Environmental, Structural and Stratigraphical Evolution of the Western Carpathians Environmentálny, štruktúrny a stratigrafický vývoj Západných Karpát Bratislava, 4.–5. 12. 2008 DANIELA REHÁKOVÁ and ŠTEFAN JÓZSA, Dpt. of Geology and Paleontology, Fac. of Natural Sciences, Comenius Univ., Bratislava, Slovakia The International conference ESSE WECA, being Medzinárodná konferencia, ktorú každý druhý rok organized every second year by the Department of Geology organizuje Katedra geológie a paleontológie Prírodovedeckej and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius fakulty UK v Bratislave, sa konala 4.–5. decembra 2008. University, Bratislava, was held in 4.–5. December 2008. The Prednášky aj posterová prezentácia prebiehali v miestnosti lectures and poster presentations took place at AMOS lecture AMOS na Prírodovedeckej fakulte UK v Mlynskej doline. room at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Na konferencii sa zaregistrovalo 50 účastníkov – vedcov in Mlynská dolina, Bratislava. Altogether 50 participants from z Poľska, Českej republiky a zo Slovenska. Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia were registered to the Na programe boli prednášky a posterová prezentácia conference. New knowledge was presented in 22 lectures and z nasledujúcich troch tematických okruhov: 24 poster presentations grouped in three topic sections: 1. Nové poznatky o geologickom a tektonickom vývoji 1. New data on geology and tectonic evolution of the pieninského bradlového pásma Pieniny Klippen Belt 2. Nové poznatky o geológii a tektonike flyšového 2. New data on geology and tectonic evolution of the pásma Flysch Belt 3. Neotektonika a nové poznatky o geológii a vývoji 3. Neotectonics and new data on geology and karpatských neogénnych bazénov evolution of the West Carpathian Neogene basins Prednesených bolo 22 referátov a v posterovej časti sa The participants of the conference very positively predstavilo 24 príspevkov. Zahraniční aj domáci účastníci hod- evaluated its logistics and high scientific standard. The notili konferenciu veľmi kladne, a to aj pokiaľ išlo o organizáciu conference was characterized by a friendly atmosphere, a o vedeckú úroveň príspevkov. Úspešná akcia prebiehala being influenced also by approaching Christmas time. v priateľskej, sčasti už v príjemnej predvianočnej atmosfére. Part of participants of ESSE WECA conference during presentation Časť účastníkov konferencie ESSE WECA počas prezentácie in AMOS lecture room, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius v prednáškovej sále AMOS na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity University. Komenského. 231 ESSE WECA M. BANASOVÁ1, M. STRENG2, D. REHÁKOVÁ1 and development of accretionary prisms, Eocene – Lower Miocene H. WILLEMS3: An exceptional flora of calcareous time in the Carpathian region; dinoflagellates from the Middle Miocene of the Stage IV – postcollisional (Miocene) Vienna Basin, SW Slovakia Each of them formed conditions for sedimentation of debris flow deposit with olistoliths and origin of olistostromes. 1Dpt. of Geology and Paleontology, Fac. of Natural Sciences, The term olistostrome is derived from the ancient Greek Comenius Univ., Mlynská dolina G 1, 842 12 Bratislava, Slovakia; and means “slide-layer” (Cieszkowski and Golonka, 2006). 2Uppsala Univ., Institutionen för geovetenskaper (Paleobiologi), Villavägen 16, 75236 Uppsala, Sweden; 3Historische Geologie/ An olistostrome is a sedimentary deposit consisting of blocks Paläontologie, Fachbereich-5 Geowissenschaften, Universität of diverse origin that are immersed in the matrix. In the Bremen, Postfach 330 440, 28334 Bremen, Germany Northern Carpathians this matrix consists of clay, mud and sand or their mixture forming turbidity package. The blocks in Novel and diverse associations of calcareous dinoflagellate olistostrome are named olistoliths. The size of olistoliths varies, cysts have been discovered in Late Badenian (late Middle Mio- from centimeters to kilometers. Very large blocks could slide cene) coastal marine sediments within the Vienna Basin. Samples independently into the basin with no easily distinguishable derive from a clay pit near Devínska Nová Ves, a borough of matrix. The matrix in this case is the flysch sequence or even Bratislava, Slovakia, in which the Late Badenian lectotype entire sedimentary-tectonic unit. The olistostromes formed section is exposed. Seventeen different taxa, many of them new in Northern Carpathians as debris flows during the different and of abnormal morphology, have been distinguished and as- stages of the development of flysch basins, from rift through signed to ten genera. The following seven taxa are newly intro- post-rift to the orogenic stage. They are known from the duced from the Devínska Nová Ves clay pit: four genera compri- Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene sing five new species, i.e., Calciconus irregularis, Juergenella flysch deposits of main tectonic units. Those units are the remanei, Cylindratus borzae, Posoniella pustulata, Posoniella Skole, Subsilesian, Silesian, Dukla and Magura nappes as campestris, one new varietas, i.e., Calcicarpinum perfectum well as Pieniny Klippen Belt. var. poratum, and one new forma, i.e., Caracomia arctica forma The oldest olistolits in the Northern Carpathians are duplicata. In addition, the following new combinations have related with the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous rifting and been made: Posoniella tricarinelloides (Versteegh), Juergenella post-rifting stages of the Northern Carpathians and origin ansata (Hildebrand-Habel and Willems), and Juergenella of the proto-Silesian basin. They are known from the Upper granulata (Kohring). The genus Melodomuncula Versteegh Jurassic Vendryne Formation, as well as Upper Jurassic- is emended based on a new interpretation of its tabulation, and -Lower Cretaceous Cieszyn Limestone Formation and Lower the genus Pirumella Bolli is emended because the concept used Cretaceous Cieszyn-Grodziszcze Formation. for the genus is not in accordance with the original description. In the southern part of the Polish Northern Carpathians as well as in the adjacent part of Slovakia the olistoliths are Acknowledgement. Funding from the Slovak Research and known from the Cretaceous-Paleocene flysch deposits of Development Agency (grants APVV-51-011-305 and APVV-0280-07). the Pieniny Klippen Belt Złatne Unit and in Magura nappe representing the second stage of the plate tectonic evolution – an early stage of the development of the accretionary 1 2 2 M. CIESZKOWSKI , J. GOLONKA , M. KROBICKI , prism. The most spectacular olistostromes have been found 1 1 A. ŚLĄCZKA , N. OSZCZYPKO and A. WAŚKOWSKA- in the vicinity of Haligovce village in Pieniny Klippen Belt and 2 -OLIWA : Origin of olistolits in alternating evolutio- in Jaworki village at the border zone between the Magura nary stages of the Northern Outer Carpathians, Poland nappe and Pieniny Klippen Belt. The olistoliths and large clasts are represented by igneous rocks including possible 1 Inst. of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian Univ., Oleandry 2a, 30-376 ophiolite basalts as well as a variety of carbonate rocks of Kraków, Poland; marek [email protected]; 2Fac. of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Triassic-Paleogene age. This material represents the former Kraków, Poland PKB basinal and ridge sequences as well as Inner Carpathian terrane sequences. The Haligovce Klippen and Homole block The following geodynamic evolutionary stages, reflecting represent largest Pieniny Klippen Belt olistoliths (Golonka the Wilson’s cycle, can be distinguished in the Northern et al., 2006). In the basal part of the Godula Formation Carpathians (Golonka et al., 2006): (Turonian – Campanian) represented by very thick-bedded Stage I – rifting of terranes off the major continent, forming sandstone turbidites of the Silesian nappe the large flat oceanic basins (Triassic – Lower Cretaceous); blocks of the shales derived from the Lgota Formation Stage II – formation of subduction zones along the active (Albian – Cenomanian) rest on slumped beds (Ślączka et al., margin, partial closing of oceanic basin, development of deep- 2006). In the area surrounding artificial Rożnów lake several water flysch basin associated with this rifting on the platform olistostrome horizons are known from the Istebna Formation (passive margin) with the attenuated continental crust (Upper (Maastrichtian – Paleocene) as well as from the Hieroglyphic Cretaceous – Paleocene); (Roznov) Formation (Middle-Upper Eocene). The large flat or Stage III – collision, perhaps terrane – continent, with plastically folded blocks of flysch deposits are present here. the accompanying convergence of two large continents, Blocks of marls and occasional limestones occur in the debris- 232 ESSE WECA -flow sandy-gravel matrix with pebbles. The pebbles represent Intra-Burdigalian (Karpatian) uplift, folding and thrusting of different sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic rocks. the Outer Carpathians onto the foreland platform. This was West of Rabka the Middle Eocene olistostrome is developed accompanied by the development of the large-scale flysch in the Bystrica Subunit of the Magura nappe. Within the debris- olistoplaques and gravitational nappes of the Sucha Fm. -flow sandy-gravel matrix there occur olistolits of Eocene varie- along the frontal parts of the Sub-Silesian nappe, which was gated shales of Łabowa Formation as well as shaly-sandstone located about 50 km south of its present-day position. flysch and destructed sandstone layers and
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