1! ' ' -:'•:,.-;••"••• '' r.-t-t-vJ!^*>!^OTpT.".•"• • 'r'' '"' '7>'i:i'^^ :' ~"'' V:?^"? ^'^•V'^^ ^:^#'^ Mrs. John M. Thorn of JS-BFart-J of lather and^ son is of dMntJLowe. Prayer is ofMBamapo road on April 19. never really altered, never chang- A son. John Harold, to Mr. and way Village on April M. Knowledge of God Pictured : ed for a tnflfflfnt TJia zeal man, eternally, the troth which Christ Mrs. Ernest J.Gelger of 12» Thom- Mr. and Mrs. George Debate of]| ('tirii' •••... •••.'. ' ; spiritual and etemaL the only man Jesus referred to is our source of as street oh April It. 203 North Lehlgh avenue auiotjnei As Way of Freedom for Men there is. dwells to the drrinei A son, Stephen William, to Mr. the birth of a daughter. Janine. «m[ presence — in Mind, SouL Spirit freedom.' Freedom tan what? From an the false nhvsjk^ sense and Mrs. Edward Gill of 105 Better May 17 at Beth Israel BosnitaU Drive an TlcWiire. Tin Way off ~ avenue on April 3T Walk '. was the topic of a lec- Ity. To know this means frreilnm " f an tne ills of the Newark. world in Ch flesh. Realization of dMne Love's Twin sons, David Wuluun and Carefully ture on Christian Science given by one may read from fears and doubts; it Arthur Perrow, C a. of Chicago, Mare Wayne, to Mr. and Mrs. Cautlotuh of the Bible and. comply any problem of the world CUIIflll Henry Gonfcy of 315 Jtetford ave- m, a member of the Board of with rtt loving invitations for men lectureship of The Mother John's statement that -Cod Is today. lESIfEITS nue on Apfa 29. |^^ 4VGQCB9V UtafiUT ^BSwetaftlXsssMfiD aVOsQsssuMa) "Healing the sick to the appUca- xlTiAm Susan, to Mr. .Church, the Fust Church of Christ. with Cpd ben and now, said be- love; and be that dweDath to Ion) A m- , iW^ntWt in Boston. Mass.. before come aware of their God-ordained dweOeth to God. and God to him" Uon of the law of God, which ad- The following bfaths ham been and Mrs. George D. Green of 108 GAR WOOD CRANFORD KENILWORTH a large audience Tuesday evening freedom in the truth. (I John 4: IS) is basic To dwell in Jo** recorded at the office of William F. Spring Garden street on April JL in the Craaford High School aud- God, who is Love, means a con- dhrtoe Principle of true. t A daughter. Janice Kay, to Mr. "If men really understood God of vital **T* tt4rr VotLVI. N5. 19 ilniium. and Mis. Axthle S. Guyer of 6 CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1949 20. Pages — FIVE CENTS instead of haying mare belief in The world today is far from be- A daughter. Patricia Batoe, to Willow street on April 11. In introducing the speaker. Mrs. some kind of supreme being, the Mr. and "Mrs" ."- EUnrart• h ofM Beverly Butland, second reader ing unified in its concepttf Christ throngh spbttml means, but A daughter. Linda Sue. to Mr. resultant behavior would dispel all Jesus, the great master Christian— this as wen as m other manttecl Buchanan street on April 4. Added Mail Collection of the First Church of Christ, the confusion **"* bewilderment and Mrs. Foster L. Lowrey of 70 Weed Cutting Project Memorial Trees his purpose, his teachings and their tions of tba infinite ppower of good, A aony Bichard Dennis, to Mr. Bumslde avenue on April 0. Progress Scientist. Cranford. sponsor of the of the hour. To know and demon- hi Business Center Councillors Day-Long Program Planned lecture, stated "Grateful Christian J< it may be stated to Bihtteal lan- A son, Robert Lee, to Mr. and To Be Started Today Dedicated by Legion Rotary Club strate the fact that God is the one guage. The natural efvetli of 4 Sylvester street en April 4. Postmaster Arthur Metz an- TkT 1 • a» ' A Scientists everywhere, freed from divine ^ntyl1 fgynn* would Mrs. Robert L Nylen of 102 Hern- Crews of the public works de- As a memorial to deceased other men of bis day, but' the not the things of the 8pfrtt of God: MiehaeL to Mr. and Mrs. ing avenue on April 24. nounced partment today will begin cutting nd in har- the hy*wn and mesmeric On Adult two weeks For Granford Day June 10 members, Cranford Post, 212, many by the heeling ministry of Christ ws# and is the truth which for they axe foojlshnw unto him: Louis R. Cambeletta of lit New A daughter, TJIM<« Susan, to Mr. weeds between the sidewalks and American Legion, planted four Program tendencies toward strife, hatred, tional collection at 8 p. m. from The theme will be Cranford next w Christian Science, gladly avail Jesus taught neither can be know them, street on April ML and Mn. Edward G. Outlaw of 25 jst iNamed for curbs throughout the township, it dogwood trees on the grounds of wars, and Other discords. they are i*^ mail boxes in the business center. Friday, June 10, when from' as wnmif!••» of the opportunity to and which be referred to when be A son. Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. Wast End place on April 11. was. announced, yesterday by early as 7 a. m., until the last street Records will be provided the Casino, the post's headquar- The human —'ff doubt such said, "Before Abraham was, lam" (I Cor. 2:14). Education Collections from the boxes in this 9 Township Engineer P. J. GralL for dancing and Paul Selby, phy- ters, following1 the Memorial''Day share with others the knowledge of Peter V. Caravano of 131 North A daughter. Mary Elizabeth, to area previously were made only square dance is ended in the eve- the *»—n«f truth. infinite presence; but even -In the (John 8:58). "Christian Scientists have a deep LebJgh avenue on April 21. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Priestey of Store Your During the past week, the de- sical education instructor at the ceremonies here on Monday. For Boys midst of confusion or fear, God's at 5 a. m. The postmaster said Boys Camp ning, Cranford'residents will ob- "Man, "tmA» in the feeling of love and gratitude for A daughter, Sharon Gwenette, to 125 BurnsMe avenue on April 7. partment has built a new road of high school, will call the numbers. Commander A. Jules Dommer- "Xbis is a particularly happy oc- presence and power have not the new procedure will be con- serve their first all-out Cranford uirtnmim of God. the real, man, itthshe Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Crawford A son, Thomas Tucker, to Mr. Community CVwinril penetration macadam along a sec- Day in MacConnell Park. Boy Scouts have made tentative gue was head of the officiating casion,'' Mrs. Butland continued*, changed, for He is All and every- forever spiritual, sinless, agek Precious Furs tinued since it has proved its worth Appointments Made Christian Mary Baker of 201 Orange avenue on April 4, and Mrs. Charles E, Roberts of 105 speeding up the tinmiHng of tjon of Balmiere Parkway, grad- plans.to build a special seven- committee at the dedicating of the Cranford High Seniors "for not only are we to hear, an where. The Psalmist put it. "If I deathless. It is this basic view of Offera Services in ed and sealed Lafayette place be- Representatives of organizations yard-long rope bridge • over the trees. The ceremonies were fol- inspiring message which will lift Eddy; whose great gift to the world A daughter, Cheryl Ann, to Mr. Maple place on April 4. For safety and as a protection against moths, arc mall for business people of the For Season Opening iking part in the program re-' make my bed in hell, behold, thou man wbfch is mchicted to John's A daughter, Noreen Elizabeth, to Reestablishing School' tween Springfield avenue and Wil- Cranford River as part of their lowed by an Open House at.the To Be Guests on our thought to behold man's heri- art there" (Ps. 140:8), »«*««tiii of can and Mrs. Herbert H, Crooks of 188 and theft, store them in our modern cold storage town. viewed plans last' night at a meet- ?g statement, ""Whenever is born of Her zeal and love for aB mankind, North Lehlgh avenue on April 10. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Ross of 246 w At Silver Lake July 3 low street, repaired Lexington ave- contribution to the program. Scout Casino for. members of the post tage of freedom as the child of course, that the confusion mortal God dojn not commit sin^jBor vaults; f«j"f'nM' rates. , * The Cranford Community Coun- The boxes affected are located ing in the township rooms. Mrs. Commissioner Robert Smith re- and its auxiliary and their fami- his and above an, her love for God A son, Bichard, & Mr. and Mrs. North avenue, west, on April 18. Councillors for the coming sea- nue from ..Stoughton avenue to Sidney Nunn, chairman, was in Vocations Day God. but It will be given by one mind generates—its bewilderment, seed, wyn^ln^h in hfanj* sod he cil Tuesday' night voted to offer at the following points: Cranford Denman road caused by the con- ported. It was announced that the lies. who is an old friend and one time he and His Christ. led to her discov- Patrick J. Devlin of 35 A son, Virgil Joseph, Jr., to Mr. Bring them in or phone EL 2-2300, and our bonded son at the Cranford Boys' Camp, charge. • • Twenty-eight Cranford High fears, and anxieties-^ean be ex- cannot sfe, bscajiae he Is its service* to the Board of Edu- Trust, North Union avenue and which opens Sunday, July 3, at struction of a new sanitary sewer, Girl Scout House.on Springfield member of our Cranford Church, bprn Jot ery of Christian.
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