80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, May 2, 1989 l2TlSJPI?.r mH0ME8 APARTMENTS CARS | £ ! J fob m i E U for s a le FOR RENT FOR SALE FI\7Proom^woBe0roS¥fr Boycott JUST llstea. Immaculate SPIFFY Cream Puff, A Spccioli^D^f! I apartment tor rent Business Bounced six room Cape In Seven room Colonial, with appliances. Utili­ J O E R ILEY ’S ■ ,v Bower School area. extra large manicured ties not Included. Se­ New kitchen, new win- lot with lots of fruit DILLON FORD CARPENTRY/ curity deposit required Meotti says Exxon ‘Bag ladles’ reap a profit Celtics’ season dows. $130's. Call Anne tre e s , e v e rg re e n s , M l PAINTING/ MISCELLANEOUS and references. Imme­ 319 Main St., Manchatter If Doemon. Blanchard & brick potlo, stone LAWN CARE REMOOELINS ^ I PAPERING SERVICES diate occupancy. $650. 88 "EXP Coups •7486 got the message /3 Rossetto R ealtors," steps, screened porch- 646-4378.____________ 88 Eicort "LX” H/B •7408 from shopping for others / I I ends in 3 straight /19 We're Selling Houses" huge front to back bow 88 Escort "QL" H/B •7406 646-2482.0 front living room with Just because you don't McLargey NeiRe Extsrisr PsiaUeg B MANCHESTER. Three use an item doesn't mean Ifwpreyemegtg ttaialBg Oeae. f&WKES TRE^ SERVICE bedroom duplex, pri­ 85 Escort 4-Dr H/B •4408 FOREST Hills. Price re- Free estimates Houses, garagss, dscks « Bucket, truck 8 chippar. Stump vate, large yard. Cen- 88 Marcad«« 100 38K •18000 duced. Owner of the the item has iost its vaiue. •Decks Why not exchange if for fsncss. Extsrior porchas 8 removal. Free aatimataa. trol locotlon, ap­ 83 Escort Like Now •2805 gorgeous tour bed- much more to mention, •Roofing pllanced. No pets. $850. room, 2>/j bath home Barbara Weln- cash with on ad in Ciassl- •Shads stspc rsbullt. Hatch ways 8 Special consideration for 87 Escort "QL" H/B •5808 exterior cellar door rabullt. aldarly and handicapped. plus utilities. 647-0670. 85 Mustang Sunroof •4008 savs Sell I . We think It’s ?*''« .1°'’ ° fied? 643-2711. •House painting 649-3331 Full Ins., free sat. 849-7980. MANCHESTER. One bed­ 80 Brand Naw Faativa •5706 a great buy! Blanchard ^ ® b p ' 647-7553 room apartment. New 86 LTD Brougham Sadan •5806 8, Rossetto Realtors," m a v Lawnmowing. Min. FARRAND REMODELING We're Selling Houses" construction. Walking 88 Maroury SaMa “QS" •7406 646- 2482.0_______ 64^-^A^9.D___________ charge, $17.00. Edging. Room additions, decks, roof­ THOMAS PAVING distance to hospital 88 F-250 Red •0206 Bush and hedge ing, elding, windows and gutt­ and shopping. Main 80 Proba LX Damo •12006 MANCHESTER. Re- ONE OF THE nicesi trimming. Yard material, ers. All types of remodeling and Fully insured and Street. Quiet and se­ etc. hauling. FRANK YOUNG 84 Bronco II 4x4 •7206 duced! Im m aculate things about wont ads Is rspairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. bonded. Residential, curer $575. Coll Bob at 88 Rangar XLT •8006 three bedroom Ranch their low cost. Another Is Conscientious and But. 647-8509 commercial, free located on a pictu- their quick action. Try a dependable. Ray Hardy. PAINTING 87 Ft SO S/S Pickup •0808 646-7973______ Res. 645-6849 estimates. 88 Ford F1S0 P/U •10806 ilanrhpHipr Mpralb resque country lot. En- want ad today! I CONDOMINIUMS closed porch and over- _____ ________________ WALLPAPERING Call 649-5295. sized garage. $159,900. M A N C H E S T E R . Two YARD MASTERS MRK I FOR RENT Yard cleaned, Sentry Real Estate,643- family - a great buy! HOME Interlor/Exterlor Screened loam, gravel, HORIZION, 78. Good con­ 4060.O Remarkable wood- Trees cut, SOUTH WINDSOR. Rent IMPROVEMENTS processed gravel, with option. Straw- dition. Runs good. $100. Haye dump truck, SpeclalMa 645-1665._____________ sand, stone, and fill for bridge 2 bedroom Wednesday, May 3, 1989 '■°WoVco!l’f'beg”!!''lo tMhe'cha?m will haul. A buelneet built on townhouse. Sunken liv­ T-BIRD, 1981, loaded, Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents describe th ^ tr. e otthlstwotamilyhome 643-9996 integrityl Pride taken in every delivery call George ing room with fire­ Cleon, good condition. beauty of every detail Grea^^o° lfve° In' -'°o"r Cerpeniry e windows • job we do! Gritting 742-7886. place, central olr, gar­ $1,300. Must sell. 646- Siding • Kitchens e age, private deck, full ContemDo*ra^v°'on Income Investment! CARPENTRY/ 4866.________________ REMODELINR Baths • Additions • Quality is our main basement, pool, tennis. OLDSMOBILE, 1980 Cu­ ?ard’'S;?v%"^L°n'l:h®et- 1^643 159^ o Decks concern. 644-0517 or 872-9577 tlass LS. Four door, ter. 2,300 square feet, Re°'ty, 643-1591.0-------- MY BROTHERS evenings.___________ three bedrooms, 2'/? ="ST Hartford. Excel- 18 yrs. Service Since 1973 Fully licensed B InsuredI BUSINESS low mileage. Excellent baths, fireplace, 26x14 buy! Cape style Free eatlmateel condition. $2,700. 649- REASONABLE Mowing, Raking, Clean STORE AND 1088. Developers file more Buckland plans deck, fully appllanced bedroom home kitchen, cnetral vac, nicely finished R&Y 646-9656 RATES Garages, Dump Runs. OFFICE SPACE MAZDA GLC, 1980, tour vaulted ceilings, attic hardwood floors, size- speed, tour door, hatch Remodeling ONE OF THE surest ways We cater to the 645-8798 NEW Office ond retail bock. 75K. $1,000. 647- April 28 at the town Planning also occupy the southwestern to the town Planning Department The motel is designed for tan, and lots, lots more. "'''"0 '■oom and to find bargain buys is to Hotel, restaurant C o ll to r d e ta ils eat-ln kitchen. Close to home owner. center. 200 West Center 1227 otter 6.__________ Department. Senior Planner parcel. Office building, Monday by White Enterprises overnight stays and hopes to lure Company shop the classified ods $334,900. Jackson & Great Condo HOME IMPROVEMENT Street, Manchester. FORD, 84, Escort wagon. Stuart B. Popper said he hopes to The Trammell Crow Co. of Inc. of Farmington, the firm that business people and travelers, every day. Senior Citizen High visibility and highlight plan for Jackson Real Estate, alternative! $114,900. Expert Spring fix up. VK Homs Ssr- A ir conditioning, hold a public hearing on the Dallas has approval from the motel are mapped owns the Plaza at Burr Comers. according to a report from the 647- 8400.O D.W. Fish Realty, 643- Discount vlcss takaa oar of all rspairt heavy traffic. 600 to power steering, power applications June 19. ___________________________1591.0_______________ Cnttmanahip 1,600 square feet. Planning and Zoning Commission Senior Planner Stuart B. engineering firm of Close, Jensen and maintenance from A to Z. brakes, automatic. area around mail 'The name of the development LEGAL NOTICE In All P/ieees ot I m pa in tin g / $10/otflce, $12/retoll. to build 934 high-rise apartments at Burr Corners Popper said today he hopes to and Miller of Wethersfield. The FREE ESTIMATES Llcsnsgd and Insured 75K. Good dependable will be "The Crossroads at TOWN OF ANDOVER Romodoling |2 £ J PAPERING FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES Coll Peter Wells, 683- transportation. Only on land Finguerra owns east and hold a public hearing on the motel would not have a bar, FINAL ACTION OF THE PLANNING A ZONING Buckland Hills," according to west of the mall. That land is applications June 19. restaurant or meeting room. COMMISSION eCutll eWiiiM 228-4708 $1,795. 742-5019. By Nancy Conceimon plans. included in the 150-acre tract By Nancy Concelman The developers want to subdi­ A road from Buckland Street At a meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of An­ Dijjpii bpIaaRat T.D.M. 643-6774 MISCELLANEOUS TEMPO LX, 1987. Low Manchester Herald dover, Ct., held on April 17,1989, the following action was ta­ mileage, olr condition­ The Planning and Zoning Com­ surrounding the mall. Manchester Herald vide a 25-acre parcel, located at that is currently used as a rear eCntai VINYL SIDING 6 I ^ F O R RENT ken; ing, manual transmis­ mission approved a general plan 1135-1181 Tolland ’Turnpike, into entrance to the plaza would *Nn4 I KitclBH ( PAINTING AND Plans also show a 280,000- *554 - Application of United Land Group — Hickory REPLACEMENT WINDOWS sion, om/tm cossett. New York developer John of development for the land June A Farmington developer wants four lots. The wetlands permit is provide access to the site, accord­ Ridge. Vjiyl Sdiii Brtkt CLEAN, secure garage In square-foot industrial use and a DECORATING IRT PROOFING/ Expertly installed. $7500. 643-2691. Finguerra’s final plan of develop­ 20, 1988. The parcel is zoned to construct a 52,000-square-foot required because storm water ing to plans. A connector would be Waiver was denied. eilR Rnr> •SWMRi quiet area oft Center 287.000-square-foot research and Application was denied without preludice. •Complete Interior lO 'iS ID IN O Street. $65. month. 646- ment of 150 acres surrounding the Comprehensive Urban Develop­ office building and 105-room from the site would be discharged built between the motel and office elMs Please call Paul Ryder development complex on land #557- Application of Conway and Gorman — Henley •tntn and Exterior Painting 1686 or 569-3018. ” S’CHALLER ■* Pavilions at Buckland Hills in­ ment, which allows a mix of uses. budget motel off Tolland Turn­ into Buggie Stowe Pond. building and the plaza. Farm Estates. at 742-0018. ACURA QUALITY southeast of the mall. Sonlor DIacount •Power Wash SALON Station In estab­ cludes a 152-room hotel, restau­ Finguerra also proposes 1,000 pike behind the Plaza at Burr Plans show 107 parking spaces Most recently.
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