r TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1952 \ lEnnting H^ralb AvciRta Dally Nat Prana For the Week aMUnt Tha Waathar Ma y 81. 1881 PoNeaat et V. S. Wsallur.l Mr. and'Mnt. Jack U Wicker and Sona were Bom at tha Hartford r O T o i i t T o ^ their two children of South Caro* Hoapital to' May 28 to Mr. and Church JPresiilent K o f C ^ c t s Camliflate for B. A. 4 Hearings LAND-SURVEYING and 10,586 Showers andlng early toni( Mw. ,Ri?h*rs! -RltHJ.0- M W-CUnton. ^leartng-later. ■ MlniRRaiir father,^. Charlea Mtlikowiki of 8# street and Mr. and Mra. Richard ^etB M r of Hmi A m H Th« Huatlera group of the South IglVILiNGtNKRING'^ Holllater etrMt. Cordero of Carmen road. A daugh­ O fficers Set ToiiigHt BuroMi of drenlotloiift 85. Thuradsy, fair. M^thihlin WSCS held Itii final ter waa Bom on the aame day to M anche$ter-—A City o f VUltutm Charm meeting for rug making laat Wed- ■ I*aul J. Dilworth and RoBert P.' Mr. and Mra. Walter Peroaki of 52 ■Edward L. Davis, Jr. needaj’. On June 11 the group will Qennveai of thla town Will receive Village atreet, Rockville, .g o In Riverton Inn fOf lU gnnual Chaises McCarthy I». Diriectors Will . Meet in Regtstored Clrtl En|diMr sild_ diplonnaa' at the commencement VOL. LXXI, NO.209' (Ctaaniied AavertlBiBg oa Page 22)" MANCHESTER, CONN., W EDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1952 (TWENTY-POUR PAGE8—IN TWO SECTIONS) eutmg. exerclaea of Hartford Art School Mr., and Mrs. Max Kaaulkl of New Graml Knight; In- Hollister St. Sehuol at Land Surveyor . P R IC E ^ Sunday afterhoon. 172 Center atreet wlU observe their 15 Proctor Road; Manchester Mary Keeney Tent, No.- 14. 40th wedding anniversary with an Htallation on ' June 30 8 ; Twto- Reports Slateil 0UVCW, will hold a meeting to- Memorial Laidga No. 3.7. Knlghti open house Sunday afternoon from TeL 7019 -night •t S*; ''elo«k’' et W ^M epl#' 0 of Pytfilae. wTlf TiBia ’ rtiinSSTiraf g'To^lT'd^cIBck,'iriivhtcfi ’MemBers " o l ' The Cafnpbeil ■treet. lytth four public hearings on its meeting tomorrow night at 8 welcome friends. They were mar­ Council, Knigh^i of Columbus, six-item agenda tonight, the Board o'clock at Caatle Hall on Oniway ried on June 6, 1912, By Rev, Man­ : The* Ruth Society of the Cove­ elected Charles J. McCarthy its of Directorx will switch the lo­ atreet. All officer^ and memBera^ ning Bennett, rector of St. Mary’a cale of their meeting from the fa­ nant Congregational Church will are requeated to be preaent. ^ Eplacopal Church at that time. grand knight at the annual elec­ GIT YOU FIEL DILL [hold a Swediah coffee ahop and miliar, though too-limited sur­ Benton in tion of officers held last night at roundings o f the hearing 'room in icake Bale at the homo of Mra. RoB- iPaul D. Barrett of 2 I.,ydall the K. of C. Home. McCarthy 'ert Windham, .'12 Benton itreet, Miaa Henrietta Lloyd, daughter the Municipal Bulldipg, to the atreet haa ehlialcd In ,the.,.U. A of Mrs...SIveJyn XJoyd. of. .121 Par­ succeeds Jqhp. E . , gte.wMJt,..- ......... more • spacious - HelHi^r , jStreet , aihuraday. r •Marine Garpa hnd -haa reported- la­ -^Bther... ofIiMra..elected' ' gii ''.'the- HoiDebate P •from 7 to 10 p. m. ker itrett," wax' -graduated... today "SchTSfl auditorium. The meeting V * ‘ ■ f'V i the Marine Replacement Center at from ToBe-CoBum School for meeting are James P. Tierney, starts at 8 o'clock. Parria Island, S. C. *• deputy grand knight; Arthur J. ■Tl>a Center Church Seninr-Otolt. Fashion Careera in New York Three of the puBlic hearin Wash'injjton; June 4— (/P)— The Senate jumped into hot de- U l- "City:— A ' gradnanrni BorineTT-xhancetlor;—Leo P, •■ Col- have Been called in connection with W ashington, - June 4—</P) •will hold ita regular rehearaal to- Delta Chapter No. 51. Royal Biirn, recorder; John F., Tierney, -SatiB today on a“Bill that woOTdTATYoitiidnstrlEea in crftTcaT —Sen. Benton (D., Conn.) ’morrow night kt 7:30. College In 1951, she will start in additional approprlaUona and the Arch Masons, will confer the Past the field of retailing with O. Fok treasurer; Attorney John J. fourth, for sanitary sewer exten­ industnes for 120 days, (B) set up a Board to rccommend testified, today there were Master Mason degree at tta stated and Company in Hartford. O’Connor, advocate: Joseph J. sion. settlement terms, and (C) allow the President to seize the ! The Willing Workera of .the Gravel, warden;' Stanley Ghoma, nilh EtoitMltil, AaltMilU FLIID Communists in the State De­ convocation tomororw’ evening at The appropriations to Be voted Industry if the terms were not acr »-------------------;-------------------------- ------ •South Methodlat WSCS Mtll hold 7:30 in the Ma.aonic Temple. The inside guard; RoBert McTeman, partment in 1945 and 1946 ’their final meeting of the feaaon Mias Tina De Pumpo of. 75 Birch on following the the public hear­ HEAT "WALL F U M r OIL lORMEB meeting will be followed by the Lt. Ool. R. E. Key outside gi^prd; and trustees, who ?7ie measure was offered By j T-T C -a-n ra-aax^ and that he took a leading ■tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock street and Miss Edna Roberta of will serve for three years, former ings include one for J50,000 for the iiaiial eoctal hour and refresh­ WllUani B. Thornton Water and Sewer Department pro­ l u id h e a t "Waii Sen. MsyBank (D-SC), chairman I J « 1 'p rl i l l | i 1 part in getting rid of them. 'In the Ladiea' Parlors. Hoateaaea ments. ' 63 Goodwin street spent Memorial Grand Knight Stewart and Fos­ Day week end at "Happy Acres" Lt. Col. RoBert Ellla Key of ject to improve water service to FFlame” Oil Burner of the Senate-Banking committee I But he declined to give any Spring FeaLival Time at Educatioinal Square .will Be Mra. Ina Mankin and Mrs, ter H. Williams. James A. Mur­ William B. Thornton of 608 as an amendment to the expiring i iNonnie Hllding. in MIddlefield, Conn. London, England, yesterday was the Manchester Green area, anoth­ owners report amaaing names, and this led to heated ex­ Calif. Give! Mary Jane Gclgner of 23 Bruce named president of the Mother ray was reappointed financial sec- WoodBridge street is among 570 er for Jl.1,000 for the purchase.of fuel aavinga;—up to 30%, Economics Control law. I changes -with hli aBtagontst, iseir. road will receive an aasoclate of Church, the First Church of telary io r the coming, year. seniors a t' Dartmouth-CoUeg«-who aometimea More while -----8«r. RoBert -A.-Taft of-OhiOi ai= McCarthy (R., Wla i at- ir-pre­ A SOB wax Born May 31 to Rgt. These officers will be installed eight hew' 50-pnlnt votf science degree Iq the Junior col- and Mrs. Carl G. Farris of Dennl- Chrlat, Scientist,' In Boston at its are expected . to receive Bachelor chines, and the third, for $9,000 getting clean.comfortaBle, RepuBlican presidential aspirant.' trial hearing on McCarthy's two- lege- dlvlalnn kt' the—commahea- annual meeting' altended-By -Ohria- -By state .Deputy . Frank .A* J’ranr.. of- -Arts.- d% r«e» - at -Dartmouth's for the payment’ of 1’iinirah'ce 'FlamaDcac’^-licartk '•OOlekiy Jumped-on- the- Maybank mllllmwiollar llBeMHWWar aiift ■yoTr,"Tegw.--Mra.~niTrix wax 'thx' cis at an installation banquet ring Beipt extract greateat heat 'T ment exerclaea' at Hartford Col former Mias Colleen Aborn, tian Scientists from all over the 183rd commencement exercises on premiums for the remainder of the proposal. agalnat the Connecticut Senator. lege oh-June 11. world. June 30 at St. James’ Hall. Sunday, June 8. • fiscal year. from every drop of oil. .-Phone ua HALi'S daughter of Mr. and Mra. Russell for deUila. Expert inataUatioBg He said it would be "infinitely Withholds Naniea Colonel Key is associated editor , A graduatft of Kingswood The fourth public hearing con­ tougher on laBor than the Taft- Lo.vaI Circle of King's Daugh­ ABorn of Tolland turnpike, Buck McCarthy ’ repeatedly pre.ssed To Warrefi land. Sergeant Farria haa been of the Christian Science religious School, Mr. Thornton majored in cerns the Essex and Durant Hsrtley act.” „ ters will have a dinner and' an­ periodicals and formerly served as Benton to. tell whether .he knew Headqiwriers with the Air Force since August, Show’s Director business at college. He was a streets sanitary sewer extension. That la-.tr-calla for an 80-day Berlin, June 4— — An the names o f - any Commtmiata ■ • ■ — nuel meeting, Monday. June 9, at a lecturer 'H e la a Christian me'mBer of Delta Kappa Epsilon The two remaining Itenjs on the cooling off period and a fact-find- American military policeman Altnaveigh, Spring Hill, RtorrS. 1948. Hla mother, Mra. Roy 'P. fired froifi' the State Department By The Aiwociitedi PrtM p FOR Farria of Durkin street, wdll leave Science practitioner and haa Been fraternity and the Sphinx. He agenda tonight include reports FOGARTY tng Board to report on the strike Cara will leave from Center authorised' teacher of the religion Has Experience was shot and wounded By an In the, years right after World South Dakota’s turBulent shortly for Texas. played fruhman footBall ahd alao from the general manager on the issues. The boayd, howeyer, can War Two. Benton waa an as- Church promptly at 6:15 p. m. If since 1937. He Brat Became ac­ varsity football, in Which he re- Buckland School traffic petition not.make settlemenl recommenda- East German police, Border presidential primary this any <rf the members require-fur­ tive' ■ in Christian Science ' more guard on the outskirts of Ber- sistant Secretary of State at the afternoon appeared to Be oiw Cleb Livingston^, who is direct­ ciWed" a letter.
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