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Provincial License Number 3119916 306-757-1755 2011 Legend 18 Xcaliber 2004 International 9200 Boat & 2011 Shorelander 2013 Arctic Cat Wildcat Download Our Mobile App. cd 2011 Sunset Trail Camper Series T/A Semi Truck Glide On Trailer Side by Side 00074596 2 Waterfront Regional Star | Friday, December 1, 2017 Q EDENWOLD The heartbeat of our community: residents share opinion on Edenwold School Robyn Tocker “She can come home before and after “I see a lot of support coming out White City regional editor school, she can come home at lunch- here. The number of people coming out time,” Boehme said. “It’s a great com- to an event like this is pretty good for a munity and I want her to be in it as community this size,” he said. he Edenwold School Review Com- much as possible.” Mayor Josephson said the school Tmittee held a public meeting Nov. If Edenwold School closed, this may be small, but that is a benefit. 29 where about 40 people attended to would impact the community in a big “It provides for greater student-teach- share their opinion on the future of way, according to Boehme. er interaction than you’re not going to Edenwold School. “If there were houses for sale, people see at the larger schools in other com- The attendees were divided into would look at that and think, ‘We don’t munities,” he said. “That one on one, groups of four and each was given a want to come there.’ I don’t think it closer communication I think really number from one to four. Each person would grow our community at all,” she helps strengthen students as they ad- About 40 people attended the public had a question they were to answer in- said. vance in their later education years.” meeting the evening of Nov. 29. dividually. Once that was completed, Boehme said she would like the If the school did close, Mayor Joseph- Photo by Robyn Tocker. person one would interview person Prairie Valley School Division (PVSD) son said it would be devastating for the two and person three would interview Board of Directors to know Edenwold is community. Powell said there are many activities person four. By the end of the process, a great community with a great school. “It has the potential of destroying the that go on at the school, such as before each person got to ask and answer ev- “There are a ton of little events that community,” he said. and after school programs and sports ery question. we can do because we are such a small The Village of Edenwold’s council is activities such as soccer and track and Jared Clarke, the chairperson for the school and I just think having that currently drawing up the plans for a field. review committee, said a diverse com- small school is such a great opportu- new Official Community Plan (OCP), One of the major events for Eden- munity attended the meeting. nity for kids to not have to be in a class which will encourage growth in the wold School occurred last year where “We have people who don’t have with 30 kids. Why would they want to community and hopefully grow the the community raised over $50,000 for kids who just live in the community take that away?” she said. school’s population as well. a new playground to be installed for who are here contributing,” he said. Boehme said one of the issues being “Over the last few years, we’ve seen the grade 4 to 6 students. “We have people here who have kids brought up with Edenwold School is a lot of our older residents retire and “We’re a community that can fund- who graduated a long time ago. We the lack of a gym, but she said students move to the city where they can be raiser over $50,000 in less than a year, have parents who have kids that are have access to Edenwold Hall and par- closer to the necessary health facilities even though we had a three or four in the school right now. It’s great to see ticipate in extracurricular activities, and more younger families are mov- year plan to do this. We felt that we the support from the community.” such as swimming. ing into the community, which is also needed to put a new play structure on Taylor Boehme, whose daughter at- Mayor Dean Josephson of the Village providing potential for growth in the the north side of the school because tends Edenwold School, said having of Edenwold attended the public meet- student population,” he said. those kids had nothing,” she said. “We a school in the village benefits her ing. He said the review process is draw- Mayor Josephson said he does see took it upon ourselves to start fundrais- daughter. ing the community together. growth in the next 10 to 15 years, which ing and the support we got from the was not projected by the PVSD board. community shows us that if we can get Crystal Powell has a child currently this done and raise this kind of money COMMERCIAL BAYS FOR SALE: attending Edenwold School and she in six months and install a playground, was a member of the School Commu- our school is very important to this IDEAL FOR TRADES/WORKSHOP nity Council (SCC) for five years. community. The kids are very impor- “To lose our school will not help us tant to this community.” 00074548 attract any new families. It will affect Powell said the growth in the RM SALE PRICE: our property prices,” she said. “It will would impact the school’s population $249,900 per bay affect our close-knit community that in the coming years. Individual Bay Sizes: 1,288 sq.ft. 28’ x 34’ fenced compound per bay we have. We know everybody that’s “There have been acreages popping 16’ x 16’ front and 10’ x 12’ back in our school. The kids know they can up like crazy and it’s just starting,” she overhead doors go to any adult here because we all said. “With the completion of the by- know each other and that’s the nice pass, it’s easier to commute out here. A Contact: Steve Jordan đ Ph: 306-721-6116 waterfrontregionalstar.com thing about having our school. It is the lot of us commute to the city to work ev- heartbeat of our community and unfor- eryday, but it makes it that much easier tunately I think if it does close, we will when we’re only 20 minutes from the lose that heartbeat.” east side of the city. I think it’s really go- If the school did close, Powell said it ing to bring people to our area.” would take the community a long time to recover. WRS Subscription Renewal Order Form RM OF EDENWOLD NO. 158 To renew your subscription, fill out this form, make cheque payable to Star News Publishing Inc. & Mail to: Star News Publishing, 30-10 St E., 1SJODF"MCFSU 4,47:t8BOUUPQBZCZ7JTBPS PUBLIC NOTICE Mastercard, Call: 1-306-764-4276 Option 1 R.M. of Edenwold No. 158 Name: Notice of Discretionary Use Application Address: City/Town: Postal Code: Pursuant to Section 55 of the Planning and Development Act 2007, the Council Phone: Email: of the R.M. of Edenwold No. 158 gives notice that a discretionary application has been received and the details are as follows: Subscription Rates: Discretionary Use Permit: Intensive Livestock Operation (ILO) Local / Regional: $47 per year (includes GST) SE ¼ 36-18-17 W2M (Red on Map) Intended Discretionary Use: To operate a dairy milking ILO with 472 Animal Outside Saskatchewan: $57 per year (includes GST) units (approximately 710 animals). Due to the number of animal units within this International: $165 per year (GST N/A) size of barn, it is determined to be an Intensive Livestock Operation (ILO). Public Hearing: Council will hold a public hearing to receive submissions on SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL DATE the proposed discretionary use application at 1:30p.m. (local time) on Tuesday, December 19th,2017 in the Council Chambers on the R.M. of Edenwold No. 158, APPEARS BELOW YOUR NAME & 100 Queen Street, Balgonie, Saskatchewan. For further information please call ADDRESS ON THE FRONT/TOP OF Paige Boha, Planner at 771-2034 or the administration office at 771-2522. THE NEWSPAPER. 00057245 Dated at the Town of Balgonie, in the Province of Saskatchewan, this 20th day of November, 2017. Kim McIvor, Administrator Thank you for reading the Waterfront Regional Star! 00074554 Waterfront Regional Star | Friday, December 1, 2017 3 Lumsden Store-It-All www.forsterrealty.com Call John at Specializing in Resort & Valley Properties 00073337 306-541-7313 306-729-2241 [email protected] 333 Centre Street 00073338 00073339 REGINA BEACH 00073340 70¶]9HW&OLQLF 9HWHULQDU\&DUHZLWKD'LIIHUHQFH Your ad could 'U7DQ\D0DUVKDOO Serving Lumsden & Area 'U*HUDG&DQWLQ be here! Year Round Furnished Suites Ph: 306-731-3382 'U/LO\6RXF\ 'U<DURVDOY<DURNKQR Adventure Call 306-731-3143 Gift Certificates 6PDOO /DUJH$QLPDO3UDFWLFH Available & More /XPVGHQ 00073560 306-537-4FUN(4386) Em:[email protected] 00073341 www.outeredgepark.ca 00073411 Lumsden Information Board - December 2017 Presented by Lumsden Parks, Recreation and Culture 306-731-2404 | www.lumsden.ca We “DIG” Your Business! Proudly serving Lumsden and area for over 40 years The Town of Lumsden Phone: (306) 543-5551 Wishes You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 00073383 [email protected] 00073342 SANTA DAY AT THE RINK Lumsden Drugs Sunday, December 10th from 2 to 3:30 pm Your local family pharmacy! Join Santa and his elves….
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