\ Date:02-01-2017 Technical & Financial Evaluation Report Supply and Installation of Primary Communication Links I Name of Procuring Agency Sindh Bank Ltd. 2 Tender Reference No. SN DB/COK/ADMIN /T D I 7 32 I 20 I 6 J Tender Description Supply and Installation of Primary Communication Links 4 Method of Procurement Single Stage One Envelop Biddine Procedure 5 Tender Published SPPRA S No. 30401 6 Total Bid Documents Sold 2 7 Total Bids Received 2 8 Technical Bid Opening Date 29il1t20t6 9 Financial Bid Openins Date 29ilU2016 l0 No of Bid Technicallv Oualified 2 ll Bid(s) Reiected 0 s. Name of Company Cost Offered by Bidder Ranking in Comparison with Reason for Remarks No. Terms of Cost Estimated Cost Acceptance/ (Rs.500.000) Reiection 0 I 2 J 4 5 6 tWs PTCL Rs /- I14,000/- Rs.386,000/- below 1't Lowest Bidder I't Lowest Evaluated Bidder (Per Branch for I years) the estimated cost 2 IWs Wateen Telecom Rs. /- 176,125 Rs.323,875/- below 2nd Lowest Bidder 2nd Lowest Bidder (Per Branch for 1 years) the estimated cost Note: M/s PTCLisselectedforSupplyandlnstallationofCommunicationLinkstoSindhBankLtdbeingthequalilied bidder. Members - Procurement Committee Sienature (Anis lqbal) Head of I. T. Division tlt (Saeed Jamal Tariq) ( / 4!,') Chief Financial Officer (Syed Muhammad Aqeel) Chief Manager (IDBL) Karachi MArf{,J Eligibility/Technical Criteria SNDB shall evaluate Technical Proposals using the following eligibility/technical criteria. Mrrkt S. No, D.!criptiotr Mrrkr Obt.itr.d Ramar1(, 20 and cities Biddcr must have alresdy deployed FiberISM Rtdio tinks at morc than 20 citics ollovcr 20 )o sbovc for banks only. Pakistan l0 l0 to l9 citi.s (Altach Purchasa Ordcr a! documentary proof as Annexurc- I ) 5 5 to 9 cities 0 less fien 5 cities t4 tq 5 and abovc banks Bidd6 must hsvc providcd rcquir.d conncctivity to .t least 5 Bank in last 3 ycats. I 10 4 banks 2 1 (Atrrch Purchasa Ordar ar documentsry proofas Anncxurc-2) lc$ than 3 banks 0 Thc Bidder should havc Verifiablc Prescncc/SupporvBranch oflicca in all over Pakistan. l6 l6 I 0 and abovc cilies (Attsch Location Details ss documcnt6ry proofas Annexwa-J) 8 5 to 9 citics l 4 2 to 4 crlies 0 Onlv in 0l citY Thc Biddar mult ba in Dats conncctivity scrvices Bushess for at lcast 05 Yeart l0 to lfProvided proof 8s Ann.xurc'4) 1 (Attlch documcntsty 0 Nol Provided othc.lhan Banks to thc FibcrISM Radio The Bidd.r must provide list ofclicnts Provide l0 to I 5 and above clients links in last 3 yc!n. 5 3 7 to l4 Clicnts (Attach Purchas€ ordcr as doaumenlary prcof as Annexure_s) 0 less than 6 50 miuion & Abovc for 3 20 zo Company must havc tumover ofat least Rs so'Million p€r year for Last J_Years' 10 50 million for 2 yean (Atlach stltement for last I years as Annexure6) 6 audited financial 5 50 million for I year less than 50 nillion last 0 3ycars l0 IfProvided pa'ty or lo should h8v€ i6 ol*n service medium and not relyin8 on any other 3rd Bidder 0 panner 1 (Attach Nationwide network connectivity diagram as proof as Annexure-7) *':"1 Totrl Msrk 100 t00 Ourlifi.d / Disqurlified Note 70% tbr Technical Phase L Qualifyins marks fbi the bid is minimum 2'SNDBhastherighttoasklorevidencc/justification.Failtoprovideevidenc€orfalseevidencewillteadtodisqualificution. 3,Companywillbeconsidereddisqualif.iedifsPecificationoftheCommunicationlinksdoesnotmeetthesp€cilicationSiveninthc tender document Proof as Ann€xure_E) ' wlll consider as a d isqualified (Atiached - 4 ll CornPany not active Tax payer it or relev6ntdata services licens€ fiom P T A CVALS (Class Value Added Licensed Services) 5. Bidder must Provide valid Annexure'9) -- (Attach PTA CenificaE as documentary Proofas at stage' the company case any fake documents are found any or any document at any time' ln 6 Bank reserves the right to verify att willbedisqualifiedasperSPPMRule]0(l)andmaybesubjccttoleSalproceedings, rncaseof 7 Anachmen,ofGsr*s,dl*:11-,:-:":li[Sei[};r1,ff:;e;fi[11],:i"rya'tthet'Imeofsubmrssionofrenderdocumcnr non'provlslon of evldence lhecompan! MANDATORY 1. Attachment of Aflldavit (speclmen attached as Annerure "1") on stamp paper from the owner of the company. 2. Writing oftender reference at Siven in the NlTon the Envelop, carrying tender document is must orthe bank willnot be responsible if the documents are not received by the Procurement Committee on time DISOUALIFTCATION The blddcr will be considered disqualiried du,int technicaufinanclal evaluation process or after award contract lf: 1. On black list of SPPRA & Sindh Bank Ltd. 2. lssued with two (2) warning letters/emails by the Sindh Eank Ltd in the past to the bidder for unsatisfactory pedormances. 3, Alternate bid is offered. 4. Non - Attachment of Annexure "A" (With Financial Proposal) & Annexure "8" (With Financial Proposal if Bank Guarantee is going to be submitted as Bid Security). 5. The qualified bidder sublets the contract in any form/stage to any other agency. 5. Thetenderis deposited without Tender Fee. 7. lfdurinB verification process of the cliental list the response by any ofthe bank is un satisfactory on account of previous -o performance Ahsa li Dilshad Husain Khan Saeed Khan AVP perations SVP/Finance Div. SVP IT Div. , ?f22 Eligibility/Technical Criteria SNDB shall evaluate Technical Proposals using the following eligibility/technical criteria. Mrrkr S. No. D.!criDtior M.rk! R.mrrk Bidder musthave already deployed Fib€r,4sM Radio links at more than 20 cities all over 22 20 and aboYe crties P.kistsn for bank only. l0 l0 to l9 crties I (Attach PurchaJc Ordcr as documentary proofas Anncxurc- l ) 5 5 to 9 cilies 0 less lhcn 5 cities l4 lt1 5 and above banks Bidder must have provided required connectivrty to at least 5 Banks in last I years 3 to 4 banks 2 7 (Attach Purchasc Order as documentary proof as Anncxurc-2) less than I banks 0 Thc Bidder should have Verifiable Presence^uppori8ranch ollices in all over Pakistan I6 l0 and abov€ cilies (Attach Locstion Dctails rJ documentary proof aJ Annexure-3) t6 8 5 to 9 c(ies l 4 2 to 4 cities 0 Only in 0l city The Bidder must bc in Data Connectivity Services Busincss for at least 05 Years. l0 to IfProvided (Attach documentary prool as Annexure-4) 0 Not Provided provide oth€r lhan Banks lo provide the FibernsM Radio The Bidd€r must lisl ofclients 10 l5 and above clients links in last 3 years. 5 3 ? lo l4 Clients (Attach Purcha!€ order as documentary proof as Annexure-5) 0 less than 6 50 million & Above for 3 20 >o years Company musthava tumover ofat least Rs 5O-Million p€r year for Lst 3_Yesrs l0 50 million for 2 years for last 3 years as Annexur.-6) 6 (Attach sudited financial statement 5 50 million for I ye6r less than 50 million last I 0 3)€ars l0 to lfProvided p'rty I Bidder should have its own service medium and nol relyrng on any olher 3rd or 0 - | panner Not Provided ' |,o*"n *"uon*,de nerworkconnectivitydi6Stamas proof as Annexure'7) ( Totsl Ilrrks 100 Oualificd / Disquelified Note 70% for Technical Phase l. Qualirying marks for the bid is minimum 2,SNDBhaslheriEhttoaskforeYidence4ustification'FailtoProvideevidenceorf.alseevidencewillteadtodisqualification 3.CornpanywitlbeconsidereddisqualifiedifspecificationoftheCommunicationlinksdoesnotmeetthespecificationsiveninlhe tenderdocument. d isqualified (Attached Proof as Annexure-8)' 4. lf ComPany not actrve Tax payer it wi ll consider as a Se ices) or relevantdata services license from P'T A' 5 Bidder must provide valid CVALS (Class Value Added Licensed (Attsch PTA Certificate as documentary proofas Annexure-9) stage' the company al any time ln case any fake documen6 are found at any 6. Bank reserves the riSht !o verify 6ll or any document willb€disqualifiedasperSPPRARule]o(l)andmaybesubjecttolegalproceedings, tender document' ln case of are manda@ry at the tr me of submission of ts oard (S BR) cerlllicate 7. Attachment of G ST & Sindh Revenue ' the compan\ lvrll be suarght away drsqualified' ""i+r"r"a, "f*dence. 3 MANDATORY 1. Attachment of Affidavit (specimen atta.hed as Annexure "1") on stamp paper from the owner of the company. 2. Writing of tender reference as given in the NIT on the Envelop, carryint tender document is must or the bank will not be responsible if the documents are not received by the Procurement Committee on time DISOUALIFICATION The bldder will be conside,ed dlsqualilled during technical/tinanclal ev.luation process or after award cont.act if: 1. On black list of SPPRA & Sindh Bank Ltd. 2. lssued with two (2) warning letters/emails by the Sindh Bank Ltd in the past to the bidder for unsatisfactory performances. 3. Alternate bid is offered. 4. Non - Attachment of Annexure "A" (With Financial Proporal) & Annexure "B" (With Financial Proposal if Bank Guarantee ls going to be submitted as Bid Security). 5. The qualified bidder sublets the contract in any form/stage to any other agency. 5. The tender is deposited without Tender Fee. 7. lfduring veriflcation process of the cliental Iist the response by any ofthe bank is un satisfactory on account of previous performance / a<-- Saeed Khan SVP IT Div. SIGx l?r. Head. FINANCIAL PROPOSAL Head. , i t ,. ..".ri:r{_- Name of Bidder: Pakistan Telecommutrication Compatry Limited Diir,; S# Codo Branchgs/Locations Communicatlon Link Communicatlon Link On€ Tlme Cost Monthly Recuning Chargo3 "8" 1 0102 Khairpur PKR 9,500 2 0117 Thul PKR 9,500 l 0121 Pt(R 9,500 0408 PKR 9,500 5 0413 Santhar PKR 9,500 5 0416 Shahdadpur PKR 9,500 0417 PKR 9,500 8 0605 Bahna Iown PKR 9,500 9 0608 Lila Jhelum PKR 9,500 10 0611 DalwalChakwal PKR 9,500 t1 0623 8!rki Waived PKR 9,500 L2 0640 Kunjah PKR 9,500 13 0649 PKR 9,500 14 0658 Alipur Chetta PKR 9,500 15 0706 Waived PKR 9,500 L6 0901 MirpurArad Karhmrr PKR 9,500 77 0902 Eank Road Muzaffarabad PKR 9,500 18 0903 Gilgit PKR 9,500 19 4091 Bawany SuSar Mill PKR 9,500 (hotki 20 4092 Waived PKR 9,500 27 4t21 Thatta Cement PKR 9,500 22 0423 PKR 9,500 23 0344 Malir Cantt PKR 9,500 24 4077 Tando AllayarSutar Mill PKR 9,500 25 0359 Khekeshan Clifton PKR 9,500 26 0128 Ghousepur PKR 9,500 27 0428 Ditri, D sn.
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