Contents Quinoa as a promising pseudocereal crop for Ukraine S. L. Mosyakin, V. V. Schwartau 3 Breeding and usage of sugar beet cultivars and hybrids resistant to sugar beet nematode Heterodera schachtii L. A. Pylypenko, K. A. Kalatur 12 The importance of agroecology in the process of well-balanced agrosphere formation O. І. Furdуchko, O. S. Demyanуuk 23 Recent data on the causative agent of pale green dwarf (Acholeplasma laidlawii var. granulum incertae sedis) in Ukraine: pathogenicityand virulence factors and host reactions K. S. Korobkova, V. P. Patyka 30 Regulation of nitrogen-carbon interactions in agroecosystems in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine V. A. Velichko, О. V. Demidenko 35 Soil Spatial Heterogeneity and Systems of Agriculture V. V. Medvedev 50 Detection of antibiotics, active against Bacillus subtilis, in grain and feed O. V. Trufanov, А. M. Kotyk, V. A. Trufanova, О. V. Tereshchenko, О. M. Zhukorskiy 60 Transforming growth factor β1, pituitary-specifi c transcriptional factor 1 and insulin-like growth factor I gene polymorphisms in the population of the Poltava clay chicken breed: association with productive traits R. A. Kulibaba, A. V. Tereshchenko 67 Infl uence of humus acids on mobility and biological availability of iron, zinc and copper A. I. Fateev, D. O. Semenov, K. B. Smirnova, A. M. Shemet 73 © The National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Agricultural Science and Practice, 2015 ВІДКРИТО ПЕРЕДПЛАТУ НА 2015 РІК Національна академія аграрних наук України видає науковий журнал «Agricultural science and practice» У журналі «Agricultural science and practice» публікуються результати фундаментальних і прикладних досліджень з питань ґрунтознавства, землеробства, рослинництва, ветерина- рії, тваринництва, кормовиробництва, генетики, селекції та біотехнології, механізації, агроекології, радіології, меліорації, переробки та зберігання сільськогосподарської про- дукції, економіки, інноваційної діяльності. Друкуються статті, які раніше не видавалися, огляди літератури, короткі повідомлення. На сторінках журналу провідні науковці висвітлюють актуальні проблеми сільського гос- подарства. Повідомлення публікуються англійською мовою; російською та українською – резюме. В електронній версії журналу (http://www.agrisp.com) розміщуються резюме (трьома мовами), список літератури англійською мовою. Розрахований на науковців, викладачів, студентів. Сфера розповсюдження – загальнодержавна і зарубіжна. Періодичність журналу – 3 номери на рік. Передплату приймають всі відділення зв’язку. Індекс у Каталогу видань України – 86327 З питань передплати звертатися до поштових відділень. ISSN: 2312-3370, Agricultural Science and Practice, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 1 UDC 582.4 : 582.662 + 581.9 + 581.522.6 + 581.527 QUINOA AS A PROMISING PSEUDOCEREAL CROP FOR UKRAINE S. L. Mosyakin, V. V. Schwartau 1 M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2, Tereshchenkivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601 2 Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 31/17, Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Received on February 09, 2015 The article provides an assessment of perspectives of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa L.) cultivation in Ukraine, based on international experience and original fi eld tests, with the aim of ensuring further development and diversifi cation of crop production in Ukraine and expanding modern crop rotation systems. The data on the taxonomic position of quinoa and its relationships with other species of the genus Chenopodium and the history of species domestication are provided. Quinoa is a crop of high nutritional value and can be used in gluten-free diets, which are important components of human ration. The results of test cultivation of quinoa in 2013–2014 under conditions of the experimental agricultural farm of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics, Na- tional Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, located in Vasylkiv District (rayon) of Kyiv Region (oblast), are pro- vided. It is concluded that quinoa is a promising crop for domestic grain producers. The introduction of quinoa into crop rotation systems can improve ecological conditions of agroecosystems and promote restoration of soil fertility in the country without diminishing the revenues of farmers. Key words: Chenopodium quinoa, quinoa, biology, taxonomy, domestication, agricultural technologies. INTRODUCTION Except for the vegetation season of 2014, during the recent fi ve years Ukraine witnessed numerous long- The Big Three cereals – wheat, rice and corn – are term drought periods, which sharply decreased crop justly considered to be the main cereal crops and feed- yield of spiked cereals, technical and other crops. Each ers of humanity. According to FAO (http://www.fao. year the fi elds of the Steppe zone of Ukraine suffer org), cereals account for about 58 % of the annual crop from droughts of varied intensity. Rapid changes in the areas and provide humans with over 50 % of food calo- structure of Ukrainian agriculture caused by the forma- ries. By 2050, the share of the three mentioned crops tion of agroholdings (agricultural holding companies together is expected to amount up to 80 % of the in- and corporations) and the decline of animal farming crease in cereal consumption [1, 2]. However, it is ac- resulted in reduced crop rotations with the cultivation knowledged that along with the increase in the cultiva- of only immediately profi table and cost-effi cient crops tion of the main crops there is a need for diversifi cation with high nutrient removal from soils. This, in turn, re- in cultivation and consumption of other crops, includ- sulted in considerable worsening of phytosanitary con- ing those currently of lesser signifi cance (so-called mi- ditions of agroecosystems and segetal plant communi- nor crops), but which were in the past, and still are, ties, the increase in weed infestation levels and growing components of traditional agricultural systems [2–5]. threats of emergence of pesticide-resistant pathogens, These crops may be better adjusted to the conditions pests, and weeds, as well as the decline of soil fertility. of specifi c geographic regions of the Globe, where the A considerable share of winter wheat fi elds is occupied cultivation of the main crops is complicated, risky, or by cultivars and hybrids of foreign selection, which economically or ecologically unreasonable. often become frostbitten in vast areas. Among staple AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE Vol. 2 No. 1 2015 3 MOSYAKIN et al. cereals registered in Ukraine, spring wheat does not The taxonomic position of quinoa and match the main domestic crop – winter wheat – in the its relationships to other species of Chenopodium yield level and qualitative indices, while other crops According to modern views, the family Chenopodia- (peas, for instance) also require the application of great ceae Vent. belongs to the order Caryophyllales Juss. ex amounts of pesticides. Bercht. & J. Presl of the unranked group of eudicot, or It is important to amend crop rotations in Ukraine true dicotyledonous angiosperms [8, 9]. According to with highly cost-effi cient spring crops with low level our variant of the system of fl owering plants [9], the of nutrient removal, which are resistant to high tem- taxonomic position of Chenopodiaceae is viewed as peratures and droughts and tolerant to the applica- follows: division Magnoliophyta Cronquist, Takht. & tion of agricultural chemicals. Therefore, so-called W. Zimmerm. ex Reveal (angiosperms, or fl owering pseudocereals nowadays appear to be quite promising plants), class Rosopsida Batsch (= Dicotyledonae, eu- food and technical crops. Pseudocereals are defi ned dicots), subclass Caryophyllidae Takht., order Caryo- as non-grass crops that can be used in much the same phyllales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl., and suborder way as true cereals (grass cereals). It means that their Chenopodiineae J. Presl. seeds (“grain”) are used similarly to cereal grain, e.g., In all three published variants of the APG system, the pseudocereal seeds can be ground into fl our, grits, family Chenopodiaceae [8, 10, 11] was merged with etc. Typical pseudocereals include buckwheat (Fago- the family Amaranthaceae, the latter name having no- pyrum esculentum Moench, family Polygonaceae), menclatural priority and thus being used for the com- grain amaranths (several domesticated species of the bined family. However, it is diffi cult to agree with this genus Amaranthus L., family Amaranthaceae), as decision, especially considering available taxonomic well as quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa L.) and some and nomenclatural evidence [9, 12]. More detailed other species of the genus Chenopodium L. (family justifi cation of the need to preserve the independence Chenopodiaceae). of the family Chenopodiaceae will be published in an- Quinoa, an ancient crop that emerged approximately other article (Mosyakin, in print). 7,000 years BP (before present) in the mountain re- Within the family, the genus Chenopodium be- gions of the central part of the Andes in South America, longs to subfamily Chenopodioideae Burnett, tribe currently enjoys the period of its revival and renewed Chenopodieae Dumort. It has been suggested to popularity. It is caused by unique food (nutrient) char- synonymize the latter with tribe Atripliceae Duby acteristics of this species, its easiness of cultivation, [13], but it seems to be not the best option (Mosya- environmental resistance and tolerance, and a great kin, in
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