Volume 3, Issue 3 C H Williams Talhar Wong & Yeo Sdn. Bhd. (24706-T) July - September, 2005 “Work Together With You” PPK 344/6/2006 STUTONG REVISITED 9 5 12 13 8 6 10 11 14 7 7 15 17 16 19 18 3 2 1 4 Aerial View of Stutong area 1. Heights Avenue 2. Stutong Avenue 3. Stutong Avenue Link 4. Linguistic Villa 5. Tabuan Jaya Baru 2 6. Tabuan Jaya Baru 1 7. Heights Drive 8. Heights Estate 9. Stutong Low Cost 10. Pinery Villa 11. Sing Sing Garden 12. Hibiscus Court Inside this issue: STUTONG REVISITED ........................... 1 THE 2006 FEDERAL BUDGET ............................................. 3 13. Lot 419 Blk 11 MTLD 14. Sin Hai Min Garden 15. Woodlands 16. Tabuan Heights (Top Green) Boulevard ECONOMY / COMMODITIES ............... 6 NEW RELEASES ................................ 7 RECENTLY LAUNCHED PROJECTS ........................................... 8 HAPPENINGS ...................................... 9 17. Centurion 18. Scenery Villa 19. New Link Road (Stutong–Tabuan Jaya) S'Wak BulletinJuly/Sept 05 1 17/10/05, 4:25 PM Page 2 Volume 3, Issue 3 STUTONG REVISITED (CONT’D) Stutong which was identified as a booming residential area in the earlier issue of our Bulletin (Volume 1 Issue 2) continues to strengthen its growth as an upcoming popular housing area as seen by the hive of construction activities constantly springing up in this area. Stutong has further benefited from the increased accessibility and exposure gained with the opening of the new access road from Tabuan Jaya to Stutong which has increased its linkage to the other thriving urban and suburban centers in Kuching. In the past 5 years, no less than 18 housing developments have set foot in Stutong, contributing about 2,000 residential units of various types. All the developments have achieved close to 100% sales within 2 years of launch. With its energetic display of housing activity, Stutong is expected to continue to attract new developments and is well on its way to becoming an established housing area. Housing Projects in Stutong Year launched Project Type No. of Wall Up Area Land Area Selling Price Units (sm) (sm) (RM) 2 Storey Semi-detached 12 172.34 11 pts 338,000 - 345,000 2000 Scenery Villa 2 Storey Terrace 10 166.62 - 173.56 4.3 - > 8 pts 235,000 - 295,000 Detached Lot 2 NA NA NA 2 Storey Terrace 16 148.42-157.08 191-527 220,000 - 295,000 2001 Stutong Avenue 1 2 Storey Semi-detached 18 190.84 360-626 348,000 - 395,000 2 Storey Terrace 37 NA 4.72-14.97 pts From 265,000 2002 Stutong Avenue 2 2 Storey Semi-detached 16 223 10-16.42 pts 435,000-480,000 2002 Hibiscus Court Apartment 72 105.35 111.35 From 185,000 2 Storey Semi-detached 70 185-282.1 363.9-756.8 378,000 - 494,000 2002 Tabuan Jaya Baru 1 2 Storey Terrace 169 147.3-179 174.1-429.3 From 222,000 2 Storey Terrace 25 151.37-164.85 From 170 From 238,000 2002 Sin Hai Min Garden 2 Storey Semi-detached 18 172.77 NA From 368,000 2002 Linguistic Villa 2 Storey Terrace 7 159-166 4.47-12.85 pts 260,000 - 355,000 2 Storey Terrace 42 163.25-173.89 4.7-12.1 pts From 238,800 2003 Woodlands 2 Storey Semi-detached 32 191.05-194.86 8.4 - 11.7 pts From 356,000 2 Storey Terrace 10 NA NA 250,000 - 350,000 2003 Sing Sing Garden 2 Storey Semi-detached 4 NA 9.16-10.62 pts Abt RM400,000 Detached Lot 2 NA NA NA 2 Storey Terrace 40 164-168 4.47 pts-10.98 pts 255,000 - 374,300 2003 Centurion 2 Storey Semi-detached 32 188-211 324 (8.01 pts) 375,000 - 486,000 2 Storey Terrace 188 NA NA NA 2004 Tabuan Jaya Baru 2 2 Storey Semi-detached 102 NA NA NA Detached Lot 12 NA NA NA 2004 Pinery Villa 2 Storey Semi-detached 12 177-191.67 8.82-11.34 pts 360,000 - 395,000 2 Storey Terrace 91 147.7-160.5 4.32-12.72 pts 268,000 - 376,000 2004 Tabuan Heights Boulevard 2 Storey Semi-detached 22 206.7 13.03-21.49 pts 438,000 - 489,000 1 Storey Semi-detached 12 1300 sf 9.64-14.88 pts 280,000 - 332,400 2004 Lot 419 Block 11 MTLD 1 Storey Terrace 12 914sf/1155sf 4.47/8.67-11 pts 165,000 - 275,000 2004 Stutong Low Cost 2 Storey Terrace 469 NA NA Abt RM40,000 2005 Stutong Avenue Link 2 Storey Semi-detached 10 224.5 From 10 pts From 440,000 2 Storey Terrace 30 160.4-170.3 4.93-12.19 pts 296,000 - 407,000 2005 Heights Avenue 2 Storey Semi-detached 6 219.7 10.74-13.31 pts 468,000 - 498,000 2 Storey Terrace 152 145/161 4.5-19.62 pts 268,000 - 427,000 2005 Heights Drive 1 Storey Semi-detached 10 99 9.14-12.46 pts 323,000 - 368,000 2 Storey Semi-detached 18 173 9.05-11.5 pts 388,000 - 421,000 1 Storey Semi-detached 14 107.71-117.7 9-10.75 pts 351,000 - 382,000 2005 Heights Estate 2 Storey Semi-detached 14 189.28-194.26 8.6-13.6 pts 426,000 - 481,000 2 Storey Terrace 117 158.7-168.3 4.4-12.56 pts 283,000 - 433,000 Detached Lots 3 NA NA NA S'Wak BulletinJuly/Sept 05 2 17/10/05, 4:25 PM SARAWAK PROPERTY BULLETIN Page 3 STUTONG REVISITED (CONT’D) Ibraco Berhad’s Active Expansion Into The Stutong Area IbracoPROPERTY Berhad is HIGHLIGHTS actively expanding into the new residential growth area of Stutong as evident by its recent string of property launches in this area. The launch of its Heights Drive at the end of 2004 witnessed the onset of the 1st commercial development in the Stutong area. With yet another development soon to be launched along the same stretch of Jalan Stutong, the total developments launched by Ibraco Berhad for 2005 would likely surpass a GDV of RM200 million, making Ibraco Berhad the largest developer in the Stutong area and South East Kuching to-date. On-going Ibraco Projects (Status as at 15-9-2005) No. OF Take Up Expected PROJECT NAME DST SSSD DSSD SDL DL CL 2SSH PSL UNITS GDV Rate Commencement Completion (%) TABUAN JAYA BARU 2 188 98 12 298 89,373,000.00 95.97% Mar-04 Sep-05 TABUAN HEIGHTS 91 22 113 36,169,000.00 93.92% Jul-04 Mar-06 BOULEVARD HEIGHTS DRIVE 14 1 1 16 7,343,320.00 100.00% Oct-04 May-07 HEIGHTS DRIVE 152 10 18 34 214 93,050,000.00 63.55% Mar-05 May-07 HEIGHTS AVENUE 30 6 3 39 13,016,000.00 100.00% Mar-05 Apr-07 HEIGHTS ESTATE 117 14 14 3 148 49,333,000.00 NA Sep-05 Oct-07 578 24 158 3 29 1 34 1 828 288,284,320.00 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ THE 2006 FEDERAL BUDGET Introduction The 2006 Federal Budget is the first annual budget for the 9th Out of the development expenditure, about 73% is allocated Malaysia Plan and the second phase of Vision 2020. for the economic sector and social sector. The allocations by sector of the development expenditure are The 2006 Federal Budget focuses on the following 4 strategies, contained in Table 1. namely: Table 1 1. Implementing proactive Government measures to accelerate RM million Change % economic activities; Sector 2004 2005(e) 2006(f) 2004 2005 2006 2. Providing a business-friendly environment; 1. Economic 11,851 14,097 14,395 -14 19 2.1 3. Developing human capital; and 4. Enhancing the well-being and quality of life of Malaysians. Including Agricultural 2,881 2,537 3,681 77.8 -11.9 45.1 Budget allocations Industry 1,201 1,743 2,884 -65.2 45.1 65.5 Infrastructure 6,630 7,442 5,439 -9.8 12.2 -26.9 Our Right Honorable Finance Minister proposes a sum of 2. Social 10,260 8,422 9,951 -42.1 -17.9 18.2 RM136.8 billion to be appropriated in 2006 Budget, an increase Including of 5% compared to 2005. Of this, a total of RM101.3 billion Education & training 4,316 3,424 5,025 -57.7 -20.7 46.8 is for Operating Expenditure and RM35.5 billion for Development Health 2,352 1,204 1,297 -12.3 -48.8 7.7 Expenditure, which is 13% higher than this year’s allocation. Housing 1,593 1,729 1,895 -17.4 8.5 9.6 3. Security 4,133 4,782 5,599 -31.4 15.7 17.1 Notwithstanding the reduction of the budget deficit from 3.8% 4. Administration 2,620 3,210 3,556 43.6 22.5 10.8 GDP for 2005 to 3.5% GDP for 2006 (2001:6.5%, 2002:5.6%, 2003:5.3%, 2004:4.5%), the development expenditure is Total 28,864 30,511 33,502 -26.7 5.7 9.8 increased to RM35.5 billion, 13% higher than 2005’s allocation. Share % of GDP 6.4% 6.3% 6.3% S'Wak BulletinJuly/Sept 05 3 17/10/05, 4:25 PM Page 4 Volume 3, Issue 3 THE 2006 FEDERAL BUDGET Table 2 Federal Government Revenue 2004-2006 RM million Change(%) Share (%) 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 Tax revenue 72,050 75,335 80,425 110 4.6 6.8 72.5 71.2 69.6 Direct tax 48,703 48,345 52,008 13.2 -0.7 7.6 49.0 45.7 45.0 of which Companies 24,388 20,505 20,799 17 -15.9 1.4 24.5 19.4 18.0 PITA 11,479 14,800 17,694 35.6 28.9 19.6 11.5 14.0 15.3 Individuals 8,977 9,991 10,557 12.4 11.3 5.7 9.0 9.4 9.1 Indirect tax 23,347 26,990 28,417 6.7 15.6 5.3 23.5 25.5 24.6 of which: Excise duties 6,427 8,369 9,045 27.7 30.2 8.1 6.5 7.9 7.8 Sales tax 6,816 7,374 7,103 14.4 8.2 3.7 6.9 7.0 6.1 Non-tax revenue 27,347 30,521 35,136 -13 11.6 15.1 27.5 28.8 30.4 of which: Licences/permits 7,106 8,055 8,144 7.1 13.4 1.1 7.1 7.6 7.0 Investment income 17,778 19,969 24,371 17.0 12.3 22.0 17.9 18.9 21.1 Total 99,397 105,856 115,561 7.3 6.5 9.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 % of GDP 22.1 21.7 21.8 1.
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