Published by the Hubbard Association of Scientoiogists, Inc., Phoenix, Ariozna Issue 4-G ASSOCIATION ACQUIRES TITLE TO ALL L. RON HUBBARD COPYRIGHTS more than fifty books included in blanket transfer; organization assured financial security the time track L. Ron Hubbard, owner of all copyrights and source books on Dianetics and Scientology, has presented to the Hubbard Association of Scientologists Volney Mathison writes that one of the all his copyrights. girls in his assembly department, when Acquisition of these copyrights and processes assures ample financing for placed temporarily on the order desk, described an Electropsychom eter as a Association programs. “Gladometer.” She hadn’t caught the cor­ Several of the volumes, whose copyrights of the H. A. S. has ac­ rect name over the telephone . “De­ quired under this blanket transfer, tective” Dick Halpern of Stamford, Conn., been utilized in paying for research and in is trying to link the “D Folgere,” who have been, or are, best sellers. DI- the forwarding of the subject for the gen­ ANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE writes the Professional Course booklets, eral public. He has arranged and paid for to Signor Andiamo Esposito DiVulgere, a OF MENTAL HEALTH, sold more the work on an uncounted number of than 100,000 copies, and still continues philosopher (b. 1972-d. 1327?) who, Hal­ charity cases and has maintained from pern says, is “the discoverer of reversalism, at a high level. SELF-ANALYSIS has time to time a considerable staff to cor­ whose chief tenet is that the world is back­ sold several times the number of relate the test information he has dis­ wards. His basic purpose is to be born in copies necessary to be classified in covered and formulated. 1972 and spend his life living backwards the general book trade as a best seller. Earlier receipts of these volumes went till he comes to a man named Gunlatch, SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL ranks with toward the maintenance of the first Foun­ scanning out regret as he goes. Some years the average best seller of the past. dation in New Jersey, and to other Foun­ ago he will probably write a book about dations. Almost $125,000 of receipts, how­ it.” And here a confused editor can see no SCIENTOLOGY, THE HANDBOOK ever, were seized earlier in 1952 by action FOR PRECLEARS, has execllent cur­ pleasure looking forward to progressing antipathetic to the general good of Di­ through marriage, his first date, school, rent sales. SCIENTOLOGY, 8-80, soon anetics and Scientology, and although the kindergarten, and birth . It’s a 6Im­ to be published, and HOW TO LIVE sum had been scheduled for research and pound girl, “red haired,” born to Mary Sue THOUGH AN EXCEUTIVE, the Hub­ further publication, it found its way, in­ Hubbard, and her husband, L. Ron Hub­ bard Manual of Communication, stead, into the channel of personal prop­ bard, according to word received in this promise to be on a sales level with erty, an occurence which caused Mr. Hub­ office . the first book on Dianetics. bard to abolish the Foundation system as placing too much control in hands of per­ A rush order for 50 of the new books, In addition to the above, the copyrights sons wanting only the profits that might “8-80,” from the Hubbard Associates of presented to the A ssociation include: be derived from a science designed for the Puget Sound, has been put on the spike CHILD DIANETICS, ADVANCED PRO­ millions. pending publication. Dave Cysewski, who CEDURE AND AXIOMS, WHAT TO The funds which will be accumulated recently took over as secretary-manager, AUDIT, ELECTROPSYCHOMETRIC through the H. A. S. ownership of these has a drive on to get this Associate School AUDITING, and all the Professional copyrights will be devoted to the further­ functioning at optimum . Bob Arentz, Course books, which number fifty. ances of the purposes of the Association. now checking the aberrations of a fleet of Such has been the wide acceptance of This is the first time Mr. Hubbard has trucks, has turned his new HDA certifi­ Dianetics and the growing acceptance of given to any organization any copyrights cate face to the wall, he regretfully ad­ Scientology that the gross sales of L. Ron or rights of Dianetics and Scientology. All mitted on a whirlwind trip through Phoe­ H ubbard’s books are in excess of $800,000. earlier lendings were temporary copy­ nix. Contrary to popular belief, the earlier right licenses, which he has cancelled. Martha Courtis is back to a busy sched­ books are not outdated but furnish the The ownership of the copyrights and ule in Ann Arbor, Mich., after a summer necessary background for knowledge of rights make it possible to classify the with her husband in Wyoming . Ath. human behavior, so necessary in process­ H. A. S. among the weathier general Athanassoulis of Cairo, Egypt, has buried ing, not otherwise presented. groups. The Association acquires a small himself in a shipment of new books, but Almost all funds acquired from the sale amount of money from various Associate writes that he also is busy filling out 10 of these volumes by Mr. Hubbard have schools for training and from other sources. case histories for a B.Scn. degree. Page 2 journal of SCIENTOLOGY SCIENTOLOGY Journal of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, Inc. scienotes 1405 N orth C entral some like us, but you Phoenix, Arizona Editorial Director: ALPHIA HART can't please everybody! Published Twice Monthly " . .. I find the .Journal to be darn good. Keep up the good work. ” Eph Howard, East St. Ten cents per single copy Louis, 111. $2.50 per year “We, during the year 1951. wrote several Copyright, 1952, by the Hubbard Association of articles and permitted them to be published Scientologists (without remuneration) in the Dianetie Audi­ tors Bulletin and Supplements to Science of Survival, published in Wichita . and now wish to disassociate.ourselves from any and all a new klondike issues of these publications dated later than De­ cember, 1951. Peter Aa d Wi’Mam Wilson, The new “88” techniques are bringing Arthur Closter, Edward Domber, Los Angeles results so rapidly that new short-cuts and C alif. new angles of approach are almost daily " I got SCIENTOLOGY: 88 last Friday. Today I audited two young boys for a total of “discoveries.” 30 minutes. One . i - about 9 years of age. I It’s a new “Klondike.” Some of you can have had him cn the E-Meter once before. He got the can in his hands and started running remember the fabulous stories that came automatically. He ran a past death as a robber out of the Yukon after the cry of “Gold!” and buried his loot near this section and then was shot. 1 ran him through the between lives seeped out. Some, learning that gold was and back to earth. there, took their picks and shovels and hpInpH *n thfe candid snap “The other boy is . about 19 years . I c shot, Mary Sue Hub­ worked on the grave of running streams in started him off asking him if he could see any search of a deposit, or vein, that would white. He could so I got him looking at it and bard is shown looking over one of the told him to think how beautiful it was. He did first copies of the revised edition of pay off. Others were satisfied with pick­ so and then saw a beautiful city on Mars with ing up a few nuggets off the surface, cr colors of red and white. I told him to look only WHAT TO AUDIT, the book her hus­ at the white and think how beautiful it was . band, L. Ron Hubbard, dedicated to spent their days and evenings trying to Then he ran being condemned and sent to Earth. hear of “lost” or abandoned claims they Then he ran a past death in New York city. her. The first edition of this book was could “work” without the expenditure of He was a gangster being chased by police. lie sold out almost before it came off the tried to catch a train on the fly, but fell: and too much effort. the train severed his left hand. He tried to flee press. All fields of research have their equiva­ but the police shot him. Then he ran a between lives. By that time his 15 minutes were up and lents. A basic discovery is made, and there I had to take him home ...” .1. M. “Smokey” permitted to hold it in their hands. I am more Brand, El Paso. Texas. than proud ..." Francis C. Fridge, Berkeley, are those who take the available data and C alif. go off on research angles of their own. “ . Your paper fills a real need for com­ Some of them fail, some come up with munication concerning the latest techniques and news, which some of us would otherwise not hybrid nightmares that are of no benefit hear of for sometime ...” Wayne G. King, SIX HOURS OF to anyone, but if they were honest in their Paramount, Calif. TAPED LECTURES desires to contribute to the development “ . Please take my name off your mailing of the new “ology,” they deserve more list. My wife reads your paper, but I won’t. I by L. Ron Hubbard, taken from the don’t care what you do, you ain’t going to af­ than an “E for Effort.” fect me, affect me, affect me.” D. P., Wichita. Professional Course, or 12 7-inch Too many want only to pick up a few K a n s.
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