Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Progress 2019 The Daily Globe’s third edition of Redsautosales.com Progress explores area education INSIDE TODAY DAILY GLOBE Thursday, February 14, 2019 Few snow showers yourdailyglobe.com | High: 27 | Low: 6 | Details, page 2 Superior man sentenced for fatal accident By RICHARD JENKINS Sever- “Make no mistake, shouldn't have. Actions He will serve three years homicide by vehicle-use of [email protected] al of Amanda was not killed by a have consequences, and probation for possession of a controlled substance and HURLEY – A Superior, Schiller's car accident. Calling it an yours were fatal.” THC-second offense and possession of drug para- Wis., man pleaded no con- relatives accident strips it of its core, Gasper was sentenced one year probation for phernalia – were dis- test to three counts and a n d heartbreaking truth and to the legal maximum sen- operating with a detectable missed Tuesday but read was sentenced in Iron f r i e n d s shields you from responsi- tence of three years in amount of a controlled sub- into the record. County court Wednesday gave or bility. Her death wasn't the prison and three years stance in his blood causing Schiller was a passenger for his role in a fatal car submit- outcome of some random extended supervision for injury. in the vehicle Gasper was crash in the town of Saxon. ted vic- chance, or freak black ice knowingly operating a Gasper will serve the driving on U.S. 2 at approx- Jesse Troy Gasper, 35, t i m spot at an unfortunate motor vehicle with a sus- three sentences consecu- imately 3:53 a.m. near the was the driver of a car i m p a c t time. You killed Amanda,” pended license causing tively, meaning he will be Saxon cemetery. involved in an early-morn- Jesse Troy s t a t e - Jared Buchholz, Schiller's death. on extended supervision or Iron County District Gasper ing car crash March 27 on m e n t s brother, said to Gasper. Madden also withheld probation for seven years Attorney Matt Tingstad U.S. 2 in Saxon that killed prior to “You made a decision. You sentence and imposed pro- after his release from Amanda Rose Schiller, 31, Judge Patrick Madden chose to get in that car bation on the two other prison. of Menominee. imposing his sentence. when you know you charges Gasper pleaded to. Two other counts – GASPER — page 2 IT’S A LOVE STORY Lorenson appointed to Togetherness made Maki love last Gogebic County Board n Ironwood natives win Daily Globe of Commissioners Valentine’s Day By BRYAN HELLIOS bachelor's degree in forest essay contest [email protected] management from Michi- By LARRY HOLCOMBE BESSEMER – The Goge- gan Technological Univer- [email protected] bic County Board of Com- sity and an associate Carl and Barbara Maki spend missioners approved degree from GCC. almost all their time together. That’s James Lorenson's appoint- Lorenson told the Daily not so unusual for a retired couple ment to the board and he Globe his entire work in their mid 70s, and coming was sworn into office by career involved working around on 58 years of marriage. County Clerk Gerry Pellis- with civic and community Their children are grown and liv- ero at the board's Wednes- organizations and that is ing in the Twin Cities. They live far day evening meeting. something he wishes to con- from town, near Lake Superior on Lorenson of Ironwood tinue during his retirement. Lake Road, three miles from the applied to the board for the “Gogebic County has a Wisconsin border. vacancy in District 4 made lot of challenges facing it. I Tuesday’s heavy snowfall made it by the recent resignation of don't have magic answers, I feel even further from town as the Joann Balduc of Bessemer don’t have a silver bullet,” Daily Globe visited their home for Township. District 4 is he said. an interview and to mark Barbara’s made up of all of Erwin He looks forward to win in the newspaper’s “That’s What Township, Bessemer Town- working with the talent on Love is All About” essay contest. Larry Holcombe/Daily Globe ship and Ramsay, exclud- the board to help resolve But Barbara said they’ve been liv- Carl and Barbara Maki stand in the living room of their home on Lake ing Bessemer Township some of those issues. He ing and working together for most of Road near Lake Superior in Ironwood Township on Tuesday afternoon. north of U.S. 2, and a por- said when the opportunity their lives. “I think spending time The couple has been married 58 years. See Page 5 for winning essay. tion of the city of Iron- opened up, he was encour- together makes your love all the wood. aged to take it. stronger,” she wrote in her essay. “She wasn’t 18, so her dad had to neapolis as Carl was offered a job to Lorenson retired as “I regret how the posi- “That’s what love is all about.” sign,” said Carl. manage convenience stores for president of Gogebic Com- tion became available,” They both grew up in Ironwood They soon headed to Minnesota Conoco. They hired Barbara, too. munity College in June Lorenson said. “My Township and met at Roosevelt where Carl found employment at a “I trained all the managers for 2017. Prior employment thoughts and prayers are School. taconite processing facility in Silver Conoco and she trained all the lead included three years as with Joann as she faces her “We dated from junior high up, Bay. Their two sons, David and girls,” said Carl. deputy with the Gogebic challenges.” all the way through,” said Carl, who Jimmy, were born there. Barbara The boys grew up and graduated County Sheriff’s Depart- In other business, the graduated from Luther L. Wright didn’t work at the mine, but “other- from high school, got married and ment as well as six years board: High School in 1959. Barabara grad- wise, we’ve been working together working for Procter & –Approved the appro- uated in June of 1961 and they were all our lives,” she said. Gamble in natural resource married in August. In 1968, they moved to Min- management. He holds a ESSAY — page 5 BOARD — page 5 TIGHT SQUEEZE GCC negotiating with presidential candidate IRONWOOD – Gogebic earned Community College offi- a Doc- cials are in contract negoti- tor of ations with Stacy Young, of Philoso- Goshen, Ind., with hopes phy in she'll become the next leader- president of the college. s h i p “Dr. Young is a forward with an thinking and empha- entrepreneurial leader. She sis in is approachable and collab- h i g h e r orative and has demon- Stacy e d u c a - Young strated success in enroll- t i o n ment growth and fundrais- admin- ing as well as serving as a istration at Andrews Uni- Peer Reviewer for the High- versity in Berrien Springs; Steve Newman/Daily Globe er Learning Commission,” a Master of Arts in busi- MOTORISTS HAD a challenge driving city streets clogged by snow Wednesday. Aurora Street in downtown said John Lupino, GCC ness administration from Ironwood was reduced to one lane due to the large snowbanks. board chairman. “She is an Bethel College in Mishawa- enthusiastic leader and we ka, Ind.; and a Bachelor of look forward to her arrival Science in accounting from on campus." Manchester University in Ironwood woman sentenced on animal cruelty charge Young holds a doctorate North Manchester, Ind. in leadership and is a dean Most of her research By RICHARD JENKINS Crystal Marie Lotzer, 37, was sen- dogs and python, Lotzer said at her at the School of Business throughout her Ph.D. pro- [email protected] tenced to 30 days in jail and two plea hearing there were three other and School of Advanced gram focused on commu- BESSEMER – An Ironwood years probation for attempted aban- cats and a dog, two ducks, a raven, a Technology at Southwest- nity colleges. woman will have to serve most of doning/cruelty to 10 or more ani- sea gull and approximately 20 rab- ern Michigan College in Young has worked in the next month in jail after she was mals. bits in her house at the time of her Dowagiac. She previously both corporate America as sentenced in Gogebic County Cir- Lotzer won't be able to own any served as dean at that cuit Court Tuesday on an animal animals while on probation. school's Niles Campus, cruelty charge. In addition to her four cats, three also in Dowagiac. She CRUELTY — page 5 YOUNG — page 5 TODAY INDEX Few snow showers — Details, page 2 Celebrations . .12 75 cents Classifieds . .9-10 Wednesday Today’s records Snowfall Comics . .8 Vol. 100, No. 72 High 24 High 47 (1954) 24 hours to 7 a.m. Community . .3 Low 8 Low -31 (1970) Wednesday 13.2 in. Snow depth 30 in. Obituaries . .5 Year ago today Precipitation Season total 129.9 in. Opinion . .4 High 29 24 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 118.2 in. Low 9 Wednesday 0.62 in. Sports . .6-7 l 2 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2019 AREA / NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD TODAY FRIDAYY SATURDAY SUNDAYSUNDAY MONDAY Few Snow Few Snoww Partly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Mostly Cloudy Showers Showerss 27° 6° 16° 1°1° 18° 3° 16° 5° 17° 2° Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: 5-115-11 mphmph WSWWSW 7-137-13 mphmph WNWWNW LightLight windswinds 7 mphmph SESE 5 mphmph SWSW Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK 28/14 Todayy we will see cloudy skies with Bergland a 50%% chance of snow showers, highg 27/9 tempetemperatureerature of 227°,7°, humidity of 74%.
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