COST E42 Growing Valuable Broadleaved tree Species Working Group 1 Basics of Growing Valuable Broadleaves European inventory of improved varieties of valuable broadleaves COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties “Improved varieties ” Type of Basic Material Category of Forest Reproductive Material Source identified Selected Qualified Tested Seed Source X Stand X X X Seed Orchard XX Parents of Family(ies) XX Clone XX Clonal Mixture XX COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties “Improved varieties ” Type of Basic Material Category of Forest Reproductive Material Source identified Selected Qualified Tested Seed Source X Stand X X X Seed Orchard XX Parents of Family(ies) XX Clone XX Clonal Mixture XX Additional information on average number of plants used for silvicultural purposes for each of the four categories of FRM (on a yearly basis) Number, area and harvest in selected non-tested seed stands COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties “Improved varieties ” Type of Basic Material Category of Forest Reproductive Material Source identified Selected Qualified Tested Seed Source X Stand X X X Seed Orchard XX Parents of Family(ies) XX Clone XX Clonal Mixture XX Additional information on averageaverage numbernumber ofof plantsplants usedused forfor silviculturalsilvicultural purposespurposes forfor eacheach ofof thethe fourfour categoriescategories ofof FRMFRM (( onon aa yearlyyearly basis)basis) Number, area and harvest in selected non-tested seed stands COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties State of the art COST E42 : 25 signatory countries Initial deadline: July 1 st 2006 Changes since Oxford, October 2 nd - 4th , 2006 data provided by SK and ES National Registers provided by NL and GB extraction of relevant data however… one year after the initial deadline… still 7 countries on the blacklist search for their National Registers additional data COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Some preliminary results Tested seed stands: 1 ( Alnus glutinosa – NL) Seed Orchards 158 entries - “Tested”: 4 ( Betula pendula - SE) - “Qualified”: 123 - Not specified: 31 Entries for 15 tree species Total area: 530 ha COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Total area of seed orchards per country (ha) 250 225 4 200 3 175 2 150 1 125 0 100 ES FR SI GB LT 75 50 25 0 PL DE CZ AT NL SE SK HR FI DK BE Other < 5 ha COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Total area of seed orchards per species (ha) 150 5 125 4 3 100 2 1 75 t 0 ula fan sau bpu umi sto tpl csa sdo rps 50 25 0 tco agl bpe fex pav aps apl ugl Other < 5 ha COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Total area of seed orchards per country / per species (ha) 250 Ulmus glabra 225 Acer platanoides Acer pseudoplatanus 200 Prunus avium Fraxinus excelsior 175 Betula pendula Alnus glutinosa 150 Tilia cordata 125 100 75 50 25 0 PL DE CZ AT NL SE SK HR FI DK BE ES FR GB COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Total area of seed orchards per species / per country (ha) 150 NL DK 125 AT DE 100 SK ES GB 75 SE PL 50 LT HR 25 FR FI 0 CZ tco agl bpe fex pav aps apl ugl BE COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Some preliminary results Clones / Clonal Mixtures 86 entries - Clones: 84 - Clonal mixtures: 2 (LT: Alnus glutinosa & Betula pendula ) Entries for 6 tree species COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Number of clones / clonal mixtures per species / per country 50 40 FI 30 ES GB FR 20 LT 10 0 Alnus glutinosa Betula pendula Betula pendula var. Prunus avium Tilia cordata Castanea sativa Carelica COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Additional information Non-Tested Seed Stands (1/4) Entries from 12 countries Total area of seed stands = 5344 ha Frequent harvest in only 1688 ha (32 %) 1000 1000 1100 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 0 0 F rax inus excelsior Alnus glutinosa Betula pendula T ilia c ordata Inventory ofImproved Varieties Ac er selected of seed area stands Total speciesper / pe pseudoplatanus F raxinus selected of seed area standsTotal species per (ha) angus tifolia B e tu la pubescens T ilia tom entos a E42 COST R o b in ia pseudoacacia Juglans nigra Castanea sativa Prunus av ium r r country (ha) U lm us glabra Sorbus auc uparia Sorbus torm inalis Ulmus minor T ilia platy phy llos Ac er platanoïdes Betula pendula var carelic a FI HR GB CZ IE PL SE SI PT BE NL SK COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Betula pendula var carelica Acer platanoïdes TotalTotal area areaof selected of selected seed standsseed stands per species per country / per country (ha) (ha) Tilia platyphyllos Ulmus minor 1500 Sorbus torminalis Sorbus aucuparia 1400 Ulmus glabra 1300 1300 Prunus avium 1200 Castanea sativa 1100 Juglans nigra Robinia pseudoacacia 1000 Tilia tomentosa 900 900 Betula pubescens 800 Fraxinus angustifolia Acer pseudoplatanus 700 Tilia cordata 600 Betula pendula 500 Alnus glutinosa 400 Fraxinus excelsior 300 200 100 0 CZ PL HR SK SE LT BE IE GB FI SI NL Inventory of Improved Varieties 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 COST E42 1000 900 Total area of selected seed stands per species (ha) 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Fra xinus exce lsior Alnus glutinosa Betula pe ndula Tilia cordata Acer pseu dopla tanus Fra xinus an gustifolia Betula pubescens Tilia tom entosa Robinia pseudoacacia Juglans nigra Castanea sativa Prunus avium Ulm us glabra Sorbus aucuparia Not specified Sorbus tormin alis No frequent harvest Ulm us minor Frequent harvest Tilia platyphyllos Acer plata noïdes Bet ula pe ndula var ca relica COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Conclusions Seed orchards Most important species with respect to area - Tilia cordata (30.5 %) - Alnus glutinosa (19.0 %) - Betula pendula (17.1 %) Most important species with respect to presence - Prunus avium 10 countries - Fraxinus excelsior 8 countries “Richest” countries with respect to total area - PL (65.4 %) & CZ (12.4 %) “Richest” countries with respect to number of species - CZ (23) & SK (15) & PL (15) however… total number of DIFFERENT genotypes in the so’s ?? COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Conclusions Clones / Clonal Mixtures Non-productive or low production capacity (except for B. pendula var. carelica ) Non-Tested Seed Stands Most important species with respect to total area and to presence - Fraxinus excelsior (24.7 % - 10) - Alnus glutinosa (21.7 % - 11) “Richest” countries with respect to total area - CZ (25.8 %) & PL (18.9 %) “Richest” countries with respect to number of species - CZ (16) & SK (12) COST E42 Inventory of Improved Varieties Time to finalize ! No use in setting any further deadlines for non-responding countries Try to get hold of data ourselves (i.e. J.-C. B. & B.D.C) Write up a final report with compilation of available data in annex Deadline: end of 2007.
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