IS S U E 35 Switzerland Newsletter FEBRUARY 2 0 1 2 Japan External Trade Organization Japan’s largest pharmaceutical company Takeda acquired Nycomed Inside this Takeda Pharmaceutical Company globally.” issue Limited, headquartered in Osaka Mr. Honda, who has over 13 and founded in 1781, is Japan’s years of business experience in Japan’s largest 1 largest pharmaceutical company. the United States, including pharmaceuti- cal group Ta- At the end of September 2011, leading Takeda’s pharmaceutical keda acquired Takeda acquired Zurich-based commercial business there, Nycomed pharmaceutical company Ny- points out that this also means a Japan’s cur- 2 comed. The transaction was the cultural shift in the company. rent economic “We are becoming more diverse situation second largest outbound acqui- sition by a Japanese company in in our workforce. Previously, the Entry into 2 majority of Takeda’s employees force of the history. Nycomed is an excellent Shinji Honda, Chief Integration Officer, came from Japan and the United Agreement on strategic fit for Takeda because it Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH , Social Security Corporate Officer, Takeda Pharmaceutical States, with smaller numbers in significantly strengthens Takeda’s Company Limited Europe and Asia. Now it is much Japanese food 3 geographic reach outside Japan culture semi- Transforming into a “New Takeda ” more balanced on a global scale. nar in Zurich and the United States, the com- This enables us to transform into pany’s previous geographic History of 3 As Shinji Honda, Takeda’s Chief a ‘New Takeda ’ which is better strongholds. Nycomed’s primary Japanese econ- Integration Officer explains, the able to adapt our strategies to omy since 1980 business focus had been Europe integration of Nycomed will local market needs in the world.” and the fast growing emerging Japanese robot 4 support Takeda’s long-term sus- “The integration is going very to work in markets, like Russia and Brazil. tainable growth strategy: “ Takeda well. We have defined the new hazardous Takeda is the 12 th largest pharma- environments had a large presence in Japan and company structures, named our ceutical company in the world, the United States, which are management team, and are start- and No.1 in Asia. It has approxi- critical pharmaceutical markets ing to see the first benefits of the mately 30,000 employees in but have been showing slow enhanced presence,” Mr. Honda more than 70 countries world- growth. For being successful in explained. While Takeda has wide and forecasts net sales of ¥ the future, we need to also be also acquired US oncology com- 1.5 trillion (a plus of 6.4%) for present in the fast-growing pany Intellikine in December 2011, the fiscal year 2011, ending emerging markets, in which Ny- there are currently no plans for March 31, 2012. comed had successfully estab- another acquisition on the Ny- The company has an active com- lished itself. We look forward to comed scale. “There is no change mercial presence in the thera- expanding the reach of Takeda’s peutic areas of metabolic dis- in our basic strategy toward in- product portfolio into new mar- eases, gastroenterology, oncol- novation, which includes the kets, which will help us meet the acquisition of innovative prod- ogy, cardiovascular health, cen- needs of even more patients tral nervous system diseases, ucts and technologies. But we inflammatory and immune disor- are taking our time to truly inte- ders, respiratory diseases and grate Nycomed , before approach- ing something of comparable 会見 pain management. magnitude.” INTERVIEW Page 2 JETRO Switzerland Newsletter Japan’s current economic situation Japan’s economic activity is still 100 again after the temporary restrain 動向 98 recovering, but at a lower pace. It that followed the earthquake dis- SITUATION is affected by the slowdown in 96 aster. The average of monthly con- overseas economies and the appre- 94 sumption expenditures per two-or ciation of the Yen, whereas the 92 -more-person households for De- domestic demand remains firm. 90 cember 2011 was ¥327,949. It This evolution is reflected by the 88 marks an increase by 0.3% in nomi- index of industrial production. It 86 nal terms and by 0.5% in real terms rose in December 2011 3.8% from 84 from the previous year. Further- the previous month and 12.9% more, the unemployment rate was 82 since March 2011 to 93.4 (see 4.6% in 2006%, down 8% from the 80 Jul Jul Jun Jun Feb Sep Oct Feb Sep Oct Dec Dec Dec Apr Apr Nov Nov Aug Aug Mar Mar graph, 2005=100). May May previous year. Jan 2011 Jan Jan 2010 Jan Exports declined 9.3% to ¥4,510 According to the Bank of Japan, Index of Industrial Production billion in January 2012 over the “the economy is expected to return Source: Japan’s Ministry of Economy, year, due to the deceleration in Trade and Industry to a moderate recovery path as the some emerging countries, the Euro pace of recovery in overseas econo- zone debt crisis and the high ap- almost stable since January 2011 mies picks up, led by emerging and preciation of the Yen. Exports to (+0.6%). However, Japan’s imports commodity-exporting economies, China (-20.2%), Western Europe rose 9.9% in January from a year and reconstruction-related de- (-11.1%) declined sharply, whereas earlier. mand after the earthquake disaster exports to the United States were The domestic demand is rising gradually strengthens”. Entry into force of the Agreement on Social Security 政策 1,089 Swiss nationals were regis- tween the two countries. treatment of those persons with tered in Japan in 2010 (Japan’s nationals of the country, with re- POLICY Ministry of Justice). According to Scope of the Agreement gard to a number of Japanese pen- Japanese law, they had to work for sion and health insurance systems, a minimum period of 25 years to The Agreement applies to nation- as well as to the Swiss federal laws benefit from Japanese pensions. als of both countries, as well as on old-age and survivors’ insurance This situation will change thanks their family members or survivors. (AHV/AVS), on invalidity insur- to the Agreement between Japan It also covers refugees and stateless ance (IV/AI) and on sickness in- and the Swiss Confederation on persons in Switzerland, and surance (KVG/LAMal). Social Security. Signed in Bern on “persons who are lawfully admit- Their benefits will be paid abroad, October 22, 2010, it will enter into ted for permanent residence in the in the country where beneficiaries force on March 1, 2012. JETRO territory of Japan”. ordinarily reside. held a seminar in Geneva on Feb- Those persons shall be sent to the Beneficiaries will also be able to ruary 16 to introduce it. other country for a minimum pe- combine Japanese and Swiss peri- The Agreement will eliminate dual riod of five years to benefit from ods for the purpose of acquisition coverage under social security sys- the provisions of the Agreement. of the right to pension. tems and will allow the accumula- tion of pension periods in the two Benefits of the Agreement The Agreement is available in English at: http://www.mofa.go.jp/policy/treaty/ countries. It will thus further en- submit/session177/pdfs/agree-10_1.pdf hance economic exchanges be- The Agreement provides the equal Issue 35 Page 3 Japanese food culture seminar in Zurich 活動 ACTIVITY About 90 people attended the Japanese Networking aperitif with Food Culture Seminar Japanese specialities In cooperation with the Swiss - foodstuffs are safe. Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Rosenberger, SECO Senior JETRO organized a Japanese Food Advisor, introduced the Japan - Culture Seminar. The objective Switzerland Free Trade Agreement was to promote Japanese food- H.E. Mr. Umemoto, that entered into force on Septem- Ambassador of Japan in Switzerland stuffs and to strengthen business ber 1, 2009. relations between Switzerland and Food importers and managers of Japan. nevertheless called for aggressive restaurants introduced their per- The event was held in Zurich, on efforts so as Japanese foods can be sonal stories. They also presented February 24. It gathered about 90 enjoyed by more people and with a the history of Japanese food import participants. even higher quality. and the cultures of Japanese sake H.E. Mr. Umemoto, Ambassador Ms. Horigome, Japanese Embassy and of green tea. of Japan in Switzerland, outlined in Bern, underlined that all Swiss Participants then enjoyed Japanese that Japanese foods can now be inspections carried out so far have specialties, such as sushi, maki and found easily in Switzerland. He shown that Japanese imported sake. History of Japanese economy since 1980 “The Great Transformation of in today’s world? How can compa- It then focuses on the evolution of 分析 Japanese Capitalism” (translation nies still be competitive? And how Japanese firms’ models and of busi- of the title from French) is an aca- can the government fight against ness structures. It also outlines ANALYSIS demic study recently released in social inequities? recent reforms in the social and French. It is written by Sébastien First, it analysis economic deci- educational systems Lechevalier, French School for sions taken during the “neoliberal In its conclusion, the author calls Advanced Studies in Social Sci- period”, from 1982 to 1987 by for further researches on Japan’s ences. Prime Minister Nakasone economy, arguing that Japanese It focuses on economic decisions (deregulation of financial, goods economy is providing answers to made since 1980 in Japan. It raises and labor markets, privatizations other developed economies. the following questions: how can of companies) and from 1996 to developed economies like Japan 2006 by Prime Ministers Hashi- Sébastien Lechevalier, La grande transfor- maintain a comparative advantage moto, Obuchi and Koizumi.
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