1 904 - Qaldesi Anniue'iA&'uf. Oilue., Q a ll - 1954 T H E C p I A I C Ericli J. SL air, Founder of I H I IA IA f Volume XLIV Number I The Ifirir A IR ol TIIETA TAEI F A L L , i f 5 4 VOLUME XLIV NUMBER I Tketa I au Fraternity' Founded at the University of Minnesota October 1 5, /904 FOUNDERS E rich J. Schrader Isaac B. H anks W . Murray Lewis E lwin L. V inal ,— EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Jamison Vawter, Zeti ’1 6 .............................................................Gr^«d 307 Civil Engineering H all, University of Illinois, Urbana, III. A. D. H in c k le y , Theta ’2 7 .................................................. Grand Vice Repent . 90 Morningside Dr., New York 27, N. Y. Erich J. Schrader, Alpha’O S .............................................................GrandScribe Box 244, Reno, Nevada Paul Mercer, Omicron ’2 1 .................................................. Grand Treasurer 141S Grand Ave., Keokuk, Iowa J. M. Daniels, Nu Honorary ’2 2 Grand Marshal Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nick Trbovich, Phi ’3 7 .......................................................Grand Inner Guard 4225 Ivy St., East Chicago, Ind. R o b e rt L. N o x o n , Sigma ’4 9............................................Grand Outer Guard 3214 N. Priscilla Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. DELEGATE AT LARGE D. D. Curtis, Omicron Honorary ’19 . Past Grand Regent Clemson, S.C. THE GEAR OF THETA TAU P. L. M ercer, Omicron ’21 and J. W . H ow e, Omicron ’24 . Editors Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Letters for members of the Council should be addressed to the individual by name. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS AND CLUBS Central Ohio — Chicago— A . T. Swanson, 99 Ash St., Park Forest, 111. Cleveland— James R. McKinney, 715 Union Bldg., Cleveland IS, Ohio Detroit—Charles Greening, 4661 Gray, Detroit 15, Mich. Intermountain — E. J. W atts, P. O. Box 403, Salt Lake City, Utah Kansas City— Robert W . Elliott, 4922 W . 78th PI., Prairie Villiage IS, Kans. Los Angeles—Ben E. Gumpertz, 5715 Sunnyslope, Van Nuys, Calif. National Capitol— Charles F. Myers, 106 N. George Mason Dr., Arlington, Va. Northwestern— Geo. T. Hanson, P. O. Box # 2 9 4 , Columbia Falls, Mont. ' Tw in C ity —Alex Kovalchuk, 1468 Furness St., St. Paul 6, Minn. Southwestern— Robert L. Houston, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Louisville Alum ni Club—c /o Theta Tau, 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. Fort Wayne A lum ni Club— Robt. J. W inner, 1635 Broadway, Ft. Wayne 2, Ind. MEMBERS OF T H E PROFESSIONAL INTERFRATERNITY CONFERENCE ARCHITECTURE, Alphi Rho Chi. Alpha Zcta. CHEMISTRY, Alpha Chi Sigma. COMMERCE. Alpha Kappa Psi. Delia Sigma Pi. DENTISTRY, Della Sigma Della. Phi Lambda Kappa Psi Omega Xi Psi Phi. EDUCATION, Kappa Phi Kappa, Phi Della Kappa’ Phi Epsilon Kappa, Phi Sigma Pi. ENGINEERING, Thela Tm! Sigma Phi Delia. JOURNALISM, Sigma Della Phi. LAW, Gamma Eia Gamma, Delta Then Phi. Phi Alpha Della, Phi Bela Gamma. Sigma Delia Kappa. MEDICINE, Alpha Kappa Kappa Nu Sigma No. Phi Bela Pi, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Epsilon. Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Rho Sigma. Theia Kappa Psi. PHARMACY. Kappa Psi. Chapters A l ph a , Founded October 1 5, 1904 - University of Minnesota (Chapter house) 324 W alnut St., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Beta , Established March 26, 1906 - Michigan College of Mining and Tech. (Chapter house) 1405 College Ave., Houghton, Michigan G amma , Established November 8, 1907 - - - Colorado School of Mines c /o Prof. George W . Lemaire, Colo. School of Mines, Golden, Colo. D elta , Established May 23, 1911 ----- Case Institute of Technology Theta Tau Box, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio Epsilon , Established May 4, 1911 - - ......................University of California Theta Tau Box, Hearst Mining Bldg., Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Calif. Z e ta , Established April 17, 1912 - .....................................University of Kansas (Chapter house) 1602 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas T h eta , Established May 26, 1914 ------ - Columbia University c/o Prof. Howard Vreeland, Col. of Eng., Columbia University, New York City Iota , Established February I, 1916 - - - - - - Missouri School of Mines c /o Prof. J. B. Butler, Missouri School of Mines, Rolla, Mo. Lambda , Established April 29, 1920 ------- University of Utah c /o Preston Linford, College of Engineering, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City Mu, Established January 3, 1922 ...................................... University of Alabama P. O. Box 2043, University Alabama Xl1 Established January I ) , 1 9 2 ) ................................. University of Wisconsin c /o Prof. H . A. Peterson, Dept, of Elec. Engr., Univ. of Wis., Madison, Wis. O micron , Established February 3, 192) - - - - State University of Iowa Theta Tau Box, Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa Pi, Established May 26, 1 9 2 ) University of Virginia c /o Prof. Lawrence Quarles, Col. of Engr., Univ. of Virginia, University, Va. R ho, Established February 16, 1924 - N. C. State College of Ag. and Eng. c/o Prof. T. C. Brown, M.E. Dept., N . C. State College, Raleigh, N. C. Sigma , Established November 29, 1924 ----- Ohio State University (Chapter House) 1946 Indianola Avenue, Columbus, Ohio T a u 1 Established December 12, 1 9 2 ) ....................- - Syracuse University Iheta Iau Fraternity, Col. of Eng., Bldg. 6, Syracuse U., Syracuse 10, N.Y. Upsilon , Established April 7, 1928 - - - - - - University of Arkansas (Chapter House) 612 Storrer St., Fayetteville, Arkansas Ph i , Established April 21, 1928 - - ....................................... Purdue University (Chapter house) 416 North Chauncey, West Lafayette, Indiana C h i , Established April 2 ), 1 9 ) 0 .....................University of Arizona Theta Tau Box1Engineering Bldg., University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. Psi, Established May 7, 1 9 ) 2 .......................................Montana School of Mines Theta Tau Fraternity, Care of Montana School of Mines, Butte, Montana O mega , Established March 26, 19)2 ----- S. Dakota School of Mines (Chapter house) 107 Kansas City St., Rapid City, S. Dak. Gamma Beta, Established March 16, 19) 5 - George Washington University Student Union Office Bldg., George Washington Univ., Washington, D. C. Delta Beta, Established May 20, 19)9 - - - - University of Louisville (Chapter house) 2022 S. First St., Louisville, Ky. EpsrLON B eta, Established May, 19, 19)1 - - - - - - Wayne University c/o Prof. Harold G. Donnelly, College of Engr., Wayne Univ., Detroit, Mich. Qoiden Anniuetia>u). Conoantian of Theta Tau Fraternity D yckman H otel Minneapolis , Minnesota October 14 - October 16, 1954 OCTOBER 13 - WEDNESDAY *8:00 p.m. Pre-Convention Open House to Twin City Alumni OCTOBER 14 - THURSDAY *9:00 a.m. Opening session of Convention *1:30 p.m. BusinessSession OCTOBER 15 - FRIDAY •m. Business Session '.m. Business Session i.m. Initiation i.m. Banquet OCTOBER 16 - SATURDAY *9:00 a.m. Closing session of Convention Election of National Officers Installation of National Officers Indroduction of prominent Alumni Closing ceremony ■m. Luncheon - Executive Council and Alumni .m. Football game - Minnesota vs Illinois •m. Buffet style dinner stricted to Theta Tau members only; all other events are open to wives and guests. Goette to M ituteafioliA. O clalet 14-16 att<L M eet Ute QotuuLetA o^ rJltela rJau One of the interesting features of the Golden Anniversary ban­ quet will be the presentation of a "loyalty" candle, dedicated to our Alumni everywhere. This candle will be lighted at 7:00 p.m. on October 15 th at the banquet which will be held at the Dyckman Hotel, Minneapolis. Active chapters and Alumni Associations will also light their candles at their local Founders’ Day dinners. Theta Tau Alumni everywhere are urged to meet for dinner at that time and send a communication to the national convention banquet. Let’s make it Theta Tau night all over the world! Founders of Fheta 7 au Ericln J . Shrader, Foun Jer = R ollN o. , Is "Mr. Theta Tau" THE GEAR OF THETA TAU Erich Julius Schrader was born in Board for many years and served as Bremen, Germany, on June 24, 1881. Chairman of the Nevada Delegation Five years later he came to this coun­ to the Western Conference of State try with his parents and grew up in Mining Boards in 1944. His profes­ the Twin Cities of Minnesota, attend­ sional activities include the prepara­ ing schools both in Minneapolis and St. tion of many technical articles for Paul. Later he entered the University publication. of Minnesota to study mining engi­ The founder of Theta Tau has work­ neering and during his student days ed continuously and diligently for the evolved the idea of an engineering good of the Fraternity for fifty years. fraternity based upon common pro­ In this time he not only conceived the fessional interests. His enthusiasm led idea of a professional brotherhood but to the founding of a local engineering wrote an excellent ritual as well as a fraternity which was destined to de­ constitution and bylaws. Although velop into a major professional fra­ these have been revised through the ternity. years— often at his suggestion— they Brother Schrader received his degree have remained essentially as he origin­ in mining enginering in 190S and ally wrote them. Despite his great in­ started work as an engineer helper, terest in these documents, Erich has assayer, chemist, etc. at the then stan­ always welcomed constructive sug­ dard salary of $75 per month. For gestions. seven years he held various positions From 1906 to 1911 he was National in the United States and Mexico, but Chairman and from 1911 to 1919 the was run out of Mexico in the fall of first Grand Regent. For the past 1911 because of the revolution there. thirty-five years he has devoted his His background of experience and time and energy to the duties of Grand ability found him well fitted for his Scribe, and when in 1948 the Biennial next position as General Manager of Convention created the position of the Rockland Mine in Nevada. He was Executive Secretary, Erich J.
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