luiiim i 'iMiiiiiyssas;ggeti W' iiw i ais f-- Mf y "'otPr1- -' " "IS. - ' , j v ..a The Evening World Dall Majfa'zlnc,' T h u r s da March 18, 19 11. Them Was the Happy Days!" Tdv Liarc TvictorT a I,uwiggins I I 101 1, hj Tht I'iwm PuMMilof Co, (TL .Vtw Tcrk World). T jiwaNI Gee.JinKi, ( Do 7ou Urn Time ') AMD VA5 LAID UP FOR TWO ViECK 1RI CAUGHT VoO BCHIHO TUtt BARH ft Hello ( Vov) RecALL TTiew RewB -- vvl Do ever olo rrtviLOM'7 (Jo7aTe ciRcvo &. tqimmeo no (V NAoe vou gat nujD, 1 and ' PAIS JlMtA"!. HOVi I DID . r. - ..11. a cneftrA A6 ever W- Puff (0 C I -- t- BKlCH USED LPve IRIM T- OR- i- . Vnll Oi -.i (U TilRFVt ft hi HA ! I UO.' "n.i lPII kiwiat wi iv , SICK. - HA MA; HO HOi IhELLO AU! V I I 1 I J . I' ( l H'l IVMl.v I to (vr - HftPPY DAYS! TPero old pais- x 1 1 wz 1 4 Sayings of it 5 Honeybunch's Hubbv By c. M.jPayne "Cheer Up, Cuthbert! ff n 4! I CopTTltbl. Th What's iho Uso Being Blue? lrs. Solomon U Piw rubllihlog Co. (Tli Nfw Totk World). of Being the Confessions of the There Is a Lot of Luck Left HoNBTf "Bunch, you ft City rtevt-- 4 Seven Hundredth Wife I folk4 By Clarence L. Cnllen 'KNoW 17's mostly 5EQ ArfYtHlMC THAT SBy GET MAJTCS US LOOK TWICQ, Helen owland STRANGER THAT Coiijrijlit. 1011, b7 n l'r On. (Tlo .Now tort World). n RUrf OVER UECAUSE rr.MATS THE G. H T'H ill riirtit to (let Hun tor Tho eaaloat thtnc wa do la to i OoiTTlftit. isil, br H) Pnttltblrf Co. (Tt Nnr Tort Wortl) "nI tHevre always " .Money but you cin't Huy Anythlnrir ounnSves that wa ajra Orarwoi k u a oit IJY, vou, do men continue to nock and to cry with thnt' tho Family la akcptloall out againtt the WEAKER BEXt i 1 w For, I my unto thee, my Daughter, of all' It' tho rnrttoJ A tot of Phony Stortaa aa wall a'aka V 1 o 0 1 1 y that Fairy Talaa orlxlnata In tho I,an4 of t N!M that roam the earth, WniOH U the "WEAKEIt , Make-nllov- ."peada thi --Ml.ntU! e! I I It that sex vfhldh U too tcea to hunt for it) atcn collar outtont, too "YT l t Awhllo" In raal Ufa wt 1on't act tho cfiianca to lazy to put axocv it$ own olothet, too weary to lift IU cigar ashet unto the noTor (ti ovitr Hohoo.no tha 111k Rltuatlont but the t nama parmlt u to Taka tray, too to own tmairtnlnr that tit ruloaif thf aih feeble clean Ui tafety ratort can Oat Thnra on I".nil It it that sex which Is too infirm to fia its own lath water and tiring an Riplrod Tlckatl forth its clean shirttt Wa novor yat CanrllM a Hot that Is it that sex unto which must be yielded the most OOMFORTAUbE it when our Won but wa'va forxot to Cnncol a Who'.a tid-bit- becoma of them th.it didn't! CIIAIIIS, the morning paper and ALL the st Friends ral indifferent as to Is it that sex which is too frail to endure pain, and whioh howleth and IWlolea wora hla Hair pretty clou tn toe-ach- whether we liehave or not that we've , fearcth to DIE, when it hath a toothache or a hli Eyea but nobody evrr onllcl hlr a t Lost Themt Low-llro- wl It it that sex which is too languid to arise and turn on the radiator or to Ice off lift fV from the It's queor how wo ox poet aO trt or Remorse without Renunciation Is seats a street car, and after-irw- f Ov on Is it that sex which grabbcth the first in rdrofls I'Atlfnco to bo Honoradl mere Whimpering over hcing t'ow.d is too weak to STAND OP again, even though a damsel tottereth upon flu NU OF cour?5& 1 Mj could We know Qlvara of Oratultoui Out! its onoin'fd toest - Not swear nt was! . iomi 1 Artvloo who poiuii tho Idea, that a. Paa sex which is too weak to resist a cocktail or a womant aOlN6 ATrtOUSAUD kT:jft yit I bumtnatfeLg to dlacover Is it Vnt 9- ) 1 nine l a Panacea! fa that th' temptation, yet temptations MUSS AM HOUR "Rut I j.vr folka who wa Unaarlho deaplsn ua nevt Is it that sex which OAXh'OT withstand if NtVtRSAW , ASlfaoFJ Tho Slav of n aran tfitak at oaf rovir lint its way goeth out and FISDETH themt Him Till He. Hit MEj Jkfy diatom Unt to be or opposed, but which Shokll by llaj)tl Is it that sex which cannot endure crossed t had the Hoe put gl-- en peevish must he its OWN WAY, even as a babet abound, bo Panrrv-.brok- cr on ua twioa In tha Same l'l.tce biSt ' nattrrera tb Is it that sex which requtreth constant stimulation from the cellarette, narar Oraraartlmavtaal oarar twaoa 1&r tha aaima ne! and consent flattery, and coddling, and baby talk from its lesser halfT I low many tb why la that sex which must be made COMFORTABLE, which must have of Traaolloa of da Wa dant know It that that irrma yaara raour to tnamory aa Oom-fdlo- it ohtrp, "A Short Ufa and a Merry One," be by clinging or its clothes cut l.OOBE, and will not bound down skirts always mahaa oa thank of drrhoiui of tight corsets, yet which mocketh and denounceth the trouserette upon a tha larart woman, who hath STRENGTH to endure her loadt j Once we spent Three flort and Oraokarjaok aa sex trembleth at the thought of Matrimony, and goeth Thirteen Dollars trying to beat a A cavar Boahotad tor a Is it that which Had Startl bleating unto the altar as a lamb to the slaughter,- NickeUn-the-Blo- t Machine and while load-- Or is it that sex which btndeth itself in whalebone and steel, and we were at it the Other Fellow got a Our idea of rfothdna to Beat U tha eth tuelt down with frills and feathers; whioh Uveth upon leftovers and Hundred Dollar Ordr that was fellow who taraoTa that ha Bagtna whara wa Laava Off I cheerfully faceth all things, even sarcasm and ridicule and criticism yea, meant for ust 1 WITH A HANt ere, UFE A Onawlnjr Conaolauoa omn maka tho It takoa a lot of Blaina to know things, Belahl ta Tell me, my Beloved, for I would thete irmoothaat bad lAimpyl Sub)U4-at!cn-l The Cynic's Wail ft By Gaston Leroux The of Author Mvstery the Yellow Room," of the Big City Phantom the Opera of "Tht of tte By Sophie Irene Loeb. (OnrrifM, 1011, by Bobbo-Men- On.) of the grid, where ah loved to make troubles and all their little hobblea. way," and "Thle way." and "This way," main by th trap-doo- rt that hoi at- "Ar you afraid of Baaif" pwdobimno him giddy by running In front of him She knew unsuspected corners that laughing a breathless laugh that often tracted htm. "No, no, of cours not," ess Bat, TNoraia or ouaitbim. trap-do- Now CfrrintlLo alone th trail bridges, among the thou- were secretly occupied by little old ended In tears. Then Raoul tried to Suddenly the waa olosad For all that, on tha naxt osay aasd T Tho Pro PublUhinf Co. (Tho Tort World). Ilioul dt (liipj lorn Itao, Iku Copyrlibt, Ull, tlfit) worn van rouns otn olrr. liut myrtenoiM sands of ropes fastened to the r"!'0" couples Hhe knocked at theilr door spfak, Jo question her, In spite of his and so qulokly that they did not th following daya, Christina wag aar-f- ul M cama along, and, aa eha waa trylrt: to Irif'uenre rontRUtlj rtrown hrr may Inra 'nl'J. sen and thty HIS cynlCa ory against the He wmetlinra lieirt tier erniteMlns with on lnn. the windlasses, the rollers, In the midst and Itittodticeil Raoul to thejn as a promises, Hut, oven before he had the hand tbat worked ltt to avoid the trarp doors. Har agi- rtty U cold, hard, nu-- rocover her hat he lost her rtp on Ihle ma lnc l.ltnUlj o!i UI nnl fipliln. Tlio of a rsgulnr of yards and mssti. I'rlnrn Charming who hud asked for worded ills question, she answered ri innlned quite dased, tation only lnorcaaad as hours la that It f ttkMT llmiM wherM (UirlAtlna jtimri. foreit th l'arlt It n I. l hor bundle and the aheeta of . ador-nbl- slt-tln- tf "Perhapa aald T Vclnd. SBUJ-ISI- NVhat a the luunteil. the emiUye! o Xelcton41lLe If he hesitated, she said, with an her hand and the two ot them, feverishly: ha was ther," Raoul passed. At last, on asTtaraooeX, she Joya " cjhUiT A oynlo la world's woea and went ecatterln Ilrittnn ihlci they cll tlie "OrT H'l pout of her lips; "ii some worm-eate- n "property," Nothing I swear It If noth-In- g at last arrived very late, with faoa so uev cnaive t ui '. hr to wnero me uon-im- o ju CMntm itKt 'iv I did daapar-atel- y fallow who has Jiaron wouiu Home.
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