Radio Times, October 30th, 1925, THE MYSTERY STATION DISCLOSED. = a, ai ASEROEEN reet Efi * DE are} ate SireehLie aa. ilar) MricAS ri meas CEEDS-Pee Pcl L i Saae ecayh ees ecHE FFIELO Base —— ee. SucreTae [oe Lawi a WOTTING. eee STOe-OAATRE FP (tia @ ° aaewivoaaw Lavewrer Leet: oun] BOURNEMOUTH LONDON rh THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OFTHE BBC : Regiateredl ns the _Nol. a No. ‘10. ioaioie nn NowWepapor. EVERY FRIDAY. Two Plazes. o————_ OFFICIAL Fewer Stations—More Power. PROGRAMMES for the week beginning By P. P. ECKERSLEY. eee spaces ber —st. WE which means all countries, have now wise, and on these reached a stage in broadcasting when lines same very ¢th- its future, from the engineering point of cient systems have PROGRAMMES INDEX. view, may have to be re-considered in the been brought into light of all that experience has taught us. existence. But we LONDON . is .. Tal, 252, 254 Great services have been built upin many have now come. to the countries ; the value of wireless for enter- time when,-so far as ASE sii saniaie eeiiaicaene EN. tainment and educational purposes is ac- Europe is concerned, BIRMINGHAM claimed on all sides: listeners everywhere wt seems that the are muimbered by their milhons: but, even systems of each BOURNEMOUTH mB so, the technical organization of these country must be Te- SES CARDIFF Mes alld ete areas ] = services ‘has always been mainly expeti- modelled on the lines . mental, And if we are to profit by what of one super-scheme WE, WUASTEE oo. sie ees severe are now known to be certain unalterable for the whole Con. truths, we must review our position and tinent. You all know ABERDEEN .......; yee Captain ECKERSLEY. GLASGOW ........ -» 265 discover how far we are on the right lines. what I any going to i- bo at tell you :—that there iS not, and never will HIGH-POWER.. During the past tew months E urape be sufficient room im the ether for all the RATERS has deep ss lot of stock-taking of its broad- broadcast stations we have pot in Europe cast schtastik From this, certain facts to-day, without going into the question of emerge which cannot be ignored if broad- fi nding places for many more which we casting is to develop as it should do. I should all like to erect. will go: farther, The very existence of a ik i * CSTA broadcasting, in my opmion, depends on I have previously told you that the future the abshty of everyone concerned to tackle of broadcasting may have to be considered in SE any situation which hinders progress as terms of fewer and more powerful stations and and when it arises. the purpose of this article is to outline how * ah « * this might be carried ont. Its-basis must, of STOKE . Two fundamentals must always govern any course, be one of permanency and, because SWANSEA policy of broadcasting ; one 15 to give every- of this, tt-must be largely governed by inter- EVENTS OF THE WEEK SOSU body in every country an adequate service national considerations. For this reason STOP PRESS NEWS ... cree 250 DBO on the cheapest. and most easily controlled I think it is more than likely that the first Seo real move will be made in. America—that ——= receiving apparatus, and the other is that ng service must ever be allowed to interfere is at the World’s Wireless Convention IMPORTANT TO READERS, with another. There % no other way of which will probably take place at Washington The nddveas of “The Radio Times“ is 8-11, Southampton using wireless to its fullest extent for the in the late spring of next year. Stront. Strand, Londoo, W.C.2 * * + ** Tha af the British Broadcasting Company. Lid, is PASSES. ‘. Savoy Hill, Strand, Londen, WC, Hitherto, each country has, quite rightly, A good deal of “iéeling the way," as ete nnPeaen Tonio tetntake undertaken to fulfil the needs of its own it were, will be done in Europe between now aha : inhabitants. [If could not have been other- i (Contingrd overleaf in column 3.) - — BADIO TIMES - fOocrorntn Sew Teen: Building Radio Programmes. Fewer Stations—More Power, ek (Continned from the previous page, ) and ther, tual the whole question 10 1rv minda en A Peep Behind the Scenes. l i portvint that tle HHIED ian al vert eon mie be taken in order to ormive wi om vondition or FS ain every otherissuc of Pike Madre fines Lion of Withee ane subetiiles: ave apecial fy jstatts th ies whith shinbkd he actishactory atl do sting, F contcins eighty-four broadcast. preeranunes. hor a pertant iheme, dowel as eunking them to: fH Have OU, a8 leboner, ever coneidercd: Low all availabh: apiece, vou wet the final suit as coborlierl The NPs {hori to caches 3-880 > Fey Ean Alations t h e b o ja ronm for in Purope, thea programmes ace built op, and the vast amdnut mie well-balanced, oo-ordinated; and triatworthy amd then apportion to eth countey « af work entailed to let you know in advance every fon given ino? he Adie T pee, namber which can item from every station as they are given for several This is a broad mitline of what: takes place in meet the requincntinta of all ita inhabitants. 1 hours cach day for a whole week ¥ programme building, have indijen ted that moat couniees should, on a theoretial basis, have Torrie building on such o eologeal acale is a But. there is moro to tell abowt the preliminary fewir stations than Lines highly specialized job, éalling for a great deal of Stages which is infercetiw, Let ue, then, go have al urrsent hut this docs not toca that: bet OL every in elve existing stations will be closed clown, ekill and training. Ey no means is it the mere back again to what happens tiring the ten days m i ® * mithanical pegtration of nannies of the artist an when each Station Director is working on the Take: thea caad if Cheat Britain: We liave now Pic Tie, skeleton propranime gent by Headquarters for him twenty-one stukiont, incluidime Siriking A Fair Balance. fo TEL ei. the high-power He starts with little to guide him, Pihiaery shticn ah Tay Wery, ST pNP, theder a peo perday First of all, there is not yet an established criterion COMELTEERELE oy Hermione! scheme, we were ake Shimpeuricons with theatre; musio: hall aml moepecrth of da SOT standard “l henelry the artists: Gan beet lo accept sixteen. How could thie nomber bu LAOaas art prictically ee leas, The wile readify judwedt ae ere for wireless broadeasting, made to fall the requirementa of our ten million faciitics of the entertainment industry are net ot Every detail-in every programme has to be listeners. are ab the same tine enadle va to-com- his cheposal, Lhe nomber and typea of artist he cor idered ort itsinalividual merite, as wells ite bine boiling mid developing 00 geryaoa: can 2eleet from. are linitedt, heanog on every other itent, mie (the tdleals we have seb ourselpes 3 Altogether they Hil econatiite sich a form of Constant Experiments. Again, ia my opinion, there ia only one war. entertamment as will be acceplable to every section Many artiste of distinguished re putation om the That i s to divide wp the country into reeions and to erceh Of listencra, At tho same time, ihey mast stake atage or the concert pistionn aro unsittable fer stations whieh would adequately enter aay balavieds between thehigh-brow "and “ Jow. hrnadeatting, Peouliaities of voice and enuneia- for dhe chemaavs- of all tidteners: within: each ILTeeT, bnew "hemi wither prejudicing the funtke- tion disqualify some; peychological grounds bar There woukt possibly be ten main regional stations, nienlal ethical and edhieatitnal ideals which for others, mulnding Daventry, to serve England, Seothind, the casential criterion of our programme building. It happens not infrequently that artista aru wil Waks, The power of niost of thea world Two factors——(tran4iniesion ane publication— aetor, eninent on the stage, are so. discoucerted have to hein the neighbourheed of 20 kilowatts. govern the preparation-of our broadcast prograninca, by the novel absence of a visible audience that except, perhaps, one station for the Weat of Ea: h is as important as the other, thsi ir [x Th PTs before the Wide rophoria fa Knvgland wher it owonld be nrither HeOeESary nor let ua take you through the various stages ng defective, Here ia an early problem calling for desirable to diseeminate cleetrical energy in such they oceur, The task is by no means cosy, hichly spectahined skill, ijitanhities that anceof pioweuld he Wasted over Where Plans Are Mapped Ont. (1 tho items thenmelyes—musical, literary, and the Eervelialy Tiel Bristeal Vin riaiale, / * ip = i The genesia of all programmes-is the Progranume cdtcationgl—there is moch which requires keen Board, which meets-every. Tuesday at the Heal dike rmination in the light of the apecial come ielema- The sties for these stains Ww Guile: Ie onside, aru Offices. Flere plans are mapped out ‘aud Suggestions Liens onvering broadcasting, Revisions and adap: net inte cities, like they amy Ab present. Thos “reachera- ort?’ would not he overwhedmed. divide) for the week's programmes which will tations of musical scores and talke have regularly he browdeast six weeks later, Representatives of Lo he undertaker, This might give ¢ach an efleoove ervetal panes all departiieite are present, Progrummes, to some We are building up a distinetive sehoot of radio of between seventy and eighty miles, On & one- extent or other, are the-concern of everybody, iramatisi4 and conposcrs who tan consistently valve set their range would probably bo 150 miles, A certain proportion of cach week's programmes supply us with nucterial which can alimest caitirely 50 that practically every listener would pet othe be conveyed throagh the var without requiring any choice of at least one, and perhape three) op four, ia” broadcast simultane ously from: all stations, Thist items may onginate from any station, and vieual feels.
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