VOL. XXXVII NO. 48. MAINE WOODS, PHILLIPS, MAINE, JUNE 24, 1915. PRICE 4 CENT« LEY LAKE HOU m m SHOT SHELLS w m Ü Arrow and Nitro Club Steel Lined Speed Shells Scientific testa show that Remington-UMC Arrow and Nitro Club Sieel Lined Speed Shells are the fastest shells in the world. The steel lining grips the powder— puts every ounce of the One of the Finest Appointed Resort Hotels in the State of Maine explosive force into a straightaway drive. No loss from shell expansion. You take a shorter lead on the fast birds, get more of them. Like many other shooting refinements, this steel lining is an exclusive Rem- (ngtcn-UMC feature, found only in Remington-UMC “ Arrow” and “Nitro Center o f the best Trout and Salmon Fishing C’tuD —the steel lined speed sheila. For nil around field shooting, get Remington-UMC "New Club” —the “Old Re:, able Black Powder Shells.’ GOLF, TENNIS, MUSIC, BOATING, BATHING, AUTOING Go to the dealer who shows the Red Ball Mark o f Remington-UMC—the sign of Sportsmen’s Headquarters. He sells them. Write for Booklet that will tell You all about it. To keep your gun cleaned and lubricated right, use Rem Oil. the new powder solvent, rust preventative, and gun lubricant. ” j - ——■■■■■ s .....— ■ 1 ■■ ■■■■—■ - ~ REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. 299 Broadway New Tori RANGELEY LAKES HOTEL CO., Rangeley, Maine HOTEL BLANCHARD PLEASANT ISLAND CAMPS On Cupsuptic Lake. Fishing unex­ STRATTON MAINE celled. Best of hunting. Special rates BUNKER HILL HIGH SCHOOL bers of the school committee, Hen. In^ the center of the Fish and Game for Jqne, October and November. N. P. Noble and J. Blaine Marrison, Section. Write for booklet. Write for booklet. esq., Dr. E. B. Currier being out of DAY OBSERVED town. HOTEL BLANCHARD, WESTON U. TOOTHAKER, Prop., GRADUATION STRATTON MAINE', E. H. GROSE. Prop. Pleasant Island, - - Maine The ushers were Ralph Stillman, Exercises Most Pleasingly Carried ! Karl Howland, Herbert McKenzie, A Class oí Nine Receive Diplomas , Misses Gertrude St’llman and Irma One of the best all around fishing and hunting camps in the Rangeleys. Out at Rangeley. Lake, Pond and Stream fishing, all near the camps. The five mile river affords j Sampson, who also sold the Phillip- the best of fly-fishing. Camps with or without bath room. -------------- The graduating exercises of the ian, the school paper. Little Miss For particulars write for free circular to According to the annual Rangeley Seniors of Phillips High school were Maxine Hoyt, daughter of Mr. and Capt. E. F. COBURN, custom Bunker Hill Day was fitting- held at the Union church, Thursday Mrs. C. M. Hoyt was the flower LAKEWOOD CAMPS, Middledam, Maine lv observed the 17th. Even though j evening, June 17,- the church be­ girl. the heavy shower in the foren-oon ing crowded with friends cf the grad­ Prayer wa^s offered by Rev. M. S. interfered with some of the arrange- uates. | Hutchins and the fo’lowing program ments and prevented the attendance The decorations were never more was listened to with much interest: The Place Where You Can Always Find Unsurpassed Fishing. of some persons who would other- j attractive. Streamers of red and wise have been present, this year’s j T I M PO N D C A M P S white crepe paper were used with Music observance can he truthfully deserib-1 Individual Camps, Rock Fire-places, Fly and Bait Fishing. Lake and quantities of potted plants, and large Prayer ed as entirely successful. Stream Fishing for Trout. Telephone. Daily Mail. Write for Booklet. ~ bouquets of red Peonies were used Music The dinner at Grange hall, which j JULIAN K. VILES & SON, Tim, Franklin Co., Me. effectively. Salutatory—Advantages of a Country was enjoyed by nearly 100 persons, White daisies sea tered profit'ey High School, was bounteous and very good. The on a table was in frent of the class Feme Meree Gould Ed. Grant’s Kennebago Camps afternoon’s program was well car­ where the diplomas were placed, and Essay—Inventions, Cld and New, ried out. Although organized a very| the class motto, “Vincit Omnia Clifford Henry Wing Log camps with baths, open fires, etc. Best trout fly-fishing, both lake and short time ago, the Rangeley Band stream, canoeing, mountain climbing, etc. Excellent cuisine. Post Office Veritas” in white letters on a red History, Hazel Gertrude Sargent and Long Distance Telephone in Main Camp. For rates, descriptive circulars furnished splendid music. Miss Tom­ background hung above. Presentation cf Gifts, and other information, write linson's solo was not only a beauti- j The march was played by Dyer's Mildred Gustie Kempton ED. GRANT iSl S O N CO.. P- O. Address. Grant’s M e . ful song, well rendered, but was also ; orchestra of Strong and as its strains Music Railroad and Telegraph office Kennebago, Me. an earnest call to the highest patr.'o-1 sounded the classed marched in sin­ Class Poem, Hazel Phyllis Webber tism. The children's exercises were j gle file down the a'sle, marshaled by Class Will, Henry Clair Lufkin all that could be desired and reflect-1 Antonio Croteau, president of the 1 Oration—The Lost Provinces, Mountain ed great credit upon the ladies who ■ class and to their seats on the plat­ Antonio Levi Croteau B A L D M O U N T A I N C A M P S Bald M a i n e j*£ had been their teachers. form. Prophecy, Janet Adelaide McKenzie Bald'Mountain Camps are situated at the foot of Bald Mountain on Mooselooktne- :ji The afternoon program in Furbish gun tic Lake. Near the best fishing grounds. First class steamboat connections—Auto |v In the front pews were seated Valedictory, Vincit Omn;a Veritas, road to camps— Telephone connections—Two mails daily Write for free cireular. .v hall was as follows: tie teachers. Principal F. Merton Kathleen Noble AMOS ELLIS, Prop’r., Bald Mountain, Maine Music, Band Hammond, Miss Lira H. Dennison, Music Prayer Mr. W. M. Payson, and two mem­ (Continued on page five.) Exercise, “ Marching Through Georgia” Exercise, “ Coining Through the Rye” SANDY RIVER 4 RANGELEY LAKES Music, Band Recitation, Leater Nile Song, Velma Tomlinson Mountain View House RAILROAD Exercise, Children Mountain View, Maine Music, Band | Par farther particulars write or address Address, Rev. M. S. Hutchins of! & Robbins’ Circus, Farmington, June 30 Phillips L. E. BOWLEY, Singing by audience, “America’’ Mountain View, * * * Maine. | Celebration at Phillips, July 3rd Great credit is due the town of Rangeley for so appropriately keep­ : nwrw «flirr- Celebration at Rumford, July 5th ing this annual memorial of nation­ al independence, to the veterans c f ; the G. A. R. of Rangeley and their HEALD POND CAMPS FOR ROBBINS’ CIRCUS AT FARMINGTON JUNE 30th, in addition to committee, to the ladies who fur­ tegular trains, a special train will leave Rangeley at • ;00 A. M.; Pniliips, 8.30 nished the bountiful dinner, to the A. M.; Strong 9:00 A. M .; arriving at Farmington at 10:00 A. M. Round trip members of Rangeley Band, to the I fare as follows: Rangeley, Dallas, Dead River, Redington, Bigelow and Carra- ladies (Miss Rose Nelson and Mrs.; basset, §1.25; Welch, Sanders, Reeds, Kingfield and Madrid, $1.00; Phillips and Frank Badger) who taught the child­ Salem, 75c; W o n g , 50c; South Strong, 40c; Fairbanks, 20c. Tickets good for ren their pretty exercises, to Mr. return July 1st. ‘ William True of Phillips for finan-1 I Í - i » ; cial and other help, and to. many FOR CELEBRATION AT PHILLIPS, JULY 3rd, round trip fares will be >Vv other of the loyal citizens of Range- 33 follows: Carrabasset and Bigelow, $1.25; Rangeley and Dallas, $1.00, Farm­ -• . -¡'ft - . ington and Redington, 7oc; Sanders, 50c; Reeds, 3oc; Strong, 30c; Madrid, 2-.>c* . ley. The committee who had the entire All tickets good for return July 5th. observance in their charge were Ebe CELEBRATION AT RUMFORD JULY 5th, round trip fares will be as Rowe, G. D. Huntoon, Dexter Lamb. The address was especially interest­ follows: Rangeley, Bigelow, Carrabasset, $3:30; Kingfield, $2.80, Phillips and ing, the subject being, “ The Need Salem, $2.55, Strong, $2.30, Tickets on sale July 3rd and 5th, good for return •July 6th, and in addition to regular trains a special train will leave Phillips of Patriotism.” Monday at 6:00 A. M., connecting at Farmington with Maine Central special tLf&ÇLrï. ; - - direct for Rumford. Returning from Rumford special train will arrive at It Hurts Her Feelings. Fond Parent to Teacher—“Please Farmington at 11:55 P. M., Phillips at 1:00 A. M, don’t mark Alice’s examples wrong F. N. BEAL, General Manager any more. She is so sensitive! ” FRED HENDERSON, Prop,, Jackman, Æîaine 2 MAINE WOOD8, PHILLIPS, MAINE, JUNE 24, 1915. and had all they wanted to eat, and who takes them where the fish hide. watching the deer feed on lily pads SKETCHING AS Mr. Garland came in with a 3 1-2 Mrs. Rolfe has had good luck but and the rabbits came close to camp, TAKES FINE FISHTO pound salmon taken on fly last only a 2 1-2 pounder for a big one while the hedgehog made himself at WELL AS FISHING evening. as yet. home close by. They heard a bear PORTLAND HOME The road from here to Sunday R. S. Cocke of Providence, R. I., howling a long distance away and a Cove, where the boat meets those had good sport yesterday with a fox bark close by.
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