--- ADVOCACY ON TWITTER --- For the week of January 22 The Empowered Eaters reports include policy recommendations for ensuring all New Yorkers can be empowered eaters, with access to great nutrition education. Please use the sample Tweets below to share recommendations with your New York State and/or New York City elected officials, tagging #EmpoweredEaters. See below for more details. Please feel free to use any of THESE PHOTOS in your posts. ADVOCACY IN NYS Governor’s Office: @NYGovCuomo New York State Assembly: (Don’t know your district? Click HERE) New York State Senate: (Don’t know your district? Click HERE) D1 –Sen. Kenneth LaValle (@senatorlavalle) D29 – Jose Serrano (@SenatorSerrano) D3 – Sen. Thomas Croci (@tomcroci) D30 – Brian Benjamin (@NYSenBenjamin) D4 – Sen. Phil Boyle (@PhilBoyleNY) D33 – J. Gustavo Rivera (@NYSenatorRivera) D5 – Sen. Carl Marcellino (@Senator98) D34 – Jeffrey Klein (@JeffKleinNY) D6 – Kemp Hannon (@kemphannon) D35 – Andrea Stewart-Cousins (@AndreaSCousins) D7 – Elaine Phillips (@SenatorPhillips) D36 – Jamaal Bailey (@jamaaltbailey) D8 – John Brooks (@Brooks4LINY) D38 – David Carlucci (@DavidCarlucci) D9 – Todd Kaminsky (@toddkaminsky) D39 – William Larkin (@SenatorLarkin) D10 – James Sanders (@JamesSandersJR) D40 – Terrence P. Murphy (@vote4murphy) D11 – Tony Avella (@TonyAvella) D41 – Susan Serino (@Sueserino4ny) D12 – Michael Gianaris (@SenGianaris) D42 – John Bonacic (@JohnBonacic) D13 – Jose Peralta (@SenatorPeralta D43 – Kathleen Marchione (@kathymarchione) D14 – Leroy Comrie (@LeroyComrie) D44 – Neil Breslin (@NeilBreslin44) D16 – Toby Ann Stavisky (@tobystavisky) D46 – George Amedore (@GeorgeAmedore) D17 – Simcha Fedler (@NYSenatorFelder) D47 – Joseph Griffo (@SenGriffo) D18 – Martin Malacvé Dilan (@SenatorDilan) D48 – Patty Ritchie (@SenatorRitchie) D19 – Roxanne Persaud (@SenatorPersaud) D49 – James Tedisco (@JamesTedisco) D20 – Jesse Hamilton (@SenatorHamilton) D50 – John DeFrancisco (@JohnDeFrancisco) D21 – Kevin Parker (@SenatorParker) D52 – Frederick Akshar (@fredakshar) D22 – Martin Golden (@SenMartyGolden) D53 – David Valesky (@SenDaveValesky) D23 – Diane Savino (@dianesavino) D54 – Pamela Helming (@SenatorHelming) D24 – Andrew Lanza (@senatorlanza) D55 – Rich Funke (@SenatorFunke) D26 – Brian Kavanagh (@BrianKavanaghNY) D56 – Joseph Robach (@SenatorRobach) D27 – Brad Hoylman (@bradhoylman) D57 – Cathy Young (@SenatorYoung) D28 – Liz Krueger (@LizKrueger) D58 – Thomas O’Mara (@SenatorOMara) 1 D59 – Patrick Gallivan (@senatorgallivan) D62 – Robert Ortt (@SenatorOrtt) D60 – Chris Jacobs (@JacobsforSenate) D63 – Tomothy Kennedy (@SenKennedy) New York State funds enable agencies to pay for otherwise unfunded nutrition education mandates – keep them in the budget! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Short grant time limits make it IMPOSSIBLE to sustain nutrition education initiatives! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news- archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Protect the health of New Yorkers- put nutrition education initiatives into law! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news- archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Competing methods & metrics can hinder impact; encourage agencies to streamline reporting requirements for nutrition education initiatives! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Local providers, community members, & other stakeholders are responsive to community needs & realities— make sure they are included in policy & program development! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered- eaters/ If we want evidence-based programs, we NEED to fund evaluation! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered- eaters/ Better nutrition education coordination within & across New York State could BREAK DOWN silos; AMPLIFY nutrition education initiatives; and FACILITATE collaborative relationships. #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news- archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ NOW is the time to strengthen school-based nutrition education - along with healthy, locally sourced school meals - our kids are relying on us! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Comprehensive, school-based nutrition education should align cafeteria, classroom, garden, and community activities in schools. #NutritionEducation #NewYorkState #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ ADVOCACY IN NEW YORK CITY New York City Council: (Don’t know your district? Click HERE) 2 (@NYCCouncil) D24 - Rory I. Lancman (@RoryLancman) D1 - Margaret S. Chin (@CM_MargaretChin) D25 - Daniel Dromm (@Dromm25) D2 – Carlina Rivera (@CarlinaRivera) D26 - Jimmy Van Bramer (@JimmyVanBramer) D3 - Corey Johnson (@CoreyinNYC; D27 – I. Daneek Miller (@IDaneekMiller) @NYCSpeakerCoJo) D28 - Adrienne E. Adams (@AdrienneEAdams) D4 – Keith Powers (@KeithPowersNYC) D29 - Karen Koslowitz (@CMKoslowitz) D5 - Ben Kallos (@BenKallos) D30 – Robert Holden (@BobHoldenNYC) D6 - Helen Rosenthal (@HelenRosenthal) D31 - Donovan J. Richards (@DRichards13) D7 - Mark Levine (@MarkLevineNYC) D32 - Eric A. Ulrich (@eric_ulrich) D8 – Diana Ayala (@DianaAyalaNYC) D33 - Stephen T. Levin (@StephenLevin33) D9 - Bill Perkins (@BillPerkinsNYC) D34 - Antonio Reynoso (@CMReynoso34) D10 - Ydanis Rodriguez (@ydanis D35 - Laurie A. Cumbo (@cmlauriecumbo) D11 - Andrew Cohen (@AndrewCohenNYC) D36 - Robert E. Cornegy Jr (@RobertCornegyJr) D12 - Andy King (@AndyKingNYC) D37 - Rafael L. Espinal Jr (@RLEspinal) D13 – Mark Gjonaj (@MarkGjonajNY) D38 - Carlos Menchaca (@cmenchaca) D14 - Fernando Cabrera (@FCabreraNY) D39 - Brad Lander (@bradlander) D15 - Ritchie J. Torres (@RitchieTorres) D40 - Mathieu Eugene (@CMMathieuEugene) D16 - Vanessa L. Gibson (@Vanessalgibson) D41 – Alicka Ampry-Samuel (@alickasamuel) D17 - Rafael Salamanca Jr (@Salamancajr80) D43 – Justin Brannan (@JustinBrannan) D18 – Rubén Días Sr. (@revrubendiaz) D44 – Kalman Yeger (@Yeger44) D19 - Paul Vallone (@PaulVallone) D45 - Jumaane D. Williams (@JumaaneWilliams) D20 - Peter Koo (@CMPeterKoo) D47 - Mark Treyger (@MarkTreyger718) D21 – Francisco Moya (@FranciscoMoyaNY) D48 - Chaim M. Deutsch (@ChaimDeutsch) D22 - Costa Constantinides (@Costa4NY) D50 - Steven Matteo (@StevenMatteo) D23 - Barry Grodenchik (@BarryGrodenchik) D51 - Joseph C. Borelli (@JoeBorelliNYC) New York City Mayor’s Office: (@NYCMayorsOffice) Barbara Turk, Director of Food Policy - (@nycfood) New York City Borough Presidents: Bronx – Ruben Diaz Jr. (@rubendiazjr) Brooklyn – Eric Adams (@BPEricAdams) Manhattan – Gale Brewer (@galeabrewer) Queens – Melinda Katz (@MelindaKatz) Staten Island – James Oddo (@HeyNowJO) New York City Comptroller: Scott Stringer (@NYCComptroller) New York City Public Advocate: Letitia James (@TischJames) City funds are CRUCIAL to filling in federal & state funding gaps for nutrition education; supporting otherwise unfunded mandates! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ 3 Short grant time limits make it IMPOSSIBLE to sustain nutrition education initiatives! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news- archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ New York City’s health care system should incentivize preventive care, such as nutrition education! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and- events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ If we want evidence-based programs, we NEED to fund evaluation! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered- eaters/ Local providers, community members, & other stakeholders are responsive to community needs & realities— make sure they are included in policy & program development! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered- eaters/ Better nutrition education coordination within & across New York City could BREAK DOWN silos; AMPLIFY nutrition education initiatives; and FACILITATE collaborative relationships at the community level. #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and- events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ NOW is the time to strengthen school-based nutrition education - along with healthy, locally sourced school meals - our kids are relying on us! #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ Comprehensive, school-based nutrition education should align cafeteria, classroom, garden, and community activities in city schools. #NutritionEducation #NewYorkCity #EmpoweredEaters http://www.tc.columbia.edu/tisch/news-and-events/news-archive/2017/empowered-eaters/ 4 .
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