(IPfiirial Iliallrtin PUBLISHED DARK UNDER ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT BY THE oomm'rnn ON PUBLIC lHIORMA'l'ION GEORGE CREEL, CHAIRMAN W Vol. '1. WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917. No. 94. UNITED STA TES 'REFUSES POPE’S PEA CE APPEAL TO THE BELLIGEREN T NA TIONS 'l iiREATENED STRIKE 0F 25,000 CAN NOT TAKE KAISER’S WORD PLAN FOR ADJUSTING LABOR ALABAMA MINERS IS AVERTED DISPUTES IN LOADS-$9.1 AND BY THE SECRETARY OF LABOR World Must Be Free From UNLUADING SHIPS ADOBTED Menace of Vasl_Military CONCESSIONS MADE BY BOTH SIDES Power Controlled by 1r NATIONAL COMMISSION PROPOSED responsible Government, Demands for Recognition of Union Local Adjustment Boards to Be Waived and for Higher Wages President Tells Pontifl Named at Each Ports-~Um'on Hours, Wages, and Working l Postponed—Right of Men to , August 27, 1917. Join Union Conccdcd. To His Holiness llenedictus 'XV, Conditions to Be Standard. ope. ln acknowledgment of the com l’pon his return to Washington from a The United States Shipping Boar'd \‘isit to Birmingham, Ala., Secretary munication of Your Holiness to the authorizes the following sinlcment rela of Labor Wilson stated to-day that he belligerent peoples, dated August 1, tive to the adjustment and control of had succeeded in effecting an adjustment 1917, the President of the United wages, hours, and conditions of labor in of the dispute between the coal opera States requests me to transmit the the- loading and unloading of vessels on tors and miners of that-section and thus following reply: the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts: averted the threatened strike of 25,000 Every heart that has not been ‘ The quick dispatch of vessels is an os men. The Secretary said: blinded and hardened by this terri sential war need. In order to adjust dis “The miners waive ademand for rec ble war must be touched by this putes and grievances over wages and ognition of the union and, in view of the moving appeal of His Holiness the conditions of labor without strikes on the uncertainty of their claim for wage in Pope, must feel the dignity and part of employees or lockonts on the creases growing ont of the fixing of the force of the humane and generous part of the employers a plan has been selling prices, they have indefinitely post motives which prompted it, and agreed upon which has the approval of poned their demand for wage adjustments must fervently wish that we might the U. S. Shipping Board, the Secretary for the consideration of the reduction in take the path of peace be so per of War, the International Longshore the hours of labor and for the abolition suasively points out. But it would men’s- Association, the Secretary of La of the subcontract system, which was be folly to take it if it does not in bor, Mr. Gompers. president of the Ameri obnoxious to them. On the other hand, fact lead to the goal he proposes. can Federation of Labor, and the chief the operators recognize the right of the Our response must be based upon shipping operators. The plan adopted miners to join the union. it they so de the stern facts and upon nothing provides for a National Commission, com sire: they will receive committees of their else. It is not a mere cessation of prised as follows: One member appointed own workmen for the adjustment df dis arms he desires; it is a stable and by the Shipping Board. one by the Sec putes that may arise and, failing in the enduring peace. This agony must retary of War, one by the International adjustment of disputes, will refer the not be gone through with again, lungshoremen’s Association. and one by matter to the Department of Labor for and it must be a matter of very the committee on shipping of the Coun adjustment." sober judgment what will insure us cil of National Defense. ~ The Secretary stated that he felt rather against it. Local Adjustment Boards. pleased with the situation generally. His Holiness in substance pro The National Commission will tlp‘miiit The adjustment of the big labor disputes poses that we return to the status in each important port a local adjust in the mines of Pennsylvania, affecting quo ante bellum, and that then ment commission made up of one member 80,000 miners; the adjustment of the there be a general condonation, to represent the Shipping Board and the southeastern shopmen’s dispute, afiecting disarmament, and a concert of na War Department, one nominated by the 42,000 mechanics; the adjustment of this tions based upon an acceptance of Longshoremen's Association, and one Alabama dispute, affecting 25,000 men; the principle of arbitration; that nominated by the carriers. the adjustment of the shipyards situa by a similar concert freedom of the Any dispute which can not be settled tion on the coast, involving, possibly, seas be established; and that the by the local commission will have to be 175,000 men, and the rapid adjustment of territorial claims of France and referred to the National Commission. the disputes in the shipbuilding industry Italy, the preplexing problems of on the Atlantic coast, were all very grati The union scale of wages, hours, and the Balkan states, and the restitu~ conditions in each port shall be adopted fying to him. There were, he said, a tion of Poland be left to such con as the standard. The decision of the Na multitude of minor disputes which have cilatory adjustments as may be pos been adjusted, mostly before they reached tional Commission shall be binding on all sible in the new temper of such a parties, and in all cases work shall con the strike stage. peace, due regard being paid to the Following is the memorandum to the tinue without interruption, pending the aspirations of the peoples whose action of any local commission or the representatives of the Mine Workers of political fortunes and affiliations Aloha ma submitted by Secretary Wilson: decision of the National Commission. will be involved. The War Department has appointed (Continued on pagc_3.) (Confirm-cil on page 4.) Walter Lippman. assistant to the Score ARE YOU SAVING Your Money to Invest in the Second Issue of THE LIBERTY LOAN 9 2 THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917. tnry of War, as its representative on the nusnan an or m NAVY National Commission. The International Red Cross to Send 48,000 Longshoremen’s Association has ap— comaan FOR cannm 10inted Mr. T. V. O’Connor, of Buffalo, Cans of Condensed Milk N. Y., its representative. The committee to Serbian Hospitals. Secretary Daniels has commended a on shipping of the Council of National number of enlisted men of the Navy for Defense has appointed Mr. P. A. S. Frank gallantry: I lin as a representative in all cases involv Forty~eight thousand cans of William A. Reider, seaman, second ing foreign trade, and Mr. H. H. Raymond condensed milk have just been pur class, U. S. S. San Diego, was commended to act in cases involving coastwise serv chased by the supply servica of the for jumping overboard from that vessel ice. The Shipping Board’s representative American Red Cross for immediate on the morning of July 16, 1917, and res will be Vice Chairman Stevens. shipment to Saloniki. On the re cuing a shipmate from drowning be The Government feels confident that quest of Dr. Edward W. Ryan, Red tween the ship’s side and _a coal lighter. this agreement provides a fair method Cross representative at Salonika, whicluwas lying alongside. for the adjustment of wages and condi (be war council voted a special ap Cutler Dyer, coxswain, Edmund Gen tions of labor,’ and that the work of load propriation for the milk, which is Roy McMahon, machinist's mate. first ing and unloading vessels will proceed to be used in Serbian military hos class, were commended for the prompt without strikes and lockouts during the pitals. _ manner in which they made a practical period of the war. Conditions under which the libs application of their knowledge of first pitals are working in Macedonia, aid and artificial‘l'espiration resulting in according to Dr. Ryan, are very seri the resuscitation of a Chinamau. who FORT WORTH, TEX., SELECTED AS ous. During the fighting of the last was almost drowned of! Honolulu. three years practically all cattle Edward Meier, water tender, on board SITE FOR AEMELYING 80100]. have been killed by the armies. of the Jacob Jones, was commended for There is no milk for convalescent brave and collected manner in which he The Signal Corps has made arrange soldiers, and without it their re conducted himself on the morning of ments to establish a flying schodl at Fort covery is very much delayed. May 17, 1917, when the disruption of a worth, Tex., where English instructors A Red Cross commission, headed part of the machinery partially wrecked by C. A. Severance, of Minneapolis, the iireroom, but notwithstanding that will assist American ofiicers in prepar is now on its way to Serbia. The the room was filled With steam and pieces ing American flyers for air service on commission has a fund of $200,000 .of metal were flying all about, Meier the western front. to be 'spent in aiding the refugees crossed the flreroom and succeeded in American student flyers are already behind the allied lines in Macedonia closing the fuel oil valve. under training in the Royal Flying. and around Monastir. Three men who were on duty in a School at Toronto, Canada; During the foreign port were also commended for winter conditions are less favorable for jumping overboard in a strange place on flights in Canada, so about November 1 a dark and rainy night, and attempting the instructors, students, and some of CEURCHHEN INDORSE FOOD PLANS.
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