2012 NEW YORK CITY ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 2012 LINE OF MARCH Mounted Poli e Military Es ort: "THE FIGHTING 69th" The 69th Regiment of Ne. Yor/ 1st 0attalion, 69th Infantry Lieutenant Colonel Jame C. Gonyo II, Commanding Piper for the Regiment , Pipe Ma2or 3oe 0rady Fir t Battalion Staff : Ma2or 3oseph 4haley, E5e utive Offi er Captain 3os7 Cru8, Ad2utant Captain Mi hael Ivan iu, Intelligen e Offi er Ma2or 3effrey Cso/a, Operations Offi er Captain Anthony Teles a, Logisti s Offi er Captain Ian Olson, Communi ations Offi er Gue t of the Regiment : General Martin T. Dempsey, Chairman, 3oint Chiefs of Staff Distinguished Member, 69 t h Regiment of Ne. Yor/ Ma2or General Patri / Murphy, The Ad2utant General of the State of Ne. Yor/ and Commander of the Ne. Yor/ Army National Guard Ma2or General Steven 4i /strom, Commander, 42nd "Rainbo." Infantry Division Ma2or General (Ret) 3oseph Taluto, former Ad2utant General of Ne. Yor/ Ma2or General (Ret) La.ren e Pier e Flynn, former Ad2utant General of Ne. Yor/ Distinguished Member, 69 t h Regiment of Ne. Yor/ Ma2or General (Ret) Thomas Garrett, former Commander, 42 n d Infantry Division 0rigadier General Ren.i / Payne, Dire tor, 3oint Staff 3oint For es Headquarters, Ne. Yor/ Colonel Raymond Shields, Chief of Staff, Ne. Yor/ Army National Guard Colonel Gary Yaple, Chief of Staff, 42 n d Infantry Division Command Sergeant Ma2or 4illiam 4i /s, Command Sergeant Ma2or, Ne. Yor/ Army National Guard Command Sergeant Ma2or Robert 3en/s, Command Sergeant Ma2or, 42 n d Infantry Division , 42nd Infantry Di.i ion Band - 0andmaster C42 Mar/ Kimes /ead0uarter and /ead0uarter Company, 1 t Battalion, 12th Infantry - Captain Ian Seagriff 3A3 Company, 1 t Battalion, 12th Infantry - Captain Terry 0 e n s o n 1 t Battalion Color , 12th Infantry - Command Sergeant Ma2or Anthony M Lean Iri h Wolfhound , 4a cot , 12th Regiment of New Yor7 - Spe ialist 3oshua Lord - Soldier of the Year (HHC) - Sergeant Matthe. Flo.er - NCO of the Year (D Company) - Sergeant First Class Armando Torres - AGR Soldier of the Year Copyrighted by the New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade & Celebration Committee, Inc. No part o this document may be reproduced, in any orm or by any means, without the Express written permissi on rom the Parade Committee Copyright 2012 . All rights reserved P A ) E 1 A 8alley Forge 4i l i t a r y Academy and College Regimental Band Dire tor of Musi : 4arrant Offi er 2 Phil Evans, 0andmaster, Royal Marines (Retired) 3B3 Company, 1 t Battalion, 12th Infantry - Captain Lou Dellipi88i 3C3 Company, 1 t Battalion, 12th Infantry - Captain 0rian Higgins 3D3 Company, 1 t Battalion, 12th Infantry 9 Captain 0randon Gendron , Bergen County Police Pipe : Drum , Ne. 3ersey - Pipe Ma2or: 3ohn Kelly - 0andmaster: Mi/e Con.ay Notre Dame Uni.er ity ROTC Color G u a r d (affiliated .ith 69 t h I n f a n t r y ) 3F3 Company, 427th Forward Support Battalion (1 912 Infantry) - First Lieutenant David Myones Regimental /ead0uarter , 12th Regiment of New Yor7 A Piper for the Regimental Staff , Chris Finnegan Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Robert /utter, /onorary Colonel Colonel (Ret) 4alter Montagno, Regimental Ad2utant Colonel (Ret) 3ames Tierney, Regimental Historian Colonel (Ret) Ed.ard Kane, Regimental Chaplain 1st Lieutenant (Ret) 0ru e Meyerson, Museum Curator Command Sergeant Ma2or (Ret) 3os7 Flores, Honorary Regimental Sergeant Ma2or Lieutenant Colonel(Ret)Ron M Govern, Buartermaster Elbertus Prol, Spe ial Assistant to the Honorary Colonel A Wantagh American Legion Pipe Band , 4antagh, Long Island Pipe Ma2or, Chris Murphy 8eteran Corp , 12th Regiment Command Sergeant Ma2or (Ret) Thomas 3. Fit8simmons Commander, Ceteran Corps, 69th Regiment Command Sergeant Ma2or (Ret.) 3os7 Flores, Sr. Ci e Commander Sergeant First Class (Ret.) 3ohn Hallinan, 3r. Ci e Commander Sergeant First Class (Ret.) 0ill Finan, Re ording Se retary Colonel (Ret.) 3ohn Gundy, Finan ial Se retary Fran is Murphy, Chairman of the 0oard Color Guard D Ceteran Corps, 69 t h Regiment of Ne. Yor/ @ Fighting 12 t h A S o l d i e r The Soldiers of the First 0attalion of the famed EFighting 69 t h F Infantry Regiment of Ne. Yor/ ontinue to train for both domesti and potential overseas missions. Members of the First 0attalion are deployed to Ku.ait and Afghanistan as part of the 27 t h 0rigade of the Ne. Yor/ Army National Guard. KEY BANDS B , - D SOCIETIES / CLUBS / ASSOCIATIONS P A ) E 2 P A ) E . t h t h )rand Marshal and Aides 0 1i th Avenue, 22 t o 2 3 S t r e e t Cathedral High School Band, New York )RAND MARS5A- ~~~~~Francis F r a n c i s XX. .~F . CComerford~~ o m e r f o r d ~ ~Co ~ A I D E S 6 New York County6 CAR,- A. K,ENIN) Bronx County6 MA7RA E. 1ITT,N 9ueens County6 MARIE C,NN,--Y CAR-S,N Kings County6 :7DIT5 A. R,SE Richmond County6 DR R,BERT )RISW,R-D Westchester C o u n t y 6 A-ICE )EISS-ER K,RACA Nassau County6 CAR,- A. McTI)7E Su olk County6 MIC5AE- : ,<NEI-- Rockland County6 CYRI- :. 57)5ES ,range County6 :,5N B. )REE5EY 7nited Irish Counties6 T,M KENNEDY 7nited Emerald Societies6 WI--IAM 1ITZPATRICK Knights o Saint Patrick6 :,5N (:ACK) NE-AN Aide at -arge6 MAR)ARET C,RRI) AN West 22th Street P A ) E 2 TIME 5 t h A v e - N o . 4 4 ) 1 0 6 2 3 a m Mayor Michael Bloomberg / Police Commissioner, Raymond .elly New York City Police Department Marching Band Police Department, NYC 5oly Name Society Police Department, Emerald Society Pipes 0 Drums Police Department, NYC Emerald Society 2.O.P Pipe Band Dover Plains High School Band Auxiliary Police Department B o y S c out Troop 235 Band, Maybrook, NY 1amily o the )rand Marshal & 1riends (L i n e Up on E44th Street at 10845am) Parade Directors and Trustees Commander o Troops and Army Sta , icers Line Up on E47th Street at 10845am) 7S Army Color )uard :Pershing;s Own“ U. S. Army Band , Washington, Line Up on E47th Street at 10845am) 7.S. Army Marching Platoon, Washin g t o n , D C Line Up on E47th Street at 10845am) 3r d US Infantry :Old Guard“ 2ife and Drum Corps , 2ort Myer, Virginia L i n e U p E 4 7 t h S t . 1 0 8 4 5 a m ) Na.al Di trict Wa hington U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, Color Guard, Marching Platoon L i n e U p E47thStreet at 10845 a m ) 56 State and Territorial Flag Detail, and Navy Drill T e a m Line Up on E47th Street at 10845 a m ) 7S Navy 5onor )uard 0 7S Naval Submarine School —Silver Dolphins“ , Groton, CT Navy ,peration Center New York, 1ort Schuyler, The Bronx Line Up on E47th Street at 10845 a m ) Navy Weapons Station Earle, N: Line Up on E47th Street a t 1 0 8 4 5 a m ) Aaverian High School Pipe Band, Brooklyn, NY City Council and other public o icials, City o New Y o r k ( Line up on 5 th Ave. East side b / t 4 3 -4 4 S t ) New York State Courts Pipes and Drums 5onorable Andrew M. Cuomo, )overnor, State o New York Line up on 5 th Ave. West side) New York State Police Pipe Band b / t 4 3 -4 4 S t ) Marching Escort New York State Police Superintendent o New York State Police , :oseph D<Amico N.B. 2ield Music Veteran Corps o Artillery Color )uard t h I r i s h 0American -egislators Society o New York State Line up on 5 Ave. West side a t 1 1 8 0 0 a m ) t h Ad 5oc Congressional Committee or Irish A airs L i n e u p o n 5 Ave. West side a t 1 1 8 0 0 a m ) t h 7. S. Congress and other State and 1ederal , icials Line up on 5 Ave. West side a t 1 1 8 0 0 a m ) TIME (No 22 0 A t h A v e ) 1 1 6 1 0 A M Brewster High School Band , N Y Hold these units C o unty -outh Society o New York until all units in Onteora High School, Boiseville, NY East 44t h Street County Carlow Association o New York are gone up the EBuestrian -adies & )entlemen Aides C 7.S. Parks Mounted Police Avenue East 22th Street P A ) E 3 TIME (3th Ave D Madison Avenue) 1 1 6 0 0 a m 1amily o the )rand M a r s h a l & 1 r i e n d s Parade Directors and Trustees Aavier High School CBlue .nightsC Cadet Band Eavier 5igh School , R.O.T.C. Edward P. Maloney Memorial Pipe and Drum Corps Catholic War V e t e r a n s Rockland PD Emerald Society Pipe And Drum Corps Piermont NY 7niversity Scranton Royal Warrior Army R,TC Color )uard Michael MurphyCVIP Delegation The American -egion Color )uard , 2rank Gee, Bill Clancy M a r i n e Corps -eague , Vince McGowan, The Veterans o 1oreign Wars , Peter Parente The Vietnam Veterans o America Color )uard National Commander B o h n R o w a n Red Bank, New :ersey Veterans1921 02 0 1 2 , Paul Sniffen Mercy College Veterans Program A n d y P e r s o n IraB and A ghanistan Veterans Association , Nick Colgin 7nited War Veterans Council Randolph Macon Academy Band 7nited Irish Counties Boseph Duelk Br .
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