Survey What are your reactions to the new Alumni Ouarterly? We would appreciate yo _ur taking a moment to an swer the following questions and mail it to us as soon as possible. 1. How many edition s of the Alumni Ouarterly have you received? n • • • !please circle) 1 2 3 4 5 2. Check the space which most closely represents your feeling regarding content of the reading material. The direction toward which you check depends upon which of the two ends of the scale seem most chara cteri sti c of your reaction to the Alumni Ouarterly. !The middle po sition represents neutrality.) Content America . ALUMNI QUARTERLY Informative - · - · - · - · -·-·- Uninformative . Effective - · -·-·-· -·-·- Ineffective . Clear -·-· - · - · - · - · - Unclear Interesting _ : _ : _ : _: _ : _ : _ Uninteresting ute of Vincennes in Church time- 35 years- to complete. orker with these It was, therefore, God's preordained intention Volume II , No . I May 1980 3. Check the space which most closely represents your feeling regarding photography ., Elizabeth Ann that Elizabeth Ann Seton be canonized on Sept. and cover art. The direction toward which you check depends upon which of the two her. 14, 1975. A study of her life, character and ends of the scale ·seem most characteristic of your reaction to the Alumni Ouarterly. at quality which, spirituality reveals why: her actions, qualities and !The middle position represents neutrality.) d on the favorite , virtues are the answers to what ails our country Photography and Cover Art e was predestined and our Church. Mo ther Seton . A Model for Ameri ca . .. ... .. .. ................ .. Page 3 . Attractive - · - · -·-·-·-· - Unattractive She was, above all , a woman of faith: super­ Utopia Parkway Never Seemed So Close . ... ...... .. .... ... .. ........ .. .. Page 5 Imaginative _ ._._._._._._ Unimaginative lt? Because, while natural and precisely Catholic faith, but also Effective . Ineffective destined to be the natural or human faith. Faith has been faltering in Q .-How Can Alumni Help? - · - · -·-·-· - · - Necessary _._ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ Unnecessary when she would our society, national and ecclesiastical, for some time. Too many of our leaders seem confused A.-ACIP . ..... .... ... ........ .. .... ... .. .... Page 6 4. Which feature do you like best and least about the Alumni Ouarterly? There was no about what they believe, or about what should be !Check only one in each column I St. John's University Today Page 9 done, and therefore they fail to lead or to teach, Best Least with authority. What's Happening? Page 11 Articles Too many citizens and religionists have deve­ Alumni Persona ls . .. ... ....... .. .... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Page 12 St. John 's Today loped what St. Paul calls "itching ears," eager to What's Happening . ? hear the latest political or socio-theological novelty, Alumni 'Early-Bird' Basketball Season Ticket Plan ...... ... .. .. .... ..... .. · Page 16 Alumni Personals however shallow or even suspect, and have become prey to doubts and discontent. Redmen Sports . From the Sidelines .... ... .... ..... ....... .. · · · · · · · · · · Page 17 Sports Elizabeth Seton believed and believed firmly. 5. Comments and Suggestions, ---------------- Travel to Ireland . ..... ... .... .. ..... ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Inside Back Cover She knew exactly what St. Paul meant when he warned the Galatians, "if anyone preach to you a Alumni Shopper's Corner .. ....... ..... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Inside Back Cover gospel besides that which you have received, let him be anathema." She believed in her country and its people, she believed the teaching and ST. JOHN'S ALUMNI Q UARTERLY. l lSPS 476-950. the Alumni maga,ine of St. J ohn ·s l 'niversit y, New accepted the authority of her Church. York, is published foor tim('s a yea r-May. Aug ust. November a nd February-by the Office of Alumni She was a woman of hope, of supreme optimism. Relations. T he office is loca ted at St. J o hn 's l lniwrsit y, Utopia and G rand Cemra l Pa r1"\° ays, Jamaica , New She refused to let a lifetime of suffering and trials Yo rk 11 439; telepho ne (212 ) 969- 8000, Ext. 231. Second Class Postage pa id a t Jamaica, New York 11 -1 31. and a ll and reverses get her down. She refused to whine. and confirmed her apostolate. William Dubourg As she put it , in evident echo of the great Apostle, additional offices of entry. of New Orleans, John Dubois of New York, and "I am sick, but not dying; troubled on every side, John Baptist David, coadjutor of Bardstown, but not distressed; perplexed but not despairing; were superiors of her community. afflicted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not The Ordinary of Bardstown, Benedict Flagel, destroyed ... " Eternity was her star, and in that brought from the Daughters of Charity in Paris light everything was seen in perspective. Our OFFICE OF ALUMNI RELATIONS society, national and ecclesiastical, seems at Director Assistant Director premature start, no stalled process. Despite times to have lost its nerve. There is too much Dr. Edward G. Skirde Lucy A. Rustici Talk given by Rev. Joseph I. Diruin, C.M., Elizabeth Seton's fame , despite the veneration in hand-wringing, too much defeatism. Elizabeth Vice President for University Relations Assistant to the Director Assistant to the Director which she was held, despite the luxuriant growth Seton, buoyed by her faith , hoped- in the positive, and Secretary of the University, St. John 's Staten Island Campus throughout the land of the seeds of Catholic purposeful meaning of the word- for better days. Queens Campus University, at the Presentation Dinner on education and social compassion she had planted, She carried on serenely, enduring, but determined Margaret A. Poole Mary M. Kenny the occasion of the conferral of the St. no one seems to have thought seriously of her to outlast and to overcome, to bend her own Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal by St. John 's Editor canonization. efforts and to encourage others. University on Mrs. Rita Burke, March 24, Bernard P. Beglane It was 60 years after her death, while Cardinal She was par excellence a woman of love: a wife 1980. Father Diruin also authored the bio­ Alumni Quarterly James Gibbons of Baltimore was offering Mass at who sacrificed to the point of agony for her graphy of St. Elizabeth. Entitled Mrs. Seton, her tomb on August 22 , 1882 , that the divine husband, a mother twice over who insisted on the the book was made into a television movie, inspiration came. The preparation and collation proper order, the children of her womb having "Mother Seton," and will be shown on and study of all the pertinent materials- letters "first claim" over the daughters of her soul- but ABC next fall. Father Diruin served as a and journals and documents and testimony­ especially herself an adoring child of God and consultant during the filming in Georgia. took another 60 years. The official process was obedient child of His Church. Love is the darling Tht' o pmtons and \'1t' wpouns expn·s~ed 111 lhl !> rn a~a :;, me arc not 11en·s~.1.nl\ those of St. John':, Um\'t'rsu,. us admin,strauo n o r H S officers begun only on Feb. 28, 1940. It took but a moment word of our society which perversely is riddled- Mother Seton • • • (X:J "11 , C c..cnoo "'~ ll> - -· ""'I () en 3;;._cam [ - 2 A Model for America ~.o ~a. "O 0 :::J"' O :E (!) m .!» :::J_ -"""' ll> ;:.·3 en en )> ""'I z en z ,-. a. ~ CD '-- - U1 hy did it take more than 150 years to her community rule. Simon Brute of Vincennes in Church time- 35 years- to complete. .is :JJ =e 0 0) canonize Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton? was the friend of her soul. Co-worker with these It was, therefore, God's preordained intention Volume II, No. 1 ~-3 _oo m W -<<6 :::Jen L. "'ti Given the essentials of her special sanctity and fathers of the Church in the U.S. , Elizabeth Ann that Elizabeth Ann Seton be canonized on Sept. O> 0 ""'I -·" 3 r prodigious accomplishments, both recognized Seton was undoubtedly its mother. 14 , 1975. A study of her life , character and """' en :D O> ";:;:co o· -< even in her lifetime, what stood in the way? And she had, of course, that quality which, spirituality reveals why: her actions, qualities and a. -°' ....&. '< ll> CD z For both State and Church, she was an ideal through the ages, God bestowed on the favorite, virtues are the answers to what ails our country (!) ....L - 3: candidate. chosen few: heroic holiness. She was predestined and our Church. Mother Seton . A Model for Ameri ca . ~ ~ 0 -< )> She was a charter American citizen, born two to be a saint. She was, above all , a woman of faith: super­ co :::J .,,,.Q - Utopia Parkway Never Seemed So Close en r years before the Declaration of Independence. But why so long the fulfillment? Because, while natural and precisely Catholic faith, but also She counted builders of the nation among her she lived in one age, she was predestined to be the natural or human faith. Faith has been faltering in Q.-How Can Alumni Help? friends and acquaintances: George Washington, saint of another. Only God knew when she would our society, national and ecclesiastical , for some be needed. time. Too many of our leaders seem confused A.-ACIP ... ..... .... .. ...... Alexander Hamilton, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Philip Livingston, the Clintons. He laid His plans carefully. There was no about what they believe, or about what should be St. John's University T oday ... ..... Related by blood or marriage to the first done, and therefore they fail to lead or to teach, families of New York- the Barclays, Jays, Van with authority. Wha t's Happening? . .. .......... ... Cortlandts, Roosevelts, Dongans, Ogdens and Too many citizens and religionists have deve­ Alumni Personals .
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