ISSUE 4 OCTOBER 2020 16+ DEFENSE MARKET NEWS ADVANCED SURFACE SHIPS OF THE RUSSIAN NAVY НОВОСТИ РЫНКА ОБОРОННОЙ ТЕХНИКИ НОМЕР 4, ОКТЯБРЬ 2020 ГОД Euronaval2020-Defense Market News -220x307mm-GB.pdf 1 07/10/2020 18:25 19/25 ON OCTOBER LINE 2020 www.euronaval.fr ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ | INDEX MAIN TOPIC Rosoboronexport Promotes the Most Extreme Range Rifles in the World............24 Euronaval 2020 Goes Digital........................2 Russian Counter-Drone Systems...............26 EXHIBITIONS: EURONAVAL Russian Armored Vehicles: Agility, Russian Navy's Aces of Trumps from Effectiveness, Safety...................................28 Severnoye Design Bureau.............................3 ВЫСТАВКИ: АРМИЯ ОТЧЕТ Severnaya Verf – Russia’s Leading Shipyard...6 АРМИЯ Выходит в Лидеры.......................30 Main Naval Parade: St.Petersburg & Kronstadt...10 Верность Традициям, Продвижение Rubin: Global Brand in Submarine Инноваций.................................................38 and Unmanned Submersibles Design.......13 ДИВЕРСИФИКАЦИЯ Arktika: We Bring Ships to Life..................16 Как нам завоевать Австралию.................40 A New Era in Countermine Warfare..........18 EXPORT POTENTIAL Range of Security Solutions from Rosoboronexport........................................23 «Новости рынка оборонной техники», № 4, 2020 год Defense Market News, issue 4/2020 Журнал зарегистрирован в Феде- Учредитель: ральной службе по надзору в сфере ООО «Лагук-Медиа-Люкс» массовых коммуникаций и охране Директор – Ласкин Ю.А. культурного наследия. Заместитель директора – Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ Киршин С.Ю. ПИ № ФС 77-22570 от 07.12.2005г. Главный редактор – Ласкина Е.Ю. Редактор – Коробкова О.В. Дизайн – ООО «АРТ ФРОНТ МЕДИА» Выпуск подготовлен коллективом ведущих отечественных журналистов с исполь- зованием материалов российских и зарубежных СМИ при поддержке сотрудников ООО «Лагук-Медиа-Люкс» и ООО «ИС-Медиа». В номере использованы фотогра- фии предприятий – партнеров и ООО «Лагук-Медиа», в том числе сделанные на- шими сотрудниками на международных выставках. Обложка: фрегат проекта 22350 «Адмирал флота Касатонов»; малый ракетный корабль проекта 21631 «Серпухов»; корвет проекта 20380 «Бойкий» (фотографии Юрия Ласкина на Военно-морском параде в Санкт-Петербурге, июль 2020 года). Издатель выражает благодарность государственным служащим и работникам предприятий, оказавшим помощь в подготовке издания. Тираж 5000 экз. Распространяется бесплатно. 3 Main topic EURONAVAL 2020 GOES DIGITAL Faced with the new health regu- In this context, the GICAN and several months of interruption of trade lations, the GICAN and its subsidiary SOGENA have decided to redirect fairs around the world. The resumption of SOGENA are reorienting the 2020 edi- EURONAVAL 2020 towards an en- business contacts is more important than tion of the EURONAVAL exhibition to- tirely digital solution. With the sup- ever. The GICAN and SOGENA are taking a wards a fully digital format. From 19th port of its partners, the 2020 edition of responsible attitude in light of the resur- to 25th October, exhibitors, official de- EURONAVAL will be held exclusively gence of the epidemic, but are determined legations and visitors can now meet on online, thanks to the new EURONAVAL- to support the activity of manufacturers the EURONAVAL-ONLINE platform. ONLINE platform. Previously reserved in France, Europe and around the world, The GICAN's Board of Directors for official delegations and exhibitors and are offering an innovative solution to had taken the courageous decision, unable to travel to Paris-Le Bourget, all the actors in the sector, to accompany necessary for the re-launch of the na- EURONAVAL-ONLINE will now be open the revival of the naval market. I would val activity, to maintain the 2020 edi- to all visitors and exhibitors who wish also like to express my sincere thanks to tion of the EURONAVAL exhibition. The to use it. the Ministry of the Armed Forces for its preparations, in conjunction with the From 19th to 25th October, del- unfailing support throughout the long and State services concerned and notably egations and visitors from all over perilous preparation of Euronaval.» the Prefecture, have so far made it the world will be able to meet Hugues d'ARGENTRÉ, Managing possible to envisage a successful exhi- the EURONAVAL 2020 exhibitors at Director of SOGENA, adds: «I would like bition in strict compliance with health the EURONAVAL-ONLINE digital ex- to extend my warmest thanks to all our regulations. hibition. They will also be able to or- exhibitors, agents, partners and service The GICAN's Board of Directors ganise their BtoB meetings by video providers. They have put their trust in us has taken note of the announcements conference on the Euronaval site and and accompanied us with courage and made by the French Health Minister on follow the themed workshops that will kindness in the difficult and risky prepa- Wednesday 23rd September: the reduc- showcase all the expertise of the naval ration of this exhibition. I would also like tion in the maximum authorised capac- industry. The cycle of online web-con- to thank the members of the 70 foreign ity for major events, from 5,000 to 1,000 ferences, piloted by the Foundation for delegations from 46 different countries people, as well as the established re- Strategic Research (FRS) is also being who had already agreed to take part in surgence of the epidemic, means that maintained. Euronaval. I share their disappointment it is no longer possible to guarantee a Hervé GUILLOU, President of the at not being able to be present at Paris- satisfactory «face-to-face» exhibition, GICAN, states: «In our sector of activ- Le Bourget. I am delighted to be able to both for the 300 exhibitors and for the ity, nothing beats a physical event and offer the Euronaval-Online digital exhi- 70 official foreign delegations that had meetings. The Euronaval 2020 exhibi- bition that will accompany the revival of already expressed the wish to travel to tion was eagerly awaited by exhibitors the naval industry in France and around Paris-Le Bourget. and our international visitors after the world». 2 Exhibitions: Euronaval RUSSIAN NAVY'S ACES OF TRUMPS FROM SEVERNOYE DESIGN BUREAU On the eve of Euronaval 2020 Defense Market News interviewed Andrey Diachkov, General director of Severnoye Design Bureau Andrey A.Diachkov, Admiral Kasatonov frigate became a star of Naval Parade in St.Petersburg (photo: Yury Laskin) General director of Severnoye Design Bureau Severnoye DB follows the princi- requirements, and, as weapons and The frigates are equipped with the ple of development of ships as multi- special systems make the main part most up-to-date integrated weapon purpose functional platforms with of the ship's cost, it is also feasible to systems and provide solution of all the high upgrading potential. What is the meet any customer's requirements in combat tasks set by the customer. As main advantage of such an approach? part of adhering to budgetary limits. to their main characteristics and ca- We offer various ships' designs Project 22350 multi-purpose pabilities, they are not inferior to, and, with weapon systems and equipment frigates are the first large surface by some parameters, even superior to which are cost-effective. combatants designed in Russia after similar foreign ships and provide sub- That said, the key feature of our breakup of the Soviet Union. Please, stantial enforcement of surface com- designs is that all of them are intended tell us about the project in more de- batant groups. to create basic platforms with a feasi- tails. What are its main features and Starting from the fifth one, the bility to replace the considerable part advantages? ships will be built as per modified de- of equipment and weapons with simi- Design documentation of these sign, i.e. their strike potential will in- lar ones as per customer's choice. It principally new ships was developed crease 1.5 fold. On all the design ships, is possible to consider replacement in Foran 3-D CAD system. Adoption of Zircon missile systems can be installed. options, say, of artillery systems, strike 3-D design provided efficient arrange- Starting from the third ship, a fully and air-defence missile weapons, anti- ment of machinery and systems on Russian-made MPP is applied on the submarine systems, radar equipment. ship, high repairability, suitable ergo- serial frigates. The basic advantage over com- nomics and industrial design of com- Control of MPP, electrical power petitors when using such an approach partments, led to considerable reduc- system, ship's general systems is pro- towards design is flexibility and re- tion of shipyard's observations during vided by an integrated technical aids sponsiveness with regard to specific construction. control system fitted with state-of-the- 3 Exhibitions: Euronaval Admiral Gorshkov became the lead ship of series of Project 22350 frigates for the Russian Navy Project 11356 frigates make up the main striking force of the Indian Navy art information systems, data exchange PAO Zvezda of St.Petersburg, faced in the near future, and in what sec- system based on fiber-optic communi- a number of problems related to know- tors will Severnoye's designs be of the cation lines and being an element of the how during manufacturing of the re- highest demand? ship's integrated control system. duction gear of such a capacity. The Development of the naval equip- These are really new generation main problem was that industrial ca- ment market is inseparably associated
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