.00 City, _ Total for merchandise State/Prov' ZIP _ 5% Sales Tax (Wis. residents onlv) Subtotal SPEBSQSA membership no., _ Shipping and handling (see below) Chapter name & 1100 _ Total Amount enclosed US FUNDS ONLY Use yOIl MBNA America credit card.' *PAL (European Format) Packages Sl'/11 TO sl'!mrale mldresst's reqltire Sl'/JIlI"(/{(, /WSllIgl'. Ple(/se mid: Credit card customers only: US and CUlHulian shipllIrnls FOl'eign shipllll'llls (yollr nml Il'ill be dwrget! prior TO the {/lIlici,Ja{t,d $6.00 shipping and handling dlargc S15.00 overseas shipping and handling charge t1e!iI'ery daleJ Please charge my _ Mastercard _Visa Account No. Expires, _ T July/August 20tH VOLUME L~I tWMDEn ·1 . I. Virtual tag rooms? Scien­ 1 tists are one step closer A live quCtrtet gig by singers in (our cities brought stodgy scientists to their (cet BRIAN Lr,\'clI 1 The black musical roots of barbershop harmony Historical evidence is abundant, and now 1 there's musical evidence, too DR. jl.\/ HENH.I' Recruiting 101: nexttime, 1 read the text book Arc yOli driving away potential members. or are yOll growing like these chapters! LORIN l\f.-\r -------Departments------- 2 10 THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE HARMONY HOW-TO Hc:lp answer membership questions Lay the groundwork for interpretation 4 21 LET'S HARMONIZE CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES What will be your greatest moment! Look whose life you've changed 5 Pro Bono Cum Deus On the Covel': 24 Barbershop's pioneers LETTERS FOREGROUND QUARTET: Keep ucrudencss"out of contests STAY TUNED Polk Millet'. FamouS Olde Who's this "FERD" quartet! Gold runs in the family South Quartet, 1909 BACKGROUND: African· Something to shout about American performer. Bert 6 Williams, song published 28 1910 TEMPO China discovers mixed barbershop THE TAG TV special on BBshop in the works "The Joy Of Life" Society for the Preservation and EnCOUragement\~\OfBarber Shop Quartet Singing in America Ju(r/A"gl/~'I 2UOI • The HARMONIZER 1 THE PRESIDENT'S PAGE Chuck Watson, SPEBSaSA President Society growth: help us answer the right questions Gm1t help but wonder why more especially a gold medaL) yOllng men don't become a part of ollr Rcasons for joining could include hobby. I also wonder about those who all of the above and many more. I last a couple of years and then clisap, wish I knew all the motivations yOllng l pear. \Vhat '\\'as in it for them ) when men and other men have when they they began, and why didn't that keep join. Can you help us learn more! them in the Society? If we ever fully understand the The pressures young men face to, many reasons why people join, we still clay are considerably different than must ask: Why do some new members those faced when I began leave? barbershopping nearly 35 years ago. • Did they find a chapter of cliques But I do see young men who find our where a newcomer is not fully ac, style and friendship interesting. What cepted until he's lCpaid his ducsll ? can we do for them and • Did they find that there are more other potential young hidden expenses than they wcre brothers in harmony? We led to believe when they joined? must answer two critical No hobby is tmly inexpensivcj questions: (I) How do we however, our non~competitivc attract new, young mem, chapters demand relatively little bers, and then, (2) How do financial commitment. But nlcm~ we keep them? bership in our highly compctitive To answer the first ques, chapters involves many expenses tion, we need to consider besides dues. (By the way, did you several things about the know there are a number of op, potential member. For ex, tions available to new membcrs to ample: help defer the payment of some of • Has he been bitten by the initial dues?). your infectious enthusi, • Did they join a competitive group asm for the hobby? that won? Are they now satisfied • Did he receive a friendly and decided to move on to some, invitation, come for the thing else? music, and stay for the • What if they didn't win? Are they fellowship? disappointed ahout the chapter, • Did he like the chance having possibly built up false to learn something hopes? new? • Are they leaving temporarily due • Was he just keeping to life circumstances, or are their busy while he waited for needs and desires no longer being that "right someone" to met by the chapter? come along? Again, we don't know all the an~ • Had he heard positive things about swers to these questions, and 1'm sure the style when he was growing up we don't even know all the questions. and decided to give it a tty? What are your thoughts? • Had he never heard anything Think back to your own initial ex~ ahout the style but was just trying periences with your chapter and sec if to find an outlet where he could it doesn't help you understand somc sing and pelfonn? of the challenges of retaining ncw • Does the chapter have a glorious members: history of competition, and he's • Did your chapter orient you to all excited about winning! (Few mem~ the things expected of you when hers obtain this reward, howcvcr, you joined! 2 The HARMONIZER • JII(rIAlIglIsI200/ • If not I what have you done to im~ prove the process for new mem~ bers? T EHARMONl~R • Did you learn that many of your chapter members gather together - : . .. ." - . after the weekly chapter meeting to July/AuguSl 2001 Volume LXI Number 4 do some more informal singing and get to know one another? SPEBSQSA Vision Statement The Society is to be an ever-growing fraternity of barbershop-style singers, • Did you know you were expected to leading the cause of encouraging vocal music in our schools and communities. sell tickets? How about those show ads? How else does your chapter " HAR!\10NY expect you to contribute your fair ~FOUND\TION share? The official charily 01 SPEBSaSA, coordinating the Society's charitable mission to "preserve our musical legacy though support of vocal music education in our schools and communities," • Did you find out that your chapter Call 1-800-876-7464 x8447 for donation, gift-planning, grant or sponsorship information, was one of more than 800 chapters HEADQUARTERS OFFICE STAFF SPEBSQSA BOARD OF DIRECTORS around the United States and EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SOCIETY PRESIDE/IT [J.\RR\1. FlTh~ (85-13) CIII:O:. W,USOS Canada who do this kind of thing DIRECTOR OF MUSIC EDUCATlOll & SERVICES 784 McCall COIJrt 'Columbus, 011-13235 every week? D;/;, GREG Ln."'E (85-19) SOCIETY EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF FIt.AlICE & ADI.HIHSTRATlOII 1{0Gf.R If.\\lS • Did you learn that there are a set 201.25 12 Milo: Road - B31lk Cr~k, MI -19014 FRA.''; S'\)',"TARUlI, CPA, CAE (8450) SOOETV TREASURER of songs called Barberpole Cat HARlolDIlY FOUllOATIOll EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOOl\. BRW songs that nearly all members learn DIRECTOR Of EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 3062 o...'\"ring Dr. NW • Salem, OR 973(}..\ G.o.I<\· SlA.\l\l, CAE (&446) SOCIETY IIIJ,IElXATE PAST PRESlOEllT to sing and are sung in the halls at MANAGING DIRECTOR OF MElolBER SERVICES Eo W,>,EKHE conventions and other gatherings? Ev N,\u (8478) 6 Vis1.3 I.a~· Mellilk, J','Y 117-17 • Did you learn about those district E-BuSIHESS STRATEGIST SOOETY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I BOARD SECRETARY B.'U-\.,· L\Nll (8554) D.\IU('l"l Fill" conventions where you can gather PUBliC RelATIONS "'AIIACER RAWGH BLOCK with others to have singing fun RITa S.-\.\l?SOS (859.2) 2033 Wild Cherry I..:me • Kalamazoo, MI 49009 and fellowship? EVEIlTS MAl/AGER I STAFF COUIlSEl WW)',L BROlO\1C1J JOIL" SCl~[IDU (8444) 45-16 Glenbrook LtllllJ • Palm II:lrbor, fL 346S3 • Did you leam about that great big LIBRARIAIl, OLD SONGS liBRARY B:Ll COOt· international convention where TO~1 BARR (8545) SOl Slaten Laoe, Apl. 101-1' Akxarnlria, VA 22314 MEUBERSHIP SPECIALIST lm-",li COOK 6019 N. Iklmotll Wa)' , Parkt'r, CO 80134 10,000 people gather annually to 1);0; BIX (8-159) G.~K\. GAArTSO:; sing~ MUSIC SPECIALIST I QUARTET DEVELOPIJEIlT have a good time, hear great 6-15 N. Hi~kOf)' Hills Dr. • Columbus, IN -\1201 J~l DEBus.\t\x (8566) ing and sing themselves? I-l...-a:: 1-lA.\L\\Ul. C&J I QUAATET REGISTRY I HC-DC 262.2 Leake)"' San Antonio, TX 78251 • Did you learn about the Society's L\." DfETER (8551) ROOERT lIor-ID'S history? Who is O.c.
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